
The Fairy King's System

*** A boy who had a tragic life got reincarnated in another world as a Nature Spirit, the weakest variant of fairies. With the new life that was given to him, he will do his best to make it a fulfilling life, by at least surviving in this harsh world that he was reincarnated on. Where every creature could easily kill him, while at the same time climbing his way on top. This is a story about a seemingly harmless and weak creature, but sometimes looks could be deceiving. Hardship often had something in return, but every action has consequences along with it. *** Not all fairies have wings... or tails. Sometimes all you need to have is a glowing circular body to be the strongest. *** Warning: If you came here expecting a Kind/Hero MC you are in the wrong book. I'm not a fan of cinnamon rolls. And no, he is not a pure-hearted person, but also, he is not a killing machine who will kill anything that has life in it. I'm not a fan of robots. If you are not a fan of underhanded or straight-up manipulative MC, leave this book alone. This book is not for everyone. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ***

Torpid_XD · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
84 Chs

Chapter 28: Retreat

In one of the passages on the 3rd floor of Fairy dungeon. Where multiple loud explosions were could be heard in one of the chambers. A decisive battle was currently taking place.

A speedy ball of light evaded the attacks hurling towards him coming from the 2 Hatis that currently fighting him.

He flew in a circle around the chamber and activated his Thunder magic to attack the enemies, but the hatis was fast enough to dodge the thunderstrike.

Both of the Hati howled, so loud that as if they were calling for help.

"What a pain."

He activated his Wind magic and blasted himself towards the enemies, along with his natural speed due to his skill Force manipulation, he reached the two wolves fast enough to sliced them off with Wind magic before they could even react.

[Species: Pixie

Level: 21


Pain Nullification: Level: 6

Greater Fire Magic: Level 10

Greater Thunder Magic: Level 10

Greater Wind Magic: Level 10

Greater Water Magic: Level 10

Acid Resistance: Level 6

Poison Resistance: Level 6

Ruthless III: Level 11

Magic Resistance: Maxed

Physical Attack Resistance: Maxed

Force Manipulation: Level 11

Greater HP Regeneration: Level 11

Skill points: 0





Lifetime left: 128 days

Evolve to prolong your life.

Next evolution: Level 40]

"I'm stacked in level 21, didn't I?"

He turned his gaze to the corpses of two Hatis lying on the ground. "Just like my last evolution, the easiest part was the first 21 level, once I've reached level 21, the next levels will be too hard to achieve. I almost brought an entire species to extinction just to evolve last time."

He turned and went to the passage that would lead to the huge dome that connecting all the passages in the entire floor. It was an open space with a tall ceiling, the dome was filled with high cliffs that would lead to the first floor where the gate of the dungeon was located.

All the floors have this kind of dome scattered around the cave system, it was one of the reasons why the cave system of Fairy dungeon was considered as one of the most dangerous places in Ashendar.

The main reason was the monsters inhabiting it.

He was already in the middle of the dome when the entire dome lit up. Countless fireballs emerged throughout the huge dome revealing the monsters that were currently with him inside the dome.

An army of monsters consists of Hatis, Skolls, and Greater black boas were huddling each other at the huge dome and all of them were darting their gaze on him.

Their unnerving growling and hissing were echoing around the area.


[Quantity 57.]

[Individual level ranging from level 11 to 30.]


[Quantity 61.]

[Individual level ranging from level 12 to 29.]

[Greater black boa.]

[Quantity 47.]

[Individual level ranging from level 15 to 28.]

Out of surprise he just gazed at the monsters surrounding him.

"Huh, is there a meeting here that I've interrupted?" He said as he floated away from the monsters. "Forgive my interruption, you can go on."

The Hatis howled as if they were giving a sign to start something.

At once all the fireballs around the dome hurled towards him.

All he could do was to scream while evading the attacks, but with a great number against a single enemy, the fireballs overwhelmed him.

He activated his Water and Wind magic to make a barrier, but his barrier could not keep up with the overpowering attacks of the enemies.

"Dammit! Dammit!"

The Skolls blasted their shadow balls towards him at once, and at the same time, countless poisonous needles launched toward him from the Greater black boas.

He flew upward to evade the attacks, but a bombardment of fireballs greeted him in the air.

"At least give me some time to breathe!"

He activated his Water magic and trapped the nearest Skolls inside of the water prison and activated his Thunder magic to finish them off, but the Greater black boas around the Skolls pulled them out of the water prisons before the thunderstrikes hit the Skolls.

"Well... That was unexpected."

He flew next to the wall to evade the incoming fireballs.

"I need to get rid of the Hatis first, as long as they were around I can't use my Fire magic."

With great speed, he flew towards the location of the Hatis at the center of the dome, but before he could reach them all the fireballs around the area lit off and the entire dome turned pitch black. Leaving him alone in the middle of the darkness.

The eyes of Hatis were supposedly glowing in bright orange in the dark, but at this moment, nothing was could be seen.

"So they just luring me away from the walls. Once I used my Fire magic to lit up the place, I'm dead."

The sounds of multiple footsteps were resonating around the area.

And after a few moments, the assault started once more. The entire dome lit up, with him in the middle with an army of Greater Black boas and Skolls surrounding him while keeping their distance from him, the Hatis were scattered at the edge of the dome far and safe.

"Damn, you all are far smarter than I thought you would be."

At once, the three species attacked. The bombardment of fireballs, shadow balls, and poisonous needles launched towards him.

"Forgive me, but I'm not as persistent as you think." He activated his Wind magic and blasted himself out from the middle of the dome.

The Greater black boas and Skolls chase after him while the Hatis bombarded him to stop him from his retreat.

One of the Skolls could no longer resist the urge and jumped on him for a bite. Its fang emerged from the dark, but the moment its fang was revealed its head rolled to the ground.

After reaching the wall, he immediately searched for a hole to escape on while evading the incoming attacks at the same time.

After few seconds, he found one, right at the back of one of the Hatis.


He flew through the Hati and went inside the hole with the hope of passage that he could use to escape.

[You leveled up.]

The decapitated head of the Hati that blocking the hole earlier flew inside the hole and temporarily covered him from the incoming attacks.

He discovered small a passage at the ceiling of the hole that could lead to the higher floor, he went inside the hole and used it to flee.

"See ya, suckers!" He said as he saw a fireball following him that he easily evaded by flying upward.

As he traveling he could hear the sound of howling from beneath.

"I'll take my retreat for now, but I'll be back with explosives in hand later."


[Species: Pixie

Level: 22


Pain Nullification: Level: 6

Greater Fire Magic: Level 10

Greater Thunder Magic: Level 10

Greater Wind Magic: Level 10

Greater Water Magic: Level 10

Acid Resistance: Level 6

Poison Resistance: Level 6

Ruthless III: Level 11

Magic Resistance: Maxed

Physical Attack Resistance: Maxed

Force Manipulation: Level 11

Greater HP Regeneration: Level 11

Skill points: 3





Lifetime left: 128 days

Evolve to prolong your life.

Next evolution: Level 40]
