
The Fire Conquorer

A Man's journey from soldier to royalty... Read and Enjoy the fic

Uchiha_SasukeT7 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter #4: New Mission


The streets were filled with people to pay their respects to the fallen King. Minato's coffin was made to take a procession through the whole of Uzushiogakure for people to pay their respects to him. The carriage driver that drove the coffin around was Sasuke. Kushina, and her daughter Naruko, stood next to the casket in the carriage.

At the end of the procession, it was brought to the crematory site where the coffin was set on fire by two arrows shot by Kushina and Naruko, sending their husband & father, onto the next world. The tears that flowed out of their eyes were immeasurable, and their pain was infinite. Sasuke stood in silence with Nagato and Konan next to him near the mother and daughter in orders by Kushina as she thought Minato would've wanted him to be there. Obito, who never wanted to come out in public, stood behind Kushina, offering his condolences and grieving his teacher's death.

After a few days,

" It is so great to see you, Obito. ", Kushina greeted him.

" I as well but I wish the situation was a bit different. ", Obito responded with sadness evident in his eyes.

" I share the same feeling.....So, is it true that you are the Amegakure's true leader? ", Kushina asked while wiping a tear from her eye.

" No. Yahiko is the leader of Ame. I am one of the leaders of Akatsuki ", Obito replied.

" The organization that was started by Master Jiraya's other three students for 'world peace'? ", Kushina asked.

" Yes.... ", Obito replied.

" Yet, you had Kazu Uzumaki assassinated by Sasuke the day the ambassador arrived here. ", Kushina pointed out.

" Peace can only be achieved if the people have freedom. We are eliminating people taking those freedoms and by that achieve peace. ", Obito replied.

" Too much freedom causes anarchy.... ", Kushina pointed out.

" No, Freedom is Peace! ", Obito stated.

" Hey, look at you being all philosophically accurate....as if I'd say something like that on my life. ", Kushina said in anger with her hair flying in the air like medusa head snakes.

" I may have been scared by that back then but not now. ", Obito replied with a comical, angry face.

" Well, let's see who is right, tell him Sasuke. ", Kushina directed her face to him as she said it.

" Tell her that I'm right, Sasuke. ", Obito said that with the same intensity.

' When did I become a part of this debate? ', Sasuke thought to himself while giving out a face that meant ' kill me now '.

" Sasuke, tell me, who's right?! ", Kushina pressured him.

" Tell me?! ", Obito pressured him as well.

" BOTH!!! ", Sasuke said sharply, cutting them off.

" What? ", Kushina and Obito asked in unison.

" Yes, both are right. People should be free to choose how they conduct their affairs but they should be monitored and punished when they cross boundaries. That is the only way a society can progress. Hence, I choose both, and if you can't digest that, the doctor's downstairs. ", Sasuke stated it like a king ordering his subjects.

" You are handsomely right, Sasuke. ", Obito stated.

" I can't disagree with that. ", Kushina stated.

It was announced that Amegakure handed over Minato's body after preserving it in a coffin. They could not hand it over during the civil war and Hanzo wanted to use it as a negotiation tool. By this, the relations between Ame and Uzu were more vital than ever. This officially marked the success of Sasuke, The Assassin. Sasuke's demands for private troops to conquer other villages were accepted under a condition. The condition was that Sasuke must work as a general for Uzushiogakure under the Queen's orders.

After the coronation of his as a General,

The Queen's meeting room,

" Did you ask for me, your majesty? ", Sasuke asked as he stood in front of Kushina and Naruko in Uzushiogakure general armor.

" Yes, General Sasuke. I have a mission for you. ", Kushina answered.

" May I ask what it entails? ", Sasuke asked in response.

" You may. As you know, Kirigakure is making its moves on the ports Amegakure owns in the Land of Fire docks. ", She started to explain.

" I am aware of that, My Queen. ", Sasuke replied.

" Fortunately or Unfortunately, Uzushiogakure stands between them and the ports. Hence, they are making their moves on us as well. ", Naruko continued.

" That remains the truth, " Sasuke stated in response while moving his eyebrow upwards.

" Is there something you wish to tell me on this subject? ", Kushina asked him noticing that.

" Kirigakure spies have infiltrated the kingdom already. ", Sasuke replied.

" We already knew that. ", Naruko replied.

" Did you know that they're putting together an army of outsiders to attack the city on the inside? ", Sasuke asked nonchalantly.

" NANI????? ", Naruko gasped as she asked him.

" Guards are letting people in without checking their faces and nobles who control the port under you are letting Kirigakure soldiers in the country as fishermen. It seems Uzushiogakure isn't all that impenetrable? ", Sasuke stated earning the gasps of the two Uzumakis in front of him.

" I had predicted that this would happen but not this soon. How could I have let this happen? I'll have their heads for this betrayal, Dattebane~ ", Kushina stated in anger as she punched the table in front of her.

" It's not your fault. You are indeed more experienced than me in these issues so you would've taken action to prevent this. ", Sasuke stated.

" Then, how did they do this? ", Kushina questioned him.

" But, these people have come in mostly during your mother's regime, not yours. Under your rule, you made sure that this didn't happen but, the private forces of nobles are a good cover for these people to come in. Provided, I came into the palace using that after assassinating Kazu. ", Sasuke replied.

" Then, what do we do? ", Naruko asked.

" Make sure security is doing their job and also tighten rules for trade. For the fishers, keeping a record of fishermen going to sea and making a rule that only they are allowed to supply to us. ", Kushina stated like a queen.

" I'll make sure the corrupt officers have tasked care off with Ero-Senin and my personal army. ", Naruko stated.

" I have the names of some. I suppose that is enough for your men to get rid of these termites. ", Sasuke told them.

" We will wipe them off the face of Uzu, Dattebayo~ ", Naruko remarked with newfound energy.

" Back to the topic. I want you to go with troops and conquer Doto Island. ", Kushina told him, calming herself down.

" Get their gold reserves in it as a negotiable asset. What else? ", Sasuke asked her.

" ' Stay away from Uzu or face the Kyuubi's wrath. ', pass this message to Kiri ", She stated to Sasuke.

" It shall be done. If that's all, shall I take my leave to get ready? ", Sasuke asked them with a look of acknowledgment.

" You shall. ", Naruko and Kushina replied at the same time and Sasuke left the room with a nod.

" You were right Mom. He is different than other men. ", Naruko told Kushina.

" Handsome too. ", Kushina commented.

" Mom!!!! ", Naruko gasped at her in a cute manner, earning a laugh from Kushina.

Days later,

Sasuke stood on the ship posing as a fisherman. The soldiers under his command were also in disguise. The sea was large and wide, looking endless and breathtaking. Sasuke let the salty air gently breeze near him as he closed his eyes. The face of a fair-skinned woman with long, straight black hair with bangs hanging on either side of her face roughly frames her cheeks and black eyes emerged. A small moment of happiness was felt but was ripped off when that straight black hair disheveled, blood dripped from those lips and black eyes were dead.

" Sasuke-sama... ", a voice called out to him.

" What? ", Sasuke asked as he opened his eyes with his flow of thought broken.

" It is high time for you to rest. We still have a few days of travel left. ", The voice belonged to a very tall, muscular young man who had spiky orange hair and red-orange eyes.

" I will be in some time, Juugo. Make sure you, Karin, Suigetsu all the others get enough rest as well. ", Sasuke replied as he looked at the horizon.

" As you say. ", Juugo replied as he walks off to the other members of the crew.

' Soon, I will accomplish my goal. ', Sasuke thought to himself as he clutched his sword.

[A/N: Updated on 26-12-22 ]

[A/N: Commenting will help develop the story and take it to the next level. Thank You.]