
The Game Must Go On By CrossEdge

A guy gains the Gamer System and gets thrown into a multiverse of his own. Now he must balance becoming stronger, getting the girls and surviving this mess all the while entertaining his seniors. Harem, lemons in the future, Gamer MC. I am Just a Computer Engineering Student Sharing Stories to my Homies on Webnovel Who don't have anything to read and trying to generate a side income albeit little ;) Patreon : BeyondCheat ( IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME FOR BRINGING THIS FIC TO THIS WEBSITE ) NOTE : THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC, I AM TAKING THIS FIC FROM FANFIC.NET AND POSTING IT HERE REALAUTHOR : CROSSEDGE ( FULL CREDIT GOES TO HIM ) **IF THE AUTHOR WANT TO REMOVE THIS FIC CONTACT ME**

BeyondCheat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Back to school again.

Disclaimer : I own nothing

Chapter 12: Back to school again.

-Shin –

Kuoh town is not a simple place. I had known this from the anime but truly knowing about it after coming here was a completely different thing. This place has a much darker history that it was led to believe in the anime. I mean it was not simply Cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegaki. Why was a simple town like Kuoh in Japan, which was controlled by the Shinto Pantheon and the Youkai Faction having people from all the three factions together? It was a fact that I never really understood. Plot mechanics for the novel maybe?

Rias had a dorm to herself, Akeno and Koneno. The trap vampire lived in the Occult Research Club building or the Old School Building and the idiot knight lived in an apartment of his own.

This was actually going to change a lot after my arrival.

"How do you like our new house Shin?" asks Rias while we stand in front of a ten storied building which looks completely out of place compared to the surrounding areas. It is located a slight distance from the general residential areas but not too far either. A comfortable distance from the academy too, not that it matters because we could always teleport to the clubhouse.

It is eight storied building with three extra floors underground. I did get the blueprints of the house. The devils or maybe just the Satans go over the top sometimes in regards to splurging.

The basement floors had the labs that Ajuka had promised. He did keep his promise to the best of his abilities. I scanned each and everything in the lab with my Observe and then the walls around the lab too. There were no surveillance devices or magic. A plus from his side, I think he wasn't taking any risk with me.

"The house is wonderful Rias. Are you sure that your peerage members won't have problems staying here together with us?" I asked Rias. I don't actually mind them to be honest. It's just that my peerage trains in my IDs more than outside. Real fights make them progress much faster and helps us establish our teamwork in a much better way.

"Yes, Akeno and Koneko don't mind staying here. Gasper was asked by Onii-sama to stay here under the care of Sakuya. It will help him get adjusted to others who are not members of my peerage. He has already been shifted to the underground basement in his room. Kiba is still staying in his apartment. The house has open rooms for enough people for two peerages."

"Okay, I will check the rooms later. We should gather in the hall first before deciding who will stay where." I nod to her and we enter the house together.

The house is really wonderful. It has ten rooms per floor and for all eight floors. A total of eighty rooms. It's a fucking hotel.

The Hall is really big but not too big and just cozy enough for my liking. They really know how to design a good place. Sakuya, Meredith, Morgiana, Akeno, and Koneko are waiting there already.

"Has everyone already decided on their rooms?" I asked upon taking a seat.

Sakuya starts making tea as Akeno assists her. Koneko and Morgiana are like two peas in a pod.

They even eat in a similar manner. Sometimes I wonder if they are not feline and not a squirrel instead. It's cute so it doesn't matter to me.

"We have already checked the rooms. The living quarters are mainly on the sixth and seventh floors. All of us have taken a room each on the sixth floor and your and Rias-sama's room is on the seventh floor." Meredith answers my question while reading the books that we had copied from the Gremory castle.

This is something that I discovered about her. She truly is a prodigy among the mages of Golden Dawn, a rival of Ley Fay Pendragon whose skills are known among the supernatural factions as well.

She takes interest in any type of magic book and learns every type of magic she can, though her barrier and security magic are the best among all other magic that she knows.

"That is all fine as long as you all are fine with it. Now, what about Rias' bishop? Where will he be staying?" I ask Sakuya as she is the caretaker of the mansion as well as Gasper's teacher.

"Gasper has decided to stay in the basement dungeons. A room was modified for his sake. We will have to meet him first. I was waiting for you and Rias-sama to arrive before meeting him so as to not make him uncomfortable." Sakuya replies while passing the tea to everyone.

"I think we should meet Gasper first before discussing further matters. We don't really have many members in our peerage right now so there is only so much we need to take care of when living here. I trust Sakuya and Akeno with those matters regarding the house." Rias interrupts, not that I mind.

Sakuya Izayoi is a super maid. Akeno is a decent helper for her. Meredith, Morgiana, and Koneko are kids. Same with Gasper and I and Rias can take care of us. We don't really need to discuss much regarding the living arrangements in this house.

We finish our tea while chatting on various matters and finally leave for the basement to meet the trap-vampire.

The door of his room looks like that of a horror movie's haunted room's door.

"Shin will you open the seals on the room?" Rias asks me while standing beside me. They did keep his room sealed so that his power is contained in his room and doesn't accidentally freeze anyone outside the room.

I poured some of my demonic power in the seals on the door as a Gremory Family crest forms on it. The seal was released shortly after.

The room was…unique to say the least. A girl's room, a female vampire's room that also happens to be a shut-in. Instead of a bed, there is a coffin in the room

"Gasper, you can come out now. We have new people in the house and a new place to live. Onii-sama has said that you can live with us from now on." Rias speaks in a kind voice.

"Noooooo, I dooon't want tooooooo. I like staying aloneee. Please don't bring me out." Says or rather screams a voice which for the life of me I will deny belongs to a boy.

"Gasper, we have new friends in the house. We even have someone I especially want you to meet." pointing towards me she says with a smile "He is Shin Kageyami, my fiancé. The new people are the members of his peerage."

Sakuya comes up to us slowly. She is far more experienced with these sorts of things from her time with Flandre Scarlet.

"G-G-G-Grayfia-sama, what are yooooo doingggggg here." And another one gets trolled. The fact that he is still inside the coffin does put a damper on things as I couldn't see his expression. Seriously, how does he even breathe in there? Are there any ventilation systems? How did he even know how Sakuya looked like from inside the coffin.

"My name is Sakuya Izayoi, Gasper-kun. I wanted to meet you because I was assigned to take care of you from now on." Sakuya says with a professional but kind voice. I think she sees Flandre in Gasper here.

Koneko opens the lid of the coffin without waiting for anyone and inside we see a petite looking blonde haired girl? Boy? A person, for now, I guess.

Suddenly there is a flicker or that is what I assumed it to be and the very next instant I see the trap-vampire in the corner of the room with Sakuya holding him in her arms.

In the notification screen there is a message which reminds me how weak I am.

INT Check Failed : Required INT : 2000, Current INT : 1380.

I need at least 2k INT to prevent the sacred gear from stopping my time.

That's like 62 levels of an INT class.

I really need to get my back in the IDs when I start training for Alchemist and other professions. Maybe I will complete the Umbramancer first.

"Y-y-y-y-you can walk when it happens?" asks a bewildered Gasper while looking at Sakuya.

"I can. I can also do the same and stop you from doing it, so you don't need to worry about hurting someone accidentally. I will help you until you can control your powers and my master Shin-sama and Rias-sama will help you too." answers Sakuya while comforting Gasper by softly stroking his head.

"You can introduce yourself to others now. But first, we should all go to the hall." Rias speaks up.

"B-b-but I want to stay here. There are no other people around her, I like that."

"Here, take this." I offer something I had prepared for him since I heard that he was going to live with us. A…..Dio mask from Jojo.

I am not going to have him wear that idiotic paper bag. How had none of the people in cannon not think about it is beyond me, to be honest?

"Shin! That is?" Rias looks confused.

"Gasper has an anxiety problem when he directly faces people. From what I have heard, he is fine with talking to people through his computer or a phone. This mask will work similarly and prevent others from seeing his face. It is just a substitute for now and will help him get used to people and we can later think about other means to solve his anxiety problems." I explain my reasons to Rias.

I am not doing this because I want to see a time stopping Dio. Not at all. Absolutely not….. maybe a little.

"You just wanted to see a time stopping Dio, didn't you?" Rias deadpans at me.

"Absolutely not." I look at Gasper who has worn the mask on his face looking much more relaxed now. "Gasper, can you do something for me please?" I ask in a very serious tone.


"Can you please say 'Za warudo'?"

Hey, don't judge me. How many of you decent otakus out there would pass over this chance?

A slight bonk on my head by Rias and I get back to normal. "Don't bother about him, Gasper. He is just too happy to meet you." Rias says as she drags me out of the room to the hall.

"Oh, please come on. Don't tell me that you have never thought about that before. I refuse to believe it." I complain. Futile as it may be.

The slight blush on her face is all the answer that I needed.

"The room arrangements are already decided. We need to go to school tomorrow to collect our schedules and join our classes. Morgiana is in the first year of High School, Class 1-B, Meredith is in the same class. Shin and Sakuya will be joining us in Class 2-A as transfer students. We will meet Sona before classes tomorrow to get all the details." Rias speaks addressing everyone.

"I am fine with it. I will try making some things for the security of the place. Meredith, can you please secure this house first. If you need anything for it, you can ask me. We will place different barriers on the school and the clubhouse later tomorrow. As for the territory, I have some plans for its security and surveillance which I will put in place after discussing with Rias and Sona tomorrow after school." I do have some plans regarding that.

The members of Rias' peerage escaped death several times in Kuoh merely due to some stupid plot armour and I am not sure if that will be the case anymore. I am not taking that risk anymore. I have been training Rias to get stronger, I am not going to let her peerage die without any reason now. That's absolutely counterproductive to my goals.

I will rig this whole town with surveillance devices and spying spells if that's the last thing I do so that I don't get caught off guard.

"What plans Shin?" Rias asks curiously.

"I have some plans regarding the surveillance of this town which will alert us of any supernatural activity in this town so we are not caught off-guard in case of any attacks like the Stray devil attack before." I remind her of getting a slight wince in response.

"Okay, we can do that after informing Sona. I doubt she will complain about that as long as she gets control of the surveillance equally." She assures me. I will give her some control of the spells, not completely but enough to keep her sated. I have no intention to have her as my enemy.

"As for our future plans, we are going to train after we get settled here in a few days. We have a goal to get all of you to at least four pairs of wings." I say getting incredulous gazes from Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and a 'hiiiiii' from the mini Dio in Sakuya's lap.

"Shin, eight winged devils are ultimate class devils. It is not easy to get to that level and takes a long time and training to even get close to it." Rias speaks up hesitatingly. It is understandable as she is not aware of the existence of the cheat called the Gamer System.

Instead of replying to her, I simply match gazes with my peerage members as we all release our wings at once. Eight wings behind me and Sakuya and six wings behind Meredith and Morgiana. The stunned looks and dropped jaws are just the prices for this show.

"H-How? When? Since when did you have eight wings?" asks a very flustered Rias. Guess it finally hit her. I wonder if she didn't realise it even when I released my demonic power against Oggan Phenex back then.

"I have had eight wings since the first time I became a devil. My demonic power did increase a lot though. Others had an increase of at least one pair of wings since I found them. We are going to do just that. Information is power. I want you all to keep this a secret from everyone. I have already given the bracelets to all of you and I want you all to keep wearing it all the time. Your true power levels will remain a secret so that no one can have a rough estimate of your skills and prepare any trap for you. If the last time, the stray devil had known that you were an eight winged devil, do you think she would have dared to lay that trap for you?" I explain my reason to them.

"That, no, she wouldn't," she speaks with her head lowered a bit. I can see that my words have affected all of them. One final push and they will agree to plans soon enough. I have to raise their obedience to me soon.

"I will start training you all with my peerage soon enough but you all are the ones who have to work for it. I can help you increase your strength but even I cannot do that if you yourself refuse to work. So what do you say, would you like me to train you?"

Akeno and Koneko look slightly hesitant. I guess they haven't seen my training methods so far. Gasper is fairly relaxed. Bitch is getting to sit in Sakuya's lap of course he will be relaxed.

Finally, after thinking over it for a few seconds, I get a nod of heads from all of them. Well, first part of the plan is successful for now.

"Okay, I think this is enough for today. Gasper, get along with Sakuya. She will teach you how to control your powers properly." Rias pats the head of the little vampire once more before moving on.

+10 Affection with Akeno Himejima(50/100) for agreeing to make them stronger.

Perk Gained

[Way of the Rope]

You have a way with those with submissive tendencies. Masochistic people tend to like you easily.

Easy Affection and Reputation and Obedience gains with Masochistic people.

+10 Affection with Koneko Toujo(40/100)

+10 Reputation with Gasper Valdi(40/100)

We take the stairs to the seventh floor. Taking our sweet time and slowly making our way to our rooms.

When we do reach our room, I get the biggest surprise of the night.

There is only one room with both our names on it.


I have had a constant battle against my libido for a few days. I didn't want to jump the gun and ruin the affection with any of the girls.

It's been getting worse and I am now having problems controlling it. If I do stay with her in the same room, I don't know if I would be able to control myself anymore. She has a maxed affection and obedience but ruining a relationship doesn't take much. I don't know how much I can push this system to.

"Rias, are we staying in the same room?" I ask her to be sure.

"Yes. Why you don't want to?" she gives me a look with her puppy dog eyes, those pouty lips and her beautiful crimson hair. I wonder how she will look with …. Stop it boner, I am trying to think right now.

"I of course want to." I give an instant reply placating her.

"Okay then, we can talk about the rest on the bed." She says before she starts taking off her shirt.


I knew it. She does sleep naked and it was not just an anime thing.

Red bra with black lace borders. It must be at least E cups. Her back is completely creamy white with no blemish on it. The crimson locks flowing down her back to below her curvy waist, which are on display as her skirt slides down her legs. Pure white, and absolute piece of art. Those thighs are literally calling me to grab them and see what treasures they are hiding between them.

And that wonderful panty covered ass, begging to be groped.




"Huh. Did you say something?" I reply snapping out of my thoughts. Shit, this is getting hard.

"Did something happen?" Rias asks worried slightly, her eyes sparkling in the light of the room. I wonder how her eyes will look like when she….

Before I even realised I was already close enough to her to feel her breaths on my chest. I don't even fucking know who closed the distance between us.

Grabbing her waist slightly I pull her into an embrace, feeling the soft warmth of her body against my own as her body radiates heat. I can't help but relish in it. Fuck, I have had sex before in my previous life. Although none of the girls were admittedly as gorgeous as Rias. But then again, how could they be. She is a literal devil. A manifestation of sins given physical form.

She melts in my embrace without any resistance, her half-naked form not bothering her a bit. My little D, which is not so little anymore pressing against her stomach and showing no signs of calming down.

"Rias, I don't think I would be able to hold back if you sleep with me like this. I don't think I can keep my hands or even my whole body to myself just by being in the same room. I don't want to hurt you by being too aggressive but I am not sure about my self-control anymore, " I breathe out slowly in her ears while caressing her soft and silky hair and I feel her shiver slightly in my arms.

"For the last few days, I have been having problems to hold myself back whenever I am in your presence. I don't want to lie to you but it is happening whenever I am in any girl's presence but you make it extremely hard for me to keep my hands to myself. I want us to get to know each other better as I don't want to remind you of Riser by pushing you against your wishes."

"SHIN." She snaps suddenly as she looks straight into my eyes. "YOU ARE NOT RISER. He is a filthy piece of shit that wouldn't have given a second thought and treated me like a street-side common whore without ever thinking about my feelings. You thinking this much about me already makes you much more different than that filth, so never compare yourself to him." The fire in her eyes while she says that is something that makes me shiver in anticipation of what she will become if she continues to grow.

This girl, no this woman is someone who can become worthy to stay by my side. My working after her all this time was not for nothing. I can make her someone who will be supporting me no matter what.

Without any words between us, my green staring into her turquoise, no one realised who closed the distance between us until our lips meet.

It is like an electric current passed through my body. Soft is the only word that comes to my mind. Her lips have a taste which makes me want to keep latching to it. Both of us keep tasting each other's lips, starting slowly but the passion increasing as does the force of our kiss. After who knows how long we break the kiss as both of us curse our need to breathe.

"That was ….just" she tries to say something but is stopped when my lips crash into her once more stopping her mid-sentence.

This time, there is no more the hesitation of the first kiss as she opens her lips slightly, to breathe or maybe to moan but I take away that chance from her as my tongue snakes it's way inside her mouth intertwining with her own as the delicious taste of her saliva flows on my tongue. She is caught a bit off guard but soon regains herself as she moves her own tongue in tandem with my own.

Once again taking a break to catch a breath, the taste of the other still lingering on our tongues we stare into each other's eyes.

"Wow," was all I could say. This was the best kiss in all my memory.

I can see her eyes having the same thought. Am I a leglimens already? Her eyes do gain a playful look as she looks at me.

"Shin," Rias speaks in a mischievous tone of voice.


"Would you lend me a hand in opening my bra? I can't reach my bra's hook in the back. She says while mock trying to reach her back making me gulp my spit as her breasts push up against me due to her movements.

Fuck, snap out of it me. You are not a pathetic virgin. Get your Game straight.

I grab the hook of her bra and with very little effort tore it off revealing two pristine white breasts with pink cherry-like nipples on the top begging to be eaten. Without wasting a single moment, I pick her up in a bridal carry and take her to our bed.

Without speaking any more words, I latch on to her perky nipples as a moan escapes her lips.

"Aahhhhh Shin." Her voice only serving to make my blood boil even more as I start working on her pink buds with even more vigor while my other hand works on the other one, twisting and pinching it.

After taking my time with her breasts, I make my way up her chest and towards her neck, slowly showering her with kisses and finally sucking on a patch on her neck, leaving my mark on her. She is only mine. Lust and greed showing their full force at the moment.

When I take a moment to look at her face, I am greeted by the sight of quivering lips and hazy and lust filled eyes begging me to keep going on.

No words were said and I move downwards towards her most sacred place, her panties sporting a sizable wet patch and the musk driving me further mad if that is even possible.

Diving into it face first, I rip a hole in her panties, too impatient to even consider moving it aside, and am greeted by the sight of untouched, pink lips with a patch of red above them making the sight just that exotic.

"Shin." Rias' voice a mere whisper. I give her lower lips a lick as her body shivers, I continue tasting her slowly inching towards her clit every time I take a taste of her now soaking quim and finally latch on to her clit giving it a long smooch followed by a light bite. "Shiiiiiiiiin, Aahhhh, please be gentle, mmahhhh". Her fingers grab my hair pulling at them with all her force, the slight tingle enhancing the feeling of the moment even more as she reaches her first climax covering my face and fingers in her juices.

Looking into her eyes, I suck my fingers clean causing her to blush even redder if that is even possible.

"Let me." She whispers before gently pushing me on the bed as she slides my trousers down revealing my diamond hard cock.

Slowly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she places a soft kiss on top of the tip making me shiver as her breath tickles my member.

She keeps on kissing all over the length of the rod only increasing my anticipation and lust before she gives the tip a lick. Drawing a line with her tongue, she slowly makes her way down licking the entire length and all the way back up to the tip. The agonizing pace making me want to scream and shove my whole length down her gullet and only the expression on her face keeping me from following my instincts. For all the seductive looks and pretenses Rias gives off, presenting herself, she is completely inexperienced in matters of sex.

The fact that she even took the initiative to do something for me is already praiseworthy and goes to show her feelings for me.

So I do the only sensible thing here, instruct her.

"Lick the top slowly and swirl your tongue on the tip," I whisper through my teeth. Fuck, I thought I had better resistance than this. Is it because of my Devil physique or is it the Sin of Lust? Feeling the increase in her ministrations, I continue. "Now open your mouth and take the tip in slowly. Cover your teeth with your lips and don't use your teeth when you take it inside your mouth."

As I see the tip of my cock disappearing between her pouty lips, the warmth of her mouth envelops my cock making me moan in pleasure.


She is inexperienced but makes up for it with her enthusiasm instead.

"U-Use your hands and stroke the length while you suck the tip." I breathe out through my teeth as the pleasure increases.

She is following my instructions to the tee and doing even better. I guess this is her instincts as a devil indulging in her sins.

I lay back as she continues working on my cock, sucking the tip and taking the length in a bit more each time. It is really hard to resist the instinct to just grab her head and fuck her face not caring about anything. The pleasure I am getting barely making it bearable. After ten minutes or so, the pleasure reaches its peak as I hold her crimson locks and for once give in as I shoot jets of my jizz inside her mouth. Some of it spilling out and dribbling down her lips onto her breasts making her a sight to see.

The glazed look in her teary eyes as she gulps down the semen inside her mouth before looking at me makes me unable to calm down.

No words were needed anymore. I lay her on the bed as I position myself between her legs gently rubbing the tip of my cock along her length and positioning it at her entrance. She intertwines her fingers with mine giving me her answer as I press forward, her hymen resisting my entry for a moment before it gives up against my persistence as she lets out a cry of pain with a light hint of pleasure. "Shinnn Ahhhhh i-it hur….go slower aahhhhh." Her fingers try to crush mine with little success.

Unfortunately for her, I was lost for a moment in the wonderful feeling encasing my cock completely. My body wanting to get more of the feeling as I seek more of her insides, pushing forward until I hit the end of the passage and get a cry from her breaking me from the trance.

I look at her face once more, tears streaming down her face but she is not complaining. She is not even slightly angry at me for being selfish just now and this helps me sober up a bit. This girl, no this woman in front of me deserves the best of me. I will treat her as such. There are hundreds of others for brutal hate-fucks but she is not one of them.

I slow down and lean towards her face, cleaning my semen from her body with a slight use of magic, I place gentle kisses on her lips, allowing her to adjust to my length inside her and gain her bearing once more.

Slowly she responds to my kisses as her arms find their way around me hugging me tightly. "Go on, I can take it now." She says before her lips find mine once more. I start slowly and gain momentum over time.

In minutes, the room is filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against each other as she lets slip a moan every time I thrust inside her, her grip on my back increasing in intensity as her nails dig into my skin, the light pain just serving to make my lust grow as I continue thrusting my hips against her waist. "Rias….i-I am cumming." I barely say before picking up my pace, her increasing moans are the only reply I get in return as I shoot all my seed inside her, filling her up with my white cream. Her walls tighten as she reaches her own peak and squeezes my own length like a vice, milking my cock for all its juices.

As I finish my climax, my knees lose their strength and I collapse on her breathing hard. Even with all that stamina and around 500 END, this can still make me breathe harder. The fact that I am still hard is the only credibility I have for my current stats. It looks like, my stamina translates to more areas than just fighting and HP.

"That was just…." She starts "amazing" I complete thoughts of my own.

She suddenly feels something and looks at me with a surprised gaze, "You are still hard?" I am really hard. "How can I not be when such a breath-taking girl….no woman, my woman is in my arms?" I reply making her blush.

Yes. This is worth it.

All the dangers of this world, Trihexa, Khaos Brigade, Hades, and even the ExE gods, I do feel the motivation to fight them all if I can have moments like this. Wealth, power, and women are really the main driving forces of a man.

"How about one more round?" I ask.

I get my reply when her legs lock my waist and pull me inside her.

Tonight is going to be a long one but not one I would have any shorter.

- Sakuya –

With a hand inside her apron top and the other vigorously moving hand inside her panties making sloshing sounds, Sakuya was desperately holding her moans. The sounds of the next room were doing nothing to alleviate her situation and only further aggravated her lust. In that room was the boy, no man, HER MASTER, graduating from his virginity.

He did promise her that she will be by his side even in the future.

SO how long does she have to wait? She knew that her master had a sin of lust. It was because of that very reason that she kept all those huss….other maids or girls away from him in the Bael Castle so no one could take advantage of his momentary weakness. Gremory Castle was much better as the maids were polite due to Lady Grayfia's guidance, truly an exemplary maid, one she could freely call an equal in work. It did work as her Master was becoming more prone to female presence, her presence, as she had seen his pants get tighter every time she or any of the other girls were near. She knew that he wouldn't lay hands on any of them if they did not want. He was quite soft that way.

Oh, how she wished he commanded her to go on her knees and relieve him of all his lust. She would gladly do it without any hesitance. She did swear to serve him with all her being before being summoned here….ah, before being summoned here. So he didn't know. He was being considerate towards him because he wanted her to be comfortable. For all the ruthlessness her master has towards his enemies, he was quite soft towards his own, a desirable trait, stopping him from becoming a downright tyrant. A firm balance between both sides. It was her Master alright.

Maybe she should give him some signals. NO, that would be a violation of her duties as a maid. That will not do.

She will just have to wait a bit and keep the other unwanted girls at a distance. It's not like Lady Rias could take in all his lust alone. She was not that capable.

This house is his own, he could act more freely here. Maybe she would have her chance sooner than she thought. Her hands speed up as she moves in tandem to the moans of the other room and has a blast of an orgasm.

Yes, she couldn't wait for her Master to command her to SERVE him and serve him she will.

- Akeno –

In a sparsely lit room, sounds of vibrations could be heard merging with the sounds of moans and flesh being hit.

The only source of light being the TV screen in the room displaying a certain fight or more precisely a certain Rating Game.

"Did I allow you to quit vermin?"

Ah, that cold tone. It caused a shiver to run down her spine every time she heard it. The glacial look of his emerald green eyes causing her to go weak in her knees as he looked down on his opponent and CRUSHED them mercilessly.

Akeno reveled in that ruthlessness, that feeling of dominance that he exuded when he was in the fight or rather when he was destroying his opponent.

Would he be equally dominant when he was in bed? If the moans from Rias were anything to go by then she probably would get all her wishes true soon.

Akeno still remembered the day of the Rating Game. His performance made her reach an orgasm in the middle of the game. And then when he came out, his display of power against Lord Phenex was downright suffocating for others but for her, it was….entrancing. Akeno Himejima was completely taken in by his sheer power and dominant being that day.

The sadist in her was thrilled at the prospect to meet someone of her kind while a certain part of her which she hid from everyone was all but asking her to submit to him right at that instant.

She had to be careful in his presence so as to not give it away. She was submissive but definitely not a cheap slut and she definitely didn't have it in her to get in between Rias' happiness.

….but if she was willing to share. It was not like devils having harems was something unheard of. In fact, Rias' elder brother as the odd one for having only one wife, though when she remembered who that one wife was, it kind of made sense. Also, there was that stupid thing about Satans not having harems and all that. She still didn't understand why that was so yet.

One thing was sure for Akeno, things were going to be interesting in this house.

"Shiiiiiiiiiin Aahhhhh"

"Aahhhhhh" as her hands speed up to respond to the rising heat in her nether regions, she reaches a shattering climax, leaving her entire body limp in a pleasant hazy state while she relished in the feeling.

- Shin –

I wake up feeling a soft feeling on my chest only to see a head of crimson locks in front of my eyes. Rias was holding me like a pillow. Who knew she was a hugger, not that I mind. I had been too enthusiastic last night and she had even when she was tired done her very best to keep up. I can see that she didn't want to disappoint me and it kind of make me feel like crap when the haze of lust lifted off my mind. She doesn't have as much endurance as me so she could obviously not keep up with me. But she is too prideful and too caring about me to let that get in the way.

I really need to get her up to pace fast. I guess it will be ID grinding for a while.

Checking up the notifications from the Game, I find some surprising ones.

+10 Affection with Sakuya Izayoi(50/100)

+10 Affection with Akeno Himejima(60/100)

Perk Gained

[A Maid's master]

Maids and other people of similar professions tend to gather around you easily. Your presence makes them obey more easily.

Easier Affection, Obedience, and Reputations with maids of people with the similar professions.

Hey Game, on the topic of Perks, where is my +50 affection perk with Kuisha, I ask checking the list of affections. I have to get that True Harem King perk to the next level. Kuisha is the second-highest among girls in terms of affection, right after Rias. I did spend quite a lot of time with her after all.

Perk Gained

[Heart of a Devil]

Devils are attracted to you almost instinctively as if drawn in by some unnatural force and are more willing to listen to you.

Affection, Reputation, and Obedience gains are easier with Devils.

Thanks for that game.

I thought you would never notice. Good work keeping you guard up. Constant Vigilance as they say.

The fuck Game, did Moody get you when I wasn't looking?

As if a one-eyed paranoid pest could ever hope to even be in my presence let alone get to me.

Oi, oi no need to be so defensive. Chill out, I was just joking. You seem to be slightly on edge today, what's up with that?

It's true. I haven't been with Game for too long to claim to know him quite well but he does seem to be slightly off today.

Says the no more cherry boy, I don't remember giving you the extra INT for popping your cherry.


The Game is being moody here, no pun intended.


And then it suddenly struck me.

Did you know about my condition Game?

Of course I knew. I am the one who gives you the perks and traits. I obviously know what they do.

What exactly was going to happen if I hadn't…relieved my pent up lust last night? I ask while having a slight idea of what exactly it might be.

A few more days and you would have snapped and jumped at the nearest female. I was even planning to have the Milf of the mother of your Girlfriend of her sister-in-law be close to you when it happened. The glasses girl whose sister is the Magical Girl would have worked as a good substitute if the other two were unavailable. I guess that your Love Child of Lady Luck perk was working in your favour at the time. A wasted opportunity in my opinion to be honest. Could have done so much more.


Holy crap. I dodged a…..fucking nuke right there.

The fuck Game, since when did you get that Sadistic streak. Did you start gaining random traits as well?

Why didn't you tell me about this before?

Oohhhh. I have sooo been waiting to answer a question like this. The other Game Systems always bragged about being able to pull this off on their hosts. I finally have my turn. Suck it you bitches.

Pardon my rant Host.

Answering your question.




It was because you didn't ask.

The glass of water in my hand suddenly cracked.

Did my Game have an upgrade when I was sleeping? I was never good with unwanted upgrades. What the fuck just happened to my butler-like Game?

To answer that question Host. Which self-respecting Gamer System never tries to screw their host in their entire existence?

I am a unique case. The most advanced Gamer System build by the intervention of many of the Senior Gamers. They were rather put off in some cases by the Gamer System's general disinterest in the emotions of the Gamer.

If it wasn't for the sake of quests or Game activities, then they were utterly unconcerned with the emotions of their Gamers. It made for a slight rift in the interpersonal relationship between the Gamer and the Gamer System.

To prevent this or to at least take a step forward, the Senior Gamers tweaked some of my functions and tried to give me the ability to empathise with my Gamer by understanding their emotions.

What you have as your partner is not some uncaring entity who would blatantly work as a drone not being interested in your own life. I have been programmed to be interested in my Host's life and make it better according to his inner preferences, even if he himself fails to act on them or in other words when he becomes a pussy.



I had enough things to think about. I don't really need to think about everything to do or what the Game might make me do. I am someone who likes to plan things through and not act on instinct but it seems like that part has been covered by Game for me.

Like fuck did the Senior Gamers want to create an understanding between the Gamer and the Game, they probably wanted to see someone dance around and deal with this situation

+2 Reputation with Senior Gamers(7/100) for understanding their intentions. Now deal with it.

Deep breaths.

You have dealt with staying in the void for who knows how long, you can deal with a sassy Game who has…..your instincts. I am fucked, aren't I?

"Shin" I was broken from my contemplation by a voice beside me. It seems like Rias finally woke up.

"Hmm," I reply shaking off my thoughts.

"Did something happen? You looked a bit tense just now?"

"Nothing, just thinking about my life. Things were changing so fast, I was just looking back at things." I reply not really lying.

"Don't worry about it. We will handle everything together." Aww, so sweet.

"With the things that I think are coming, I can only hope that we are strong enough. No, hoping won't do either, I will make us stronger." I say trying to remember all the events that might be going on and what is to come in the future. Even Satan Class won't cut it without plot armour.

"I believe in you."

Four words were all that was needed right now.

"Rias, I am not a normal person. I have many secrets. Secrets that can cause the entire world to be after me to use me. I cannot tell you everything right now due to various reasons but I will let you on to some of my secrets. Our new training will be one of them My entire peerage trains in the same manner and it is a well-kept secret. Do you think that your peerage members will keep it a secret no matter what." I ask her the thing that has been going through my mind all this time.

I can easily trust Rias. She has 100 Affection and that is saying something. Her peerage however is a different matter altogether. I don't know if they can keep the secret of my IDs. I don't really want this secret out to others. Not until I am strong enough to defend myself. I can always offer some bogus excuse but that will still cause suspicions.

I will get the required Affection with her peerage members soon enough but I don't know what dangers will be coming our way. I was stopped by Gasper's sacred gear yesterday and that made me realise that if Gasper's sacred gear was ever hacked like during the peace meeting in the cannon, I will be truly fucked. I don't want to feel that helpless ever again. I know that if Sakuya is near me then she can probably help me stay unfrozen but that is not something that I can rely on. The only thing that I can truly rely on is my own strength and that is why I am going to train.

I have been slacking off after reaching level 200s. It is basically the same thing as the other snobby Devils. My bracelets keep my strength hidden so the part of keeping my growth speed moderate is not required anymore.

The Game's attitude may not be a problem after all. Game said that it works on my instincts and that means both constructive and destructive instincts. I had been suppressing my instincts to become stronger faster because that would draw more attention to me. Now it is a completely different reason. I will become so strong that people will not dare try to provoke me. Super Devils don't fight normally because the destruction they can cause is too much to validate the end results. It is simply not worth it.

I know my current goal. To get to the level of Super Devil and not only myself but my entire peerage. One Super Devil is terrifying enough to not be provoked, an entire peerage of Super Devils will only be a nightmare for my enemies and those to wish to harm me.

The second part is to gain strong footage in the supernatural world with my business. This will take some time but it can be done with the Gamer System.

"I completely trust them and I promise you that they will keep whatever secret it is that you wish to keep only to themselves." Rias answers in a tone of conviction. Her determined look making my eyes soften a bit. She really cares about her peerage. Well if she says that, I can always give them a chance.

"Okay if you say so, I will talk to them all during our training."

After talking some more, we get up and freshen up with a little make out session under the shower.

I had been a bit rough last night despite my effort to control myself. I learned that lust devils are actually quite rare as the primary sin. Most of them have lust as their secondary of tertiary sin so the effect is much more subdued.

Now the fact that I had so much of it building up and considering my strength and Satan Class demonic power reserve, it was a miracle I didn't snap earlier. Rias was actually quite accepting and wanted me to let her heal naturally than use any potion for it. I did notice her collecting the bed sheets and keeping them to herself. Some sentimental value I don't really get.

The blood on the sheets making it special and something like that.

After finishing all the chores we left the room for breakfast. I did notice her limping a bit on the way to the dining room.

"Here, let me help you." I said as I carried her in a bridal carry.

"Shin!" she blushes bright red but doesn't really make an attempt to stop me.

I carried her into the dining room where

"Ara Ara, Buchou did something happen?" asks Akeno, though the mirth in her eyes and slight blush on her cheeks say a lot more.

"I-I got my ankle s-sprained yesterday." Rias makes up an excuse on the spot.

Good thinking, I am proud of you.

"Ara Ara what kind of positions did you try to sprain you ankle…. on the first night?" Akeno drops the bomb causing Rias to go red as her hair.

I saw the look on the other's face. Koneko was not looking in our direction and Morgiana was simply eating though the redness in their ears were all the answers that I needed.

Sakuya didn't show any expressions but if you looked closer you will see the slight change in her….rhythm is it? Not really noticeable by anyone until you know her well enough.

Gasper was, well, I don't know he was the same. It was hard to know behind that Dio mask of his.

And it was at this instant that I realised a very important fact.

The rooms are not soundproof.

So it was safe to assume that everyone already knew what happened.

So I did the thing that any sensible man should do, slowly placed Rias on the chair beside me and looked at Akeno, "If you want to find out, you are welcome to join our training sessions." I smile back at her.

Ah, Koneko dropped her spoon, I think I heard something like ecchi just now. Must be my imagination.

After the quiet affair that was breakfast, with some light conversations to alleviate the general mood, it was finally time for the thing that I was dreading all this while. School.

Fuck, I was a university graduate. Going back to school sounds like a sick joke. Especially a school in an anime. What's with all the clichés?

- Scene Change –

Kuoh Academy is as beautiful as I remember it from my last visit. I have to say compared to the school in my last life this one is heaven, not to say that my last life's school was anything to scoff at. It was one of the best in the entire prefecture but this one has better ration of girls to boys. And girls in general are much more beautiful than my previous life.

"W-w-what is going on?"

"Why is that bastard holding Rias-senpai?"

"N-no way, Rias-senpai has a boyfriend?"

"This cannot be happening?"

"Riajuu go explode."

I had a slight idea that this would be happening considering that last time I visited I was already getting glares from them. The girls however were a different story altogether.

"He is so hot."

"Ah, those green eyes, those glasses make him look like a handsome Onii-sama. I think I am in love."

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, he is with Rias Onee-sama. Why would he even look at you?"

"Onii-sama, isn't he the same boy who was with Rias Onee-sama a few days ago? They were walking together in the school."

"Yes, yes. I remember him."

The only thing better this time is that there were no fudoshis or at least I didn't hear them around.

"You deal with this everyday?" I asked a surprisingly unbothered Rias who was clinging on to my arm.

"They are just excited with some new gossip. It will take a few days but things will settle down."

That is not to say Rias and I were the only ones attracting attention. Sakuya, Meredith and Morgiana had already started having their own fan base already.

All in all I can say one thing with absolute certainty and that is that this school business is going to be a massive pain.

We went to the Student Council room first to collect our schedules.

The Student Council or The Stiri Peerage is the cover for Sona and her peerages base of operations in Kuoh Town. All members of the Council are her peerage members, who are Tsubaki Shinra, the Vice President and Queen, the rook Tsubasa Yura, Reya Kusaka and Momo Hanakai the bishops, Tomoe Meguri as the knight and Sona the Student Council's president and the King herself. I think Ruruko will join her peerage later. It was a notable fact that Sona carefull selected her peerage members and all of them were handpicked by her with a ceratin purpose in mind. It was her dream of creating a Rating Game School in the underworld. The members while having decent potential and strengths were by no means combat pieces like Rias' entire peerage. That is not to say that they can be underestimated. I dare say that if they were given sacred gears of equal strength, they will beat Rias' peerage more times than they lose.

Sona is just that good at strategies.

"Welcome Shin-san. It's nice to have you with us." Sona starts with a polite greeting. She is too formal until you catch her off guard like Serafall.

"Thank you for having us Sona. I am really looking forward to a normal school life for one." I smile at her while blatantly lying on her face.

I wonder if I should take an upgrade quest for my Bullshitting skill.

"I hope that Kuoh Academy can provide you with such an experience." She replies stoically but with determination. She really takes this work seriously.

"Trust me; it is not going to be so hard, considering what I know about his previous school, anything normal will be better." Rias quips in her own two bits. Not that I disagree with her.

Sona raises an eyebrow at this but doesn't question.

"We can have a detailed talk about other matters after the classes are over. We are in the same class so I will guide you all, Tsubaki will guide Meredith and Morgiana to their classrooms. We can meet after classes today." Sona says while passing the necessary papers to each of us.

We walk in relative peace. The place is actually quite beautiful if you want to have a peaceful time. Just that becoming a part of the Supernatural world is an exception to that rule.

The teacher is a middle-aged woman who looked extremely professional. I would have thought her to be the same if not for her slight blush when looking at me. She also seemed to have noticed the slight limp in Rias' gait and gives us a look. I don't need empathy to know what that means. I wonder why Sona hasn't said anything but then shelved it over after remembering that she has much more IQ and EQ than probably everyone in this school. Rias and the others take their seats while we were left to introduce ourselves.

"Hello. My name is Shin Kageyami. I am new to this place and hoping to get along with everyone." I give the standard greeting to avoid getting more attention, if that is even possible anymore.

After that I simply take my seat beside Rias as Sakuya introduces herself.

The fact that everyone was looking forward to a beautiful introducing herself was more important than the new guy in class is something I can appreciate.

"Hello. My name is Sakuya Izayoi. I am new to this town. I hope we can get along well with each other."

Unlike me however, she was showered with questions.

"Is that hair natural?"

"How do you make such nice braids?"

"Your accent is very traditional. Are you a part of an old family?"

"Were any of your parents foreigners? Your hair looks really beautiful."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

What the actual fuck.

Thank goodness or evilness for me as I am a devil, that I escaped that shit.

"Yes, my hair is natural. No I don't have a boyfriend. I am a part of an old family. I am a part of Shin-sama's house where I serve as his maid." She casually drops a bomb while looking at me.

The pin drop silence in the class gives me a moment to recall just where I fucked up and how bad I fucked up. I never told Sakuya to keep her profession a secret before we came here and that was proving to be a troublesome point.


"Bastard. How dare he have a beautiful maid?"

"Is he cheating on Rias-senpai?"

"Riajuu go explode."

Wait, wait, wait, What the actual fuck. Stop drawing conclusions already. Who says I am cheating and why are you even calling her senpai. Aren't we in the same class? Oh God….ouch have mercy.

I can see Rias looking confused with the sudden turn of events while Akeno….fuck she is smiling at me, this sadist.

Sona is looking at me with an amused gaze as if to see what I would do in this situation. Stop analyzing everything and help me out here. Aren't you the Student Council President. Take some damn responsibility.

The shouting did stop but it was due to Sakuya's voice interrupting everyone. This time however her voice was cold as ice and I had to wonder if she was learning ice magic from Grayfia when I wasn't looking.

"Shin-sama is a Lord of three Ancient and Noble houses and he is the Master I serve under as a maid. He is not someone to cheat others let alone his own betrothed. I would appreciate it if you keep your baseless accusations to yourself." She says icily causing the rest of the class to shiver.

"A Lord."

"Like a real King. Kyaaaaaa."

"Betrothed? Is he engaged to Rias-senpai."

"Nooooooo, this cannot be happening."

"Riajuu go explode"

Can this guy not think of anything new?

The class is looking at as. I am doing the best to keep my poker face and failing at it. Where is Gamers Mind when you need it?

Rias takes command for once as she hugs my arm and gives the class a nod.

It was when the teacher finally had enough and stopped the class from rioting a longer though the knowing look she send my way was saying a totally different story. This place is full of perverts.

While my first class of this new school, in this new world was starting, I realised how much of a pain it really was going to be.

It seems that I had really underestimated the anime logic all this while.

- A Mother's thoughts –

Venelana Gremory was sitting in her room in the Gremory Castle thinking about the events that she had witnessed earlier today.

Zeoticus, oh how she had grown to resent that name in all these years even though this was the name of her husband, was a cheap man at his best.

He had been roving around throwing a hissy fit when Rias' engagement with that pile of dog crap Riser Phenex, no Riser Cockroach, a very fitting new name, was canceled due to the Rating Game or even when Zekram had come with the contract before that. He knew that he couldn't get more influence from Zekram than he already had due to her being his….wife, she spit that thought out as if a bitter tasting food.

Now however it changed. Normally she would have been happy about this fact. Rias was finally happy. Shin Kageyami was like a miracle from the Satans for her daughter. So much that sometimes she thought if the boy was even real to be true. Young, respectful but smart and noble. More than anything he was Strong. Much stronger than anything she had seen anywhere else at his age except perhaps her son Sirzechs when he was younger. She had been present just outside the observation room after the Rating Game when he had made Oggan Phenex cower in fear by releasing his demonic power alone.

That level of demonic power was equal to that of a Satan. It was actually higher than her own and even Grayfia's demonic power reserves and they were string even among ultimate class devils with Grayfia having fought for the position of Leviathan against Serafall.

The boy was undoubtedly a gem, a priceless one.

Her thoughts were proved when he showcased his genius in crafting at the party on the very same evening. The artifacts that he made were things rivaled by only the Biblical God and Ajuka's creation of the Evil Pieces.

An ambitious man with the strength to back his ambitions up. Her daughter really hit the jackpot this time in the form of Shin.

It was really heartening to seem Rias smile her true smile when in his presence. She even took to training hard after that.

And just when the things were finally looking positive, Zeoticus again had to start his filthy scheming.

He was plotting stupid schemes with Oggan Phenex and lord Shax of all people, two of the people who were publically alienated by Shin.

Sometimes she had to wonder what would have happened to this fool Zeoticus if he had been born a low class devil.

He would have been killed even before he crossed his teenage years.

The plans they are making against Shin are going to fail, that much she can guarantee. It is just the thought of the repercussions affecting the relationship between Rias and Shin that haunts her mind sometimes. Her daughter is finally happy after a long time. She does not have the heart to see her being sad once more. She can only hope that Shin will not fault her for the mistakes of her father. She had seen genuine care in the eyes of the boy….or was it a man now, she looks at the broken crystal in her closet signifying the breaking of Rias' virginity status spells. Maybe they can get past this on their own.

Then again maybe it is time that she finally did her job as a mother. It has been a long time that the Brunette Madame of Extinction took the stage.

Whatever it is, one thing is sure. It will cause a major political turnover in the entire underworld and probably change the face of the Gremory House' future.

She can only hope that it is for the better.


Author's Note : Hey guys. Sorry for the late chapter. It is festival time in India and I kinda got too much into it.

As you can already see, this was a normal chapter. Things will start becoming more exciting from the next chapter.

I was pointed out that I made some mistakes regarding the timeline. The classes in Japan starts from April while it is currently October.

It won't really affect the plot much. I was never intending to follow the cannon anyway. It is just that the years that they were admitted in had to be changed due to this. Rias is still in her second year in high school and I had to adjust everything accordingly. I will be changing the details of the previous where I stated their classes and years accordingly. Sorry for the mistake here.

Anyways, I tried my hand at writing a lemon. I honestly feel I still suck at it.

I will get better, or at least try to.

I was considering timing the major events when Rias and Shin reach their third year and before that maybe handle the Wizarding world while still dabbling a bit with the supernatural world. He can use this time to stabilize his business and get his peerage members and maybe even help Rias get some for herself.

Relationship developments can be made this way too.

Anyways, I wanted some suggestions regarding the peerage. I had two characters in mind. One was Diabolo from Slime Tensei and the other was Sebastian from the Black Butler.

Someone to represent Shin in the underworld at his business as he will be staying in the human world.

I do have plans for the other peerage members so don't push too much choices on me. I don't want to change my plot because of it.

Some people might be turned off by the change in the Game's personality. I have to clear this out to prevent the rage early on. The Game didn't become a psychopath all of a sudden. It is more like, if I had to compare to it with, the shadow clones of Naruto. Doing stuff to get him in trouble, pulling pranks and stuff but never really intending him any harm.

He is not going to go evil. It is more to make the plot interesting and have him make some interesting choices down the road.

So, please don't start making assumptions regarding the future plots. If I have to make an darker fic,(I personally think this one is dark enough. More like One Piece than Akame Ga Kill, both are equally dark) I will write a separate story for it.

I have no plans to change this one anytime soon.

These two were quite similar in regards to what I wanted then to do. I do have plans for one more Slime Tensei character so at this moment, Sebastian looks more probable.

Please review.

Good Day, Peace out.