
The end has come

The end of the world is coming, the demon king is harvesting the lives of all beings, in this desperate era, there is a person who breaks the space and returns to before the world collapses, determined to change the fate of his previous life, but as time goes by, he gradually happens that the end is not so simple

3377487694 · Romance
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4 Chs

Chapter II

The fire was lit, and the cold and damp barracks gradually became warm.


The short sword was inserted into the ground at his side at will, and Gu Qingshan was wrapped in bandages, leaning against the wall, and sat on the ground.


His face was a little heavy.


Every now and then, the mind goes blank.


There were many things in his memory, he tried to think about, but they were blurry.


The soldier named Zhao Liu brought a pot of soup, put it on the fire, and covered the pot.


Zhao Liu took out a small box and handed it to Gu Qingshan, saying, "Thanks to you, otherwise I would have died at the hands of that monster." "


"What is this?" Gu Qingshan took the box and asked.


Zhao Liudao: "There are only two healing pills left in the camp. "


Gu Qingshan asked, "Why don't you keep it for yourself?" "


Zhao Liu shook his head and said, "I'm not a cultivator, so I can't use this." "


Gu Qingshan opened the box and saw that there were indeed two pills inside.


Gu Qingshan took out one and put it in his hand to examine it carefully.


The pill was intact, and even the thin layer of sealing wax wrapped on the surface did not fall off at all.


The pale green elixir exudes a faint fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed when they smell it.


This is the healing pill.


The Healing Pill is the lowest-level blood enhancement medicine, and Gu Qingshan would not have looked at it in the past, but now that he has been reborn, his past cultivation has come to naught, and he is scarred all over his body, but these two Healing Pills are priceless treasures.


Gu Qingshan couldn't help but ask, "In the entire military camp, there are only these two healing pills left?" "


Zhao Liu sighed and said, "Yes, after the people died, the supply route was cut off, not only the pills, but also all kinds of other materials were left. "


Gu Qingshan was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered something: "Is there still a spirit stone in the barracks?" "


Zhao Liudao: "No." "


"That's terrible." Gu Qingshan sighed.


Zhao Liu hurriedly asked, "What?" "


Gu Qingshan said: "The hidden magic circle in the camp is already very weak, and if there is no spirit stone to replenish, the magic circle will disappear soon." "


Zhao Liu shuddered, got up, and rushed out frantically.


If the concealment circle stops, the demons will be able to discover this military camp immediately, and it will definitely be dead and lifeless at that time.


No wonder the two lieutenants left a few days ago with that utter despair in their eyes.


Gu Qingshan watched him rush out, and after waiting for more than ten breaths, there was a soft buzz outside.


After this sound, it means that the circle has been filled with new spirit stones and restarted.


It wasn't until he heard this voice that Gu Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.


Zhao Liu really hid the spirit stone privately.


In this world, everyone is real and flesh and blood, and if you treat them as unintelligent NPCs, you will suffer a lot.


A long time ago, Gu Qingshan understood this truth.


After a while, Zhao Liu came back with heavy steps, sat down slowly against the wall, covered his face and cried.


Gu Qingshan said: "What are you crying for?" "


Zhao Liudao: "This time the spirit stone is really used up, and when the magic circle fails next time, we will all be killed by demons." "


Gu Qingshan was silent for a moment, pinched the sealing wax on the pill, swallowed the healing pill in one gulp, and began to try to sense the spiritual power in his body.


At first, he was still a little apprehensive, not knowing if he could sense spiritual power.


Unexpectedly, everything went smoothly, and the spiritual power in the dantian immediately responded to his call, cooperating with him to dissolve the medicinal power and carry it to various places in the body.


Gu Qingshan only felt warm all over his body, and there were bursts of itching in the wounds everywhere.


The wound has begun to heal.


When the medicinal power was exhausted and Gu Qingshan opened his eyes again, it was already the second half of the night.


Gu Qingshan stood up and moved, and found that his body was much better, and many wounds had new scabs.


Zhao Liu was still on the side, his head was sleepy little by little, and when he saw that Gu Qingshan was awake, he asked with a blank eye: "How is it, are you feeling better?" Can you run away with me? "


The last sentence can be regarded as saying his heart, if it weren't for this, I'm afraid the healing pill would not have been taken out.


Gu Qingshan said truthfully: "It's better, but if you want to fully recover your combat effectiveness, I'm afraid it will take a few days." "


"Then you can rest."


Zhao Liu stood up in disappointment, turned around and went out.


After Zhao Liu left, Gu Qingshan sat on the ground alone, deep in thought.


In his original era, the demons in the game had long since entered the real world and destroyed the order of human civilization.


The remnants of humanity can only survive and wait for the end to come.


Everything came to an end.


Now that I think about it, in fact, as early as the arrival of the game, there were already many strange signs.


At that time, various countries in the real world were desperately trying to promote the game.


Food, money, beauty, power, all for you, as long as you are strong enough in the game.


There are also many strange things happening around the world, but these things are covered by the human high-level, and ordinary people don't know about it.


It wasn't until the first weapon was brought into the real world from the game that ordinary people discovered that this was not a game, but a complete different world.


Everyone is crazy about the game.


But the demons in the game are terrifying, almost desperate.


Despite the influx of hundreds of millions of players into the game to help the Terrans fend off the demons, the Terrans have been defeated again and again in every decisive battle.


Until the last battle, the game released a server-wide announcement, declaring that once the campaign fails, the demons will occupy the other worlds in the game, and then fully enter the real world.


The real world is about to be completely destroyed by demons.


The whole real world went crazy.


Every human being over the age of five is forced to enter the game to create an account.


 In the language of public opinion, even a junior figure with no attack power can at least resist an attack for a large army in battle.


But in this last battle, the Terrans were defeated.


Only the National Guild led by Gu Qingshan completed the tasks assigned by the system and successfully killed the final demon lord.


When the other players were killed, Gu Qingshan knocked the final demon lord down to the Ten Thousand Bones Blood Seat, and he saw that he would have a chance to kill this final boss.


But at this moment, the heavy system announcement sounded twice in a row.


"The last god of the Terran has fallen, the royal city of the Terran has been breached, and the battle has decided: the Terran has failed."


"The game is over, the protective barrier is shattered, and the real world is about to begin to be destroyed."


Boom –


A loud roar rang out, and people were forcibly driven away from the game one after another, watching the end of the real world come.


Taking advantage of the fact that he had not yet been forced to withdraw, Gu Qingshan raised his weapon regardless of it and stabbed it hard at the heart of the final demon lord.


There was no time to see the results, Gu Qingshan only felt that it was dark in front of him, and he was forced to leave the game.


But instead of returning to the real world where the end came, he completely lost consciousness.


In a blur, Gu Qingshan vaguely heard a mechanical announcement.


"Player Gu Qingshan killed the final demon lord and saved the last spark for the desperate world that fell into the abyss, and he will be given the ultimate reward."


Gu Qingshan felt that there was one more thing in his hand, and then he didn't know anything.


When he woke up again, he was in the pit of the dead outside the barracks.


Thinking of this, Gu Qingshan shook his head and sighed regretfully.


Unfortunately, ten years after the game was released, I have never heard of any final rewards.


I really want to know what that is.


No, wait.


Gu Qingshan recalled one thing fiercely.


When he woke up from the corpse, he seemed to be holding something in his hands.


- The dagger!


Gu Qingshan Huo Ran looked down.


The dagger was still stuck on the ground at his side.


This is a golden short sword, the blade of the sword does not have a trace of superfluous patterns, and it is sharp and smooth.


When Gu Qingshan looked at it, he could also see a faint layer of golden light appearing and disappearing on the short sword.


Gu Qingshan thought back bit by bit, and his heartbeat became faster and faster.


Before killing the captain, this sword was already in his hand.


Inexplicably, he felt that the short sword was very handy, so he didn't rummage through the corpses to find other weapons.


Was this sword originally buried in a corpse pile, or was it brought out of the final battle?


Gu Qingshan held the short sword, hesitated for a long time, and urged the dantian spiritual power to pour into the short sword.


The moment the spiritual power entered the short sword, the golden rays on the short sword skyrocketed and spread, forming a magnificent and huge golden light.


A faint sense of vicissitudes of majesty emanated from the golden short sword.


"The smuggling is successful, and the activation begins."


The cold voice of the machine rang out.


I don't know if it's an illusion, Gu Qingshan always felt that this cold system voice seemed to be a little irrepressible excited.


The next moment, the golden short sword exploded into countless golden points of light in Gu Qingshan's hand.


These golden points of light floated in the air, circled around Gu Qingshan twice, and all poured into Gu Qingshan's eyebrows.


Gu Qingshan only felt that there was a loud bang in his ears, and the sea of knowledge was blank, and the whole person stood on the spot, unable to move.


After a long while, the voice of the cold machine made an announcement with a thick sense of exhaustion.


"The activation is successful, and the God of War operation interface is now open."