
The Fire Conquorer

A Man's journey from soldier to royalty... Read and Enjoy the fic

Uchiha_SasukeT7 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter #5 Conquest of Doto Island

Doto Island, known for its gold reserves, is the most wealthy Island in the land of water. Being in the region, It is no wonder it's under the protection of Kirigakure. That was the reason people never attacked it before and that's the reason why it's going to be attacked now.

The docks of Doto Island were very lively that morning. With ships anchored near it, fishermen unloading the fish that they caught, traders unloading various spices, and textile traders unloading crates full of yarn. The guards had to coordinate all of these transactions and make sure it is accounted for on paper by the accountants.

" Work today is hectic as usual. ", a guard commented with a sigh.

" Tell me about it. The influx of ships has gone up in recent weeks. ", His colleague replied.

" Well, at least we will be paid well for this. ", The guard stated

" That is true. ", His colleague responded.

" Senpai!!! ", a younger guard called for them.

" What is the matter kid? ", The guard asked his junior.

" A large fleet of ships has reached the southern shore. ", The junior informed him.

" What? Did you inform the chieftain? ", The guard asked the junior.

" I've sent a bird detailing this to the general. ", The junior replied.

" Let's get all our troops out there as the first line of Defence and pray that we can hold these b***ards until more Kirigakure forces arrive. ", His colleague ordered as they started to run off to the shore with weapons.

A large fleet of ships anchored itself near the southern shore of Doto Island, The forefront of the ships detached itself from the top and fell down as a bridge connecting the shore and the inside of the ship. Fleets of soldiers marched down the bridge. The forces of Kiri and the guards from the docks stood by the shore in formation, guarding the southern city gate while the invading fleet was on the shoreline, ready for the battle.

In the forefront of the invading fleet, stood the raven-haired Assassin turned General, Sasuke, in his armor-clad state. He sat on his horse in opposition to the large fleet of Doto and Kiri forces combined. A small smirk was evident on his face at the place of war. A horse from the Doto fleet approached them, carrying the white/black flag, conveying that he is a messenger. As he reached Sasuke, he slowed down and stooped in front of Sasuke.

" I have a message from the general of Doto Island. ", The messenger told Sasuke.

" What is it? ", Sasuke asked in response.

" We outnumber you by hundreds. Retreat now or face the consequences. ", The messenger told him in a serious tone.

Sasuke gave a response to the messenger and sent him back toward the opposing fleet. As the messenger rode out, Sasuke turned around to his troops and signaled for them to get ready. The Infantry, armed with spears, armor, and large shields, united to form and semi-circular wall. Leading them was Sasuke's closest aide, Juugo.

" Sasuke!! ", A voice called out to Sasuke.

" Hmm. What is it, Suigetsu? ", Sasuke asked the lean-built young man of average height, straight white hair with a light-blue tint, almond-shaped purple eyes, and pointed teeth.

" Are you sure about this? They have troops nearly thrice ours. ", Suigetsu asked his leader.

" They may have thrice the numbers but have one-third of the desire, bravery, and skill we have.", Sasuke replied with a confident smirk.

" There you go acting all high and mighty. Well, we're ready to strike when you command us. ", Suigetsu said with a smirk as the second layer of infantry who operate cannons and other artilleries who he commands, stand with their heads tall in high morale.

" Karin, how are the archers? ", Sasuke asked a woman with crimson eyes, fair skin, and the characteristic red hair of the Uzumaki clan which is short and spiky on the right side, while longer and straight on the left side, who stood near him on a horse.

" The archers are at high morale and are ready to rain the enemy down with arrows. ", Karin replied to him as the archers stood in an arrow-shaped formation.

" Then, be ready with the horns. We'll signal out an agreement to battle once the other side does. ", Sasuke announced to his army, getting his response from the thumping of the weapons on the ground.

On the opposing side,

The messenger had reached the captain general's spot. The general sent the messenger to warn and get the formations of the enemy. He was surprised to hear that the enemy organized themselves in a formation of layers of soldiers. The general smirked to himself, knowing how to break the formation easily. Moreover, he has the number advantage, he can take care of them without a thought.

" So, what did the opposing general say? Did he beg for mercy? Did he adhere to us and prepare to run away? Uhmmm? ", The general asked the messenger.

" My lord, he refused to withdraw. ", The messenger replied.

" Hahahaha!!!! I thought he would be smart but this guy is dumb as a rock. Well, let's give him the death that he wishes so much for. ", The general exclaimed.

" He sent you a message of his own, my lord. ", The messenger informed him.

" Well, what is it? ", The general asked nonchalantly.

" Kei or Wine, Doto is mine. ", The messenger stated.

" How dare you speak of my wife like that?!!! ", The general spouted in anger reaching for his blade.

" This was the message, my lord. ", The messenger said as he raised his arms to protect himself.

" I'll make sure to have that b***ards head for this!!!! ", The general screamed as he ordered his men to blow the horns, announcing the acceptance in battle.

On Sasuke's side,

Sasuke signaled for his men to blow the horns. Thus, both sides have accepted to have a battle on the southern shore. The tension in the soldiers' minds was evident. How are they going to fare here? Will they win over an army thrice their size? Will they even remain alive to see the Uzu flag raised on Doto or retreat to their homeland?

" Seize these thoughts of doubt. You can think of going to battle or not before it a thousand times. But, if you have blown the horn, think not even once. Be sure of your goals. You are not fighting for some individual. You are fighting for the betterment of your motherland and the people it nourishes. Have that spirit in your chest and.....Advance!!!! ", As if he read their minds, Sasuke announced to them.

" Go forward and destroy them!!!! ", The opposing general commanded his army.

With sounds of aggression hurled from both sides, they took off toward each other to clash in the middle of the battlefield. The opposing general stood behind his large infantry and artillery with a smirk. Soldiers died by the hundreds at each slash and stab undertaken on and by both sides. Throughout this, Sasuke rode through the battlefield while slashing the enemies who come to attack him on foot.

Artillery boulders and fireballs were thrown from both sides. Since Sasuke's army used the wedge formation of the second layer of infantry. This gave the artillery the advantage of absolute resistance from the occupation of enemy soldiers. Juugo, with his incredible defenses and strength, killed enemy soldiers on the ground with the blades attached to his arm. The Infantry in the front offered protection from arrows with their shields. Suigetsu slashed opposing soldiers in mass with his broad sword.

" Who are these people? They have taken care of many soldiers just on their own. ", The general asked subordinates in shock as they saw Juugo and Suigetsu's attacks.

The infantry in the middle made sure that no one reaches the archers and protected the artillery operators. Karin, with her archers, made sure a rain of arrows poured down on the enemies. While all of this went on, Sasuke slashed a soldier who tried to knock him off the horse with his Kusanagi katana. He blocked an attack from another one with a knife and countered with a stab through the eyes. As more soldiers came toward him to attack, Sasuke neighed his horse to run faster. Sasuke defeated more enemies that approached him while riding toward the captain-general at a fast rate.

" Someone! Anyone! Bring me his head! ", The general barked at his subordinates in fear.

His three subordinates went forward in horses and surrounded Sasuke in a circle. Sasuke took a look at all three of them before reading his blade. One of them attacked him with a slash which he parried. But, that left him wide open on his back. The other two seized this opportunity to slash it. Thankfully, the Uzushio-quality armor shielded him from such a fatal attack. Sasuke stared at the three subordinates that went around him in a circle like vultures.

" To kill a tiger, you only need 3 wolves. Let's see if you can escape my three subordinates. ", The general said with a burst of sadistic laughter.

As Sasuke finished listening to the generals' taunts, one of the subordinates attacked him. He, of course, defended himself but it still left him open on his back. As the other two took this opportunity, Sasuke jumped up from the horse, dodging the sword's contact with his skin. His armor fell off as they attacked the frame of it. Sasuke sat there while gritting his teeth in frustration as he dwelled in this helpless state.

" You're dead meat, Tiger. Your single claw won't help you. ", One of the subordinates exclaimed before attacking him again.

As Sasuke heard that, a look of realization dawned on his face. He blocked the attack of the subordinate, just as before. So, the other two attacked him on his back again. As their blades went near to his skin, another blade stooped them right there. The three subordinates and the general had shock written on their faces. Sasuke had dual-wielded Kusanagi and another katana that he used to defend himself from the other two. After the three subordinate withdrew their blades,

Sasuke launched himself to the sky and dropped down to them, as he reached them mid-air, he slashed off their heads. Like a hawk landing on its nest, Sasuke landed smoothly on his horse. The general who stood by and ordered this was on his toes. For the first time in his life, he was afraid for his life. He took off towards Sasuke and swung his blade at his throat. Sasuke blocked it with his left sword and attacked with his right. The general defended himself well and took a few steps back.

" Aaa!!!!!!", He shouted as he proceeded to raise his sword and jumped forward for a downward slash.

" Humph!! ", Sasuke breathed out as he countered it by making his blades line up in X format and caught the general's blade in the middle of it.

" Ha!!! ", Sasuke growled as he forced the blade off with a strong swing.

" Wagh?!!! ", the general scowled as he lost his guard in that swing of Sasuke.

" Aaaa!!! ", Sasuke shouted in rage as he took off at this moment and slashed off the general's head from his body.

The general's severed head was put on display in the middle of the battlefield, signifying Sasuke's victory and the official takeover of Doto Island by Uzushiogakure. As the flag of Uzu went up on the city's center pole, soldiers on the winning side celebrated with sounds and laughter of joy. The town hosted the army with a lot of after-war sake and a feast. Sasuke, who is not that much of a people person, joined his army at the feast and ate with them. With Suigetsu, Juugo, and Karin next to him, he shared the glory of this victory with his whole army.

" Hey Sasuke, since we are done with food, why don't go out and have some fun with the lovely ladies of Doto Island? ", Suigetsu asked Sasuke while Juugo stood behind him.

" You never change, do you Suigetsu? ", Sasuke asked Suigetsu with a long sigh.

" Your behavior is unbecoming of a warrior Suigetsu. ", Juugo stated.

" Why am I the bad guy for stating the obvious? ", Suigetsu asked them which was overshadowed by a child's scream.

Sasuke immediately took off in that direction with the other two following behind. As he reached the spot, he found a little kid trying to tug on a soldier, part of the defeated side, who had his arms around a woman with long dark blue-colored hair and black eyes. She wore a beautiful kimono, mostly worn by visitors. There was an old man lying on the ground next to him, who was injured.

" Let her go! Let mommy go you meanie! ", the kid screamed as he tugged on the soldier.

" Inari, let him go!!! ", The woman, who is the kid's mother, screamed the warning at the kid.

As the kid was reluctant to let go, the drunk soldier just kicked the kid off him. The kid fell on his back and lost consciousness. The mother of the kid screamed for the little child. The old man, seemingly the woman's father, went to attack the soldier but was countered and beaten down. The soldier finally turned towards the woman with clear lust evident in his behavior.

" Now, to enjoy you to my heart's content. ", He said as his hands went to her belt and the woman closed her eyes in shame.

" Someone....please save us....", She whispered with tears flowing down her eyes in sorrow and hopelessness.

She thought that surely she would be defiled in the next few moments and will become tarnished by this monster's parasitical essence in her. But, none of it happened, even after a long passage of time. Her kimono belt was not loosened, she was not held by the monster and she felt her being picked by someone in a graceful manner.

She opened her eyes to find the most handsome man in the world picking her up in his arms. She was so frozen in shock that she could not utter a word. She could spot her father being helped by a large man with orange hair. As that broke her out of the shock, she panicked. She was reminded of her son. Her precious little boy who she loves to death was hurt by that soldier and fell unconscious.

" Your son is safe. ", The man told her as if he read her mind.

" Where is he? ", She asked him desperately.

The man adjusted his direction of travel so that she could spot her son carried by a red-haired woman who had apparently fixed his wounds.

" His wounds are not that serious. Resting for a few days will make him good as new. ", The man told her.

" Thank Kami... Thank you so much for saving up from that monster. ", She told him.

" Think nothing of it. It is the duty of a warrior to help those in need. ", The man replied.

" Yes, can I ask your name? ", She asked him.

" Sasuke. Shall I ask your name, beautiful mother? ", He replied.

" Tsunami...", The woman replied with a blush on her face.

" Hold tight, We'll bring you to a place to rest ", Sasuke told her as he walked forward with Tsunami in his arms.