
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 55 - The Abysmal Gap

In the vast expanse of space, the Custodian Mothership hung like a celestial titan, its elegant yet imposing design adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that shimmered with cosmic energy. Its sheer presence manipulated the fabric of space around it, a testament to the advanced technology harnessed by the Imperium. Arrayed before it were a myriad of attacks, glowing with the cosmic energy that surged through their hulls, a telltale sign of the space being constantly manipulated by the immense vessel.

Aboard the bridge, the Custodian in charge of the overall command stood tall and resolute. Clad in golden combat skin with an ever-flowing crest, his face concealed behind the mask, he exuded an aura of authority and power. The Admiral, his voice steady despite the tension in the air, reported the readiness of the fleets.

"Sir, the fleets are ready at your command," the Admiral said, his tone respectful yet filled with the anticipation of battle.

"Proceed," commanded the Custodian, his voice resonating with an undeniable force. "The Emperor is furious. Let them know the folly of their actions. Heretics may find redemption in the mercy of the God Emperor, but traitors deserve no mercy."

With those words, the fate of the Nexarian Galaxy was sealed. In moments, the seemingly impervious defense line, composed of millions of Nexarian fleets, met its end. The Custodian Mothership unleashed a devastating volley, firing projectiles at the speed of light. The force fields that once shielded the Nexarian fleets proved useless against the onslaught. The once-formidable defense line shattered like glass, millions of ships reduced to debris in the void of space.

The attack had begun. The wrath of the Imperium, fueled by the God Emperor's fury, descended upon the Nexarian Galaxy with unparalleled force. The battle for Nexar Prime had escalated into a cosmic maelstrom, where fleets clashed amidst the stars, and the fate of an entire civilization hung in the balance.

In the heart of the chaos, the Imperium's might bore down upon the Nexarian fleets with relentless determination. The Custodian Mothership, its blue hull emblazoned with white lines and runes, cut through the vastness of space like a vengeful deity, its very presence a harbinger of doom for the traitorous Nexarians. The thousands of ships under its command surged forward, their engines roaring with power as they barreled toward Nexar Prime, the capital planet of the Nexarian Galaxy.

Every blockade, spatial disturbance, and singularity mine the Nexarians had deployed proved futile before the might of the Imperium. Such tactics, effective against Type 3 civilizations, crumbled in the face of an adversary like the Imperium Dominus. The gap between the two civilizations was glaringly apparent in this conflict.

The clash of fleets was not a battle; it was an execution. Imperium ships easily dismantled the Nexarian defenses, rendering their once-formidable strategies useless. Nexarian vessels were dispatched with ruthless efficiency. Boarding parties from the Cosmic Militarum, elite soldiers equipped with advanced power armor, swiftly infiltrated Nexarian ships.

Inside one of the Imperium battleships, a Company of Guardsmen prepared for a boarding operation. Their power armor gleamed with the glory of inherited Astartes technology, a mark of honor and prowess. The Company Commander, wearing the distinct design of the Space Wolves, led his troops with unwavering resolve.

"Ready?" he barked, his voice resonating through the chamber.

"YES SIR!" came the resounding reply.

With a swift countdown, the Guardsmen teleported into the heart of a Nexarian vessel. Chaos erupted as they unleashed the wrath of the Imperium upon the traitorous crew. The Guardsmen's Flayers came to life, reducing Nexarian soldiers to blue dust. In response, the Nexarians retaliated with plasma weapons, ballistic fire, and grenades.

Yet, the Guardsmen were protected by an advanced energy field, a testament to the Imperium's superior technology. Even Nexarian plasma weapons and explosives were futile against the might of their Klein fields. The Guardsmen pressed on, their power armor emitting shockwaves that pulverized anything in their path.

"Squads 1 and 2, guard the bridge! Squads 3 to 5, search and destroy! Squads 6 to 7, disable the Engine room!" commanded the Company Commander.

The Guardsmen moved with precision, encountering ambushes that proved futile against their impervious armor. Plasma blasts were deflected, explosions absorbed, and lasers blocked. The Nexarians found themselves hopelessly outmatched, their defenders falling one by one before the unyielding advance of the Cosmic Militarum.

Throughout the battlefield, similar scenes played out as the Imperium's boarding parties systematically dismantled Nexarian resistance. The traitors faced not just defeat, but annihilation, as the Imperium's wrath descended upon them with unrelenting fury, all in the name of the God-Emperor. And yet, the Astartes, the Emperor's chosen warriors, had yet to join the fray, a testament to the overwhelming might of the Cosmic Militarum. In this battle, they were proving that as long as the foes were not gods or unkillable monsters, the Cosmic Militarum could handle any adversary that dared to challenge the might of the Imperium Dominus.

The Custodian Mothership, a colossal vessel of awe-inspiring power and divine might, emerged near Nexar Prime, the capital planet of the Nexarian Galaxy. Its arrival was heralded by a symphony of destruction, as Nexarian ships attempted to block its path, thinking their unique designs would grant them an advantage.

These unique Nexarian battleships, while different in appearance, proved no match for the overwhelming firepower and advanced technology of the Imperium. In mere minutes, their once-proud fleet was reduced to floating debris, lost amidst the vastness of space.

Meanwhile, the Custodian Mothership, resplendent in its blue hull adorned with lines and runes of white, held its ground, its energy shields shimmering with power. On its bridge, the Custodian in command, a towering figure in golden combat skin with a flowing crest, stood with unwavering resolve.

"Report," the Custodian commanded, his voice resonating with authority.

"Enemy fleet neutralized, sir. Their designs were unique, but their technology was no match for ours," reported the Admiral, his tone carrying a mix of relief and triumph.

The Custodian nodded, his expression hidden behind the mask that shielded his face. Yet, his eyes gleamed with the fervor of a warrior devoted to the God-Emperor. "Proceed with the orbital bombardment. Target their remaining orbital defenses and initiate the deployment of the Honkai Pylons. I want the nanomachines launched immediately. Additionally, locate the coordinates of their leaders. Let Nexar Prime bear witness to the righteous wrath of the Imperium Dominus."

The destruction of orbital defenses and the establishment of Honkai Pylons were standard procedures in prelude to ground warfare for the Imperium. These protocols not only disabled all forms of energy-based defenses but also powered the nanomachines designed for technological warfare, a testament to the meticulous preparation and devastating efficiency of the Imperium's military strategy. With each calculated move, the Imperium Dominus tightened its grip, ensuring that the Nexarians would face the full force of its wrath, a punishment befitting those who dared to challenge the might of the God-Emperor's domain.

Amidst the controlled chaos of the bridge, the Custodian received the report with a stoic demeanor. "Orbital Defenses neutralized, Nano machines deployed, and Honkai Pylons activated, sir," the officer announced crisply.

"Prepare for the ground assault. Teleport the ground team immediately," the Custodian commanded, his voice resonating with unwavering determination. "Once planetside, sweep the area. No traitor shall escape our judgment."

The Admiral, ever aware of the ethical complexities of the situation, respectfully raised a question. "Sir, should we spare the women, children, and those who surrender? They may be misguided but not necessarily guilty of treason."

The Custodian paused, his masked gaze fixed on the distant stars through the viewport. In that moment of contemplation, the weight of his decision hung heavy in the air. Finally, he nodded, a subtle gesture beneath the imposing mask.

"Spare the women and children. And those who willingly lay down their arms, imprison them. We are not monsters, but justice must prevail," the Custodian declared, his words carrying the wisdom of a ruler burdened by the responsibility of making choices that echoed through the cosmos.

With the Custodian's orders clear, the bridge bustled with renewed activity. The ground team prepared for teleportation, their purpose clear: to enact the will of the Imperium with precision and discernment, striking a balance between retribution and clemency in the face of the Nexarian traitors. The Imperium's justice was swift and firm, yet tempered with mercy, a testament to the complexities of interstellar conflict and the moral code that guided the Imperium Dominus in its quest for order across the galaxies.

In the heart of the Nexarian laboratory, the air buzzed with anticipation as the Seraphim Legion, a group of genetically enhanced superhumans, prepared for battle. Each member of this elite force, humans elevated to a state of near-divinity, stood tall and resolute, their bodies encased in advanced power armor, their wings ablaze with fiery energy.

Their leader, Icarus, a paragon of Nexarian genetic engineering, stood before the Elders, the weight of their expectations heavy upon him. Elder Lysara's eyes glowed with pride as she spoke, her voice a mixture of hope and command. "Icarus, you are the pride of the Nexarians. Go forth and vanquish our foes. Bring back victory and defend our noble empire."

Elder Jornak, his face etched with determination, added his words of encouragement. "Bring honor to our name, Icarus. Defend Nexar Prime with all your might. Let the Imperium feel the might of our genetic prowess."

Elder Thalira, her eyes shining with unwavering faith, chimed in with a sense of solemn urgency. "Show them the true power of the Nexarians. Let your wings of fire and your enhanced strength be their downfall."

Icarus, his wings flickering with fiery energy, nodded in acknowledgment of his sacred duty. His voice, firm and resolute, cut through the charged atmosphere of the laboratory. "Fear not, Elders. I shall lead the Seraphim Legion with honor and valor. The Imperium will know the power of the Nexarians, and they shall rue the day they dared to challenge us."

Little did Icarus know that his bravado, while born of genuine Nexarian pride, would soon face the unimaginable might of the Emperor's Angels and the Custodes. The impending battle would test not only his physical prowess but also the very limits of Nexarian genetic engineering. Unbeknownst to him, the encounter might mark the final chapter in his noble struggle against the overwhelming force of the Imperium Dominus. The fate of Nexar Prime hung in the balance, and Icarus was about to confront a reality that even his enhanced genes could not fully comprehend.

In the heart of the chaotic battlefield, amidst the clash of plasma rifles and the hum of energy shields, a duel of monumental significance unfolded. Icarus, the fiery-winged leader of the Seraphim Legion, faced off against a seasoned commander of the Cosmic Militarum, his Ultramarines-patterned armor marking him as a stalwart warrior of the Imperium Dominus.

Their swords met in a flurry of strikes, each movement calculated and precise. Sparks flew as the Nexarian's Phase Sword clashed against the Guardsman's weapon, the clash resonating with the tension of an age-old conflict. Around them, the battle continued unabated, but these two warriors were locked in a world of their own.

"You Nexarians think you're invincible," the Guardsman taunted, his words muffled by his helmet. "But we're not so easily impressed. The Imperium Dominus will crush your rebellion just like any other. Your genetic enhancements won't save you."

Icarus smirked, a glint of defiance in his eyes. "We Nexarians are a force to be reckoned with. Our flames burn brighter than your technology. Your Imperium may be vast, but it's not invincible. Prepare to witness the might of Nexar Prime."

With newfound determination, Icarus pressed his attack, his Phase Sword a blur of motion. The Guardsman commander, equally steadfast, met him blow for blow, their swords ringing out like a battle hymn in the chaos of war.

"You don't really think genetic enhancements are your patent, do you?" the Guardsman retorted, his strikes growing more aggressive. "The Imperium has them too. They're called the Emperor's Angels. If you can only go toe to toe with me, sorry, you'll be slaughtered the moment you encounter them."

Icarus's eyes flickered with a mix of determination and arrogance as he parried another strike from the Guardsman commander. "The Emperor's Angels, you say? We'll see about that. We Nexarians have faced many threats, and we've always emerged victorious. Your Imperium's might won't be enough to snuff out the flame of Nexar Prime."

With a sudden surge of strength, Icarus pushed forward, his Phase Sword clashing against the Guardsman's weapon with a resounding clang. Their duel intensified, the combatants moving with the precision of master swordsmen.

Around them, the battle raged on. Seraphim clashed with Guardsmen, and the air crackled with the energy of plasma rifles and power armor. Despite the chaos, Icarus and the Guardsman commander remained locked in their duel, each refusing to yield an inch of ground.

"You Nexarians are just another rebellion, another spark to be stamped out," the Guardsman said, his voice muffled by his helmet. "The Imperium Dominus has faced threats that would make your flames flicker and die. You're nothing special."

Icarus's eyes blazed with determination. "We may be a spark, but sparks can ignite fires that consume entire worlds. We fight for Nexar Prime, for our people, and for our freedom from the Imperium's tyranny. Your threats won't deter us."

With a sudden burst of speed, Icarus feinted to the left and struck low, aiming for the Guardsman's leg. The Guardsman barely managed to block the blow, but the force of the impact staggered him.

"You fight well," the Guardsman conceded, a note of grudging respect in his voice. "But the Imperium Dominus is vast. Even if you defeat me, you can't defeat the might of our entire empire."

Icarus smiled, his flaming wings casting a warm glow around him. "We Nexarians are a resilient people. We've survived against all odds, and we'll continue to do so. Your empire may be vast, but our spirit is unbreakable. Prepare to witness the strength of Nexar Prime, and know that the Imperium's tyranny ends here."

As he uttered these words, Icarus's swordplay reached a crescendo of speed and precision. A swift, elegant slash here, a well-aimed plasma shot to the temple there. The Guardsman's power armor, once impervious, was now vulnerable. With a final, decisive strike, Icarus overpowered his opponent, stabbing through the weakened defenses and slicing through the armor as if it were butter.

"Traitor, I return to the Embrace of the Emperor," the Guardsman murmured, his voice filled with both resignation and defiance. "It's sad that I cannot see you traitors die under the blades of the Emperor's Angels."

In his final moments, the Guardsman activated a homing beacon, indicating his location was in jeopardy. His words, a blend of bitterness and loyalty, echoed in Icarus's mind, a reminder of the immense challenges they faced and the sacrifices made on both sides. 

In the heart of the battlefield, where chaos reigned and the clash of arms filled the air, the arrival of the Emperor's Angels, the Astartes, was a sight to behold. Their towering figures, clad in combat skins of white and blue for the Emperor's Sentinels and gold and blue for the Golden Army, stood at a formidable eight feet tall. The very presence of these legendary warriors sent ripples of awe and fear through both the Cosmic Militarum and the Seraphim Legion.

"The Emperor's Angels! For the Emperor!" A rallying cry echoed through the intercoms, sparking renewed vigor among the Cosmic Militarum. Their morale surged as they witnessed their revered Astartes champions on the battlefield.

Their towering forms, standing at a formidable eight feet tall, seemed to radiate an aura of invincibility. For the beleaguered Cosmic Militarum, the sight of their Emperor's angels bolstered their morale, a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos. But for the Seraphim Legion, it meant an entirely different scenario.

As the Astartes descended, their distinct combat skins adorned in the regal colors of the Imperium, the Seraphim, ever defiant, launched an immediate assault. But in mere milliseconds, their audacious charge turned into a grisly massacre. Four Seraphim warriors, their fiery wings ablaze with determination, had their heads brutally separated from their bodies, their lifeless forms collapsing to the ground.

"Traitors found, for the Emperor!" A resounding voice echoed through the intercoms of the Cosmic Militarum and the Astartes. The Astartes had identified the traitorous Seraphim, and their swift, merciless response sent a chilling message across the battlefield.

Within the span of a single minute, Icarus, the leader of the Seraphim Legion, bore witness to the brutal truth. The Seraphim, who had once believed in their invincibility, were now being utterly outclassed by the Emperor's Angels. Each shot fired by the Astartes found its mark - a precise headshot that unalived a Seraphim with ruthless efficiency. Each swing of their Phase Swords was a death sentence, and no Seraphim could withstand their onslaught.

The Seraphim, in contrast, struggled in vain to breach the formidable defenses of the Astartes' combat skins. Their blows, once formidable, now seemed feeble as they barely dented the unyielding armor of their foes. Some Seraphim attempted to take to the skies, seeking an advantage in aerial combat. But to their shock and dismay, the Astartes could fly as well. The combat skins of the Astartes granted them the ability to create and utilize any weapon or equipment, provided they had knowledge of its workings. And as true sons of the Emperor, they possessed unrivaled expertise in all things martial.

As the realization of their impending doom dawned upon the Seraphim, fear gripped their hearts. The words of the Company Commander, who had fallen in battle earlier, echoed in Icarus's mind. "They're called the Emperor's Angels. If you can only go toe to toe with me, sorry, you'll be slaughtered the moment you encounter them."

Icarus scanned the battlefield, his eyes falling upon a figure taller than the rest, a unique armored man with a flowing crest. "That must be the leader," he thought, determination warring with dread in his heart. He believed that by beheading this leader, he could save his people. But in the grim reality of war, to charge a Custodian was to court certain death.

For among the foes of the Imperium, there existed a consensus - no one would charge a Custodian. They would rather face countless ranks of the Cosmic Militarum than cross swords with a Custodian of the Emperor. Icarus had unknowingly sealed his own fate, and as he prepared to make his fateful charge, the horror of his decision became all too apparent.

In the heart of the chaos, where the clash of civilizations painted the stars in violent hues, Icarus, the once-proud leader of the Seraphim Legion, launched himself towards the towering figure of the Custodian. His wings of fire blazed with a desperate determination, his Phase Sword gleaming with the false hope of victory.

But the Custodian was no ordinary foe. His eyes, hidden behind the enigmatic mask, glinted with a mix of pity and resolve. With effortless grace, the Custodian sidestepped Icarus's charge, his movements as fluid as the flow of stars in the void. In a blur of motion, a katana materialized in his hand, a weapon forged from the very essence of the Emperor's will.

Time seemed to stand still for a fleeting moment. Then, with a speed that defied mortal comprehension, the Custodian struck. The katana sliced through the air, a lethal dance of steel and purpose. In a heartbeat, Icarus's form, once proud and defiant, disintegrated into a grotesque shower of flesh and bone. He was no longer the leader of the Seraphim, no longer the fiery savior his people had hoped for. He was reduced to nothing more than a pile of shredded meat, a testament to the unstoppable might of the Emperor's Custodes.

The battlefield fell silent for a moment, as if the stars themselves held their breath in awe of the Custodian's prowess. The remaining Seraphim, once filled with unwavering zeal, now trembled in the face of this godlike figure. The truth was undeniable - they had witnessed the pinnacle of martial prowess, a force beyond their comprehension.

The Custodian's gaze swept across the battlefield, his message clear: the Imperium Dominus brooked no rebellion, and traitors would find no quarter. With a single stroke, he had dismantled the hope of the Nexarians, leaving them shattered and demoralized.

As the echoes of battle reverberated through space, the Custodian stood tall amidst the carnage, an embodiment of the Emperor's will and an unyielding beacon of Imperium's might. The Nexarians, once proud and defiant, now cowered before the might of the Imperium, their rebellion quenched in the face of overwhelming power.

In that moment, the Custodian's mask bore no expression, but his victory was written in the silent annihilation of the enemy's leader. The Imperium Dominus had triumphed once more, and the galaxy trembled in its wake.

The once-fiery zeal of the Seraphim Legion had been doused in the face of the Custodian's overwhelming power. The death of their leader, Icarus, had shattered their resolve, leaving them with no choice but to surrender. Their flaming wings, once a symbol of Nexarian pride, now hung limp, devoid of the fire that had fueled their rebellion.

As the dust settled on the battlefield, the Seraphim dropped their weapons, their plasma rifles and ion shields clattering against the cold, unforgiving ground of Nexar Prime. Kneeling in defeat, their heads bowed, they accepted the reality of their situation. The once-mighty legion, which had vowed to defend Nexar Prime to their last breath, now found themselves humbled and broken before the might of the Imperium Dominus.

The Seraphim Legion, once a symbol of Nexarian pride and defiance, now knelt before the might of the Imperium, their flaming wings extinguished and their weapons discarded. The battlefield had shifted in an instant, from a chaotic clash of forces to a scene of surrender.

The Imperium's presence loomed large, an indomitable force that brooked no resistance. The Custodian, a living embodiment of the Emperor's will, watched over the defeated Seraphim with a gaze that held no mercy or pity. The message was clear: surrender or face annihilation.

In this moment, the futility of their rebellion became painfully apparent. The Nexarians, who had dared to challenge the Imperium Dominus, now found themselves on their knees, their dreams of independence shattered. The galaxy, it seemed, had a way of humbling even the proudest of civilizations.

The Custodian, unmoved by their surrender, signaled for his forces to secure the Seraphim. They would be taken into custody, their fate to be determined by the will of the Imperium. The battlefield, once a scene of conflict and defiance, had transformed into a tableau of submission and defeat.

As the Imperium's forces moved to detain the surrendered Seraphim, the galaxy watched, and the message was clear: the Imperium Dominus would not tolerate rebellion, and those who dared to challenge it would face the consequences. The battle was over, but the echoes of its outcome would reverberate through the stars for all to hear.