
The Game of Ice and Fire

When a ROB decides to give little Jon Snow a small blessing , this small change completely changed the song of ice and fire if you want to support my work visit my patreon https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon I am 10 chapters ahead there

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Chapter 60 King's guard

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Red keep

Ser Brianne pov

The red keep is silent these days with the lord Commander no his grace gone, from what she heard the king will stay in Essos for a while before coming back

While Ser Arthur is gone with the king she is stuck with Sandor and Ser Jamie,while Sandor may have a bad mouth on him he means well,but she can't say the same for Kingslayer,it is always the wench this and the wench that with him

But at least her new brother has proper manners,Ser Loras Tyrell she has fought him in the yard he does have some talent but Ser Loras often makes fool of himself by putting more importance to looks, at least Ser Jamie is enjoying himself while whipping him into shape

There are many rumours going around in the red keep that Tyrells didn't want Ser Lorus to be a king's guard but Ser Loras personally met the king and begged him to stay close to lord Renly who is still considered a hostage in the red keep,but all of this doesn't matter to her she only needs to make sure that this new king's guard can properly protect his grace

Sometimes she feels like Ser Arthur Dayne is the only proper King's guard among them,and the sword of the morning is not silent in his displeasure of the them and the current king's guard, every morning they get their ass handed to them by sword of the morning, at least now that he is gone they can relax a little

But while Ser Arthur is gone the red head wildling comes to keep bugging her,at least while Ser Arthur was here he would beat that red haired man so he goes away for the day,from what Brianne understands the red haired man tormund is trying to court her but the wildlings have a different way to go about it

While she has to deal with these annoyances every day this is nothing compared to the honour of serving his grace and the royal family,even her lord father is proud of her and island of tarth is getting more importance,while is can't be the traditional lady for her house and father she will do whatever she can with her sword

Today she was called by Grand Queen Rhaella,while Brianne guarded the Queen regent but she never had the honour to have a proper talk with her grace

As she entered the King's study she saw that the Queen and Master of Whispers were discussing something

"Your grace lord Varys"

"Ser Brianne yes come and sit with me, lord Varys was just leaving" she nodded and sat in the chair next to the queen regent

"Your grace I hope these songs reach the king quickly"

"Don't worry lord Varys his grace is already familiar with the issue" the queen said while petting the the giant white wolf next to her, than lord Varys just bowed and left the chambers

Brianne can't help but be amazed by the direwolf every time she sees him, sometimes she feels like ghost is a better king's guard than her

"Lady Brianne I called you here to talk to you not as queen regent but as a grandmother, even though his grace is my grandson but most of his life I was not with him, even now I still don't know much about his time in the north, can you help this old woman with this matter lady Brianne"

"Of course your grace it would be my honour, how I about I start with the time when lady Arya and lord Bran covered themselves in flour and pretended to be ghosts to scare his grace"

Margaery pov

With the betrothal confirmed her grandmother is out of control, grandmother is making preparations like it is the royal wedding but not all things are going smoothly

While grandmother wanted the wedding to happen in the Red keep but the Starks will only get married in godswoods in front of the heart tree in winterfell, so grandmother reluctantly agreed

But this wedding is not going to be a small affair by a long shot, as it not only solidifies an alliance between the reach and the north, it makes five kingdoms that directly support the crown, even the crown and Queen Regent is making gold flow to make this wedding as grand as possible, it seems that the king only wants the best for his brother's wedding

It seems that in just a few moons all of the major lords will once again gather but this time it will be in winterfell instead

While any lady would prefer to be the queen than marry the king's brother but Margaery prefers Robb Stark to Aegon Targaryen

Margaery wouldn't able to handle it if her husband is more pretty than her, while she tried to seduce the young wolf she herself grew fond of him, she was always told that northerners are savage and wild people but she finds a haunting beauty in the wildness of the young wolf

When she first came to the red keep she tried to get close to the king, but like many others she underestimated him, while the world thought even though he has dragons he was just a 15 nameday old boy but what came before them was no boy or man but a dragon, he literally radiated power with every step and everyone bowed their heads to him without even realising

But she was not going to scared of just by this but just as she was pushing the line then the king's eyes turned blood red like his direwolf, as he looked directly at her she felt how a flower will feel facing against a giant dragon, even now no one dares get close to the king's person

But now all of that doesn't matter she prefers the company of the wolf rather than that of a dragon,but one lady in court still dares cling to the king, Arianne Martell, it would seem that the dornish are really not afraid of dragons

While all her life she wanted to be queen now Margaery likes the sound of lady Stark much more, she always thought she was above being a love sick maid but it seems that she was wrong or the the direwolves are much more dangerous than she thought