
Something abnormal

My brother ordered us to extinguish the remaining fire as it could create a suspicion if anyone noticed. We were lucky to find a well behind the house . But while fetching water from the well, we found a chest. It looked quite old and was very rusty. Later we extinguished the fire and after it cooled down , we searched the whole area for the bodies. It was a very difficult task.

The task was mandatory for if someone else found out the bodies, it could create a suspicion. Luckily we found every body. Now the problem was , where shall we hide them!!

At last we decided to bury those bodies in the ground. So everyone started to dig the earth. Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound. I saw behind, and saw the bodies were cracking into pieces. Frightened by the site , I called my brother!!

"Bro... brother... brother , look here!!!".

When everyone looked at the corpses, they were all amazed.

"What the hell is happening!!!!" exclaimed one of the men.

"Is this place haunted?, why are those bodies disappearing?".

"We have to get Outta here ASAP!"commanded my brother. "They are not ghosts and the house is not haunted , someone's behind it doing it with his magical abilities for some wicked purpose".

This made me more puzzled.