
The Game Must Go On By CrossEdge

A guy gains the Gamer System and gets thrown into a multiverse of his own. Now he must balance becoming stronger, getting the girls and surviving this mess all the while entertaining his seniors. Harem, lemons in the future, Gamer MC. I am Just a Computer Engineering Student Sharing Stories to my Homies on Webnovel Who don't have anything to read and trying to generate a side income albeit little ;) Patreon : BeyondCheat ( IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME FOR BRINGING THIS FIC TO THIS WEBSITE ) NOTE : THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC, I AM TAKING THIS FIC FROM FANFIC.NET AND POSTING IT HERE REALAUTHOR : CROSSEDGE ( FULL CREDIT GOES TO HIM ) **IF THE AUTHOR WANT TO REMOVE THIS FIC CONTACT ME**

BeyondCheat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Thanksgiving, Panties and One Puuuuuuuuunnnnnnch : Part 3

- Observation Room –

Unlike the cheers from the rest of the stadium, the Observation Room is unnaturally quiet. Sona feels a cold drop of sweat sliding down her forehead all the way down to her collars.

"Ajuka-chan, how much of Shin-kun's analysis of his opponent's peerage's movements are accurate." Serafall asks breaking what seems like a century long silence as she addresses her fellow colleague and another one of the Satans.

"About 93% accurate. I cannot predict the movements of the Shadow creation of his among other things so the 7% are taken off for the time being." Ajuka Beelzebub answers the Leviathan who looks serious which is extremely rare for Serafall.

"I am more interested in the 'that' that Shin mentioned. They could give me a good idea about how the game will progress. Each of his members has one." Ajuka continues drawing their thoughts to other matters.

The situation had changed right at the moment when Shin had clapped his hands.

He had been spying on the opponent peerage and setting traps all this while and no one noticed. Maybe the Satan-Class and above did but Shin was not a Satan-Class. He wasn't even an Ultimate-Class, was he?

Sona wasn't sure what to think about this game anymore. If what Ajuka-sama confirmed right now is true, which she has no doubt it is. This is not a game anymore. No, it's more of a play which Shin had been directing even before it started. All the actors have taken their places and are just waiting for the time to act their roles.

Sona Stiri had always prided herself upon planning and strategy. Her title as the Smartest Devil among the Youth was a proof of that. Even she was sure of this fact. 'was' being the keyword here. She wasn't sure of it anymore. Shin Kageyami was not smart, no genius was also not good enough of defining someone like him. He is a Monster. Strength, power doesn't matter anymore. He had already won the game without even moving from the couch. This kind of feat was seen by only one other person among devils, one who is present in this very same room. One of the two Super Devils in underworld right now, Satan Ajuka Beelzebub.

She glances towards the Beelzebub who was looking closely at the screen while paying a minute attention to every detail. For someone of his status to even glance towards a Rating game among the youth's was a great praise but to pay a close attention was something completely unprecedented. But she could understand. Only Monsters can attract the attention of other Monsters.

She looks towards her best friend Rias and sees her gripping her seat with barely concealed hope and excitement. Her freedom in sight. She couldn't blame her. She just scored a major draw. Shin was a great win for her. Getting rid of Riser was of a bonus.

She looks towards the heavily sweating Lord Phenex. He looks extremely pale, completely contrary to the expression of Zekram who looks completely unfazed. The only other person who was nearly as unaffected was Siaraorg, although the amount of pressure he was exuding was anything but normal. It was not because he was intimidated because of the performance Shin Kageyami just showed.

"It doesn't matter. He can plan all he wants. No matter the trickery, it will all fall against absolute power of Riser." Lord Phenex loudly comments though the slight shiver at the end of his voice was anything but assuring.

Sona turns her attention back to the screen to the game…..no the play directed by Shin Kageyami. Her sister was right. This was indeed interesting.

- Ley Fay Pendragon –

Ley Fay was blushing up a storm. Kuroka laughing by her side was not helping either. Somewhere in the middle of the anime, which was really cool by the way, she woke up and joined her in watching the rating game.

Till now, she was sure of the fact that Meredith was there of her own choice, which was good for her.

Second, the handsome boy with her was her King and not her boyfriend. He was very funny though. Maybe they would have a boss-employee relationship like in those mangas she had seen Kuroka reading. She had taken a peek from between her fingers….. only a bit.

Meredith was growing up while she did not have a boyfriend. Why else would she wear black l-l Lace. That's what grown up girls wear when they go for dates and do naughty stuff.

"Nyahahaha, I like him. Your friend is good, Black Lace is nyaice." Kuroka comments from beside her.

She couldn't help but ask something that had been on her own mind for a while "What kind of underwear do you wear Kuroka-san?"

She gives her a smile which she has when she pranks Bikou "I am wearing a kimono nya, just like that bishop. Take a guess."

She should have known that. Let's concentrate on the match. Kuroka will always be a pervert.

- Azazel –

Taking a sip of his drink, his third one Azazel, looks at the other occupant of the room.

Vali was looking at the screen with undivided attention since the anime finished. He had to admit it was a great show.

The Strongest Man.

Shin Kageyami was indeed interesting. Claiming something like that through such a method was quite cunning.

His analysis of his opponent peerage's movement was however the game-changer. Azazel had seen Ajuka lead parties against the fallen and even against the Old Satan Faction and even against the Heavens. Although the so called Strategist of the devils was Fabium Asmodeus, he knew for a fact that it was only because Ajuka was more interested in his experiments.

And this boy was giving him a sense of Deja-vu of Ajuka Astaroth in his youth. The devils had gotten a gem and he had collected his own set. He will have to see what his peerage is capable of and his attitude towards the current status quo.

At the very least he was not boring like Ajuka. He would definitely ask for the spell he used to cough cough 'gather information' if he ever meets him.

His mentions of 'that' had been in his mind for a while now. Did he mean sacred gears? If his guesses are correct then that pawn who could power up is going to be the lead of the show at least for his surrogate son. He will have to think of a way to stop Vali from going right to the underworld and challenge her to a battle though. Being a dad is hard work after all.

At the very least he will get to watch a good show while having his drink.

- Sakuya –

As ordered by her Master, she took her position and waited for the opponents group to arrive. He had stated that there will be a group of 5 pawns.

How did he know that? That was a question she didn't have to ask. She had seen his power in Gensokyo and even if he has just started his journey, he is not someone she or anyone one else should underestimate.

And as predicted a group of 5 girls entered her vision, and she felt her eyes stuck to two of them. A feeling of challenge tickling her senses. Maids.

The other peerage had Maids too. No. They were not maids. No maids could be that sloppy. They were just pretenders. Were they trying to make a fun of her job?

This cannot be tolerated. Master told to not retire them till the queen attacks or he gives her the signal. He never mentioned teaching them a lesson.

- Burent –

As ordered by Lady Ravel, she, Marion, Ile and Nel and Mira proceeded to the path towards the enemy base. They were to eliminate any opponent that they encounter and promote to queen and return back to Lady Ravel for further orders.

Turning over the corner, she saw a figure standing on the other end of the clearing. Moonlight reflecting on her grey hair as those cold eyes stared them with complete indifference made her blood run cold.

"W-what is s-s-she doing here? She is not supposed to be in the opponent's peerage." She heard Marion choke out. She would have done the same too if she hadn't been frozen since she saw her.

What in Satan's name is the strongest Queen doing in the other peerage. Was Zekram Bael really that mad that he would go through such lengths for a Rating Game? Lady Ravel was dreading about something like this. She knew that picking a fight with the Bael's was never a good idea. Lord Phenex promoting the game didn't help either and now Zekram got the Strongest Queen involved.

They were so screwed.

"It's not her. Look closely. Her skirt is shorter and she looks younger too. They probably just dressed someone who looks like her to try to fool her." Mira said suddenly making them stop and take a proper look at the opponent.

True there were some differences. She was not the Strongest Queen. How cheap. To use a trick like that. She will pay for that.

"Trying to fool us by dressing up like the Strongest Queen. You fake will never be as strong as her." she shouted letting out the rage that her earlier fear and humiliation had turned into.

The fake tilts her head slightly. "This is my uniform. I wear it for work and why would I try to be like a Queen. I am a knight. As for fake, you who are trying to pretend to be a maid with your crass words and unrefined behavior shouldn't point a finger at me. I believe it's something like 'pot calling kettle black'. I will advise you not to step any further or I will be forced to take action."

Feeling her anger rise to a point of outrage she calls out for her fellow pawns "Girls let's show her who the fake is. Attack."

Mira attacked the fake with her staff. A jab at her neck to incapacitate her with the first hit.

The fake only looks with the same indifference "tch…..still pretending to be all calm and quiet to the very last instant. Let's see you hold that attitude after the staff hits you in…"

Her words stuck in her throat as the fake dodged the staff with barely a movement of her neck and sliced the entire staff into pieces. She barely saw her hands moving. No it had to be some trick. Was it a magic? A Sacred Gear maybe.

"Everyone attack at once. Don't give her a chance to pull that trick on us." She shouted before charging forward herself. They will win this.

- Morgiana –

Morgiana was feeling really excited. Her new Master had ordered her to go to her position and fight the people that would come there. It was something she could easily do. Her past few days had been very strange. She had never thought that her wish would be heard by a being of great power, who would then send her to her new Master Shin.

She had initially been wary or serving anyone but Shin was different. He didn't treat anyone like slaves. She was his employee. The others under him were happy too. Then again this world is much different than the old one.

As she picks up the speed, feeling the wind against her face a sense of freedom to do as she likes overwhelming all her senses, she calls the Boosted gear as she was told to do.

The Boosted Gear was something given to her by her Master. The gauntlet was a bit odd at first but it was indeed very useful. She doubted there were any Metal Vessels in her world who could rival its power. The power to kill even a God. It was terrifying to know that she had such a thing and…..that her Master had just given it to her.

It contained a dragon inside it. He was a bit angry at first but she could understand him. She knew it too, the feeling to be bound in a cage. The helplessness, the anger and the loneliness one feels like that. She talked to him and showed him her memories about her life in her world. It helped them understand each other better. Draaig was not bad. He was just someone who liked to do what he wanted. To be free. In some way, they were quite similar. He was just angry at her and her Master. She didn't blame him for it.

Being caged made you like that. After coming to a mutual understanding, they got along pretty well. Under that high and might shell, Draaig was quite a soft Dragon. People might call her a fool for saying that but she could somehow relate to him.

He told her stories about his time before being trapped in the Boosted Gear, his rivalry with Albion, his fights and the time he and Albion fought against all three factions together forcing them to join hands. He told her how their rivalries continues till this day and how she would have to fight against the weilder of the Divine Dividing. She didn't mind it. Her Fanalis blood was the blood of warriors. They reveled in fights and if they wanted a fight she would give them.

She couldn't think of any Metal Vessel from her world that could rival the Boosted Gear…..and to think that her Master just gave her such a treasure.

He put his faith in her and she would not disappoint him. She will fight for him until she can stand and then some more. She will become useful to him and her new friends, Sakuya, Draaig and Meredith.

Today they will win. With a 'Boost' from the Boosted Gear she ran forward to face her opponents round the corner.

Two cat girls, they are called Nekomata. She learned of that from Meredith and Draaig and one more pawn and one rook with black hair were coming her way.

She let out a battle cry stunning them before dived forward with a kick to the ground. Kicking the third pawn and sending her away, she jumped back to dodge a fire covered fist from the rook. She had to engage them and not take them down immediately. Hold back.

- Observation Room –

"Is that the Boosted Gear? That girl is the 'Red Dragon Empress'?" Rias couldn't help but speak of the obvious. It was just that disbelieving.

"Guess that clears one of the three 'that's that he had mentioned. It was indeed a great changer. I believe Shin-had already predicted it. The girl has been using it quite efficiently too and if her base strength can almost knock out the opponent's pawn in one kick, then 16 times boosted strength that she had mentioned will be able to take down Riser or at least severely wound him. A trump card indeed" Ajuka-sama finished his analysis and even without it nobody thought otherwise. This reveal was just that astonishing. One could only wonder, what the other two that's that Shin mentioned were.

A Heavenly Dragon among them was too shocking. It will change the power structure of the underworld.

- Meredith –

Meredith had been waiting on the positioned told by her Boss since the start of the game. They were waiting for the queen of the opponent's peerage to arrive there. That pervert boss was completely sure she would come here and she couldn't deny that he was always right about these things. His planning during their practice sessions against the undead had always been perfect. Even the bosses of the undead died very easily against them. No need to doubt his words. They follow his orders and they will win. It was just that simple.

And as the pervert had predicted she saw the Queen hovering up in the sky looking at the pawns and Sakuya fighting. Looking at Sakuya she couldn't help but snort. Those idiots thought they had a chance against her. She could turn them into a sieve in an instant if she wanted.

She sends her Boss the signal that the queen was near and that she could begin the attack. It was time they showed the world how they played Rating Games.

- Sakuya –

Sakuya watches as the five pawns are panting hard with numerous cuts on their bodies. She was barely out of breath.

"Begin Attack."

Her master's words echoes in her ears. She had noticed the presence of the opponent's queen in the sky.

"I did warn you all to give up, you refused. However playtime is now over."

The next instant she stopped the time and threw her knives around them, multiplying them with their copies of a moment earlier.

Stepping behind them while making eye contact with the frozen queen in the sky, she releases the time.

Several cries echoes throughout the field and the five pawns disappear in a flash of light as they retire.

"Riser Phenex's five pawns have retired."

As Master had predicted the queen in her shock fired her spell before it was ready. It was extremely easy for her to dodge it while she stopped the time and took to air flying next to the opponent's queen.

The shock in her eyes was evident as she steps back all and is ambushed by Meredith, the two-sided attack ending her struggles in an instant. She took away her vial of Phenex tears before she could use it and a well-placed knife to her chest at retired her.

"Riser Phenex's Queen has retired."

Their attack begins now

- Morgiana –

The signal was here. Morgiana let out all the 5 accumulated boosts in an explosion, boosting her power by 32 times. The enemies were barely able to keep up with her but with her boosted strength, it was all over in an instant.

A kick to the rook's chest send her flying while retiring with a flash of light followed by a warcry which was enough to stun the three pawns in fear.

They were send flying with well-placed kicks ending the fight as they disappear in flashes of light retiring them.

"Riser Phenex's three pawns and one rook have retired."

No more holding back.

- Observation Room –

"W-what was that just now? How did she do that?"

No one noticed whose voice spoke that. They were all too stunned at the sudden change in the situation.

Sure they knew that they were waiting to bait the opponent's queen out before beginning their attack. They also knew that it was going to be a speed based assault. But that…..was ridiculous. Barely 10 seconds had passed since she had taken down the pawns and the queen was taken down in a flash. How did she do that? What did she use?

"Time Magic. She stopped the time to move between them. She used the knives previous locations to make their previous instances and then used time magic further to accelerate the knives making them faster to pierce through her enemies' defenses all instantly." Ajuka explained to everyone present inside.

"That level of control over time magic is unseen even in the members of House Agares. She is definitely a Master of her magic."

"She is like Gasper." whispered Rias to herself. Her eyes showing different emotions. Helplessness, sorrow, determination and the most recent one Hope.

"The second 'that' was I time magician I suppose. It is a lost art and I certainly did not imagine seeing it today. Not to such level of Mastery at the very least." Serafall's voice brings them all back from their thoughts.

They turn their eyes to the one who had orchestrated this whole play.

- Shin -

I was engaging the two knights of the opponent.

Narrowly dodging the attack of Karlamine, I turn to throw a ball made of darkness at her. My attention was focused on her momentarily giving Siris a chance at me. She plunges her Zweihänder towards me.

I noticed it at the last instant and try to dodge only to slip as the Zweihänder thrusts through my stomach piercing through me.

- Observation Room -

"SHIN" Rias cries, her voice shocking everyone present as they turn towards her. Her face completely pale as shock covers her entire form.

"HAHAHAHA. I knew it, for all that planning, he was weak. Failed before even fighting Riser. That's what he gets for challen…." Lord Phenex's voice was stopped with a single word from the screen.



- Shin –

My explosion shadow clone explodes as Karlamine watches in shock as the explosion sends Siris flying in a burst of light retiring her.

I grab hold of her legs from the shadow under her. Using Shadow Realm in her own shadow, I drag her down to her neck leaving her there. My version of Double suicide decapitation jutsu.

Looking forwards, she saw me rising up from her shadow. The look in her eyes was a treat if nothing.

"You should give up." I don't want to attack cute girls if I don't have to.

"I will not give up, Lord Riser will…"


Firing four Ki Blasts on her head I move forward to the next area. Meredith would be arriving at her position to engage Ravel. I did order my peerage not to toy around with them. I am a part of my peerage too so the rule goes for me too.

"Riser Phenex two knights have retired."

- Ravel –

Ravel Phenex had never had a good feeling regarding the Rating Game. From the moment Riser had challenged the other guy, she knew that this was a disaster in waiting. Now more than half of their entire peerage had been retired within one minute. One single minute, considering that their peerage had been all over the field it was terrifying to even think how the opponent did that.

If only she could catch that annoying bishop with a cloak who had been annoying her by guerrilla tactics all this while, she would have backed up the others.

The opponent was playing them like a fiddle all this while and she could do nothing about it at all.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a voice speak behind her.

"Ravel Phenex, give up. We don't want to drag this fight more than we need to." followed by which she sees the Bishop of the opponent who had been annoying her all this time walking up to her from the shadows.

"Hmph, big talk for someone who had been running around like a little kitten all this time. Did you finally want me to put an end to your misery."

"Riser Phenex one Rook and one Bishop have retired."

"Looks like that side has been taken care of too. Took you long enough." the bishop speaks to someone behind her. Turning back, she feels her blood freeze.

Silver Hair, red eyes and French maid uniform. What is she doing here?

"Do you give up?" asks the bishop again.

There is something different about the other one. Her skirt is shorter than Grayfia's. She would never wear shorter skirt to show any skin.

This was a fraud. Maybe a fan or wannabe?

"Trying to trick me by dressing up the Strongest Queen to give up? I have never seen such idiotic tactics used by anyone. Did you really think that I would just roll awa…" her voice gets stuck in her throat at the dreatful feeling she felt around the bishop. Holy power.

"H-h-h-Holy i-items are not allowed in rating games. You will be disqualified. You ruined your game." her happiness about the thoughts to win is somehow ruined by the terrifying feeling from the sword summoned by the bishop. Is she trying to kill her? Even with her Phenex regeneration, she could be killed if she gets hit by that sword of hers.

"Holy items maybe. But not sacred gears. It is well within the rules to use any sacred gear in the matches. Give up of I will not hold back anymore."

- Observation Room –

"What blasphemy is this? Are they going to cheat so blatantly? Using holy swords in a Rating Game? Is no one going to stop the game and disqualify them" roared Lord Phenex when the bishop revealed the holy sword.

The atmosphere became tensed when the bishop brought out her sword. Everyone was worried about her sneaking such an item in a rating game of this high importance. It will be a big scandal if something bad were to happen because of it. One wrong move and Shin will be disqualified. This was turning out to be a mess when everything was starting to look good.

Rias has been feeling the killing intent rolling off of Kiba when the bishop bought out the holy sword. This would be difficult for them to get around.

Kiba has not forgotten about his revenge against holy sword wielders and now Shin's bishop is a person who wields one of them. How will they get along?

Oh a sacred gear. Is that blade blacksmith? She had heard that it was a holy sword version of Kiba's sacred gear. Maybe this can be salvaged then. It is not a holy sword just a scared gear. Right?

"That is no sword." the voice of Ajuka Beelzebub. "It is a sacred Gear. A top-tier one and almost on the level of a Longinus. Alphecca Tyrant, Unparalleled crown of the Abbys, is a sacred gear made of the holy nails which were used to crucify Christ. One of the Holy Relics along with the True Longinus, Incinerate Anthem, Sephiroth Graal . The bracelet on her wrist is the Iron Crown of Lombardy. It was reported as lost but was made into a sacred gear. It wonder how Shin found such a person to work for her. Normal devils would have turned to ashes by just being in the presence of that nail. The fact that she is unaffected means she has balanced it with her own power or has at least found a way to do the same. Truly something worth researching. I wonder if she is using one of the artifacts that Shin has crafted recently. Also as it is a sacred gear, it is not against the rules so no one will be disqualified." Akuka finished with a tone of finality.

He is the creator of the evil pieces and Rating Game and rules. His judgement on matters relating to Rating games is final.

Rias couldn't help but feel a load off her shoulders on hearing The Beelzebub.

Even Kiba calmed down considerably on hearing this, even though he is still showing hostility, at least it is not directed to anyone. She will have to clear this matter later or this might become a problem later on.

Even thought she was thinking all this, her heart feels much lighter on thinking the meaning of this reveal. It means that Shin can hurt Riser and he won't be able to heal. He has a chance to win.

"I guess that it was the third 'that'. I have to say that I didn't even guess this one. It was truly an ace in the hole. This bishop was the dark horse all along." Serafall speaks up, diverting the attention of the people from the heavily tensed atmosphere in the room.

"I retire from this game."

"Riser Phenex one Bishop retired."

Only one left. They can win this. Shin will definitely win this. Rias clenches the fingers of her hand in excitement and anticipation.

- Shin –

All pieces are in place. Show time.

- Enjoying the game like a King –

Zekram Bael had to cut own palms to suppress the smirk that was about to show on his face. This was turning out to be better than he expected. The Red Dragon Empress and the Alphecca Tyrant. Having even one of those will be a great boost to the power of any peerage and having both was just…..terrifying. And all this was done in 10 days. In 10 days, he scouted all three members of his peerage and obtained their loyalty. This was indeed amazing progress. The look of horror on Oggan Phenex's face is something worth watching.

Foolish man, tried to reach over his head. Now all that is left is for the arrogant son of the Phenex to lose in an overwhelming manner.

The authority of The Great King will be announced with this. That Bald person was correct. Being overwhelmingly strong is …boring.

He was Zekram Bael, The Great King, The Strongest Man in the Underworld.

Strength comes in different forms after all and he holds the most strength in the underworld and he will keep it that way. A nice message indeed.

- Infinite Thoughts –

As she watched the Devil's rating game, she notices a person of great power.

He was overwhelmingly strong.

In all her time away from her home, she had been trying to find out ways to regain her silence. She gathered a group of potential candidates for it. Humans, fallen, Gods. Anyone who can help her achieve silence were recruited.

But she still wasn't sure that they could put a fight against Baka-Red.

Now for the first time, she had a hope. Maybe, just maybe the one she is seeing in front of her can help her achieve her goals.

All she has to do is find him now.

She will go to the underworld and find Shin Kageyami.



..and he will tell her where Saitama is.


Hey Guys, been a while. I was actually having too much fun writing this chapter that I got a bit over the limit. I could have finished Riser's stomping in 1k or 2k words easily. But the thing is that, I wanted to give it a good ending. I have further plans for Riser so just finishing him up in a hurry will be a waste.

Just wait for it, next chapter I will complete the rating game for sure…..or will I?

So things have been happening in the background. I haven't written Sirzech's or Grayfia's reactions yet because I was thinking about other thing. Future plots.

I will be sure to write them soon.

Half the opponents had almost pissed their pants after seeing Sakuya. I can't wait to write the meeting between the two of them in the future.

Finally, Shin is revealed to the whole world. How will they react to the appearance of Shin? What chances will it cause?

So many things to think and so many things to ideas to consider.

Last but not the least, a certain someone wants to find Shin to know where Saitama is. Any guesses who that might be?

This chapter had many change in povs. I hope I pulled it off well enough to make it readable. This Rating Game was mostly about reactions of different people so the povs had to be done.

Please check that Meredith was level 45, veteran at the start. She was level 45 elite at the end of her training.

That's 45*2 to 45*4, that is 90-180.

So yeah, she did level up.

Next, no the fast progress is only at the start. The power scale in DxD is pretty much broken. Even Satan Class devils won't count anywhere near against the truly powerful ones. Please remember that the Breast Freak became a super devil in one year give or take. That's like the lower ranks of the Top 10 Strongest Beings on the world. And he didn't have an All-Powerful Gamer System behind his back. So if Shin doesn't progress at least at this rate, then in my opinion, he should offer his ass to Dumb-and-Dork to fuck.

There are characters who have beheaded Great Red and killed it in the True LNs.

They will be fighting Loki and Fenrir in future and Shin doesn't magically gain power from breasts that would pull him through all his troubles without working for it. Plot Armours in Dxd are such BS.

Need I remind you that Barakiel and Tannin were smacked around when fighting against Loki and Fenrir. They growth will be passed accordingly but I have no intention of keeping him as the underdog just to create the cliché suspense. I would rather find other ways to do it. If you want the usual crap, please read the cannon or hundreds of other cannon based fanfictions.

All that losing the Rating Game and going to crash the engagement is so overused that every time I read it now, I feel like throwing my smartphone out of the window. It is the same for Rias being an idiotic villain. Too overused.

I am trying to deviate from the cannon here.

And Sorry for ranting all this time. 

I won't bore you all with my blabbering anymore. Thank you for reading guys.

Good Day, Peace out.




PATREON: BeyondCheat

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