
The Gate Of New York

I got bored so my interest spread to AI stories so I made one the plot of the story is that the gate opens in new York instead of Japan and that earth has powerful magical factions unlike in the anime good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

The Prophecy

In the ethereal realm where time and fate intertwine, the twins emerged from their divine trance, their presence suffused with an aura of profound significance. Blood dripped from their mouths, an unsettling testament to the gravity of the prophecy they bore.

With solemn determination, the girl twin began to unfurl the rich tapestry of Norse mythology. She spoke of Asgard, the majestic realm of the Aesir gods, where Odin, the Allfather, ruled from his throne in Valhalla, his piercing gaze spanning the cosmos. Thor, the thunderous wielder of Mjolnir, strode across the realms with unwavering strength, while Freyja, the enigmatic goddess of love and war, commanded the skies with her chariot drawn by sacred cats.

As her words echoed through the celestial chamber, the assembled gods listened with a mixture of reverence and apprehension. They knew well the tales of Asgard, where valor and strife were intertwined in the fabric of existence.

Then, it was the boy twin's turn to weave the strands of prophecy, his voice resonating with a somber intensity as he delved into the annals of Judeo-Christian mythology. He spoke of Yahweh, the omnipotent creator of all, whose divine will shaped the very essence of the universe. Jesus, the embodiment of divine grace and sacrifice, walked among mortals to offer salvation and redemption. The angelic legions, radiant beings of celestial light, stood as sentinels against the encroaching darkness, their celestial swords poised to defend the heavens from the forces of evil.

As his words hung in the air like a shroud of uncertainty, the assembled gods felt a chill settle upon their hearts. They understood the weight of the cosmic battle between light and shadow, a struggle that reverberated through the realms with profound implications.

In the ethereal realm where time and fate intertwine, the twins emerged from their divine trance, their presence suffused with an aura of profound significance. Blood dripped from their mouths, an unsettling testament to the gravity of the prophecy they bore.

After delving into the depths of Norse and Judeo-Christian mythologies, the twins first invoked the pantheon of Hindu gods. They spoke of Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer, whose dance of cosmic balance shaped the cycles of existence. They described the radiant goddess Lakshmi, embodiment of wealth and prosperity, and the fierce warrior goddess Durga, vanquisher of demons and protector of the righteous.

Next, the twins turned their gaze to the lofty peaks of Mount Olympus, where the Greek gods held sway over the affairs of mortals and immortals alike. They recounted the exploits of Zeus, the thunderous king of the gods, and Hera, his regal consort and queen of Olympus. They spoke of Athena, the wise and courageous goddess of wisdom and warfare, and Apollo, the radiant god of the sun and music, whose lyre could soothe even the most troubled souls.

From the sun-kissed shores of Greece, the twins journeyed to the heart of ancient Mesoamerica, where the Aztec gods reigned supreme. They spoke of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god of wind and wisdom, and Tezcatlipoca, the cunning and enigmatic god of destiny and night. They described the fearsome Huitzilopochtli, god of war and the sun, whose insatiable thirst for blood sustained the Aztec empire in its relentless expansion.

Finally, the twins cast their gaze eastward, to the distant lands of China, where the divine pantheon was as vast and varied as the sprawling empire itself. They spoke of the Jade Emperor, ruler of heaven and arbiter of celestial law, and Guan Yin, the compassionate goddess of mercy, whose tears could heal the deepest wounds of the soul. They described the mighty dragon kings, guardians of the rivers and seas, and the elusive fox spirits, masters of illusion and trickery.

With these divine visions swirling in the air around them, the twins began to unravel the tapestry of fate, weaving together the disparate threads of myth and legend into a seamless whole. And as they spoke, their words carried the weight of destiny, a solemn reminder of the cosmic balance that governed the universe.

But as the prophecy was coming to a close. The twins' voices swelled with an eerie intensity, they began to scream, their cries piercing the celestial stillness like a dagger through the veil of reality. "They know!" they shrieked, their voices echoing into the void with a haunting urgency.

And then, with a final, anguished scream, the twins dissolved into ethereal wisps, their essence dissipating into the boundless expanse of the cosmos. Yet even in their dissolution, they uttered the last of the prophecy, a solemn warning that echoed through the hearts of the assembled gods.

Beware, ye gods of realms beyond the mortal's sight,For the wrath of Earth's gods knows no day nor night.From the Christian heavens, Yahweh's righteous ire,Shall smite all who dare to quench humanity's fire.The Greek gods, from Olympus' lofty peak,Shall hurl thunderbolts and lightning, so to speak.Zeus, Athena, Apollo, and the divine band,Shall defend their mortal kin with sword in hand.From India's sacred land, the Hindu gods arise,With Brahma's creation and Shiva's demise.Vishnu's avatars and their cosmic dance,Shall protect their devotees with every chance.The Aztec gods, with their sacrificial rite,Shall rain down vengeance with all their might.Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, and Huitzilopochtli's call,Shall heed the cries of their followers, one and all.In the icy realms of Norse mythology's might,Odin's fury shall pierce the darkest night.Thor's hammer and Freyja's tears,Shall avenge any harm that Earth's children bears.From the tranquil shores of ancient China's land,The Jade Emperor and Guan Yin shall stand.Their wisdom vast, their mercy wide,Shall shield humanity from the tyrant's stride.So heed this warning, ye gods of distant skies,And tread lightly, lest Earth's gods arise.For should harm befall their cherished creation,Their wrath shall know no bounds, no hesitation.