
The Gamer's Gambit In Another World

Lucas, a clever trickster from Earth, found himself suddenly in a world strikingly similar to a video game he had once played. Immediately upon his arrival, he faced imminent danger as someone pointed a gun at him. The new world he found himself in was dominated by the extraordinary individuals who possessed many supernatural powers unseen in Lucas's previous life. What scared Lucas the most was the immediate threat to his life and his lack of any real power in this unfamiliar world. However, he quickly relied on his quick thinking and skills as a trickster to craft a lie. He claimed to be a high-level supervisor sent by the leaders of the Argent Empire. Using his extensive knowledge of the game, Lucas convincingly backed up his claim, persuading the agent pointing the gun at him to accept his fabricated identity. This lie not only saved his life but also provided him with a new role within the secret intelligence group as an inspector. Assuming this role, Lucas conducted himself in ways no upright official would. He used his game knowledge to deceive others, build his own power base through kidnapping, stealing, and engaging in other nefarious activities. His cunning and resourcefulness allowed him to execute his plans with goal of minimum risk and maximum rewards. Unbeknownst to him, Lucas was also part of a larger scheme. His actions had consequences that extended beyond his immediate goals and survival. How will his maneuvers impact his fate in this new world? Read to discover the consequences of Lucas's daring gambit in "Gamer's Gambit In Another World."

Lazy_Pen_Master · Romance
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90 Chs

Chapter 62: Open Conspiracy

When Lady Tasya asked Lucas her question, her narrowed eyes darted towards Lambert, her gaze as sharp as a blade.

There was a slight movement under her cloak, where her hand gripped the hilt of a knife. She believed her people, having just come ashore, couldn't have leaked the plan to rob the Clover armed airship.

The leak must have come from the Mad Axe Gang.

These guys, having just defected to the Secret Intelligence Bureau, were already eager to sell them out!

Feeling Lady Tasya's killing intent, Lambert immediately defended himself, "Lady, I don't know what the inspector has told you about the Clover armed airship. I only know you commissioned Boss Jumu to steal the 'Heart of the Red Dragon Nielcolone' for a significant task.

But that alchemical summon was taken by the elf Ela after Boss Jumu was killed."

Shelley shouted, "What! The 'Heart of the Red Dragon Nielcolone' was stolen by you! Do you know we nearly lost our inspector looking for that thing..."

Lucas raised his hand to stop Shelley from continuing and then addressed the wary Lady Tasya, "I have my own intelligence channels regarding the Clover armed airship; it has nothing to do with the Mad Axe Gang. What I want to know now is... are you still interested in this deal?"

Lady Tasya slightly relaxed her tense posture, thinking that since they hadn't yet attempted the robbery, there was less to worry about.

"Inspector, your intelligence-gathering capabilities are indeed impressive. I commissioned Jumu to steal the 'Heart of the Red Dragon Nielcolone' to rob the Clover armed airship.

Now that the 'Heart of the Red Dragon Nielcolone' is gone, and we've accepted your goodwill to stop being pirates, of course, we won't target the Clover anymore. You can rest assured!"

Shelley quietly asked Karina, who was seated between her and Lucas, "What is the Clover armed airship?"

Karina whispered back, "The Clover armed airship is a new type of armed airship jointly developed by the Imperial Heavy Industry Research Institute and the Alchemy Research Bureau.

Its segmented steam pressure and multi-airbag structure make it safer than hydrogen airships. However, its flight altitude has been less than ideal, so it hasn't been accepted by the military. Instead, the Imperial Revenue Bureau is very interested in this steam-powered armed airship.

It has a large carrying capacity and high speed. Although its flight altitude is limited to below 1,000 meters, within the empire, the defensive capabilities of an armed airship are sufficient.

The Imperial Revenue Bureau bought several steam-powered armed airships for tax transportation. The Clover is one of them, and it's currently in Storm City...

I'm sorry, Inspector, I didn't mean to interrupt you."

Karina tried to keep her voice low but soon realized everyone in the room was listening to her explanation of the Clover armed airship. Feeling embarrassed, she apologized to Lucas.

"It's alright. We all want to understand this new steam-powered armed airship. Please continue. What is the Clover doing in Storm City?"

Encouraged by the inspector, Karina raised her voice slightly.

"The empire is currently implementing currency reform, replacing the old metal currency with banknotes issued by the Imperial Royal Bank.

As the empire's largest foreign trade city, Storm City has accumulated about three tons of gold. The Clover armed airship's mission is to transport this gold back to the capital."

Hearing this, Lucas asked, "Three tons?"

Karina searched her memory and replied, "It's 3.28 tons."

Lucas then turned to Lady Tasya and asked, "Is that the figure you received from your intelligence?"

Lady Tasya answered honestly, "Yes, but not that precise. Jumu arranged for people to do the reconnaissance and scouting. I was to lead the robbery after obtaining the 'Heart of the Red Dragon Nielcolone.' Inspector, we haven't acted yet, so it's not a crime, right?"

"Of course, it's not a crime if you haven't acted!" Lucas stared into Lady Tasya's eyes, exerting pressure, and asked, "I'm giving you a chance. Do you dare to continue robbing the Clover armed airship?"

Lady Tasya promptly replied, "No... I wanted to rob the gold because Fishbone Island needed to survive. Now that Fishbone Island's survival is assured, I don't need to risk being besieged by the Imperial Navy."

"What if I want you to rob it?"

The atmosphere in the room dropped suddenly as everyone looked at Lucas. Has the inspector gone mad?

"Inspector..." Karina nudged Lucas again with her elbow.

Unmoved, Lucas continued to stare at Lady Tasya, his smile unsettling the Naga queen.

"I-I don't understand what you mean, Inspector. You are a high-ranking official of the empire, and the Clover is transporting the empire's gold."

"Relax, everyone. I know what I'm doing." Lucas eased the pressure on Lady Tasya, leaning back in his chair. He took out a cigarette and had a drake light it. After taking a puff, he said, "According to my intel, the Clover armed airship isn't transporting 3.28 tons of gold, but 12.14 tons."

So much more!

Lady Tasya asked, "What does that have to do with you asking me to rob this gold?"

"Because the extra gold isn't the empire's. It's private, and its circulation is illegal. With the empire restricting the flow of metal currency, this gold can't be used in regular commerce.

So someone plans to transport this gold to the capital and make it legal. This involves internal royal matters, which I can't disclose further. The order I received is... this gold must not reach the capital!"

Shelley and Zane looked enlightened.

No wonder the Grand Princess sent someone so close to her to be the inspector in Seawall District; it turns out he has such a critical mission.

Robbing an imperial gold transport airship isn't something anyone can do, nor something anyone would dare to do.

Lady Tasya saw the Meteor Inspector smoking and looking at her, waiting for her response.

But a pirate collaborating with the Secret Intelligence Bureau to rob an imperial gold transport airship—wasn't that too absurd?

"Inspector, this matter..."

A confused Lady Tasya didn't know how to respond.

Instead, Shelley said, "What's there to fear? Our inspector has powerful backing! If we rob this gold, someone will cover for us."

Zane chimed in, "The person backing our inspector is very high up. If he says rob, you rob!"

Karina looked between Shelley, Pisco, and Lucas, unsure of what to say.

Lady Tasya realized that she had no choice but to comply.

"Inspector, we'll do this job. But without the 'Heart of the Red Dragon Nielcolone,' it's going to be difficult to bring the Clover armed airship down from the sky."

"Leave bringing it down to me. Your job is to transport the gold."

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