
The Enigma's Embrace

At birth, the individual is intended to inherit a specific power, meticulously chosen by an ancient order. However, in a remarkable turn of events, they are born with an entirely different power, one that was never meant to be theirs. This unprecedented occurrence sends ripples through the fabric of their society, unraveling a series of unforeseen consequences. As the story unfolds, the course of events takes an unpredictable turn. The implications of the protagonist's deviation from the expected path ripple through every corner of society. Institutions crumble, alliances shatter, and long-held beliefs are challenged. Through their journey, the protagonist becomes a catalyst for change, inspiring others to question their own destinies and challenge the status quo. Wanna Know? Then stop reading Hentai/ Pornhwa and read this. The story contains minimal AU. I do not own My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア or its characters just this story's MC's power.

DDao_of_time · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Birth of an Enigma

'Cases of hidden Quirks have in the last forty years dropped by over sixty percent but this raises the question of why? By their very nature these Quirks require very specific triggers to activate and seventy-five percent of reported cases have been traumatic incidents. [Note: Twenty-five percent would later go on to be villains as a result of these traumatic incidents.] In most cases it is unethical to test these Quirks and the method of checking for the vestigial bone structure in the outermost toe is superficial at best. Theory indicates that half of these cases will have a hidden Quirk but that again brings the question of ethical testing...'

— Excerpt from 'The Beginner Scientist's Guide to Quirk Theory.'


The sterile, white walls of the delivery room closed in on Mitsuki as she lay on the hospital bed, her body contorted with pain. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her knuckles turned white from gripping the sheets, and every muscle in her body screamed for release. The contractions came in waves, each one more intense than the last, causing her to cry out in agony.

Dr. Suzuki, a seasoned obstetrician, stood at the foot of the bed, his eyes filled with concern. Nurses hurried around, prepping equipment and providing comfort to Mitsuki in any way they could. The atmosphere was tense, as if everyone in the room could sense that something extraordinary was about to happen.

Mitsuki's husband, Masaru, stood by her side, gripping her hand tightly. His face mirrored her pain, his worry etched deep into his furrowed brow. He whispered words of encouragement, trying to offer solace amidst the chaos.

"You're doing great, Mitsuki." Masaru said, his voice trembling with emotion. "Just a little while longer, and our baby will be here."

Mitsuki nodded weakly, her breaths shallow and labored. She knew the pain was temporary, that it would all be worth it once she held her child in her arms. But in this moment, it felt unbearable, as if the weight of the world was resting on her fragile shoulders.

As the contractions intensified, Mitsuki's body convulsed, and she let out a primal scream that filled the room. The doctors and nurses exchanged worried glances, realizing that this was no ordinary birth.

Dr. Suzuki leaned closer, his voice filled with urgency. "Mitsuki, I need you to push with all your strength. We can't afford to wait any longer."

Summoning every ounce of strength she had left, Mitsuki pushed. The room seemed to hold its breath as she gave it her all, her body trembling with exertion. Then, as if in response to her efforts, the world around them began to shift.

The building shook violently, rattling the medical equipment and causing the lights to flicker. The electricity sputtered, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Outside, the stars in the night sky burned brighter than ever before, their brilliance penetrating the thin curtains and bathing the room in an ethereal glow.

A soft lullaby drifted through the air, seemingly coming from nowhere. The melodic notes wrapped around Mitsuki and Masaru, offering a momentary respite from the chaos. They exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and wonder.

The commotion outside the delivery room grew louder as hospital staff rushed to contain the unprecedented phenomenon. Alarms blared, nurses shouted orders, and doctors scrambled to make sense of the inexplicable events unfolding before their eyes. Fear and confusion hung heavy in the air, casting a somber mood over the entire hospital.

Dr. Suzuki's voice broke through the cacophony, his tone steady but tinged with concern. "Keep pushing, Mitsuki. We're almost there."

Mitsuki drew on the last reserves of her strength and pushed harder than ever before. The pain reached its crescendo, threatening to consume her, but she fought against it with a fierce determination. And then, as if by some miracle, it was over.

A cry filled the room, a cry that was both human and otherworldly. Dr. Suzuki held up a squirming, red-faced baby, covered in a thin film of birth fluid. The child's eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light, as if harboring powers beyond comprehension.

Tears streamed down Mitsuki's face as she reached out to hold her child. Masaru leaned in, his own awe mixed with trepidation. They knew, in that moment, that their lives would never be the same.

The room fell into an uneasy silence as the chaos outside gradually subsided. The nurses exchanged hushed whispers, their eyes filled with wonder and concern. The birth of this child had unleashed a power that defied explanation, and the world held its breath, unsure of what lay ahead.

As Mitsuki cradled her newborn in her arms, a profound sense of responsibility washed over her. She knew that she had brought a being into the world unlike any other, a child whose powers were yet to be understood. And as the hospital staff worked to restore order, Mitsuki vowed to protect her child, come what may, and to guide them through the trials that lay ahead.

"Your name should be Bakugō Katsuki, a name that echoes strength and resilience." Mitsuki cooed these words after seeing her baby. Masaru smiled seeing this scene and vowed himself to protect them from whatever may come.

The birth of the child had triggered a cataclysmic event that shattered the delivery room. The walls crumbled, and debris rained down like a torrential storm. Glass shattered, and equipment flew through the air, creating a chaotic scene of destruction.

Dr. Suzuki was among those killed in the initial explosion, along with many of the nurses and hospital staff, their bodies crushed under the weight of the collapsing room and building.

Mitsuki and Masaru found themselves lying trapped under the rubble, struggling to breathe but they huddled protectively over their newborn son, shielding him from the onslaught. Their bodies were battered by the debris, but they clung to each other, their love and determination serving as a shield against the chaos. For a moment, they feared that they might not survive, but somehow, the heavens must have known just how important their child was.

In the aftermath, the building was leveled, reduced to a heap of smoking ruins.Heroes came after another and a rescue operation was issued, both inside and outside the ruins...!

One such hero rescued Masaru and Mitsuki from the wreckage, they were taken to a makeshift isolated room away from the pandemonium. It was a small, dimly lit space, offering a brief respite from the havoc outside. Mitsuki sank into a chair, cradling Katsuki close to her chest, her heart still racing from the intensity of the ordeal.

"What's happening?" Masaru demanded, his voice laced with both fear and gratitude. His eyes bore into the hero's, searching for answers amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

The hero's otherwise known as Bleep gaze softened, his somber voice carrying the weight of the world. "Some weird phenomena happening around their sources are unidentified. It has caused chaos and losses everywhere."

Mitsuki clutched Katsuki tighter, her eyes wide with a mix of awe and apprehension. "Will... Wil be safe here from all of this destruction?" she asked, her voice trembling laden with exhaustion due to the labored birth.

"For now stay here." As Bleep finished speaking, a team of healers and medics burst into the room, their faces etched with concern. They quickly assessed the situation and began attending to Mitsuki since she was the one who was the most injured due to giving birth moments before the pandemonium.

Outside the room, the chaos raged on. People, police and rescue wortkers rushed to rescue survivors, and the injured cried out for help. The mood was somber, as the full extent of the devastation became apparent.

Mitsuki and John exchanged a determined glance, their hearts heavy with the responsibility they now carried. They knew that their journey with Katsuki would be fraught with challenges, but they were determined to face them head-on. they would strive to provide Katsuki with the love, protection, and training he needed to navigate this extraordinary path that fate had laid before him.

Mitsuki reached out to him, feeling a deep bond between them. Together, mother and son ventured toward safety, with no idea of where they might end up or who they might encounter along the way.

For Mitsuki, this mysterious journey would change everything. It would introduce her to a world far different from the one she knew, with new allies and enemies alike, each with unique powers that threatened to destroy the very fabric of existence itself.


Did they succeed?! Find out next time when the Heroic Adventure Continues!! The Enigma's Embrace...

This is my first book. So, please give me some constructive criticism!!.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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