
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

The Empire Of The Multiverse

Chapter 73 - The Herrscher of Fire

Amidst the tumultuous expanse of the Imperium's Rim Galaxies, Horus, the Primarch of the Luna Wolves and the Herrscher of Fire, stood as a bulwark against the relentless tide of Korrk infestations and Eldranthii ambushes. Months of relentless warfare had entrenched Horus and his legions in the heart of a vast fortress galaxy known as Imperium's Reach. In this war-torn region of space, the Luna Wolves tirelessly fought to repel the surging Korrk forces and safeguard the Imperium's holdings.

The Imperium's Reach, a cluster of galaxies either constructed or discovered, became the epicenter of Horus's resistance. With strategic brilliance, he fortified his position, turning the fortress galaxy into a bastion against the encroaching threat. Trillions of light-years in every direction above and below him were defended by Horus's troops. The Luna Wolves, instrumental in his plans, were deployed on every front, from distant planets to sprawling ring worlds.

The Korrks, relentless in their advance, multiplied in number, while the Eldranthii, facing scarcity, seemingly ceded the sector to the oncoming tide. Horus, pondering his next move, contemplated the drastic option of burning the Korrk-infested galaxies. However, the battle had not yet reached the white-hot stage, and he patiently awaited his true adversary. Horus knew that only by facing the Star God could he halt the Korrk invasion facilitated by their manipulation of wormholes. The Star Gods possessed the ability to create wormholes at will, a power that needed to be extinguished by Horus's blade. The Luna Wolves and the Men of Iron at his side were prepared for the decisive conflict, waiting for the moment when the Star God would come to him, just as his Primarch brothers and sisters faced their own cosmic challenges.

In the midst of reviewing the intricate dance of the Korrk forces across multiple galaxies, Horus, the Herrscher of Fire and Primarch of the Luna Wolves, felt the unmistakable surge of cosmic energy. The presence of the Star God had arrived, and without hesitation, Horus issued orders to his trusted lieutenant, Abaddon.

"Abaddon, lead your brothers. I have a personal foe to confront," Horus declared, disappearing from the confines of his mothership and reappearing in the vast expanse of space light-years away. Abaddon, accustomed to the ebb and flow of cosmic battles, assumed command, reassured by the belief that their Primarch would return.

As Horus materialized amidst the celestial void, his formidable greatsword rested upon his shoulders, radiating a heat akin to the surface of the sun. Before him loomed a colossal Star God, faceless yet filled with cosmic presence. The voice of the Star God resonated through the emptiness, questioning Horus's understanding of the consequences of his conquest.

"The Herrscher of Fire, Horus Darkbane. Do you comprehend that your actions are extinguishing life across the universe?" the Star God queried, prompting Horus to respond with unyielding resolve.

"If the price of victory demands the cessation of life, we shall recreate it. The Imperium possesses data on countless species, and their recreation is a trivial task. But enough discourse, are you ready to face a Primarch?" Horus declared before launching into action.

Appearing beside the Star God in a flash, Horus swung his mighty sword towards its head. Yet, a formidable gravitational force impeded the advance of the weapon. As the temperature around them rose, the Star God's metallic form began to glow like molten iron.

"Indeed, I am prepared to fight and slay a Primarch. Remember my name,

Primarch, for I am Singularityx, the Gravity Warden," the Star God declared. With a forceful push from its palm, Horus was propelled backward at an astonishing speed. The cosmic clash between the Herrscher of Fire and the Gravity Warden had begun.

The cosmic clash between Horus, the Herrscher of Fire, and Singularityx, the Gravity Warden, unfolded with unparalleled intensity. Despite being launched backward, Horus unleashed a relentless barrage of flame-based attacks, their temperatures rivaling that of the sun. Singularityx, the Star God, adeptly repelled these assaults using the manipulation of gravity.

Regaining his footing, Horus stepped onto the cosmic void, propelling himself forward with a blazing determination. His mighty sword cut through space, slashing at Singularityx. The Star God, seemingly unfazed, caught Horus's strike with a simple clap of its palm, unleashing the overwhelming force of gravity. The impact felt like the collision of two planets, yet Horus's injuries miraculously vanished in the blink of an eye as the flames that enveloped him worked their extraordinary healing.

The battle continued in a relentless back-and-forth. Singularityx's attacks inflicted damage, melting portions of its metallic form with each strike from Horus. Yet, the Star God, with an almost casual gesture, warped reality, effortlessly restoring its injuries. It became a cosmic ballet of destruction and restoration.

Horus's flames underwent a transformation, shifting from their original orange-red hue to a searing blue. The heat emanating from him intensified, now reaching temperatures twice that of the sun. Singularityx, attuned to these changes, observed as the cosmic energies surged within the Primarch.

In a swift motion, Singularityx conjured a singularity directly in front of Horus's head, a gravitational force threatening to crush the Primarch. Reacting with unparalleled speed, Horus shattered the singularity with a powerful slash, defying the gravitational onslaught.

Singularityx, relentless in its pursuit, once again propelled Horus forward with a mighty palm strike. This time, however, a crushing motion followed, as the Star God manipulated the gravitational field around Horus, attempting to crush the Primarch with the force of his own gravitational field. Horus, feeling the compression, countered by unleashing flames that entered Elementalization.

The gravitational pressure, instead of harming Horus, served only to compress his flames, causing them to burn even hotter, reaching temperatures surpassing 200,000 Kelvin. Horus, ablaze with unprecedented intensity, burned through the gravitational force pressing upon him. In response, he unleashed apocalyptic amounts of fire attacks at Singularityx. Though the Star God repelled most of the attacks, Horus mirrored a swatting motion, transforming the flame attacks into massive hands that clamped around Singularityx.

A gap remained between Singularityx and the fiery hands, but the intense heat emitted from them began to melt the Star God. Taunting his adversary, Horus increased the flames, stacking them with an overwhelming intensity. Their battle had inadvertently led them to a nearby system infested by Korrks. Planets and structures constructed by the Korrks succumbed to the astonishing rate of melting brought forth by the presence of the Herrscher of Fire.

"What's wrong, Star God? Can't take the heat?" Horus taunted, his words echoing through the cosmic expanse as the flames continued to engulf Singularityx.

"I'm just getting started, Primarch!" Despite being trapped and his body melting, the Star God attempted to warp reality to erase Horus. However, Horus smirked in response, "Nice try, Star God. We are no longer affected by reality warping. We are anchored by the Imaginary Space. As long as the Imaginary Space exists, we Primarchs will always be impervious to such attempts. You cannot kill a Primarch; we will always come back. It will always be a matter of when," Horus declared.

As he spoke, planets surged towards Horus, crushing him in the midst of their collision. From the crushed planets emerged a black hole, consuming everything with intense gravity. Singularityx, observing the scene, saw no sign of Horus for five minutes. Just as the Star God sighed in relief, an object flew towards it at speeds exceeding light. Singularityx repelled the object, only to realize it was Horus's Great Sword, breaking into three pieces that attacked the Star God. Despite their incredible speed, the pieces stopped a few meters away from Singularityx.

"Where are you?" The Star God pondered, searching for Horus. In a nanosecond, Horus appeared and slashed Singularityx, severing its right arm. Horus's flames had changed color to white with a tinge of black.

"I have to thank you, Singularityx. Your intense gravity helped me push through and acquire the Flames of Destruction, the hottest flames in the universe, with temperatures akin to a supernova," Horus proclaimed.

The intensity of Horus's heat spread across multiple galaxies, with the nearest one vaporized directly, altering the movements of planets and ultimately annihilating four nearby galaxies.

Chains made of flames coiled around the Star God. Singularityx struggled to escape, repelling the chains with all its strength, attempting to create a wormhole to flee. However, its attempts were incinerated by the overwhelming temperatures. Horus slashed vertically, severing the Star God and its defenses in two, disintegrating Singularityx into nothingness.

Horus, having returned to the Mothership, found Abaddon managing the ongoing conflict and monitoring the clash with Singularityx. "Excellent work, Father," Abaddon commended. Horus nodded and inquired about the situation. Abaddon reported, "The fight with the Star God took place in Korrk-infested galaxies. The devastation caused by you and the Star God wiped those galaxies from the face of the universe. Now, we are dealing with the remnants and dregs of the Korrks."

"Pass down my orders," Horus commanded. "All-out attack. I want those remnants gone by the next week." Abaddon and the Bridge's crew responded in unison, "By your will, Father."

In a matter of weeks, the Luna Wolves, led by Abaddon, systematically eradicated the remaining Korrks. Using controlled implosions of stars, they created artificial supernovae, obliterating the Korrks in the immediate solar systems and ensuring the cleansing of the remnants from the cosmos.

72.2 The Death Guard

In the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy, Fafnir's divine soul descended upon his seated form upon the Golden Throne. The descent was heralded by a radiant blend of golden and blue energy. Budo and the Custodes, standing guard near the revered throne, immediately knelt on one knee, showing utmost reverence. "Your Radiance, the eternal guardian stands ready in your service. The Vigil has not wavered, and the Imperial Realm endures by your divine will," Budo declared.

Simultaneously, an icy blue light descended upon Esdeath's form, indicating the presence of the God-Empress alongside her beloved. Despite the freezing aura, the Custodes and the Sisters of Silence in the grand Throne Room remained unaffected, a testament to their evolved powers. Budo greeted Esdeath as well, "Hail, Frost Sovereign, Mistress of War. The Adeptus Custodes stands ever vigilant before your celestial grace."

In the presence of the divine couple, the Custodes and Sisters of Silence knelt in humble reverence. The frost that briefly enveloped the throne melted away as Fafnir opened his eyes. "How has the War in Heaven progressed, Budo?" he inquired.

"Your Majesty, the War in Heaven is in a stalemate, mainly due to the formidable resistance posed by the Korrks. The Eldranthii and their gods have initiated their movements, albeit mostly from the shadows. The assassins of the Silentium Exsequiarum have successfully eliminated multiple Eldranthii leaders, yet their core leadership remains elusive. The Deathmarks have been mobilized, but tracking their God-King proves challenging. It seems they harbor a fear of you and her Highness," Budo reported.

"He should indeed fear us," Esdeath remarked as she walked beside Fafnir, locking arms with him. "Young gods have a tendency to challenge their fate," she added with evident contempt.

"You speak as if you aren't a young god yourself, my love," Fafnir chuckled. Esdeath, maintaining her stubborn demeanor, locked eyes with him and retorted, "We have extinguished the oldest gods in this universe, making us the oldest by default."

Fafnir's laughter resonated in the regal chamber, while Esdeath simply rolled her eyes.

In the heart of the Quasar Enclave, Mordecai Ashbringer, the indomitable Primarch of the Deathguard, led his legions into a relentless assault on the Eldranthii-occupied galaxies. This particular region, aptly named the Quasar Enclave, held strategic importance as a fortress galaxy protecting nearby chains of galaxies. The Eldranthii had entrenched themselves here, aware that the Imperium, under the command of the Deathguard Primarch, would launch a frontal assault.

The Death Guard flagship, "The Endurance," emerged from the Imaginary Space Portals, flanked by seven escort battleships. Alongside them, countless Men of Iron Forgeworlds materialized, a testament to the overwhelming force Mordecai Ashbringer commanded.

The Eldranthii forces, versed in the arcane arts and the movements of their cosmic enemies, anticipated the Primarch's arrival. The Imperium, in this crusade, did not seek subtlety but embraced a style characterized by a relentless frontal assault. The Death Guard, resilient and unyielding, favored the use of biological weaponry and excelled in the arts of death magic.

Wherever the Deathguard marched, the dead rose to march alongside them. These were not ordinary undead; they retained their combat prowess and knowledge. Yet, once resurrected, they were bound by a single purpose—to annihilate the enemies of the Imperium.

The vastness of space became a theater of war as the Death Guard Legions, under the command of Mordecai Ashbringer, clashed with the Eldranthii forces in the Quasar Enclave. A symphony of destruction unfolded as missiles, powered by nuclear warheads, erupted from the Death Guard ranks. Flayers, plasma weaponry, particle whips, and light-speed railguns unleashed a storm of destruction upon the Eldranthii ships.

In response, the Eldranthii, agile and resilient, fought back with a formidable array of weapons. Gravity cannons, lasers, and a multitude of advanced Eldranthii armaments retaliated, creating a dazzling display of cosmic warfare. Despite their fierce resistance, the absence of the Korrks, who had previously absorbed the brunt of Men of Iron assaults, left the Eldranthii vulnerable.

As Mordecai observed the unfolding chaos, he contemplated the purpose of this mission. Sent by the Grand Strategist Lelouch, the Death Guard Primarch was tasked with testing the Eldranthii's ability to withstand the might of the Imperium without their Korrk allies. The results became apparent – while the Eldranthii could effectively combat the Cosmic Militarum and the Astartes with a slight advantage, the introduction of the Men of Iron into the conflict tilted the scales decisively in favor of the Imperium forces. The cosmic ballet of destruction continued, and Mordecai Ashbringer understood that this engagement was not just a battle; it was a strategic revelation.

The Quasar Enclave echoed with the screams of battle as the Death Guard, under Mordecai Ashbringer's command, initiated the descent onto Eldranthii-controlled planets. The Imperium's advanced teleportation technology allowed for a rapid deployment of forces, bypassing traditional drop pods and reducing casualties caused by enemy fire.

Teleportation rods, launched with incredible speed, embedded themselves into the planetary soil. As they struck the ground, seismic quakes followed, signaling the arrival of the Cosmic Militarum. The Imperial forces emerged swiftly, and within seconds, defensive structures sprang up to fortify their positions.

As Death Guard squads materialized on the planets, their leaders invoked dark energies. The eerie glow of green and black enveloped their hands as they chanted incantations. In a macabre display of the Primarch's newfound powers, Eldranthii corpses within a 10-meter radius began to stir. To the horror of the Eldranthii defenders, these lifeless bodies rose and turned against their former comrades. The Death Guard, augmented by Mordecai's formidable abilities as the Herrscher of Death, continued their relentless assault.

The resurrection of fallen foes became a grim and effective tactic, spreading fear and chaos among the Eldranthii ranks. Mordecai's evolution since his confrontation with Nyarlathotep had elevated him to the echelons of the mightiest Primarchs, showcasing the relentless power of the Cosmic Militarum and the Death Guard.

Forgive me for the Delay, Internet Connection went out for a few days, and even now, I'm using Data to upload this.

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