
A great victory

That night...

Now the time had come, everyone in my home were asleep except me and my brother. We went out of the house and within an hour , went near the base . As planned, I climbed up a tree nearest to the base to get a clear view . I was a helping hand of my brother but I had promised not to fight , so keeping an eye on the situation was the best I could do.

My brother went in fully armed with sword and dragger . He jumped through the fences and sneaked into the base , now it was my turn .

I tied the rope to the tree and threw the other end to my brother . He tied it to the fence . Now , with the help of the rope I delivered the oil . As planned , I signalled three most trusted men of my brother who were hiding in nearby bushes. They went inside the base and knocked at the door. A man opened the door, and the show began...

our men killed the man and entered the room. two were sleeping and five were awake . The two sleeping beasts were instantly killed but the other five got ready to fight .

In the mean time , my brother had spread oil all over the house and lighted a torch he waved the torch in the air and all our men ran out of the house . While the Walkers were running out of the house , my brother lighted the house with the torch. One of the Walkers was trapped in the house. The other four ran with the swords towards our men. My brother caught a walker from behind and threw him on the ground and put his sword through him . Rest of the Walkers were killed by our men.

This was a easy victory . I didn't know that the Walkers were so easy to kill or may be it was my brother's talent that killed them all.

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