
The Fae

Kain was just an ordinary office worker, his boss hated him from the first days of work for no specific reasons and made him do a lot of all-nighters all the weeks some times even in the weekends. One day while he was doing one of his usual all-nighters he fell asleep. when he woked up he found himself inside a big piece of rock that was residing in a huge crater. Follow his adventure in a world of magic and mystical creatures. * I don't own the cover *

One_Punch_Boyy · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

New World

it was a normal night for Kain, like any other night he was still in his office pushing another non-payed all-nighter, he worked in this company for countless days and nights, never awarded for his hard work and always scolded by his superior.

while typing on his computer, Kain started to feel sleepy, he didn't have a good sleep in several days and was exhausted by the nagging of his boss and the overwork that he was obliged to do.

He thought that his situation was hopeless and he would continue this kind of life until the day of his death, without a family and friends that cared for him.

He wasn't completely wrong, while he was typing he felt his head heavier than it should be and his eyelids started closing, he tried to struggle and remain awake but it was only futile.

the only thing he could think about was the scolding that he will surely receive from his superior tomorrow for not finishing his work and dozing off while working.

While sleeping he felt a hot sensation pervading his body and then heard a loud sound, suddenly kain felt a lot of pain all around his body but mostly in his head.

"what is happening, why can't I open my eyes, have I finally reached my breaking point?" Kain thought while trying to open his eyes but noticing that all he saw was black, he started panicking and tried to move one of his limbs but unfortunately, he wasn't able to even feel his limbs, his head was trying to find a solution among the infinite number of questions that were forming in his head, but then he noticed something important, he wasn't breathing, he didn't even felt like he was choking he only felt like it was unnecessary.

than kain thought "so I'm dead huh, fuck my life was shit and now I'm even forced to stay like this for eternity? well, my luck is rotten as always".

After what seemed to Kain like an eternity but was probably only one or two hours he heard a voice

[System integration with Host's soul started...1%....20%.....53%....72%....87%..99%...100%]

"what is happening, who is talking, am I not dead, how come I can still hear a voice?" Kain thought while listening to the robotic voice coming probably from his head.

[System Initialisation..... Initialization completed]

[Hello Host]

"hum, who are you?" kain tried to say but remembered that he wasn't able to emit even the slightest sound from his mouth, if he still had one.

[I don't have a name but Host can call me System or give me a name, I have various functions that could help the host overcome almost all adversities in this world]

"wait so you aren't a person, are you like the Systems from those novels that are popular those days?" Kain thought since the System could probably read his mind.

He wasn't very familiar with novels or the anime world in general because of his work that occupied most of his life and didn't leave him any free time.

[Host isn't exactly wrong, but I'm not like those systems that make their Host overpowered with him doing nothing, Host's actions and his very lifestyle will affect the system and give him different kinds of rewards depending on the feats that the host does not constrict the life of the Host and making him a puppet that does only as the System say, this is what differentiates me from them, other than the fact that they are fictional and I'm real]

"So this means that I am in another world, this is so fucked up, how have I arrived here?" Kain thought.

[ I don't know the way that you arrived in this universe or parallel reality but I know how you arrived in this world]

"So how did I end up here in this kind of situation and what is going on with my body?" kain questioned the system in a hurry.

[ Host arrived here because the meteorite that he is in crashed in this planet, while your body is in this condition because you are still inside the meteorite and obviously you can't move or breathe]

" Wait Wait Wait, I'm inside of a fucking meteorite?"

"How am I even able to be alive if I'm stuck in a piece of rock, and it is probably piping hot because of entering the atmosphere?"

[ The meteorite that Host is situated in has some sort of nourishing liquid that can keep Host's body fresh and alive not needing to breathe, eat, piss or even take a shit]

"well, was the last part really necessary? but I guess it's better than living inside a rock full of my shit" Kain thought hilariously.




"well... what am I supposed to do now?" Kain asked in an awkward manner

[ Host could try to go out of the stone?]

"I know that but, how am I supposed to go out if I can't move my body?"

[first of all, Host could select his new race among the ones that are dwelling this planet, because humans don't exist here and your body isn't exactly shaped, but if Host is interested, there are quite a few races that have a human-like appearance]

"so I can choose my race and how my new body will look like?" Kain asked the system.

[yes but Host need to be careful in his choice because once Host decide a form, I won't be able to change your race and body features again, there are a lot of races with different talents and abilities of growth, and in this world power is all]

"ok, I understand, can you start telling me the intelligent races that dwell this world and what kind of power does this world have?" Kain questioned the System with enthusiasm in his "voice".

[sure, the most prominent races that are present in this world are:

-Elves (Wood, Dark, Snow, Fire, and Desert)





-Giants of various kinds










-Merfolk (Mermaids, Siren)

[these are just minorities of the races that dwell this world but they are the most powerful and the most intelligent ones so they control pretty much three fourth of the world and all of them have and utilize magic power, also called mana but another power used by the denizens of this world are racial abilities and every race have a different kind of abilities]

"fuck they are a lot, but I know most of them" Kain thought.

"but to contain all of them, how big is this world?" Kain questioned the System.

[this world, if you want to compare it with earth, is 80/90 times earth, it's almost impossible to explore it all, there are even nations as big as all earth's territories togheter]

"Wow, the only thing I can say is wow"

[so, have you decided what race you will choose?]

"can you tell me which races have the most powerful and useful abilities and can have the biggest amount of mana?"

[the four most powerful and influential races in this world are:

-/Fae (Faeries): are divided into Physical Faeries and Spiritual Faeries.

(A/N: they don't have most of the ability from the fantasy worlds because if they had them they would be as strong as demigods)

-the racial abilities of Physical Faeries are: enhanced Agility(Gain enhanced ability to perform feats of super speed and reflexes), enhanced strength, Malleable Anatomy(alter the body to a limited degree) and decelerated aging

-the racial abilities of Spiritual Faeries are: Empathy(Be able to perceive the emotions of others.)

Energy Manipulation (Generate/Control mana at a high degree), Illusion Manipulation (cast powerful illusions that seem nearly real) and Agelessness

-/Vampire: Immortality( they don't age physically), enhanced healing (they can heal from almost all wounds at incredible speed), eyes powers ( can see something very far away and the iris contains special bioluminescent bacteria that appear black in light but in complete darkness, they glow bright yellow) and blood control ( can control the blood of creatures weaker than them in a certain range that change and become bigger proportionally to the vampire power)

-/Merfolks: Water Manipulation ( can control all the water around them to a perfect degree), Telepathy (Merfolk can call and communicate with aquatic creatures telepathically. This is also how they communicate with each other underwater), Enchantment (Mermaids have an ability similar to a glamour but they do not have to try to use. It just flows out of them, enhancing their beauty and making them irresistible and alluring.) and agelessness (they don't age).

(they can take a human form to walk out of the sea)

-/elves(Wood, Dark, Snow, Fire, and Desert): Magic proficiency ( they can control the mana and feel it from the moment they are born and have mastery over it, depending on their type they control a different kind of magic: "wood, dark...."), Supreme agility, slow aging (can live for even 2000 to 3000 years if they don't practice magic and can become immortal if they reach a certain level of magic power), superhuman senses (all their senses are way more powerful than all other races except Fae) and nature connection (they are the only race that can communicate with nature itself and most of the wild beasts are friendly with them except the cursed beasts)]

"There are a lot of interesting and useful abilities," Kain thought.

[so, have you choose a race?]

"well, vampires are a no go, because I don't like them and the fact that I need to consume blood doesn't help, the problem is which one do I choose between Fae, Merfolks, and elves?"

[It's pretty obvious but I will still say it anyway, the abilities aren't strong from the beginning, they need to be trained and used a lot to become powerful, and races decide only how much you can become stronger and how fast, these four races mentioned above are the most powerful ones because of their constitution and usefulness of their abilities in this world there are being so powerful that they could crush empires with just a finger, an example is the Fae king and the Elves Queen]

"for me, the most alluring ones are the snow elf race and the Spiritual Fae race, but do you have any suggestion system?"

[in my personal opinion, Fae is a very powerful race and certainly the strongest, in this world, they are regarded as a Holy race and not a lot of them exist around the continent, they are the race with one of the lowest members, they are around a 50000 in number but are powerful enough to compete with other races empire and with their king they can certainly annihilate a lot of empires, but Snow elves shouldn't be underestimated as Ice magic is one of the rarest ones if not the rarest one and one of the most powerful, but certainly not as powerful as Fae Illusion magic that if practiced enough could make the strongest beings fall victim of its power]

"ok you have convinced me, I want to become a Spiritual Fae " Kain said full of excitement and expectations.

[Host need to choose his look]

"Alright, I want white hair, red eyes and... what kind of wings can I choose?"

[Fae in this world have all kind of wings, they are casual, but the more transparent and white they are the more sacred they are believed to be and it will be more easy to be appreciated and favored by them, even though this is only their belief, in reality, it doesn't change anything, the only problem is if Host want black wings because they are a racist race and believe that black-winged Fae are cursed and so they are exiled from the Fae kingdom ]

"then I want white and slightly transparent wings, I'm certainly not stupid enough to want black wings if I will be hated for it, then I want my body to be tall and fit but not too bulky, like the physique of a swimmer"

[alrigth if there is anything other that you want to change tell me now because after your Morphing is done you won't be able to change it anymore]

"well just to specify but I want to be a male"


[Morphing Host Body....10%...41%....74%....88%....98%...100%]

"I'm not feeling anything, is this thing broken?"

[I'M NOT A THING!!!!!, and you didn't feel anything because your body was done to be morphed and the abilities have yet to be transferred to your body]

"oh, I'm sorry but now give me my abilities!"

[Transferring abilities to Hosts body.....1%...]

Kain because of the abilities and the mana transferring in his body and farming his mana channel started feeling a burning sensation all around his body as if lava was flowing through his veins instead of blood, then it spread to his brain, it felt like a lot of small nails where being thrust in it and his eyes felt like they were melting.

Kain started mentally screaming and cursing because of this never felt before pain.

after what seemed to Kain like an eternity


the pain was finally gone as if it was never there before and all that happened was just an illusion

[Now I suppose that you felt something huh????]

"fuck you jerk, why didn't you warn me?"

[what use was there to warn you? the pain would have been the same anyways]

"Alright, now make me go out from this fucking rock!"

[alright, alright, no need to swear, I advise you to learn some manner before going to the Fae territory as they value them more than anything else]

"yeah yeah, just me exit this rock, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable"


a lot of noise was coming from the rock as more small cracks were forming in it and the light of the sun was visible through them.

after a minute the rock finally split into two halves and the sight that welcomed Kain was one that he will never be able to forget.

if you have any suggestions about the story please write it down in the comments since this is the first novel that I've ever written.

*Please support me with your stones*

One_Punch_Boyycreators' thoughts