
The end has come

The end of the world is coming, the demon king is harvesting the lives of all beings, in this desperate era, there is a person who breaks the space and returns to before the world collapses, determined to change the fate of his previous life, but as time goes by, he gradually happens that the end is not so simple

3377487694 · Romance
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4 Chs

Chapter IV

Gu Qingshan suddenly remembered something.


"God of War interface, I want to ask something."




"Please." The system replied.


"Why can't I remember a lot of combat skills and experiences?"


"You've just traveled through planestime, causing a storm of effects in the turbulence of space."


"Many horrific beings feel this anomaly, and they are looking for the source of the matter."


"So you must now be sealed with a part of your memory, hidden, and wait for everything to settle down, and I will look for a suitable opportunity to unlock the seal of your memory."


Gu Qingshan listened and sighed silently.


Suddenly, he felt a faint pain in his body.


When I looked down, I saw a trace of blood soaked from the snow-white bandages on my body.


Yes, the body injury has not healed and is still in the recovery stage, so of course such a force will make the wound burst a little.


Gu Qingshan put down the military bow, found a marching couch, turned it over and began to rest.


You can't rush anything, you have to calm down.


Gu Qingshan took out the only remaining healing pill and swallowed it without hesitation.


He closed his eyes and began to silently carry the aura and dissolve the medicinal power.


Nothing was said all night.


At dawn, the rain fell heavier.


The climate is getting colder, and the cold air mixed with the rain is soaking the ground.


In a few dozen days, winter will come.




Gu Qingshan was woken up by the cold.


He got up and moved for a moment, and found that the wounds on his body had healed preliminarily.


The military healing pill is really not covered, and it is so effective in recovering from injuries.


After a while, there was a knock on the door.


Zhao Liu cooked another pot of porridge and brought it in diligently.


Gu Qingshan looked at the steaming pot, smelled the fragrance of the porridge, and asked, "How much grain is left?" "


Zhao Liu sighed and said, "It's only enough to eat for another day and a half." After speaking, he peeked at the storage bag on Qingshan's waist.


Gu Qingshan found out, but didn't say anything.


When he crossed over, his storage bag was also emptied.


Gu Qingshan filled the porridge and finished breakfast silently.


"How's your injury?" Zhao Liu's eyes were filled with hope.


"Much better," Gu Qingshan stretched out his arms and legs, and asked by the way, "Lao Zhao, which battalion are you from?" What class? "


Zhao Liu said with a reluctant smile on his face: "I am from the battalion, and I can cook meals for hundreds of people on weekdays." "


It turned out to be a pot pot, no wonder a bowl of porridge can be boiled out of good taste.


Such a predicament, if there was no Gu Qingshan, for Zhao Liu, an ordinary person, it would be a desperate realm of death.


But Zhao Liu didn't know that Gu Qingshan only had a cultivation level of qi refining, and if he encountered a small group of demons, Gu Qingshan would also be killed immediately.


Gu Qingshan thought silently, and looked at the hourglass above the operation interface.


There is not much sand in the hourglass, and it is almost at the bottom.


This seems to be different from the official game.


Next to the hourglass, a few lines of small firefly print explain this: when the player spends a full day in the practice world, they will return to the real world.


Gu Qingshan was now extremely eager to know what year it was in the real world.


Halfway through breakfast, the two of them stopped their movements at the same time.


"Brother Gu, there seems to be movement outside." Zhao Liu's body shrank back and whispered.


"I'll take a look." Gu Qingshan said, grabbed the military bow and walked out.


The hourglass only has more than ten minutes left, and I hope there won't be any big mess.


Gu Qingshan walked out of the door, pulled out an arrow and pressed it on the bowstring, squinting and looking around.


His eyes raced across every building, not missing a single corner.


Generally speaking, there is a hidden circle in the camp, and demons will not easily run into it.


What exactly is it?


Sand, sand, sand, the sound sounded again.


This direction is at the gate of the barracks.


Gu Qingshan leaned against the wall and moved over silently.


A two-person-tall monster with a huge body appeared in Gu Qingshan's field of vision.


The monster shook its head and tail and stood on the edge of the dead man's pit, carefully and vigilantly looking around.


Although there was a torrential rain that continued to wash away, the bloody gas in the dead man's pit eventually attracted demon beasts.


Gu Qingshan hid in the shadows under the eaves, raised his military bow, and slowly pulled the bowstring.


He knew the monster.


This is a low-level demon beast, although it looks a little clumsy, but if it launches a madness, the ability to rush and bite is also terrifying, and ordinary two or three soldiers can hardly get close.


Gu Qingshan secretly sighed and let out a fluke.


Fortunately, he chose a long-range attack, and with the cover of the hidden magic circle in the camp, he might be able to make a difference.


The monster trotted back and forth around the pit of the dead, rolling on the ground from time to time.


It probed to see if there were traps around it, or if there were other monsters in ambush.


The hourglass has ten minutes left.


Gu Qingshan silently held the bow and arrow, motionless.






The monster stopped, snorting, its huge head still swaying around vigilantly.


Five minutes left.


Gu Qingshan still didn't move.


The monster finally lowered its head slowly, ready to eat the remains of a soldier.


Its nose sniffed back and forth over the corpse for a few moments, before finally opening its large, fanged mouth.


This is the moment!


Gu Qingshan drew his bow and channeled his spiritual power to the arrow.


An invisible wave of qi slowly dispersed from the arrow.


Arrows with spiritual power added to them have five times more destructive power than ordinary arrows.


These arrows are all made of special qualities, not to mention carrying spiritual power, even the five elements can be carried.


The military bow was full, Gu Qingshan was silent for two breaths, and let go of his fingers.




The arrow roared and flew away, and in one fell swoop it fell into the mouth of the demon beast, and the painful demon beast fell to the ground.


An arrow came out, and Gu Qingshan did not hesitate to continuously pull his bow and shoot arrows.


Burst shot!


Arrows turned into afterimages and shot away from the bow.


The demon beast suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar and pounced in the direction of the barracks.


But before he could take a few steps, the demon beast shook its head and was about to flee.


There are more and more arrows on its body, and they are all in important positions such as facial features, joints, and belly.


The wound deepened at a terrifying rate, so much so that the tyrannical anger of the demon beast turned into deep fear.


If it chooses to flee as soon as it is attacked, it may be able to escape with its life, but it chooses to attack, and only thinks about escaping halfway, it will be too late.


During the whole process, Gu Qingshan did not have a trace of expression on his face, his hands were as steady as a rock, and he kept pulling out arrows, pulling out the bowstring, and shooting arrows.


Last minute.


The monster threw itself on the ground, motionless.


Its body was strewn with arrows, and blood gushed from all directions, drenching the earth red.


Gu Qingshan's spiritual power was only forty percent left.


Despite this, he still drew out his arrows, channeled spiritual power, and aimed at the demon beast's vital point and kept pulling the bowstring.


The demon beasts have opened their minds, and there are almost no stupid ones, and some are even more cunning than the human race.


They also play dead, and they also lure enemies.


After another seven or eight breaths, there were more and more arrows on the demon beast's body, and it couldn't hold it anymore, so it jumped up from the ground.


It was greeted by an even crazier rain of arrows.


The demon beast barely rushed forward five or six meters away, and after knocking down a big tree, it fell to the ground with a bang.


This time it's really dead.


Two lines of small blue light words suddenly jumped out of Gu Qingshan's field of vision.


"Soul power +1, current soul power: 1/5."


"The experience points are full, the current experience points are 5/5, you can upgrade, do you want to upgrade?"


Previously, after killing the skinned blood demon, he gained 4 experience points, and now he has obtained 1 experience point, which has reached the upgrade requirements.


Gu Qingshan said without hesitation: "Upgrade." "


As he spoke, the XP line changed from "5/5" to "0/10".


From the second layer of gas refining to the third layer of gas refining, the experience points required are directly doubled.


On Gu Qingshan's character icon, the logo of "Qi Refining Layer 1" has also changed, becoming "Qi Refining Layer 2".


A brilliant and dazzling light appeared on Gu Qingshan's body.


A warm current surrounded Gu Qingshan's whole body, and finally gathered at the dantian, turning into abundant spiritual power.