
Chapter 6

I punched a tree, making it fall to the ground with a loud 'thud', as soon as Nicolas let go off my hand. The next minute was like that, me punching trees and them falling to the ground. Nicolas and Dexter placed a hand on both my shoulders once I calmed down enough. I sighed and turned around to face them.

"Explain, everything" They looked at each other and nodded.

"We became allies when the brother of Lucifer revealed that his other half was an Archangel. A battle rose but in the end we let it in the past and became allies, since he wasn't the only demon with an angel as his other half. A decade after our alliance, the other races found out about it and they weren't as understanding as we imagined they would be" Nicolas began. I nodded and Dexter continued.

"They found out that after they killed a demon, we became dust; same with the angels, and they experimented on it until they found out how to mix them together to make more powerful spells and potions. We call it 'Daemonis et Angeli pulverem'. A deadly weapon if they do not use it wisely" I nodded and frowned.

They started a war between the angels and the demons because of some dust? They to start a for some dust? That leaves me speechless. I shook my head disapprovingly and motioned for them to continue.

"They want the dust and our lands. They want you to help them because you're more powerful than them together" Nicolas said and I nodded.

"But we do not wish for a battle, they do; but we are prepared for anything, just in case" Dexter ran a hand through his hair and I didn't miss the hint of desperation, sadness and impotence his eyes gave. I reached out and hugged Dexter without thinking, and he quickly hugged me back.

"I will help you, all of you..." I whispered in his ear. He hugged me tighter and relaxed.

"Thank you, Agrona..." He gently whispered. We separated and I nodded at them as I smiled softly.

"I have an idea" They looked at me and nodded. "I will go talk to them and go undercover" They nodded and smiled.

"That's brilliant!" I nodded and continued.

"But I want to talk with Lucifer in person" They grinned and nodded frantically. I smiled at them.

"Well, now that we have everything planned..." I paused and grinned maliciously. "Let the game begin" I turned around to leave until Nicolas stopped me.

"We are really sorry for Cassie, Agrona" I turned around and locked eyes with him; I smiled gratefully and nodded.

"I know she's in a better place"

"And thank you, for helping us and understanding. Thank you..." Dexter said; I smiled softly and nodded at them.

"Any time" I said just as they began to vanish in front of my eyes.


I walked silently and hid in the shadows as I entered the council house again; my eyes looked around cautiously, waiting and searching for something unexpected.

There were five doors in the hallway; four were brown with different white tribal designs on them and the fifth was the big oak door where the assholes were sitting. I walked towards the first door and opened it. I snarled at the room and sighed. It was a fucking restroom. I would've laugh at the situation if I wasn't looking for something useful.

I moved to the second door and closed it right away. Why the fuck would they want a kitchen in here?

I growled quietly and moved to the third. I opened it and grinned; it was an office. I entered silently and closed the door behind me. I looked around and made a disgusted face.

The office was plane, dull. The walls were dark red, without windows and the room had little illumination. There was a desk in the center of the office with a black chair behind it and two black couches in front of it. And that was it; nothing more.

I walked cautiously towards the desk as I looked around the room, searching for something useful. I reached the desk and walked behind it. I sat on the chair and grinned at the drawers in front of me. I rummaged through every drawer, there were five drawers, and I was on the fourth without any type of luck. I reached the fifth and opened it; I rummaged through the papers until one letter caught my attention. I grabbed it and began to read it.

A painful tear escaped my eye; I quickly wiped it away and hid the letter in my leather jacket. I was going to find my race, the feline race. I was their Alpha, their true leader. Proud and joy filled my chest as I stood up from the chair and walked towards the door.

I looked side to side once I opened the door, and got out, gently closing the door behind me. I looked at the oak door and walked towards it. I sighed and prepared myself. Undercover was not going to be easy. I growled softly and silently entered the meeting room. I shook my head disapprovingly and hid in the shadows.

They didn't even notice how I sneaked in; again.

I grinned maliciously and walked through the shadows towards my mate. I was going to scare the shit out of him. I reached the chair at the head of the table and hid a little more in the shadows. I allowed my teeth and claws to elongate; my eyes changed to my pissed off red and some of my black and white fur began to appear all over my body.

I walked towards him as everyone paid attention to a fairy at the end of the table. I placed myself beside his body and lean in to his ear as my hoarse and deep voice spoke.

"You're in my chair" He literally jumped from the chair, just like everyone else; the only exception was that he landed on the cold floor and on his ass. I sniggered and sat on my chair; he narrowed his eyes, shook his head, smiled like an idiot and sat on the chair next to me. I got comfortable and changed my eyes to silver, retracting my fur and teeth, but leaving my black claws. They kept looking at me with wide eyes, no one speaking; the only sound was the one of their heart beats which was fast.

"What? Feline got your tongue?" I grinned and locked eyes with the Werewolf King. His eyes gave his feelings away; love. I chuckled and looked around.

"You should definitely be more careful, sneaking in is too " I mused, the council man tensed but didn't comment; I smiled mockingly. Moments of silence passed until someone spoke.

"So..." I instantly locked eyes with the dark fairy. I tilted my head to the side and waited for an explanation; she gulped but continued. "What's your answer? Will you fight with us?" She asked nervously, making me grin in a very sadistic way.

"I need to talk with council man over here..." I pointed a finger to him and saw how he gulped. "And to the mutt's King" I looked at the King and he growled at me. Eyes changing color, I bared my teeth at him; he flinched but didn't do anything more. I stood up from the chair and motioned for the door.

"Let's " I snarled; they gulped and stood up. I motioned for them to go and I followed after them. I looked at the different races and growled while baring my teeth, they cowered back and I sniggered as I closed the door.