
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 72 - A New Cybertron

Sentinel Prime and Megatron, accompanied by their entourage of Decepticons, swept towards the final bastion of the organization known as NEST. The once-formidable resistance, embodied by Autobots and the remnants of humanity, found itself unraveling before the inexorable advance of the Imperial forces. The Cosmic Militarum, impervious to the traps and assaults thrown their way, moved with an indomitable force, an unstoppable tide in their advanced Tachyon Shields and Power Armor.

Amidst the chaos, a sudden shift occurred. The Cosmic Militarum, like a retreating tide, receded, leaving an eerie stillness in its wake. Bewildered, Sam Witwicky questioned, "What's happening? Why are they retreating?" Optimus Prime, the stalwart leader of the Autobots, replied with a solemn tone, "Something's coming."

As if responding to an unseen cue, the Decepticons filled the horizon, encircling the Autobots. The air was charged with tension, and the battlefield hung in anticipation. From the ranks of the Decepticons emerged two formidable figures, Sentinel Prime and Megatron. Clad in their most formidable gear, they cast imposing silhouettes against the cosmic backdrop.

Sentinel Prime turned his gaze towards Optimus, his former ally turned adversary. "Optimus, surrender. Let this meaningless slaughter end," he declared. His optics then shifted to the humans, likely Nest combatants caught in the turmoil. "You too, humans. Imperial forces have taken over, and soon Earth will be transformed into a paradise."

Optimus Prime, standing amidst the encirclement of Decepticons and the receding tide of the Cosmic Militarum, absorbed Sentinel Prime's words with a stoic resolve. His optics, bright and unwavering, scanned the battlefield and then settled on Sentinel. The air crackled with the tension of an impending decision, and the echoes of war reverberated in the cosmic expanse.

In response, Optimus Prime's voice, resonant and firm, cut through the stillness. "Sentinel, I cannot surrender. Our fight is not just for the Autobots or humanity but for the freedom of all sentient beings. We cannot yield to an empire that seeks to impose its will upon others, no matter the promises it makes."

The Autobots, though surrounded, stood firm beside their leader. Optimus continued, addressing both his fellow Cybertronians and the humans caught in the crossfire. "To surrender is to forsake the principles we fight for — freedom, justice, and the right of every being to determine its own destiny. I will not compromise those ideals, even in the face of overwhelming odds."

Sigismund, 1st Captain of the Imperial Fists, appeared in the middle of the two forces along with a squad of his battle brothers.

"The Imperium seeks to conquer and bring Peace and Prosperity to Earth, Optimus," Sigismund's voice echoed, cutting through the tension. Optimus Prime, ever the embodiment of leadership, faced the newcomers with a stern gaze. "By Conquest? and Killing?" he questioned, his words hanging in the air.

"Collateral damage for the greater good of the race and planet as well as the future," Sigismund replied, his stance unwavering. The clash of ideologies set the stage for a cosmic struggle between conflicting visions of peace and prosperity.

"I am Sigismund, 1st Captain of the Imperial Fists of the Supreme Civilization known as Imperium Dominus," he declared, introducing himself to Optimus Prime.

Optimus, optics narrowing, observed Sigismund with a mix of weariness and conviction. The battlefield, caught in the crossfire of cosmic powers, became a battleground for contrasting ideals. "Your vision of peace through conquest is not one I can embrace," Optimus asserted. "True peace must be built upon understanding, cooperation, and the freedom of choice."

Sigismund, clad in advanced Combat Skin, met Optimus's gaze. "Your ideals may work in a simpler world, Prime, but we operate on a cosmic scale. The Imperium Dominus is here to guide and uplift civilizations. The sacrifices made today will pave the way for a brighter future."

Optimus Prime remained steadfast. "The ends do not justify the means, Sigismund. We fight for the right of all beings to determine their own fate. I cannot let Earth fall under the shadow of an empire, even one that claims benevolence."

Sigismund gestured toward Sentinel Prime and Megatron. "Understanding, cooperation, and the freedom of choice? These can be worked on as time flies by, however, I can see you refuse to cooperate nor surrender."

"So be it," he declared. "The Imperium has negotiated, and negotiations have failed. You may begin."

Decepticons, led by the imposing figures of Megatron and Sentinel Prime, advanced with calculated precision. Autobots, their forces weakened and outnumbered, fought valiantly alongside NEST organization humans, their resolve unyielding against the overwhelming might of their adversaries.

Explosions erupted like cosmic fireworks as plasma blasts and energon blades met in a dazzling display of warfare. Autobots like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and more, engaged in fierce skirmishes, defending the humans who fought alongside them. NEST operatives provided cover fire, their weaponry barely scratching the formidable armor of the Decepticons.

As the battle raged on, the tide slowly turned against the Autobots. Decepticon Seekers soared through the skies, raining down plasma barrages, while ground-based units like Shockwave and Soundwave exhibited ruthless efficiency. The once defiant Autobots found themselves gradually pushed back, their defenses weakening under the relentless assault.

Optimus Prime, the stalwart leader of the Autobots, fought valiantly against the combined onslaught of Sentinel Prime and Megatron. The clash between these titans of Cybertron shook the very foundation of the war-torn landscape. Sparks flew, and metal roared as the clash intensified, an epic duel that transcended mere physical confrontation.

Sentinel Prime, once a mentor to Optimus, now bore the mark of betrayal as he fought with an unyielding determination. Megatron, the ruthless warlord, sought to impose his dominion over Cybertron and now Earth. Together, they proved to be formidable adversaries, exploiting every opening in Optimus's defenses.

Despite the strategic brilliance of NEST's tactics and the firepower they brought to bear, the relentless assault of the Decepticons pushed the Autobots to the brink. Each engagement unfolded with calculated precision, the Decepticons exploiting weaknesses and capitalizing on the chaos.

The battle reached its zenith as Optimus found himself engaged in a two-front assault. Sentinel Prime's calculated strikes were complemented by Megatron's unrelenting brutality. Optimus, however, fought with a fierce determination, defending not just his Autobot comrades but the very essence of freedom.

The duel, a symphony of clashing metal and roaring engines, drew the attention of both Autobots and Decepticons alike. The NEST forces, witnessing their leader in the midst of this cosmic struggle, redoubled their efforts, but it was becoming evident that victory was slipping away.

In a decisive moment, Megatron and Sentinel Prime managed to overpower Optimus. Their combined might subdued the Autobot leader, leaving him vulnerable to capture. Megatron's triumphant words resonated across the battlefield, signaling the turning point of the conflict.

"The Autobots fall today! Cybertron shall rise again!" Megatron declared, a proclamation that reverberated through the shattered remnants of the battleground.

"Foolish of you, Optimus. I taught you everything you know," Sentinel Prime taunted as he delivered a punishing blow, the clash of metal against metal resounding through the stillness of the conquered city.

Megatron, a relentless force, added his own brand of brutality. "We are meant to rule, not to be subservient to these creatures." With a swift kick, he sent Optimus crashing to the ground, the once proud leader of the Autobots now in chains.

The Autobots, outnumbered and outgunned, fought valiantly, but the tide of battle had turned against them. As they were either captured or felled, the hope for Earth's freedom dimmed.

In the midst of the chaos, Sam Witwicky, a mere human caught in the cosmic maelstrom, shouted in vain. His Visions granted by his merging with the All Spark disappeared as the restored artifact now rested in the hands of Zephyrus, the Primarch of the Imperial Fists.

"Optimus!" Sam's desperate cry echoed through the desolate streets, unheard amidst the cosmic tumult. He, too, was captured by the relentless advance of the Cosmic Militarum.

The shattered remnants of Chicago's once-bustling streets echoed with the clashing sounds of metal and the aftermath of a cosmic struggle. Bumblebee, the resilient Autobot scout, had managed to break free from his restraints, launching a desperate attack on Sentinel Prime. However, his valiant effort was short-lived as Megatron, ever watchful, shot him in the back.

"Know your place, Scout. This is for Cybertron, for the glory of the Decepticons," Megatron declared with a cold resolve. Bumblebee, now wounded and weakened, lay on the pavement—a testament to the futility of resistance against the overwhelming forces of the Decepticons.

As Bumblebee struggled to rise, the weight of his futile resistance became palpable. His optics flickered with a mixture of determination and weariness, reflecting the harsh reality that the battle for Earth had taken a devastating turn.

Meanwhile, Shockwave, a loyal lieutenant of Megatron, observed the unfolding scene. Despite his sadistic tendencies, he received a directive from Megatron to refrain from torturing the Autobot captive. Megatron's attention shifted to the captured Autobots, realizing the significance of their impending fate.

Megatron addressed Shockwave, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Shockwave, no torture. The Primarch will decide their fate." Acknowledging the command, Shockwave nodded, and together with his fellow Decepticons, they began the process of transporting the captive Autobots to the heart of Imperial Headquarters.

Amidst the cosmic turmoil, Cosmic Militarum forces efficiently loaded the resisting humans, particularly the military and NEST operatives, onto massive jailer trucks. These imposing vehicles, capable of holding up to 200 individuals, symbolized the decisive shift in power.

Zephyrus, having swiftly subdued the Earth under the banner of the Imperium, stood amidst the now-conquered cityscape of Chicago. The once-vibrant metropolis had transformed into a testament to the overwhelming might of the cosmic forces now controlling it. As he surveyed the captured leaders, their minds under the influence of the Imperium's scarabs, Zephyrus contemplated the deviation from the standard methods of conquest employed by his brothers and sisters.

His father, the God Emperor, had given him a directive—to conquer. And Zephyrus, ever dutiful, executed the command with a directness that matched the raw power he wielded. The usual practice of sending negotiating parties seemed secondary in the face of the urgency perceived by the Primarch. The straightforward approach, favored by many of his siblings, resonated with him in this conquest.

Zephyrus knew that Titus, Valerian and Isolde perhaps the more diplomatic Primarchs, would have taken a different route. Negotiations, treaties, and alliances were their tools of choice. Yet, in this instance, the swift takeover had its own merits. The Imperium, a force capable of overwhelming entire civilizations, stood as a beacon of change and order. The captured leaders, now puppets of the Imperium's scarabs, awaited their directives to reshape their nations.

As the rebuilding process commenced under the watchful eyes of the Primarch, he pondered the path chosen. Was this deviation from the usual negotiation strategy a sign of a more assertive Imperium, or was it a unique response to the specific circumstances Earth presented?

The air crackled with cosmic energy as Sentinel Prime, Megatron, and the captured Autobots materialized before the imposing figure of Zephyrus. The Herrscher of the Rock regarded them with an air of stoic authority, his gaze penetrating through the metallic exterior of the Cybertronians.

"We have brought Prime to you, Primarch. I hope that you keep your promise," Sentinel Prime stated, his optics fixed on Zephyrus.

Zephyrus, in response, simply uttered, "Don't resist."

In an instant, the surroundings shifted, and they found themselves transported from the headquarters of the Imperium on Earth to the colossal vessel known as the Eternal Crusader. As the ship's systems engaged, the hum of teleportation enveloped them, whisking them away to a neighboring galaxy.

The sight that greeted Sentinel Prime and Megatron was awe-inspiring. Before them loomed a massive metal planet, familiar to their optics. "Cybertron... she is beautiful," Megatron muttered, a mix of nostalgia and admiration in his voice.

Zephyrus' voice echoed through the vast chamber aboard the Eternal Crusader as he confronted Optimus Prime. The atmosphere crackled with a mix of tension and cosmic energy, and the eyes of the Cybertronians were fixed on the unfolding scene.

"Optimus Prime, to be frank, you betrayed your kin to protect a race that did not appreciate your stay on Earth. I do not understand why you still do so. I've seen your future; in fact, I saw the fate of the Cybertronians on Earth after a few years. The only country accepting to your kind is Cuba, with the rest of the world shunning and hunting you down," Zephyrus declared.

As he spoke, Zephyrus extended his hand, and a mesmerizing glow emanated from Optimus Prime's chest. The Matrix of Leadership emerged, suspended in the air. Zephyrus continued, his words carrying the weight of cosmic insight, "The Matrix of Leadership, the object that gives you purpose and a sense of responsibility, and the key to the Star Harvester. Quite a primitive way to harvest stars, where the Imperium's Dyson Spheres do it more efficiently."

Zephyrus' directives echoed through the vast expanse of the Eternal Crusader as he assigned tasks to Sentinel Prime and Megatron. The Primarch's words held the weight of authority, and both Cybertronian leaders received their assignments with a mix of curiosity and acceptance.

"Sentinel and Megatron, you may descend with the Decepticons and the Autobots to New Cybertron now. You may find out that it is much better than the original Cybertron," Zephyrus proclaimed. "And Sentinel, I'm letting you keep Optimus Prime and his Autobots. As both of you are of the same race, being Autobots, and you were once his mentor, I don't see why not you cannot teach him again."

His gaze then shifted to Megatron. "Megatron, you are a militaristic leader and more likely to wage war. The Imperium likes to employ such characters. Perhaps you would like to lead the Decepticons to wage war for the Imperium. But for now, familiarize yourself with New Cybertron. You may contact us later on."

Megatron and Sentinel nodded in acknowledgment as the Decepticons and Autobots were swiftly teleported into the newfound haven of New Cybertron.

The creation of New Cybertron unfolded effortlessly under the technologically advanced capabilities of the Imperium. The Artificers, skilled in the art of reverse engineering and perfection, swiftly mastered the production of Energon. In a mere 40 minutes, they replicated the intricate process—from energy harvested from stars to energy conversion, matter conversion, culminating in the creation of Energon itself. The seamless transformation showcased the unmatched technological prowess of the Imperium.

The ethereal hum of the teleportation field dissipated as Sentinel Prime and Megatron, along with the Autobots and Decepticons, materialized before the colossal Crystal City. Sentinel Prime couldn't help but murmur, "Crystal City... no, it should be New Crystal City now."

As the Decepticons roamed the expansive New Cybertron, a realization dawned upon them. "Everything seems... bigger," Starscream remarked. The ever-analytical Shockwave added, "My scanners indicate it is thrice the size of the original Cybertron, approximately 360,000 kilometers in diameter. Moreover, the Imperium has meticulously replicated significant Cybertronian monuments, such as the Crystal City and the Primes' Citadel, among others."

Megatron, deep in thought, muttered the words that encapsulated the awe-inspiring reality before them, "Imperium Dominus."

Sentinel Prime turned his attention to Optimus, who stood with a mixture of confusion and realization. "Cybertron?" Optimus muttered, seeking answers. Before Sentinel could respond, Optimus continued, "I thought we were still fighting the Decepticons? What happened, Sentinel? I thought you boarded the Ark to escape the war on Cybertron. What happened, Sentinel?"

In that moment, Sentinel Prime grasped the impact of the Primarch's words. "And Sentinel, I'm letting you keep Optimus Prime and his Autobots. As both of you are of the same race, being Autobots, and you were once his mentor, I don't see why not you cannot teach him again." Zephyrus's voice resonated in his mind. It became clear that Optimus Prime's recent memories had been altered, a revelation that sent a shudder through Sentinel as he looked at the perplexed Optimus.

"The war is over, Optimus. We made a truce with the Decepticons. Come, young one, let me elaborate further on what happened," Sentinel gestured, reminiscent of an old teacher guiding his young student. They made their way to the Hall of Records, a location laden with memories from the past, now expanded and enriched with additional information on the vast multiverse.