
The girlfriend of the Mafia boss is a badass : the girl in black

' you really think you can get away with it huh?' ' No, it's not what you think.w- what are you doing?' ' payback. this is what happens to people who decive me' —————————— Mahira Mehra an Indian heiress. she is the leader of the biggest underworld group - Mafia in India. she also has to take over the company from her father (SMR International) who Is a ruthless man. she is beautiful, smart and almost perfect. her life is tough even though it may seem perfect. Simon Rowan an American Mafia; the largest in America. he is cold, ruthless and evil not to mention devlishly handsome and surrounded by women. When this two hotheaded and almost perfect people meet under certain circumstances will their love prevail or will their situation turn things around? Two people, one heart, one life, different situations but the same path of life.

Nessa_IV · Teen
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30 Chs

Chapter 20 : SMR princess

" hey, dude how ya doing?" Asked Seth as Simon walked in. His hair was A little bit messy but it gave him a Vibeof sexiness his black ripped jeans and Black leather jacket and black shirt matched and he looked mysterious and Hot. His steps were refined not slow not fast but elegant. He walked towards the seat at the back and sat down

" I'm not fine "

" Why's that" asked Seth

" Cause you are here"

" What... I know I bring good luck and very handsome don't be jealous"

" Really when I see you I feel like puking and very naseous"

Dominic laughed and he looked at Seth

" It's isn't funny"

" Oh it sure is"

" Dominic I want you to investigate someone"

" Kk. Who?"

" Mahira Mehra "

" Who is she ?"

" SMR princess"

" How didn't I know her name wait I forgot she is very secretive. Why on earth do you wanna investigate her?"

" We have unfinished business"

Seth chocked " you met her?"

" Yeah"

" Where?"

But Simon just shot him a cold glare.

" Also she is in our University"

" Everyone here is throughly investigated but no one is her" Seth said looking confused

" That would mean she is the new student named Mahira" Dominic concluded

" I was worng" said Simon suddenly

" Why "

" Because you do have a brain"

Now it was Seth turn to laugh at Dominic.


" Settle down. We have a new student" Mrs Grande announced.

Good evening my lovely readers ( it's 10:56pm here) .

wait I think it's better like this - Good morning, afternoon and evening to all my lovely readers. I just wanna thank you for reading my book it's a dream come true .


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