
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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37 Chs

The creation of Adam...


Kara" Okay, boys, what have you got for me?"

Winn" An Armed robbery at a pizza place on 5th and Siegel. Remember, bulletproof means bullets bounce off of you."

James" So, if you don't want anyone to get hurt, don't let the bad guys even get a shot off. Oh, yeah, and also try not to damage the suit."

Winn" I, uh, helped make that outfit. I got some mad sewing skills."

Kai" Not something you want to brag about."


Kara" Next? Ambulance caught in traffic on Donner Avenue carrying a heart attack victim."

Kai" They're not gonna make it to National City General in time."

Winn" Oh, and a fully-loaded ambulance is about 9,200 pounds, which would mean that you'd need to use a maximum of 44,498 newtons of force..."

James" Kara, what he means is, gently this time."

Kai" Took the words right out of my mouth."


Female newscaster" Supergirl rescued an ambulance stuck in traffic, saving the life of a man inside."

Male newscaster" Another super save for Supergirl. Looks like National City's hero is starting to live up to her name."

Winn" Oh! This one's the Fire Department. Ha! Kara, you're gonna love this one, it's a classic. Kitten up a tree."


Little girl" Fluffy!"

Kara" Here you go."

(CLEARS THROAT)Kara" I thought you said it was a cat."

Winn" Who names her snake Fluffy?


Male newscaster" A dazzling display of heroics by the Girl of Steel now has a grateful National City asking, "What oil spill?" Watch out, Metropolis. Looks like we're about to give you a run for your superhero money!"

Winn" I can't believe it. It's working."

James" People are really starting to believe in her. In you."

Kara" I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you. Both of you."

kai" hemth, coughing sounds."

Kara" yes you as well."

Kara/James/Winn " HAHAHAHA." all three of them were laughing because kai didn't really do much but was more of a mascot And coffee maker. But he kept everyone's spirit high. The guys also started to get more comfortable around him so that was a plus.

Winn" what, did you order more pizza? You're a beast. Kara? Kara, the cape. Your cape..."

But on the other side wasent the pizza delivery, but karas sister.

Alex" Can we talk? Do you really think it was a good idea for you to tell your friends who you are?"

Kara" Yes, because they're my friends. I'm allowed to have friends, aren't I? Or is that also against DEO rules?"

Alex" I didn't come here to fight, I came here to apologize. For how I handled things back at the DEO."

Kara looks at her sister then asked James and Winn to leave and that she will See them tomorrow.

She didn't tell kai to leave as he lives here and is already in my spare room that I cleared out for him.

The two talked and told eachothers their feelings and finally talked to each other properly again until Alex got a call to go back to the D.O.E.


Alex" What's the news on the Hellgrammite?"

Hank" We've confirmed six similar attacks on chemical plants across the country over the past year. He's been making his way to National City with enough chemical components to build a weapon of mass destruction."

DEO staff" I'm not so sure about that, sir. The tests we ran on his blood indicate his alien DNA isn't carbon-based like humans. It has a chlorine foundation. Each of those facilities stored confiscated DDT, which is a chlorine pesticide."

Hank" Well, if he's not building a weapon, what does he need DDT for?"

Alex" He's eating it."

Staff member" Right. Given his home planet's atmospheric conditions, DDT would be the closest thing on Earth he could find to food. Since DDT was banned, the government has been destroying remaining stockpiles."

Alex" His food source is shrinking."

Hank" Well, if this thing is hungry, let's buy him some dinner."


Dispatcher" Greyhound, this is Trap One, no sign of the hostile."

Hank" Copy, Trap One. Stay alert. Let's hope this movable feast is too hard to resist."

Alex" Given the Hellgrammite's superior sense of smell, he should've sensed the DDT in the atmosphere by now."

Hank" Then where the hell is he?"

Driver" Trap One, the target is on your vehicle!"




The bug jumped on Hanks car and opened the roof with his bare hands and kidnapped Alex away.

Hank" Alex!"


Right at this moment, Kara was giving James a motivational speech and telling him that she will do the interview he needs or otherwise he will be fired. It was going well and both were chating until kara got a call from hank.

Kara" Sorry. Hello."

Hank" It's Henshaw. There's been an incident. Your sister's been abducted."


Kara" I should've been there. If I was there... If you trusted me instead I could've stopped this."

Hank" Or maybe you'd be captured and dead too."

Kara" I know, to you, she's just an agent, but to me, she's my family. Does that mean anything to you? Do you have a family?"

Hank" I did."

Hank" Look, we have every satellite and tactical drone up in the air, searching this whole city for her."

Kara" And now you have me too."

Kara flies away while using her superhearing to track her down.


Alex" There is no reason to kill me or anyone in National City."

Astra" Is that what you think? That my goal is simply to kill humans? You are so very wrong. I am here to save you all."

Alex" Supergirl will find me."

kara" Director Henshaw, I got her. A warehouse at the corner of 78th and Washington." she flies of quickly ignoring Henshaw."

Hank" Miss Danvers, wait. (CLICKS TONGUE) Get a strike team ready. We're moving out."

Soldiers "Yes, sir."

Pausing for a second he considers bringing him there two. Tapping his communicator he types.

Hank" Supergirl and her sister are in danger. need back up. warehouse at the corner of 78th and Washington. And please hold back"

Archer" Be there in 3 minutes 37 seconds."


Kara walks in the were house but for some reason, she's felling Deja Vu. when suddenly


she's kicked in the back and embedded half a meter into the concrete.

(GRUNTS) kara stands up and looks at the perpetrator but is given the shock of her life.

Astra" It's been a long time, little one. Look how you've grown. So beautiful."

Kara" But you... You died. When Krypton exploded... Everyone died. You died... Aunt Astra."

Astra" Except I wasn't on Krypton when it perished."


Alex" Ahhh!"

Hellgrommite" It's nothing personal. Just every species has a will to survive."

Alex" Know what most species also have? Those." she says as she kicks him in the balls with all her strength.

Just as alex thought she had she upper hand he also attacks her injured leg and starts punching it and kicking it.

Archer" You know it's not gentlemanly like to hit a woman while she's down"

Hellgrommite" who.." he didn't even have time to register what happened next. The only thing he remembered was these two words.



Everything, weather's it be his clothes or bones broke or was shredded by that one punch to the chest.

Kai/archer" Your Alex right, you best go, your sisters worried about you."

Alex" Ahh, right...umm...thank you." She says before she hobles of to karas direction.

Kai looks away from Alexes behind and looks at the bug, but not before saying inwardly.' she really is beautiful, too bad, she's into women, I would have introduced her to Cisco.'

Kai" Sigh now what to do with you. You've hurt sister in law which is a big nono. mhh ohhh she really did kick you hard down there. That thing definitely isn't going to reproduce."


After kara took Alexes advice in martial arts she flipped her aunt over her shoulder and threw her out the building.

(PANTING)Alex" Hey!"

Kara" Are you okay?" suddenly Kara and Alex are hit with cold breath.

Astra" I saw on the news you haven't quite mastered that one yet."

Hank" Stop. Stay where you are."


In just 1 second Astra was in front of Hank and chocking him by the neck.

Astra" You possess no weapon that could harm me."

Hank" You are so wrong." he says as he takes out a knife and stabs her in the forearm.feeling the pain, Astra screams before retreating quickly."


Hank" Any more family I should know about?"

Soldier" sir the perimeter has been cleared and there are no signs of hostiles. But..."

Hank" But what spit it out."

Soldier" sir it's better If you see for yourself."

Hank" kara follow me, Danvers you just rest."

Alex" no, I'll come to, kara help me."

Hank" Sigh fine."

The moment they saw the scene, they knew why the soldier couldn't say words to describe this funny yet disturbing image.

on the wall was a painting, a painting that is well known throughout the world.


But this one was a bit different. That was because what replaced Adam was the nacked body of the helgramite. And the only thing it could consider as clothes was the card that was covering his manhood.

And on that card it said...

Hank" Minuscolo, it means teeny weeny in Italian. sigh, I told him to hold back."

Kara" who's he."

hank" Your boyfriend,"

Kara" kai was here, and he's really good at painting. why didn't he tell me."

she said while pouting abit. completely ignoring the fact that hank said boyfriend and nor denying it.

Alex' so that was the person kara really likes. At least he's strong but does he really like kara.'

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts/paragraphs that don't quite make sense even after reading twice.

Can anyone guess the reference of the card. If you can.?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️ you deserve a reward.

Kai will be going back to the the flashverse to see his brother in the next chapter or so.

Thanks for reading.

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