
Chapter 12

Once I reached the backroom the communication device was in I took a deep breath and connected it to the castle and called. My mind was filled with both anxiousness and happiness at the same time. I hadn't talked to my little sister since I left for the defense post about one month ago and at the time she was not happy about it, now that I also disappeared somewhere after the hero's attack she will be mad at me. My thought process was cut short as she answered the call.

-Hey, little sister!

-You....you idiotic big brother! Do you have any idea how much I worried about you and just how much problems you caused by disappearing?

-I'm sorry Toki, but big bro went trough a lot so could you cut it short please?

-.....Fine, are you okay at least?

-Yeah, I'm on my way home but first I'll have to take care of some business so please wait for me just a couple of days more.

-Ok, but I miss you big bro.

-I miss you too Toki and I promise I won't leave for a while after everything is finished.

-See ya later!


After I finished talking to my little sister I went back to the counter to pick up my guild card and left with Ignea to meet the merchant at the edge of the city. When we got there we went trough a market that sold everything from food to clothes to building materials and even slaves. The market sure was lively and despite the fact that it was quite dirty it sure was a nicer place then the guild. A bit later we found our client, an old man of short stature with a twisted mustache and a big smile on his face, he sure aged cleanly, there was no sign or trace of a wrinkle on his face and his eyes seemed sharper than most people's. He seems like the kind that enjoyed every bit of his life and plans to continue doing that.

-You must be the adventurers the guild sent, right?

-Yes, that would be us. My name is Seiji and besides me is my partner Ignea.[Seiji]

-I'm Almus, and as you can see I run a spice trading company among many others. I hired you to protect a carriage that goes to the border with the Demon Kingdom and I need you to protect it.[Almus]

-We know that, but I have a question about the reward. On the quest paper it was written that it's negotiable. [Seiji]

-Indeed, is there any problem with that?[Almus]

-It said that you'd give us something worth around one gold coin. What do you mean by that?[Seiji]

-Ahahah, you seem to know what I'm thinking yet you still ask. You sure are an interesting one kid! I mean to give you a slave.[Almus]

-A slave!?[Ignea]

-Indeed, one of my other companies deals slaves and we happen to have three of them as leftover stock![Almus]

-So you're using them as rewards for quests in order to make some publicity while not losing any money.[Seiji]

-You have quite the intuition kid, why don't you come work for me? I'll pay you good![Almus]

-No thanks, can we see the slaves now?[Seiji]

-Of course, follow me![Almus]

We began walking after the old man and Ignea pulled me close and whispered in my ear:

-Are you okay with a slave? It's inhuman![Ignea]

-I know but who do you prefer for the slave to be with, me or the crazy old man?[Seiji]

-You, but still...[Ignea]

-Don't worry, my country abolished forced slavery a long time ago so I'll release the slave if they don't want to work for me.[Seiji]

-Ok, I trust you.

After a few minutes of walking we reached a building that looked a lot like a stable or a barn. This guy doesn't even see them as humans. Then the doors opened and I was shocked and Ignea fainted at the morbid sight before us.

{Just what could they have witnessed? Find out next time!}

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter !

Also since tomorrow winter break is over the upload rate may differ a bit.

If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them here: https://twitter.com/Gahira6?lang=en

See ya!

Kojou5creators' thoughts