one month later.
A lot has happened this past month that I've been with the future team flasy flash. They found out Bette was being hunted by General wade Eiling, and that she was a former military explosives expert.
Barry brought her to S.T.A.R. Labs where the team explains to her that she was changed by the particle accelerator, which bonded bomb shrapnel to her body on a cellular level and that they cannot reverse the process.
Secretly, Wells convinces Bette to kill Eiling which she agrees with. Everyone finds out about it and barry races to stop her, sadly he was to late and Eiling shoot her, and dies in Barry's arms after mentioning Wells' name.
Her body started to glow purple and turned into a bomb. Barry using more speed than normal speeds off with the body and drops it in the river to save the city from the massive explosion.
What everyone doesn't know except barry and myself is that when barry was going to pick her up and run I showed up and defused the reactive cells in her body, barry was shocked by what I had did, but kept quiet until I explained later.
Giving barry an bomb that's the same scale as bette I tell him to do what he would have done while I disappear with bettes body.
Having one of my clones always following wells I see Eiling visits, Wells, demanding that they work together once again, this time to collect metahumans. Wells refuses and warns Eiling to never return to S.T.A.R. Labs. Which reminded me about a memory 5 years ago where he said the same thing sigh Barry will have to face that monkey oh I mean gorilla soon.
After dealing with that fiasco I talk to Barry about my powers of course, not all of them just a few minor ones.
He thinks it's because of the particle accelerator which is the easiest way to explain my powers. I can't just go and tell him hey bro I'm actually a reincarnater from another world who saw you in a tv show and got powers from an all-powerful Messiah. Definitely not doing that.
So telling him I got powers from the accelerator was the best idea. I also told him to keep it a secret from the others until I feel ready to show them to others.
Two weeks passed after the little reaveal and Barry is speeding off to stop a car thief, but the thief's skin turns to steel and Barry breaks his hand while punching.
He runs back to the lab before he can be hurt further. The thief is identified as Tony Woodward, Barry's childhood bully. And Back at the lab, Cisco determines that if Barry can hit Woodward with a specific velocity at right angle, then he can create enough force to compromise Woodward's metal structure. But Woodward also kidnaps Iris and demands that she write about him.
Barry" Guys, you there?" barry asks as he runs through the city.
Cisco" Yeah, man, what's up?"
Barry" Tony took Iris. I need you to do whatever you can to help me find her."
Cisco" All right?"
Barry" Satellites, security cameras. Hack 'em all."
Caitlin" We're on it." She was about to look for her when kai went near her earpiece and said " she's at your old elementary."
Barry" Thanks" Barry thanks his brother while and speeds of to save iris. Caitlin and Cisco look at kai to ask how he knew. But all they got was a sly giggle.
Kai" What, all I did was put trackers on Barry's and iris's phones to know where they are 247 to make sure they're safe. Just looking out for the family."
But if I so much as a hair is gone on her head it won't matter how hard you are tony. I'll break you. Tho I didn't touch you because you were a kid back then, plus u shaped Barry's personality for the better I didn't touch you. But you aren't a kid anymore, so whatever happens after this will be on you.
Central city elementary
Tony" Remember this place, Iris?" Tony says as he lets go of irises elbow roughly. Which had already brought Kai's anger to a boiling point as he watches through his clones eyes.
Iris" So what's the plan here, Tony? You finally gonna go for that G.E.D?"
Kai' good one rere you tell him.'
Tony" You want a plan? How's this? You used to write about The Streak, right? Now you're gonna write about me."
Iris" You just abducted me, Tony. Why would I do that?"
Tony" Because The Streak is dead."
Iris" No."
Tony" Squashed like a little bug by me. So if you don't want the same thing to happen to you, you're gonna tell the whole world that there's a NEW BIG MAN ON CAMPUS! And I'm just getting started."
Iris" You could have anybody write about you, Tony. Why me?"
Tony "Cause I like you, Iris. Always have."
Kai' bitch please like iris would belive those...'
Iris" You should have said something."
Kai" Iris don't believe that bad boy's flirty words"
[Fire alarm alarming] Iris pulls the smoke alarm that's right next to tony and tries to run for it only to be grabbed by the arm again and threatened.
Tony" You try anything like that again and I'm gonna leave more than a bruise!"
kai" Its decided I'm gonna leave you with no family jewels."
Central city police station
Koe" Eddie, anything yet?"
Eddie" We have roadblocks on every major artery. Units are searching. We will find Iris, Joe."
Joe" You don't think he'll hurt her, do you?"
Police officer" Sir, sir, we got a fire alarm call at Carmichael Elementary."
Eddie" Dispatch the fire department."
eddie" We'll send backup when we can."
Joe' Wait that's the school you and Iris went to. And Tony.'
Elementary school
Iris" Tony, turn yourself in before things get worse. It's not too late."
Tony" Yeah, it is. Cops are already looking for me, so get ready to cover the showdown of a lifetime cause I'm not going out without a fight."
Suddenly a gust of wind appeared.
Barry" Good, cause you just found one."
Tony" You just won't stay dead. Come to save your little fangirl?"
Barry" This is between us. Let her go."
Tony" Oh, I could, but I'd rather make her watch while I break every bone in your body. Wait here."
Tony starts to frow punches and jabs at barry but they all miss.
Barry" Too slow, tin man."
Tony" Aah!" he frows a punch out of rage but mises again.
Barry" I've known guys like you. Peaked in high school. Never got over it. All these powers, and look at you! Bully then, bully now."
Barry grabs a metal pole and hits tony in the face with it.
Kai" idiot, damn I should have taught him how to fight. And some common sense to."
Barry's hit made absolutely no damage whatsoever and in fact, got a chuckle from Tony who grabbed the pipe and spuns around with it slamming barry to the wall 5 times.
As if barry heard Kai's inner scream, he let go but not without injury.
Caitlin" He's hurt."
Iris" No!"
14 years old
Joe" If you do come up against somebody you know you can't beat, be smart. It's okay to run the other way."
2 days ago
Wells" Any material, if struck at a high enough velocity can be compromised.
Cisco" We ran an analysis on the metal in Tony's footprint. Based on its density and atomic structure, if you impact it at just the right angle, at just the right speed, you could do some serious damage."
Barry" How fast would I have to go?"
Cisco" Factoring in the metal's tensile strength, estimated dermal thickness, atmospheric pressure, air temp, you'd have to hit him at approximately... Mach 1.1."
Caitlin" You want Barry to hit something at 800 miles an hour?"
Cisco" 837, actually."
Caitlin" That's faster than the speed of sound."
Cisco" I know. He would create a sonic boom, which, as I've said before, would be awesome."
Barry" I've never gone that fast."
Wells" Yet."
Caitlin" I can't believe we're actually entertaining this idea."
Cisco" I mean, he'd need a straight shot from Miles away yeah, 5.3 Miles, theoretically."
Caitlin" Do it right, you'll take him down. Do it wrong, you'll shatter every bone in your body."
Gathering the courage barry quickly runs away before tony could hit him while he's down.
Tony" HAHAHAThere goes your hero."
Cisco" He made it out."
Caitlin" Barely. Why did he stop?"
Cisco Responds with a smile "He's miles away. 5.3 miles away."
Caitlin" Barry, wait!"
Cisco" 69,150, 200 ,300, 450, 570, 610, 755 No way. He's gonna do it! Go, man, go!"
Caitlin was scared but kai held her by the shoulder.
Kai" Don't worry, he can do it."
[Car alarms blaring] [Sonic boom]
Tony" what the..." he couldnt finish his sentence as he was succer punched right in the jaw removing his transformation as a metal man.
Cisco" Unh! Supersonic punch, baby!"
Whoo! [Moans] [Grunts] Just as Tony was about to get up for a second time Iris finishes him of and K.Os him."
Barry" Nice cross."
Iris" Yeah, I think I broke my hand."
Barry" Oh, me too."
Tony" Hey! What is this? Where the hell am I?"
Tony said he sees himself in a small box with a window.
Allen" Somewhere you'll never hurt anyone ever again."
Tony" Who the hell do you think you are?"
Barry" You know who I am." barry says as he walks out the shadow.
Tony" Allen?"
Barry" The thing that happened to you, Tony, it happened to me too, but it didn't just give us abilities. It made us more of who we are. You got strong. I got fast. Fast enough to beat you. You used your gift to hurt people. Not anymore."
Tony" Allen. Allen. Allen, don't walk away from me, Allen! Hey! Come back here! Allen! Allen!"
As the lock shut behind barry Tony was still cursing and shouting Barry's name.
???" You know even if you shout his name he won't come back"
Tony" Whos there."
???" Sigh, Tony, Tony, Tony, you had it all women, money you stole and now power. But in the end, you were defeated by the weakling you used to bully."
Suddenly a massive amount of killing intent swarmed the whole room penetrating the cage Tony was put in. This time the person spoke in a more emotionless voice than before.
???" Sadly I can't kill you as I promised myself I would never try to kill if possible. Especially if it's idiots like you. Your just not worth it to get my hands dirty. But know this... I never let those who hurt my family and loved ones get off. weather I put them through pain the moment They hurt my family or 20 years later, in the end, they will taste my wrath.
Tony" shut up, BASTARD, WHo are you." Tony was starting to get worried the killing intent was increasing by the second and weighing heavily on his body mind and soul.
???" mhh, to one I'm there big brother, to others I'm their friend, to a special three I'm the person they might want to spend the rest of their lives with. But to you Tony..."
Kai" so what will we be doing in our simulation today Kitty." Kai asks as he looks at the giant pich black hole bellow.
Amora responded in a cool tone." Today we will be training your mental fortitude. You may be strong when it comes to powers and physical abilities, but when it comes to the mental game any low-level demon could probably scare you to death. Tho your immortal, your mind isent. So from now on, you won't leave the simulation until your able to make the demons fear you and satan cry in your presence."
kai" You can't be serious." But he didn't get an answer. All he got was a kick straight to the face being sent straight into 10,000 deep dark abyss which was frightening to say the least. He could also only feel like 20 per cent of his power and 80 percent being sealed.
Kai" But To you tony I will be.....Your worst nightmare."
Kai looks up with such lifeless eyes that now have spirals one purple and one blue. They looked mesmerizing but to Tony, they were a whole different story. On this day tony would experience things that even made demons cry.
5 hours later kai teleports from the room where things looked normal.
Kai" Sigh, that's one idiot down my bucket list, your not far behind Eobard thawne." sigh I'm stressed I want to cuddle amora or kara, mhh I'm going back in a week so first I need to take Caitlin on that date I promised.
Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts that don't quite make sense even after reading twice.
So this is kais cruelside to those who are his enemies. So for those who think kai maybe quirky or to nice. That's all for his family. He only wants them to keep on smiling. And flash backs to those 5000 years of training will be a reacuring thing. Hope you Liked my longest chapter yet. If not tell me why so I can maybe change afew things.
Thanks for reading. Have a great Christmas.