
Chapter 7

I turned around and followed the two idiots as we walked towards the fourth door in the hallway. I scanned it suspiciously; I forgot to enter that one. Council man opened the door and entered the room, the mutt's king held open the door for me and I locked eyes with him as I raised a questioning eyebrow. He smiled shyly and looked down at the floor. I sniggered and entered with him behind me.

This room was a tiny office; the walls were a dark red, it had a fireplace at the left with black couches in front of it, a desk at the right with a black leather chair behind it and two black chairs in front, bookshelves at the right of the fireplace and a mini bar at the left of the desk.

This was a better office, why didn't I come here too?

Council man sat on the leather chair behind the desk and motioned us to sit. I sat besides the mutt's King and looked at the council man. He looked at me expectantly and I locked eyes with him.

"Explain" He gulped, but began.

"Well, the alliance was made centuries ago; when a powerful demon found out that his other half was an archangel. They went into war but at the end they sucked it up and became allies.

Then some years later, they declared that we should give them our lands and our service as pets. We refused, and they declared the war on us since then" He explained.

If Nicolas and Dexter hadn't told me the truth already, I would've probably bought his story. I placed a blank face and looked at my mate. He was tense and lost in his own world; I looked back at the council man and met his eyes. His eyes widened slightly and he gulped discretely.

"I need more details" Council man sighed and nodded.

"They demanded our lands, our territories and us as slaves. We were not going to say 'Yeah, sure. Let me just get my stuff', where we?

So, when we refused, they said that we better be prepared because they will end us, and everyone in their path to get what they want" He finished.

"And what do they want, besides your lands and your service as slaves?"

"They want you and our dust"


"When you kill someone who belongs to a supernatural race, they become dust. They want our dust because you can make more powerful, efficient and lasting spells with it. They want to be the rulers of the world" He shook his head disapprovingly.

This dude is ; I wonder how he made up that story.I remained silent for a moment, the council looking at me nervously and my mate distracted. How could be mate? How could fucking of the race possibly be my mate? It is not even possible for felines to have a mate! We chose our other half! Not destiny.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't feel the heat of the hand in mine. I locked eyes with my mate and slowly removed my hand from his.

"I am not one of your bitches and I will not kiss your ass. I don't know you but don't think of giving me a reason not to like you. Because once you go into that list, it's very hard to come back again. And you're not in that list; yet" His eyes changed to gold as he growled in satisfaction while I just sat there looking at him confused.

What did do that made him in ? I shrugged it off and looked at him as if he was crazy, then I looked at council man.

"I will not fight with you" His face hardened and my mate tensed.

"What?" He hissed. I shrugged and locked eyes with him.

"I will not fight with you..." I paused and locked eyes with my mate. "But I will train your men. That's all" Council man relaxed and grinned, my mate looked at me with admiration. I almost rolled my eyes, . I looked back at the creepy grinning man in front of me.

"Excellent! Thank you, hybrid" He began to stand up. I growled and pinned his body to the wall behind his desk. My black claws digging harshly into his neck, my red orbs locked with his blue ones and my tolerance going out of the window.

"You will respect me. I will not allow this behavior towards me and I don't recommend you use it, especially when need " I growled out in my lion's voice. I saw the fear in his eyes and I could smell it, it rolled off of him in waves; I snarled and dropped him to the floor.

"Am I clear?" He frantically nodded and I turned around to see the Werewolf King; his eyes were that golden color, and they were trained on me. He growled in approval and stood up, showing me his starting arousal. I bared my teeth and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"That was simply..." He paused and locked eyes with me. "" He finished and growled in delight. I narrowed my eyes and gave him a low growl.

"I'm just asking for respect, and if I don't get it; the consequences will not be pretty" I nodded at him and turned to leave. "Get everyone outside" I growled out. He nodded and we got out of the office and he went for the others while I went outside; desperate for fresh air and a possibility of shifting.

Five minutes later I was already outside and on a tree branch; everyone from the meeting room started to come out and looked around for me. I cleared my throat once everyone was outside and I spoke.

"All of your warriors will be here tomorrow at two o'clock sharp. Training will start tomorrow and everyone who comes late will have to do punishment. Got it?" They nodded as I jumped from the branch; landing perfectly on my four black paws. I took off running without looking back at them. I roared as I ran faster and stronger; my paws hitting the forest ground with force but silent as always, my big red eyes staring straight ahead and my big black body disappearing in thin air as I imagined being with Nicolas and Dexter.

I scanned the area I was in and sniffed for unfamiliar or familiar scents. I was in Heaven. The sky was a beautiful light blue, the sun had the perfect temperature, and there were Victorian style houses everywhere. I was standing between two different gates. The one at the left was golden with tribal designs in it while the one at the right had the exact tribal design the golden one has, but this one is in black and red.

I began walking through the grass and my mouth dropped to the floor. Heaven was beautiful! The Victorian style houses just gave it more effect and the grass was a beautiful green color. I looked around suspiciously.

Where was everyone? That was my last thought before I heard the flapping of wings and everything went black.