
The end has come

The end of the world is coming, the demon king is harvesting the lives of all beings, in this desperate era, there is a person who breaks the space and returns to before the world collapses, determined to change the fate of his previous life, but as time goes by, he gradually happens that the end is not so simple

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4 Chs

Chapter III

In Gu Qingshan's line of sight, the operation interface glowing with a slight blue light was not much different from before, except that at the bottom of the interface, there was an extra row of buttons.


These buttons are like black holes, emitting black mist from time to time.


A line of small blue text appears above this row of buttons:


"Successfully opened the God of War operation interface, and now you can activate the first function for free."


"Do you want to activate it?"




With Gu Qingshan's determination, among the rows of black hole-like buttons, the first button slowly revealed its name.


"God of War Skills?"


Gu Qingshan looked at the name of the button and quickly read the relevant instructions.


A moment later.


Gu Qingshan walked to the weapon rack in the corner and examined the several weapons on it.


A rusty spear, a damaged scimitar, a dusty bow.


It's a pity that there is no sword.


There are tens of millions of players who choose the sword cultivation profession in the entire game, and Gu Qingshan is the top ten great sword immortals on the sword cultivation rankings.


This is already in the ranks of the top players.


Gu Qingshan is the war commander of the National Guild, and he has to take care of all aspects on weekdays, and he has no leisure after the battle.


Even in the real world, he has to be often received by state leaders, and he has to work with foreign guilds to plan tactics, which is a lot of complicated affairs.


There have been many top masters who felt sorry for Gu Qingshan, saying that his energy was too much of a stumbling block, otherwise, his swordsmanship would never stop at the top ten, and it was possible to be the first person to win the kendo.


Since there was no sword on the weapon rack, Gu Qingshan could only shake his head regretfully and pick up the scimitar with his hand.


An additional piece of information immediately appeared in the God of War interface.


"Military Machete (Damaged), used the following skills:"


"First, sweep thousands of armies, caster: Wang Jin."


"Second, get straight to the point, the caster: Zhang Kuo."


"To comprehend the two types of sword techniques, each needs to consume 1 point of soul power."


This information was so amazing that even Gu Qingshan was stunned.


Can directly comprehend the moves, this is the God of War skill?


This is still the first function of the God of War operation interface, and other functions are currently black and cannot be used for the time being.


But that's enough, if you can really extract any exercise, then what are the exercises in this world that you can't get?


Gu Qingshan took a deep breath and waited until his mood calmed down a little, then he tried to ask, "What is soul power?" "


Immediately, a small print appears on the user interface.


"Kill living creatures to get soul power, have killed a skinned blood demon, get 4 soul power, current soul power: 4/5."


Kill a skinned blood demon and get 4 soul power in one go.


The Skinned Blood Demon is no longer an ordinary demon, its strength far exceeds that of ordinary demons and monks, and it is also a good hand at concealment and assassination.


Fortunately, Gu Qingshan seized the opportunity to countercalculate the other party and killed this demon in one fell swoop.


Otherwise, with Gu Qingshan's cultivation as a complete loss, once the two sides stalemate, it would not be the skinned blood demon who died.


Gu Qingshan nodded, it turned out that this was the case, but the soul power was displayed at 4/5, so the upper limit of his soul power was only 5 points in total?


That's too little.


As soon as I thought so, another line of small print appeared on the interface.


"The higher the cultivation, the higher the upper limit of soul power."


Is soul power related to cultivation?


Gu Qingshan couldn't help but look at his character level, only to see four big words marked on it: "Qi refining layer 1".


This is the initial cultivation level of all people entering the Otherworld, and the level of his previous life has been erased.


Gu Qingshan sighed, silently put down the scimitar, and pulled out the rusty spear.


There is only one basic stab on the spear.


Shaking his head and dropping the spear, Gu Qingshan picked up the military bow again.


"A military bow that has performed the following skills:"


"First, stability, caster: Zhang Yu."


"Second, continuous shooting, caster: Zhang Yu."


"Third, precise, caster: Zhang Yu."


"Fourth, Yan Shuangfei, caster: Zhang Yu."


"Comprehension is stable, continuous shooting, each needs to consume 2 points of soul power,


Comprehension is accurate, and it takes 4 points of soul power,


To comprehend Yan Shuangfei, you need to consume 6 points of soul power. "


According to the information in his memory, Zhang Yu was the Terran general who guarded this military camp, and he was good at swords and bows, and he died in the hands of the Blood Drinker in the last offensive and defensive battle.


Gu Qingshan's gaze swept over the four skills, focusing on "Yan Shuangfei".

This move actually required 6 points of soul power, which suddenly exceeded the upper limit of Gu Qingshan's soul power.


"Alas, it's only one level of qi refining, it seems that you have to start from scratch and raise the upper limit of soul power as soon as possible."


Gu Qingshan shook his head helplessly.


The so-called Qi Refining Realm is the lowest level of cultivators.


On top of Qi refining, there is also the foundation building, and there are also realms such as Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen, but this is all a later story.


There is still good news, that is, the player's cultivation can be brought back to the real world.


On the first floor of Qi refining, it is already possible to sense and use spiritual power.


If he could really return to the past in this state, even if all the equipment could not be recovered, even if all the skills were lost, Gu Qingshan would be ten thousand willing.


After all, there are too many regrets and unwillingness in life, and whenever he dreams back at midnight, Gu Qingshan can only silently lick the wound that will never heal in his heart.


If you can really do it all over again...


Gu Qingshan shook his head, controlled his emotions, and held the military bow and thought quickly.


The important thing now is to survive.


is only refining qi, and he can't even run away in front of demons.


Swords, knives, and spears all have to be fought in close combat, and they are scarred and their cultivation is the lowest level, how can they fight hand-to-hand with demons alone?


In the face of demons, if you are not careful, you will fall.


He is no longer a sword immortal in his previous life, let alone a legendary figure who led a country to attack and defend.


Right now, there was only himself and another soldier left in the barracks, and that soldier was still an ordinary person who didn't know how to cultivate, and it was really difficult to open up the situation with Gu Qingshan's cultivation of the first level of Qi refining.


It won't take long for the concealment circle in this military camp, and in another day or two, the concealment circle will also stop due to the depletion of spiritual power.


As soon as the concealment circle stops, all kinds of demons will come one after another.


Gu Qingshan suddenly found that his situation was quite dangerous.


It seems that you have to give up hand-to-hand combat first, switch to long-range attacks, and rely on the hidden circle of the camp to increase the level of the character as soon as possible.


Thinking of this, Gu Qingshan made a decision.


"I choose to comprehend stability, continuous shooting."


In an instant, a stream of heat poured into Gu Qingshan from the military bow, turned around in a circle of limbs, and dispersed into the sea of knowledge.


Gu Qingshan stood there for a moment, then suddenly raised his bow and shot it with an arrow.


The arrow sank deep into the beams of the house.


Gu Qingshan's hand didn't stop, and the arrow feathers were like pouring streamers, and they kept flying out of the bowstring.


Snatch! Snatch! Snatch! Snatch!


The twelve arrows were all shot in one go, and Gu Qingshan's arm holding the bow was still as steady as a rock, without the slightest movement.


This is "continuous ejaculation" and "stability", Gu Qingshan couldn't help but be a little enthusiastic.


The "God of War Technique" is so powerful!


As long as the soul power is enough, you can learn skills from weapons in an instant, and if you go on like this, what moves in the world can't be learned?