
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

Aions · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Imperial Army Arrive (End)

Boom... ! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions erupted! Shadows of swords flashed and hissed as they rushed from the sky!

The soldiers who rushed forward, their bodies were directly torn apart by the sword light, without even having time to utter a cry.

Every one of them fell to the ground, their clothes shattered, their arms and legs were torn off, and not a single piece of their body was intact!

Some of them even exploded and turned to blood, staining the ground bright red!

Those who rushed forward were killed by Li Feng without even reacting!

Thousands of troops, after a single blow, fell!

And those behind them moved forward with determination, swords, and spears in hand, advancing and retreating, stepping over the corpses of their dead companions, staring unwavering, with the determination to die! It was "do or die"!

At that moment, each man was transformed into a fearless warrior, for the sake of his country, for the sake of his beliefs.

Like a moth, knowing that death is certain, they plunged into the fire, doing everything they could!

Li Feng let out a ferocious laugh as scarlet internal energy shot out and converged on his palms, forming countless sharp swords at breakneck speed, covering the sky with a dense mass!

They clashed with an ear-splitting sound of gold and iron, like a substantial metal!

Gathering strength! Gathering power! In a few moments, it was done! And then the fierce attack strikes again!

The sound of air breaking, the clash of the two, the sound of metal piercing the object, the sound of blood spurting, the sound of bones and muscles tearing.

All kinds of sounds intermingled as if it was a funeral song for the dying, accompanied by screams and cries as if a great ceremony was underway!

Li Feng s feet slammed into the ground, his body leaped up, he rushed into the crowd, launched skilful attacks, and began an indiscriminate massacre ....

The impact of a seven to eight meters high body, weighing more than ten tons alone, falling from a height is enough to kill countless people.

On top of that, with its flexible positioning and unmatched speed, it kills with ease!

In one punch, there were tens of thousands of pounds of strength, and an invulnerable physique to swords and spears! Li Feng didn't even know that there was anything that could threaten him!

Killing people like mowing grass, raging at the army, the opponent's iron weapons couldn't even scratch him, let alone hurt him.

Moments later, hundreds more people died at Li Feng's hands, and their numbers were dwindling at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It was as easy as stepping on ants, Li Feng was able to collect countless lives without even deliberately attacking, simply jumping and landing in the crowded areas!

With his huge body, he was able to crush countless people, and at the same time, with his clapping hands and feet, the soldiers who were hit by Li Feng, without a few moments of strength, were slightly broken into flesh and bone, and in severe cases, were directly smashed into mush!

Li Feng put the most complete corpses into the system space, and ignored those that looked like they had been blown into several pieces, or were in tatters!

The other side had come with several thousand men, and after a few waves of deaths, there were still nearly half of their soldiers left!

"Release the arrows! Let the arrows fly!"

The soldiers and generals behind them were impatient, urging their men to draw their bows and arrows, and one by one, the arrows split the air and flew towards Li Feng!

The arrows fell to the ground with a clattering sound, scattering on the ground and exploding the moment they hit Li Feng's body!

The power of the cold weapons was too weak to hurt Li Feng in the slightest, and the numbers were not enough to sustain him for long, and after a series of bursts of fire, they fell into a panic!

The faith that had been held so tightly was also gradually shaken after countless companions died.

The fear of death! It was a biological instinct and driven by it, some men had the idea to run away!

They no longer charged forward, they no longer feared death, and their own lives were most important! Beyond that, all loyalty to duty became an empty word.

This kind of thinking spread like a plague, and in an instant, the heart of the army was broken.

Once a drum, always a drum! Fear and panic set in, and some men even screamed!

They were just ordinary people, ordinary people even more normal, and the thought of their families and young lives made death all the more impossible.

"Ah! Run ... for help ..." A wave of panic accompanied the sound of things falling to the ground as countless soldiers threw away the weapons in their hands, discarded their armour, and began to run for their lives!

"Go for it! No retreat, disobeying orders will result in death!"

The generals who noticed this shouted harshly and slashed the fleeing soldiers with their swords, killing countless of them.

But immediately afterwards, more fleeing men poured in, and the warhorses under the generals were frightened and forced to flee!

Li Feng burst out laughing when he heard this, he was inwardly delighted! As food, it was better not to resist.

What followed was more of a one-sided massacre than a battle!

Once they started to run away, it meant that they had completely lost their fighting spirit, and coupled with the difference in strength, they couldn't afford to put up any resistance.

Scarlet internal energy frantically spurted out, coalescing into countless sharp swords at breakneck speed, spreading out with Li Feng's movements!

The fleeing soldiers were pierced by the sword light behind them, and in an instant, every living life was reduced to nothing!

As if they were cut by a thousand knives, their naked limbs crumbled and their torsos fell apart.

The moment they were engulfed by the sword light, the bloody sword light and blood intermingled, and it was no longer possible to distinguish the flesh and blood of the weapons.

Li Feng rushed forward and grabbed the still living soldiers to eat them, his large hands stained with blood and his sharp teeth eager to tear a face.

His mind had long since lost its reason, going out of control as if to satisfy his desire to kill.

With one large mouth, four or five people were swallowed in his mouth, moving his upper and lower jaws to chew on them!

Li Feng's sinister gaze swept over him, there is nothing better in the world than the pleasure of obliterating everything with his own hands!

The carnage continued, the air was covered with the smell of blood, and the whole world seemed to mourn.

The roads had long since turned red-brown and the blood, unable to solidify, flowed in one place, forming puddles of all sizes!

Long unrecognizable body parts were scattered everywhere, heads and limbs were more obvious, as well as tissues such as viscera and drains that were ruptured and had a foul smell.

Li Feng was delighted with the killing, he preferred it when it was one-sided and sadistic!

Soon, the remaining soldiers were killed and the next step was Li Feng's favourite part, cannibalism!

He grabbed the fleeing soldiers, tore off their clothes, and swallowed them in one gulp, accompanied by the sound of refried beans, crunching and chewing!

For those who are not completely dead, Li Feng will give priority to practice, for no other reason than to prevent the others from running away.

At this moment, several kilometres of ground were densely covered with corpses, some still emitting hot air, obviously recently dead!

Blood flowed from the tattered corpses, and Li Feng didn't care, grabbing them with his big hands and tearing the clothes off his body, the ~ bare lapping up the saliva and sending it into his mouth!

In the blink of an eye, dozens or hundreds of corpses had already been eaten and converted into evolution points, and the evolution points needed to upgrade were increasing at a rate visible to the naked eye ....

[Ding, evolution points +0.1 ...]

[Ding, evolution points +0.2 ...]

If we reach 100 power stones, I will release an extra chapter!

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