
The girlfriend of the Mafia boss is a badass : the girl in black

' you really think you can get away with it huh?' ' No, it's not what you think.w- what are you doing?' ' payback. this is what happens to people who decive me' —————————— Mahira Mehra an Indian heiress. she is the leader of the biggest underworld group - Mafia in India. she also has to take over the company from her father (SMR International) who Is a ruthless man. she is beautiful, smart and almost perfect. her life is tough even though it may seem perfect. Simon Rowan an American Mafia; the largest in America. he is cold, ruthless and evil not to mention devlishly handsome and surrounded by women. When this two hotheaded and almost perfect people meet under certain circumstances will their love prevail or will their situation turn things around? Two people, one heart, one life, different situations but the same path of life.

Nessa_IV · Sports, voyage et activités
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37 Chs

Chapter 21: Surely get an A+

" Sona or whatever your name is please we don't need any hot water bath and everyone should please go to their seats!" Mahira almost yelled

" Mahira I ju- just wanna..."

" And I said we don't need it.just get the fuck out"

Priyanka looked at Mahira and knew she was really irritated cause Mahira never curses except if she's angry.

" Hey, Mahira you don't have to shout at Sonia like that you know."

" Who the hell are you?"

" Name's Megan and you are bullying my friend. You just came today and you are already being cold and bossy and damn rude"

" Well thank you for pointing out My amazing qualities"

Megan face turned green and said " isn't because you are jealous of Sonia that you are bullying her"

Now Priyanka laughed out loud she stopped laughing a d her eyes turned cold.

Sonia noticed and her eyes flickered

" Lemme take you to school Megan, my Friend never get jealous of someone it always others who he jealous of her "

Megan wanted to protest then the teacher walked in.

Allof the students looked so... You know, like when a holiday was given for 2 weeks and all of a sudden gets shorten to 5 days.

" Is the professor not likable"Mahira asked and Monica nodded.

" That is prof. Graves he is the most scary looking professor in the middle university, well the Design department. The subject is great but he makes it so boring and hateful. He has never given any one na A before only a guy who is in the Architecture department"

" What's his name?"

" Simon Rowan the hottest guy in the uni"

" Oh really"


Mahira was surprised as she didn't expect Simon to get An A it even C she thought he was those typical bad boy that has bad grades but now she has seen a new Competition

" I will get an A"

" You sure".

But Mahira just glanced at her

" You serious but I don't think it's possible".

" Okay. Let's Make a bet if you win I will do anything you ask for but if I win I want a gun"

" Alright buh you sure of the gun"

Mahira didn't answer but she just said

" I will surely get an A+

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