
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

Aions · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Imperial Army Arrive! (2)

In the streets of the city, a figure as tall as a city wall was devouring a pile of corpses, a scene eerily similar to a prehistorical beast eating.

The corners of his mouth were chewing endlessly, blood spilling out from time to time, and the remains of flesh fell all over the ground.

Li Feng grabbed the corpse on the ground, and with one hand, the clothes on his body were stripped off, and he threw it into his mouth and started chewing.

[Ding ~ Plus 0.1 Evolution Points...]

[Ding ~ Plus 0.2 Evolution Points...]

As it gobbled them up, it eliminated dozens and hundreds of corpses in a sinuous manner, providing it a total of over ten Evolution Points.

These were the soldiers who had stormed the city earlier, yet they had only just entered the city when they were discovered by Li Feng and thus suffered a massacre.

These people had only a little more experience and guts than the civilians, but in the end, they were just ordinary people, so Li Feng blocked their way and killed them all without any effort.

Li Feng finished devouring all the flesh and blood; if he was right, more people would come next.

After all, he was facing an army, and Li Feng wasn't stupid enough to leave empty-handed.

Soon after, the sound of screaming and killing rang out from outside the city, the sound came from far and near and soon reached Li Feng's ears.

"Hey, hey, there they are!" A smile appeared on Li Feng's cruel face, his face was hideous and horrible. It was like a ferocious beast resting and moving.

"Kill! Kill me, go for it!"

Outside the city gates, the deputy general ordered his troops to rush in, and as the soldiers all entered the city, the generals spurred their horses to follow.

Thousands of men poured in like a tidal wave, filling the streets and beginning to search through the destroyed houses.

"Something's not right, be careful!" said an army commander, drawing his sword and standing guard.

Countless men were scattered throughout the city, scanning the streets and alleys, their expressions tense to the extreme.

Boom! But at that moment, a loud bang came from the city gates, and countless rocks fell from above, landing completely at the entrance of the city, blocking the way they had come.

Dang! Dang! Thud! Behind the abandoned building, a terrifying figure seven to eight meters tall slowly appeared, and with every step, it seemed as if the ground shook with it.

"Ah… this ~ what is it?"

"What the hell are you?"

Some of the closer soldiers were already backing away, the generals were even more stunned, the scene before them bore some resemblance to the rumors.

"Me! I'm your god of death!" As Li Feng's light words fell, the scarlet internal energy in his palm surged out and quickly transformed into countless sharp swords!

Each sharp blade was over a meter long and about two fingers thick in width, instantly transforming from illusion to substance, and the number went from ten to a hundred, from a hundred to a thousand.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The soldier who looked like a military commander immediately sensed the danger, between the time Li Feng appeared and the time he launched his attack, it was only a matter of a few breaths.

Li Feng's body was covered in dark red internal energy, like a huge burning fireball, and with a wave of his hand, tens of millions of sharp swords clashed together with a dazzling sound.

"Ah! Help! Run…! Ah!" At the command of this army commander, a group of soldiers barely overcame their fear and retreated in a well-trained manner.

They even drop their weapons as they escape, just to run faster.

"Humph! It's too late! Give me death!" With all the power of his body gathered in his palms, his hands turned around, and a real dense sword and water drop-shaped qi moved with his heart.

The next moment, swish! Swish! Swish! A sharp sword in the form of internal energy shot out with such speed that it made a sonic boom in the air.

Some of the fleeing soldiers didn't even have time to turn around before the terrifying explosions reached their ears, followed by their bodies being pierced by the countless rain of light.

Some ran more than ten meters and with the bright light coming from behind, blood poured from their wounds and their bodies collapsed to the ground.

A rain of razor-sharp swords poured down on the bodies of the soldiers and slammed into the walls, causing explosions and digging deep gullies in the ground.

As Li Feng continued his attack, more men fell to the ground, some were blown to bits, their flesh blurred, their clothes shredded and their flesh split open.

Some of them were lucky that they were only injured by limbs, arms, legs, and feet.

Seeing the other part in great pain, Li Feng was so intolerant that he would rush to relieve it directly.

He would grab them and tear off their clothes, put them in his mouth and chew them, swallowing them in two or three gulps.

As they are soldiers, it's still war, it's normal to be killed by the enemy.

They should be blamed for being willing to participate in this war, not to mention ganging up on one man and losing.

After just one hit, at least hundreds of soldiers were killed and this area was cleared of incoming soldiers.

With a wave of his hand, Li Feng loaded all the killed soldiers into the system space and started killing again.

Killing ordinary people was as easy as killing a chicken, a single skill could strike a large number of people to death, or by directly using the power of his body, he could cause even more terrifying damage.

Today, Li Feng can sprint 100 meters in two or three seconds, and with his phenomenal strength and invulnerable body, he is not afraid of any attack.

In the world of martial arts, he was a divine being. As long as he wasn't crazy enough to seek death himself, no one could defeat him.

"My Lord! We're going to die anyway, let's fight this monster!" A soldier who looked like a military commander spoke to the vice admiral, looking tired and anxious.

The lieutenant general remained silent for a moment, then, with a determined look, he drew his sword and swept his gaze over the less than half of his remaining men.

"Generals! As soldiers, we must do our duty for the court and die without regret!

"Let us do our last bit for the Qing Empire!" When the vice general finished speaking, the soldiers below were all tearful and exuberant.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The thousands of men shouted in unison, with a sense of sadness at the thought that a brave man would never return.

"Kill!" The vice general pointed his sword to the sky and roared forward as thousands of soldiers and horses turned in unison and charged the invincible enemy.



They stopped running, they no longer feared death, as they remembered that they fought for the sake of their country, for the sake of their families.

Li Feng laughed.

"Hmph - courting death!!!" A steady stream of internal energy surged out, enveloped in a dark red mist all over his body, converging on his hands and turning into countless sharp swords at a dizzying speed.

They clashed.