
The Gluttonous Uchiha

I was given the ability to absorb bloodlines, and with it, I will become the strongest (Multiverse anime only fanfic)

XxNaRuToUcHiHaxX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Nine tails


Houses were destroyed

People were killed


Blood everywhere

Tailed beasts are...


[A few minutes before]

Kenji sobbed as her looked at his wife "Don't worry dear, I'll make sure I take good care of him"

Kenji had tears in his eyes, as he was mourning from seeing his wife die. How did this all happen? They were having a nice family dinner, the atmosphere was so warm, then out of nowhere, a huge Shockwave erupted, destroying the entire clan compound, he was able to escape, but his baby couldn't, apparently Mika knew as she shielded Kaito, protecting his life at her own life.

Looking around, he saw, that he wasn't the only one with a tragic fate, hundreds of children dead, or their parents gone.


Everyone focused on the thunderous sound as they looked towards it

They all were focused on the cause of this, a huge nine-tailed orange fox wreaking havoc and it was clear it wasn't only their clan that was affected.

The Hyuga, Nara, pretty much the entire village was in shambles, districts destroyed, houses lost and families they will never get back. The smell of blood would have been disgusting for him, had he not been a seasoned Shinobi

A huge wave of killer intent hit everyone. Some people fainted, some resisted, and some outright died. But what shocked them was that the eyes of the nine tails had a three tomoe Sharingan, it was an Uchiha that was controlling it.

But why?

*waahhhh wahhhhhh*

He focused on the crying Kaito in front of him as he released his Chakra protecting him. It was a miracle he didn't die from the ridiculous Chakra and killer intent, but he supposed it was a good thing

"Shisui" He then turned to a young boy with black hair and an immature face, his face was covered in dust, and his eyes displayed fear. He was not "Shunshin Shisui", but a mere brat right now "Latch onto me, and don't let go"

He sprang forward to the Uchiha shelters, going at speeds even Olympic athletes can only dream of going at. Arriving at the shelters, he saw a huge mess, people fainted, vomit everywhere, and people crying

He entered the shelters as no one stopped him, when they recognized the look in his eyes.He gently laid his son down on the crib, as he stroked his head, with tears falling from his eyes.

"My son, don't worry, you'll be safe". Kenji gently kissed his child's forehead as he turned to Shisui, who gave him a huge hug. Shisui cried on his shoulders, as he finally composed himself, and looked at Kenji "Don't worry, I'll take care of him"

Kenji nodded, as his and Shisui's eyes started to change from grief, he gave one final look at his children, and dashed off. Shisui silently looked at him rushing out saying his final words to his father "Rest easy, I'll take care of Kaito"

Kenji then got up, his eyes glowing red, no longer having three tomoe, but being almost black, having a little red flower, symbolizing the loss of his emotions, only a little red flower of burning vengeance remaining. His eyes glowed, as he ran off towards the Kyubi his face filled with fury, making sure that even if he dies, he would make sure the beast suffered.

[Kaito POV]

So suffocating,

I can't breathe, help me,


So much agony

I can feel death's scythe on my neck.

Go away.


I want to get rid of it.


[3rd Person POV]

people could see the oppression and the corrosive Chakra leaving the Nine tails, as it headed towards a certain direction, disappearing immediately.

A certain Masked man looked at the spectacle in shock 'What?' His body phased, as a yellow blur ran by him, equally in shock. 'How I would love to find out what happened but' his body became hollow again 'Sensei is harder to fight than expected'

[At another side of the village]


The nine tailed fox looked at the man who sprang up at him. Had he looked at his eyes he would have hesitated to attack him, but he has no actions over his controls since some fake Madara had him under his control

He swiped his paw at the man, who roared as he poured Chakra into his legs and body-flickered away at such speeds that it almost broke his legs, and while definitely not broken, are useless for the battle. Well, they normally would, but not for him

Kenji looked in the eye of the nine tails, as he induced his own Genjutsu. Genjutsu is the process of controlling the Chakra of a person and flowing it in such a way through the brain that their brain thinks the illusions are real

Since the Sharingan induced Genjutsu through eye contact, all he had to do, was look in the nine-tail's eyes and induce his own Genjutsu, which leads to disruption in the flow of Chakra, ending the Genjutsu on the nine-tails

"GAH" Kurama snapped out of his Genjutsu as he looked around the village, or what was left of it. Dead people, destroyed houses but he did not feel bad, humans enslaved their kind, sealing them up for their personal gain. He lost sympathy for humans long ago

And when he realized, that this was the village that the damned reincarnates of Ashura and Indra made after sealing him up, he displayed happiness and was eager to destroy the entire village

He believed that atleast Indra and Ashura would be reasonable, but it seems that the DNA of humans is corruption, not even sparing the children of his father

Kurama noticed a man standing infront of him, with red glowing eyes, and an intense pressure, even making him tremble

'Indra?' Thought Kurama as he sensed the man's Chakra 'No, he's not Indra's reincarnate, this power... he's directly burning up his lifespan!'

Kurama then looked at the human infront of it "Tell me" it spoke surprising Kenji "Why do you wish to waste your life, and battle me"

"So you can speak" Kenji was surprised, he never thought tailed beasts could speak, but right now, he didn't care "You destroyed the entire village, killed innocents and you ask me why I am dueling you? ARE YOU INSANE?"


"So you know the Mangekyo" Kenji spoke "Though it makes sense, you were subdued by it, and considering your lifespan, you probably know about all the clans as well, don't you"


"I figured" Kenji said as his eyes started glowing red " someone as egotistical as you should hate to be reminded of the failures" Kenji then looked at his hands that showed signs of aging "Though you are correct, the real reason I I here, is because you not only killed my wife, but also potentially gave my newborn a mental disability with your killer intent" (AN-Kaito is completely fine, don't worry)

"Revenge? How human like"

"Enough talk"

Kenji stabbed his sword in the ground, since it would not be of much help in this battle

"RAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHH" Kenji roared in pain, as he unleashed all his life energy, turning him into a husk, his eyes started to diminish in colour, showing eyes of depleting vision

He unleashed his power, as he ignored the sheer amount of pain that went through his body, as a huge amounts of green Chakra was unleashed from his body, turning into a being that resembled a skeleton

Then, it became more, the skeleton grew skin, then armor as it gained two new arms, each one holding a sword, then it grew eyes that glowed menacingly, and finally, it grew legs, as it stood up, unleashing a full, complete, Susanoo

It came at a cost, his lifespan was gone, left with only an hour at best, and right now, he could only depend on his instincts and sensory abilities to perceive his surroundings. His body was covered in blood, and even breathing hurt


"Mine is Kenji" he said as all the four arms of his Susanno rose up, as he rushed towards Kurama with speeds one couldn't imagine for a giant his size

Kurama roared as he too rushed towards the giant green behemoth in response, as he raised his claws and energy gathered on his mouth



And then...they clashed

[In the secret hideout]

Danzo was preparing to rush his ANBU out to stop the Uchiha from helping, when he sensed the huge amount of Chakra, and it was not just him, nearly every Shinobi sensed it, and if they didn't sense the Chakra, they sure as hell noticed the Shockwave

'So this is your final stand Kenji' Danzo looked calmly at the sheer power of battle occuring, to think a Shinobi could rival a tailed beast would be preposterous, but he had lived during the reign of Hashirama and Madara

'Atleast, I wont have to worry about you anymore' He then gained an eager look on his face 'And those eyes containing such power, will be mine'

With a notion of a finger, the ANBU left

[Back to the battlefield]

Massive claws swung at the Susanoo, as the green behemoth flew in the sky with it's wings and avoided all the tailed beast bombs fired st it with ease, despite it's large size.

As Kurama stopped firing to cool down, Kenji immediately took this opportunity as he drove the Susano'o down towards Kurama and slammed him with the full weight of the Susano'o, making a huge hole in the ground

Kenji then controlled his Susano'o as he grabbed Kurama's tail and swung him upwards. He then slammed him down into the ground, and swung him up, and slammed him down, and finally swung him up, and with one of his swords, cut off one nof his tail causing Kurama to cry out in pain and rage

Kenji immediately drew his sword upwards and slashed down on Kurama's throat, but was grabbed by one of many Kurama's tails as it wrapped around it's arm

"You know" Kurama said, as his tails started constricting the Susano'o "I always thought of how to defeat the stupid Jutsu you are using right now, and it turns out, all I have to do is stop you from moving"

By now, all 8 tails had wrapped around the Susano'o, rendering it immobile, as it tired it hardest to move, but one simple claw strike from Kurama, and all that effort to move went in vain

"When I fought Madara, his Susano'o could take on my tailed beast bomb with ease" Kurama then opened it's mouth "Can you do it?"

"Large amounts of Chakra started gathering at Kurama's mouth causing wild winds to appear uprooting entire forests and raising the temperature by a lot. The massive amount ot Chakra began to build up to the point where even civilians could feel the sheer amount of Chakra in Kurama

"Ggghhh" Kenji groaned, as his Susano'o began to shrink "I can just shrink my Susano'o to avoid this attack, it's all in vain"

"I know that" Kurama said with an evil glint in it's eye "Good thing I was prepared for that"

Massive amounts of killer intent began to radiate from Kurama, to the point where it became visible as red apparitions seemingly bending the air around it. The amount of killer intent killed basically every old person or a person with a weak heart in the entire village

"It's useless" Kenji said "Susano'o can block that killer intent with ease"

"I know about the Susano'o, I am not a fool" Kurama said "It can block many things, killer intent is not one of those things"

Kenji could normally have resisted this with ease, but with his lifespan coming to an end, and his loss of visual power, he could practically do nothing as he was shocked by the killer intent. Funny, the killer intent might kill him before the tailed beast bomb did

"Any final words?" Kurama said

"Yeah" Kenji said as Kurama's vision began to blur, and when he regained his sights, Kenji had dissapeared from his constriction


A sword ran through Kurama's chest, causing himmto widen his eyes, ashe slowly turned behind him, to see Kenji in his Susano'o, only this time, his Susano'o was flickering, approaching it's end

"You may have tricked me with your Genjutsu" Kurama said in his last ditch of effort "But you will have to do more than stab me in the chest to kill me"

"I know" Kenji said, as his Susano'o completely dissapeared, with him becoming a complete husk devoid of any muscle, his hair was dirty white, and his Sharingan was almost gone, only q few embers running it " But the bijuudama in your mouth will"


The tailed beast bomb exploded in Kurama's mouth, producing huge Shockwave, and intense amounts of heat. Winds started to get more violent, and small tornadoes appeared. Kurama's headless body fell on the ground, as Orange Chakra appeared from his body to rebuild it's head

"What a shame" Kurama said with a weak voice "Had you hit me with two of these, I would have died, it's my win, Kenji"

"I never aimed to kill you Kurama " Kenji's eyes started glowing signifying his use of his Mangekyo's abilities "You are weak now, and hence, you can no longer resist this Genjutsu"

"You will submit yourself to humans, you will overcome your hatred that has bugged you for hundreds of years, and you will eventually become friendlier with your Jinchuriki, and over time, time giving them your full power, and you knowing about this command will not help"

"BASTARD" Kurama roared, as his eyes changed to Kenji's MS "There is nothing more I despise than giving my power to humans who have wronged me for so long, this Genjutsu will not last"

"I know" Kenji said, as he fell to the ground "This Genjutsu is coded to your Chakra, and with the strength of your Chakra, this Genjutsu will last forever untill you die and reform years later, but untill that happens, you will watch yourself give your powers to your Jinchuriki"

Huge amounts of Chakra roared out of Kurama, crushing the small village "TAKE IT BACK"

But Kurama heard no response, as he saw Kenji not moving whatsoever

'He's dead' Kurama thought in rage 'Fine, I'll make sure that there won't be any person alive to seal me'

Kurama roared as he made a tailed beast bomb, but was surprised to see it disappear in some markings, and explode elsewhere

"Kyuubi" A man having yellow hair, and blue eyes wearing the cloak of the Hokage said "You will go no further" "