

Auteur: Alex_14
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Lisez le roman THE ESSENCE (DELETED) écrit par l'auteur Alex_14 publié sur WebNovel. DROPPED...



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The Forbidden Pact

“Aren’t you a lonely one?” An enchanting feminine voice said. “But you won't be for long with that lovely and slightly hairy chest of yours flashing here in my corner. Just how I love it. You are not going to get away from me with that body of yours, pussycat," The young lady purred as she hooked one of her legs on one of his own while massaging his chest. "You've come to the right place, and you have my full attention for the rest of the night." She had a sly grin on her face as she watched him become what she described as embarrassed. Just above her perky breasts, he could smell her blood, and he could get a sense of what it would be like if he bit into the area that was above her open cleavage. However, he showed no interest in doing so. The girl's blood had been exposed to an unhealthy amount of sexual activity as well as male seeds. Nathan's normally charming countenance changed to one of revulsion as he took in the sight of the girl, who appeared to be filthy from head to toe. His stomach churned and his appetite waned slowly but surely. Perhaps another vampire could make use of her as a meal, but not him. He would never do such a thing. Used trash held no appeal for him. “Be careful what you wish for, lady.” He whispered between clenched teeth. “I am not here for you. Move over and give me room to pass!” His eyes glowed red once more, but the girl failed to take note. "Aren't you the grumpy sort? Well, I happen to love it when they play hard to get, but you will have to suffer for what they have beneath. I'm guessing some monster cock or something." She ran her finger along his chest, playing with the sparse hairs on it, with a stubborn, relentless smile on her face. "You appear cold and pale,” she paused. “You will need some tender loving care to restore the color, handsome. I'd be delighted to warm you up." She batted her butterfly-like eyelids as she brought her fingers to rest on the bulge in his pants. "Look who's ready for action," she said as she gave his knob a gentle stroke. “You don't know what you're playing with, and I'm warning you.” Gnashing his teeth, Nathan said while holding back a third of his abilities. It was as if the music and the people's voices were coming from a great distance away. It was obvious that the woman enjoyed hearing him rant and rave. Even the girls who were laughing at them approached him from afar. It seemed for a brief second that all eyes were on them. He tried to push her away, anger blazing in his fiery eyes, but she was tougher than she appeared. "Release me right now!" “Oh, come on, don't try to convince me that you have no intention of hitting me with your baton?!” She pointed to Nathan's steadily growing cock and gave him a wide-eyed look, oblivious to the fact that he was turning whiter than he ever had before. "I will give you the best f*ck there is,” she added.

Golden_Butterfly1 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Sacred Swords

Roughly a century ago, the third world war began, this war lead to countless deaths and damages to the world. Countless nations fell and the bloodshed was enough to die the world's oceans red. However, the war ended with none of the countries victory because as the last days of the war came, a new enemy arrived on the battlefield. They killed indiscriminately not leaving anything in their wake. Days after their first appearance, five countries, four islands and an ocean had disappeared from the map, a week after that seven more nations, an archipelago and two oceans had also disappeared. Two weeks after their first appearance the map had lost it's meaning. Civilizations, cultures, legacies, histories all of it was destroyed at the blink of an eye. They then gathered together, in small hives and hardly came out again. Years after such terrible events, people had started to develop strange abilities, some could fly, some could disappear and some could read minds. A new power for the humans, a new hope of establishing home and life for each other. They once more built towns and homes for each other, slowly on what was left of the world, they once more created nations. However, they appeared yet again, but the humans who had developed special abilities fought against them and they were driven away. Now, after fifty years since their appearance, the world has found peace and humans have grown in numbers yet again. Those who carry the special power now stand at the forefront of the battle with them... the ones who had become known as the Shadows which threatened to destroy the new life the had built. The ones who have been given the task of fighting them have been named; Lights. The battle for the future of humanity... begins now!

Red_Earl · Romance
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11 Chs

bukan untuk ku

kisah ini menceritakan tentang 3sahabat yang dari kecil mereka bersama.. namun mereka berpisah kerana salah seorang dari mereka harus pergi sambung pengajian diluar negara Osaka Jepun...suatu hari mawar sedang mengajar anak muridnya disekolah mawar ialah seorang cikgu bahasa English disekolah rendah..ketika mawar sedang mengajar ada seorang lelaki mengetuk pintu kelas nya.. Farid: Assalamualaikum mawar: walaikumusalam Farid:ni kelas 2Bestari ke saya nak hantar anak saya ni nama dia Rayyan (kata Farid) mawar:Yee ni kelas 2bestari anak awak Rayyan Iskandar bin Dato'Farid Annuar?? Farid: ye betul tu mawar: hai Rayyan sini masuk kelas ada ramai kawan² dekat sini jangan malu² nama cikgu mawar binti Rosli Farid: ehh kejap..nama cikgu mawar binti Rosli?? anak ketua kampung Sri pantai betul.. mawar: Yee saya anak ketua kampung macam mana awak kenal saya Yee Farid: ni aku lah Farid alahh cucu tok Mudim tok Mudim Hassan.. ingat tak!! mawar: Ya Allah kau ke ni Farid dulu bukan hitam ke sekarang dah putih macam hantu.. Farid: Amboiii mulut sama macam dulu macam puaka ahaha manusia kan boleh berubah ,,kau apa cerita war mawar: Kerja aku inilah Farid jadi cikgu kejap aku nak tanya kau bila kau kahwin tak jemput pun erkk.. Farid: macam mana nak jemput aku kan dah pindah dekat Kelantan..kau tu suami orang mana.. mawar: ahaha aku tak kahwin lagi lah Farid so isteri kau mana tak nampak pun kerja ke? Ketika mawar menanyakan dimana isteri Farid ,,wajah Farid terus berubah seperti kesedihan dan mawar menanyakan Farid sekali lagi.. mawar: Farid kau ok tak sorry lah kalau aku tersalah cakap ke apa.. Farid: sokeyy isteri aku dah lama meninggal dunia dia meninggal ketika Rayyan dilahirkan mawar: ouh maaf yee Farid: takpelah haa ni kawan kita sorang lagi mana apa cerita dia sekarang ni si Syafiq tu sejak belajar dekat Jepun dah tak pandai balik Malaysia ehh dia.. mawar: ahahaha entahlah takde dengar khabar angin pun orang tua dia ada lagi kat kampung.. Suatu hari kecoh satu kampung ada khabar angin mengatakan yang Syafiq anak kepada ustazah Rohana dan ustaz Idris telah sampai di kampung halamannya.. mendengarkan berita tersebut Umi kepada mawar terus menelefon mawar dan berkata 'Syafiq dah balik kat sini mawar taknak jumpa dia ke' mawar yang mendengar berita tersebut terus gembira seperti putera idamannya kini pulang untuk bersama dengan nya buat Selama-lamanya..mawar begitu gembira kerana dia amat menyukai Syafiq sejak dari kecil lagi mereka bertiga membesar bersama namun mawar hanya tertarik dengan Syafiq cinta pertama nya..dan Keesokan harinya mawar pulang ke kampung dengan gembiranya sampai sahaja di kampung dia terlihat Syafiq berada didepan rumahnya sedang berbual dengan umi nya mawar.. Mawar: Assalamualaikum (dengan mengigil memberi salam) Syafiq: waalaikumusalam hai mawar Namun terlihat Putera idamannya yang masih ingat dirinya mawar terus pengsan.. Apabila mawar tersedar dia melihat Syafiq yang berada disebelah nya sedang membasahi kain untuk letakkan pada dahinya mawar..terus bangun. mawar: kau ke ni Syafiq?? Syafiq: yelh aku lah Fiq masa kecik² kita selalu main kahwin-kahwin dekat pondok cik Esah ingat lagi tak? mawar: mesti lah aku ingat masa tu kau panggil aku sayang terus aku lari balik rumah ahaha.. Syafiq: haa kau apa khabar makin cantik sekarang aku nampak macam bakal makmum aku (tersenyum malu Syafiq memuji mawar ) mawar: ada² je kau ni Fiq kau pun apa kurangnya makin hensem macam bakal imam aku .. kedua-duanya mereka sangat gembira dapat bertemu semula dengan sahabat yang sudah lama terpisah namun didalam hati mawar tiada sesiapa yang tahu mengapa mawar tidak lagi mempunyai pasangan kerana ia menunggu si putera idaman nya cinta mawar terhadap Syafiq tidak pernah berubah dari dulu lagi sedikit pun mawar tidak pernah lupakan semuanya tentang Syafiq..Namun???

Saga_ST · Romance
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1 Chs

Siêu cấp gen thần

Tiến vào thời đại vũ trụ, trình độ khoa học kỹ thuật của con người đã phát triển đến mức vô cùng cao, cuối cùng cũng đã nắm được kỹ thuật dịch chuyển không gian. Nhưng sau khi con người thử tiến hành dịch chuyển thì lại hoảng sợ phát hiện, bọn họ hoàn toàn không dịch chuyển đến tương lai, cũng chẳng thể ngược dòng quay về quá khứ. Thậm chí cũng không thể dịch chuyển từ hành tinh này sang hành tinh khác được, vì ở đầu bên kia của trạm dịch chuyển không gian lại là một thế giới khác hẳn. Đó là thế giới mà con người hoàn toàn không thể tưởng tượng được, trong thế giới này, tất cả khoa học kỹ thuật đều thành phế thải. Vùng đất được thần bảo hộ với vô số dị sinh vật khủng bố hoành hành, con người bắt đầu tiến hóa với tốc độ nhanh đến mức khoa học không cách nào lý giải được, mở ra kỷ nguyên mới huy hoàng nhất, sáng chói nhất. Từ một kẻ nhỏ yếu trong thành bảo hộ Cương Giáp, Hàn Sâm dựa vào kỳ ngộ và sự cố gắng không ngừng nghỉ của mình từng bước vươn lên, trở thành cường giả mà người người ngưỡng mộ, viết lên trang sử hào hùng của riêng mình...

Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim · Oriental
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Subjugată de destin.

Mă tem ,dar totuși nu mă tem încă mai am speranță sau poate că și acea fărâmă de tărie se va evapora curând. Nu mai am lacrimi să mai plâng sau poate mai am dar nu mai vreau ,nu mai vreau să simt cum și mai multă durere se instalează în inima mea în acel organ prin care trăiesc și cu care ar trebui să simt fericire,iubire poate,dar am prea multe gânduri deșarte.Pentru mine acea inimă e doar un organ care mă ține în viață chiar dacă aș prefera să mor , să închid ochii odată pentru totdeauna în această viață și mai apoi să-i deschid în altă viață. Singurul meu strop de fericire sau liniște pentru că fericire ,e prea mult spus ,și acesta a rămas atunci când muncesc sau închid pleoapele pentru câteva ore ,atunci când trupul meu nu simte durere dar și atunci mintea mi-e prădată de durerea gândurilor ce sălășluiesc în mintea mea atunci când am liniștea necesară să mai mă adun și pot să visez la un alt viitor ,un vis prea departe de adevăr.Prea departe... Durerea se resimte dar se risipește ușor , ușor ,fiecare picătură de sânge ce pică pe cimentul rece și pătat de alte vărsări la fel de dure și inimaginabile pentru unii, are acum amprenta urletelor și durerii mele imprimată în culoarea sa. Dar se spune că ce nu te omoară te întărește . Adevărat. Dar cred că m-am întărit destul ,nu mai am nevoie ,deja sunt distrusă de când sunt aici ,de când nu mai știu ce e aia fericire ,libertate ,nu mai știu nici să zâmbesc,tortura primită ani la rând mi-a dat ocazia ca pe chip să am mereu lacrimi ,sânge și vânătăi ,un tablou perfect pentru acești psihopați ce mi-au mâncat viața. Viața mi-e un calvar mereu activ ,mereu cu noi bătăi scrise cu sânge în filele vieții mele. Îmi adun toată forța pe care o mai am în mine și îmi strâng picioarele la piept pentru a-mi odihni capul pe acestea ,acum cât am timp. Aerul rece ce intră pe fereastra spartă îmi provocă mici valuri de șocuri reci de parcă cineva se joacă cu o lamă pe pielea mea vânătă și vopsită în culori roși și move. Ignor asta pentru că oricum nu am ce face .Îmi privesc mâinile ce îmi tremură mai ceva ca o gelatină abia scoasă de la frigider. Oare ce am făcut atât de rău să primesc o soartă atât de nemiloasă?

DaoistP1gwx6 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


(1v1 沈·好好学习天天向上VS陆·称姐道弟打抱不平) 还没有转来远城高中的时候,陆夕是一个非常乖巧的孩子,努力学习,做一个老师,同学眼中的好学生。 而此时的沈朝同学,还是一个不爱与人接触的老师们眼中的“宝贝”,好好学习天天向上。 而当陆夕和沈朝相遇之后,就变成了这样子的情况了。 相识 陆夕:沈朝同学,我是你的同桌—陆夕,以后请多多关照。 沈朝:…… 陆夕:我叫你什么为好了,朝朝,朝哥,沈哥哥,沈朝,最最亲爱的同桌…… 沈朝:…… 陆夕:你可以叫我,夕夕,夕姐,陆姐姐,陆夕……PS:这个家伙为什么都不说话的。 相知 ①陆夕:朝朝,你要多笑笑,你笑起来多好看啊! 沈朝:啰嗦。 陆夕:沈朝同学,谁给你这个胆子的,敢这样子跟我说话。 沈朝:等那天,你数学考个一百二的时候,你就真的可以是夕姐了。 ②陆夕:朝朝,我们一起去吃泡面吧,去买几包配菜吧。 沈朝:不准。 陆夕:我们去玩吧。 沈朝:好好学习天天向上,你作业写完了吗? 陆夕:朝朝,你去给我等水好不好? 沈朝:…… 相爱 陆夕:朝朝,这下你真的可以是我的小弟了,快叫姐。 沈朝:…… 抒情版 你是你,我是我,我们是永远,是一辈子的喜欢

一盒甜点 · Général
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481 Chs

I will find all the secrets of cultivation

Ever since he was a child, Leo has been fascinated by the idea of spiritual cultivation - the practice of harnessing one's inner energy to achieve extraordinary abilities. But in a world where technology reigns supreme, the art of cultivation has become nothing more than a myth, a relic of a bygone era. Determined to revive the lost art, Leo begins experimenting with his own system of cultivation, drawing on ancient texts and his own intuition to create a method that draws on the power of the human spirit. With each breakthrough, Leo becomes more and more confident in his ability to unlock the secrets of cultivation and bring this forgotten art back into the modern world. As Leo's reputation grows, he attracts the attention of others who seek to learn from him, including a beautiful young woman named Mia who is desperate to unlock her own spiritual potential. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover the hidden secrets of cultivation, confronting challenges and enemies along the way. But as Leo's power grows, so too do the forces that seek to stop him. Powerful organizations and governments view Leo's cultivation system as a threat, and they will stop at nothing to shut him down. As Leo fights to protect his secrets and those he cares about, he must confront the true nature of power, the consequences of his actions, and the limits of the human spirit. With each step, Leo draws closer to unlocking the true potential of cultivation, and the possibility of a new age of enlightenment in the modern world.

Sarunas_Cerneckis · Action
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7 Chs


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