
Chapter 431: Class Assignment

The reason he's referred to as a mysterious bigwig is that this bigwig he's trading with has always been shrouded in a layer of fog. There seems to have been an agreement, for even Commander Xie didn't introduce him. Aside from a greeting when they met, there was no further communication.

Lin Xiao didn't pay much attention to who this person was. As long as the goods were genuine, that's all that mattered.

Next, under the guidance of this mysterious bigwig, they toured this Tiny Crystal Wall Universe.

The main plane of this universe is located at the center of the universe. In fact, it is slightly smaller than a typical large plane. However, this plane is the largest and the center of the world within this Crystal Wall Universe, so it is tentatively referred to as the main plane. Beyond this, there are seventeen other planes of various sizes, and at the edges of the Plane Crystal Wall of the main plane, there are also over a hundred extremely small half-planes.