


Alex_14 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 Wind, Recovery And Shinigami Part 2.

**Floor 120 Dungeon Tower**

"Kijin...your FINALLY DEAD" Screamed Dan smiling with blood coming out his mouth.

he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Huh...what" Said Dan as he collapsed to the ground.

"Tomorachi" Said an mysterious figure that looked like an angel.

suddenly the ground below Dan got destroyed making him fall through the floors.

**Floor 9 Dungeon Tower**

Arthur: Man..these monsters are weak..


Arthur: Huh?

An giant demon was standing Infront of him 30 meters away

"I guess it's time...I use those things." Said Arthur pulling out his sword.

Arthur started attracting rocks to his sword.

The giant demon kept walking slowly towards him.

"Your such an sloth" Said Arthur as he finished assembling his sword.

Arthur used his gravity to jump high into the air.


Arthur: RAGHH

Arthur cut off the head of the giant demon.

the rocks that were used for assembling the sword fell down.

Arthur kicked the giants body boosting himself into an tree.

"Phew...that was close." Said Arthur smiling at his first ever Giant Demon.

Arthur got off the tree seeing the giant get back up.

"Huh...didn't it die?" Said Arthur confused.

The giant demon started being covered in some sort of darkness...

"Now..this is bad.." Said Arthur terrified.

"RAGHHHHH TAKASHI...!!!!!" screamed the giant.

"Who is takashi?" Said Arthur as he was assembling his sword once again.

"Time to finish you off again.." Said Arthur as he sighed.

"1..2..3..4...." was an voice heard everywhere on the floor.

Arthur: Huh..?

???: 5..6...7..8...

Arthur looked around confused as of where this voice is coming from.

???: 9..10..11...12..13...14..15!!!!

15 giants fell through the roof of the floor.

"This...shit is bad!!" Said Arthur as he started running away

An giant tried to stomp him.

Arthur: Not..today!

Arthur dropped his sword.

Using his Gravity Aether he overthrown the giant down breaking his leg.

"Phew..." said Arthur as he grabbed his sword to run away.

The Giants stood in place..like statues

Arthur stopped running away after getting 500 meters away.

"Why are they standing like statues..?" Said Arthur confused.

Suddenly something like an angel slowly fell from the top floors eradicating anything in its path.

???: My children..

Arthur: Huh?...

The angel like figure put it's hand on the forehead of one of the giants.

"Warewa" Said the angel exploding the head of the giant full open.

Arthur seeing giant brain remains started throwing up.

"THE FUCK" said Arthur vommiting more.

"WAREWA" Said the angel as the giants head blew up.

"This shit...messed up" Said Arthur vommiting even more after seeing 15 giant brains all over the floor.

The Angel moved it's head towards the location of Arthur.

Arthur had an terrified face...seeing..an angel gazing upon him..

The Angel just...disappeared nowhere to be seen.

"Huh...it left" Said Arthur releasing an sigh of relief.

"WAREWA" Said the Angel standing right behind him.

Arthur had an face...that it already knew..he is dead...

He turned his head slowly..gulping...

Arthur: Hello..??

???: Human...

Arthur after listening to the voice of this "Angel" ran away in fear

"I DONT WANT TO DIEEE" Said Arthur criyng

An body fell from the sky landing right upon Arthur

"ARGH WHAT THE FUCK " Screamed Arthur.

An white haori..

white hair..

black uniform....

3 scars on his face..

Dan Osamu: oi..Oi what floor is this..!!?!?!

Dan got off Arthur.


Dan Osamu: Shut the fuck up! AND Answer! MY QUESTION!

Arthur: your on floor 9 right now..what floor you are from anyways?

Dan Osamu: Floor 120. So you encountered your first angel I see?

Dan pointed to the angel figure approaching slowly

Arthur: yeah..could you help!

Dan Osamu: Yeah yeah sure.

an swift wind passes by.

Dan slashed gently...


the Angel's head drops down on the ground.

Arthur: Wow..your strong as fuck!

Dan Osamu: Thanks thanks thanks! Anyways your going up or down?

Arthur: I'm going down to reunite with my friend.

Dan Osamu: I see...then you will travel with me!

Dan rose his arms in the air.

Dan Osamu: Cmon..wind blow my backpack here!

Suddenly an backpack fell from the sky.

Dan caught it.

"You will carry this " Said Dan as he put the backpack on Arthur forcefully.

Arthur: Fine..fine..I will carry it.

Dan Osamu: Good. Now let's go.

Arthur and Dan started walking towards the exit of floor 9.

Arthur: so..how old are you?

Dan Osamu: Well I'm about 22 years old. Been in this tower for 5 years.

Arthur: Intresting! I am about 19 I think.

Dan Osamu: you don't celebrate your birthday?

Arthur: well I can't, I don't have a family to do it with.

Dan Osamu: Oh..I see I guess that friend your looking for is very important?

Arthur: Yeah..he is. Anyways what happened to your hand it's literally the arms bones how you using it still.

Dan Osamu: Oh this? I just use the wind to use it.

Arthur: Huh? the wind? you have an wind aether?

Dan Osamu: Yeah I do.

Arthur and Dan reached the exit.

Dan Osamu: Welp..time to jump in.

Dan and Arthur both jumped in the exit falling down from the sky at Floor 8.

Arthur: AAAAAAA..I never exited an floor.

Dan grabbed him and landed safely creating an crater.

Dan let go of Arthur making him fall face first.

"Ouch" said Arthur pissed at Dan

Dan Osamu: Let's go.

Arthur: Okay..

Arthur and Dan continued exiting floors.

**Floor 5 Dungeon Tower**

"Man...I hope that guy Kuro doesn't come back" Said Kurayami spitting blood.

Kurayami stood up.

"I can't stay here for ever...I gotta find somewhere to hide in this about 1456 Kilometer long floor" Said Kurayami as he created an cane to walk with.

Kurayami started walking away slowly.

**Floor 2 Dungeon Tower**

"There's no goddes.." Said Kuro angry.

"YOU LIED KURAYAMI" Kuro said this as he punched an tree down.

"Isahion" Suddenlh vines started grabbing Kuro from all around his body.

Kuro: Cheap tricks!

Kuro unleashed his black ash destroying the vines.

???: Ishariuki!

An giant tree started growing rapidly under Kuro sending him fliyng in the air


???: Kokoni.

Giant tree branches trapped Kuro.

???: Human...how dare you enter our tower.

Kuro: I am not an human. I am SHINIGAMI!


An sharp branch was about to stab his neck

Kuro: LATOM!

an giant crosses started destroying the trees by falling upon them.

Kuro freed himself

Kuro: Ukio!

Kuro dissapeared in the black ash.

He appeared behind the "Plant Angel" using his Latom he crushed it like an bug.

Kuro: who's tough now? Angel!!

The angel using brute force threw the cross into the sky.

Kuro: Huh?

The angel stabbed Kuro using his hand.

Plant Angel : Shinigami are worthless. It's time you become something better!

The Plant Angel started absorbing Kuro into hinself.

The procces finished...Kuro Has Died.


hey guys I'm trying an new style of writing so I can express more emotion.

tell me if you like this style more than the old one.


Name: Kurayami

Age: 21

Race: ???

Weapon: Everything he creates

Gender: Male

Ability: Creation Aether

-Blonde Long Hair.

-White Suit.

-Green Eyes

-Golden ornaments around the suit

-Black Shirt

-Black shoes


Name: Arthur

Age: 19

Race: Human

Weapon: Gravity Stick

Gender: Male

Ability: Gravity Aether

-Red Hair

-Blue EYES

-Purple Coat

-Black Shirt

-Star Symbol on his neck.

-White shoes


Name: Kuro

Age: ???

Race: Shinigami

Weapon: Ash Weapons

Gender: Male

Ability: Black Ash Disther

-Black Face (Covered in ash)

-Golden glowing eyes

-Grey shirt

-Black tie

-Black shoes

-Black Hair
