
The Gate Of New York

I got bored so my interest spread to AI stories so I made one the plot of the story is that the gate opens in new York instead of Japan and that earth has powerful magical factions unlike in the anime good luck reading

greatcheesemaster · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Hubris Always Has A Price

In the fiery depths of their infernal realm, the gods of the otherworld gathered, their presence casting a sinister glow upon the jagged rocks and swirling mists that surrounded them. It was a rare occasion for all the gods to convene, but the impending events on Earth demanded their attention.

Among them stood the twin gods of prophecy, their eyes ablaze with unearthly knowledge as they gazed upon the gathered assembly. They had been summoned to divine the fate of Earth, to unravel the mysteries of its gods and determine the outcome of the impending conflict.

The gods of the otherworld, confident in their power and superiority, looked upon the twins with arrogance and disdain. They believed themselves to be invincible, their victory over Earth assured. And yet, in their arrogance, they thought it wise to prepare for every eventuality, to gather information about their adversaries before descending upon them in all their wrath.

And so, they turned to the twins, their voices dripping with contempt as they demanded answers. "Tell us of Earth's gods," they commanded, their eyes blazing with anticipation.

The twins, their hearts heavy with foreboding, closed their eyes and began to weave their divine magic. They delved deep into the tapestry of fate, seeking out the threads that bound Earth's gods to their mortal worshippers.

But as they peered into the depths of the divine realm, what they saw filled them with horror and despair. The gods of Earth were not like the gods of the otherworld – they were beings of immense power and wisdom, their influence reaching far beyond the mortal realm.

As the twins beheld the true nature of Earth's gods, they were overcome with a sense of dread. They saw gods of war and peace, of love and hate, of life and death. They saw gods who walked among mortals, guiding and shaping their destinies with a gentle hand. And they saw gods who dwelled in the depths of the earth, their power hidden from mortal eyes.

But most terrifying of all were the gods who stood at the heart of the world, their power so vast and ancient that it defied comprehension. These were the primordial gods, the creators of the universe itself, whose existence transcended time and space.

As the twins gazed upon the full extent of Earth's divine pantheon, they were overwhelmed by the enormity of what they had seen. They screamed in agony, their minds unable to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the gods' power.

The otherworldly gods, taken aback by the twins' reaction, watched in stunned silence as the tears of blood streamed down their faces. They had expected arrogance and confidence from the twins, not this display of terror and despair.

And as the twins' screams echoed through the infernal realm, the gods of the otherworld realized with growing unease that their victory over Earth was far from assured. In their arrogance, they had underestimated the power of their adversaries, and now they faced the very real possibility of defeat.

In the end, the gods of the otherworld were forced to confront the harsh reality of their situation. They had thought themselves high and mighty but now they saw that hubris always has a price attached to it now they waited until the twins came to be so as to know how screwed they were