
Getting famous

Chapter 827


A week has passed ever since Shin Jiao's group came to the village. He has established cooperation with Yein Han and the Arjing Village and the cooperation seems to be doing well.

But it seems that a lot of the rich merchants and some nobles in the village seem to be discontent with this cooperation. Some of them have tried to cause trouble on Yein Han and some tried to research the products especially the magic light bulb.

By far no one has ever determined how to bulb works. And because of this, the merchants and some powerful people from the village sent a petition to Yein Han.

This week Yein Han is both stressed out but happy at the same time. The magic light bulb is really famous and the village administration has earned so much gold for the first time. Even the canned meat became really profitable as soldiers, mercenaries, and even common citizens have bought them.