
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 54 - The Nature of Men/Humans

In the sprawling splendor of Genesis Prime, the Capital Planet of Imperium Dominus, Fafnir, the God-Emperor, found solace. The balcony, overlooking a city where ethereal and advanced technology coexisted harmoniously, had always been his favorite retreat. Dragons soared through the skies, and the Honkai beasts, once untamed and malevolent, now walked alongside Divine Humans on the streets. Over centuries, Fafnir had molded this world into his vision, taming the aggressive nature of the Honkai to create a peaceful coexistence.

The tranquility of this place, however, was shattered on this morning by the holographic projection of his son Orion, Primarch of the Alpha Legion. Orion's visage appeared, and there was a sense of urgency in his voice as he relayed a troubling report.

"Father, Good Morning," Orion began, his tone respectful despite the abruptness of the call. "I apologize for this abrupt interruption, but the Eyes of the Divine Order have sent me a report regarding a Type 3 civilization—a Human civilization, to be precise. Their leaders have held a clandestine meeting with an agent of one of the Aetherian Kings. The meeting's purpose, it seems, is to strike a deal. In exchange for recalling their forces guarding the front lines of one of our galaxies upon an Aetherian Fleet's attack, they seek access to higher technology and autonomy over a few galaxies."

Fafnir listened, his expression unchanging, but his eyes betrayed his thoughts. The news was deeply troubling. The audacity of this Human civilization to negotiate with the Aetherians, the sworn enemies of the Imperium, was an affront to the cosmic order he had meticulously crafted.

"By tomorrow, I want their leaders' heads on display as an example," Fafnir declared without hesitation. "Let the consequences of their treachery serve as a stark lesson to others. A single act of betrayal can doom the many."

Orion nodded in understanding and disconnected the call, leaving Fafnir alone on the balcony. His gaze turned back to the majestic city before him, its beauty belying the complexity of the universe he ruled.

He turned to Budo Daishogun, his Captain General of the Custodes, a trusted advisor. "Budo," he said, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom and responsibility.

"Yes, your Majesty?" Budo inquired, ready to serve.

Fafnir's eyes seemed to gaze far beyond the horizon as he spoke. "Do you find it peculiar, Budo? Among all the races under our care and rule, it is the Human race that is most prone to betrayal."

Budo nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, your Majesty. While some Xenos races, particularly those spiritually evolved, have willingly aligned their fates with the Imperium Dominus, certain human civilizations have shown a marked propensity for treachery. Their ambition often blinds them to the greater cosmic design you seek to weave."

Fafnir's features contorted subtly, revealing a deep disappointment that transcended mere words. "Indeed," he said with a sigh. "Unlike their psychic Xenos counterparts, these wary Human factions lack the wisdom to comprehend our purpose. They see the Imperium as a threat to their self-fashioned empires, failing to recognize the boundless potential for unity and progress within our cosmic embrace."

Budo continued, "Their ambitions, rooted in personal gain and power, lead them down paths of conflict rather than cooperation. They misunderstand the divine tapestry that the Imperium seeks to weave across the stars."

Fafnir's disappointment was palpable, a profound sadness that his vision for unity was so often met with treachery. He turned his gaze back to the city below, a realm of order and harmony amid the chaos of the universe.

"Those who share our DNA, those who are closest to us in physicality, are often the ones furthest from our cosmic vision. The unevolved among them harbor ambitions that blind them to the greater design we strive to achieve. Their treacherous nature persists, despite our attempts to control their ambition. Yet, those who ascend to Divine Humanity understand the Imperium's purpose and fully support us." Budo Continued

Fafnir's sigh seemed to echo through the vastness of the balcony, a mournful melody for the unfulfilled potential of humanity. "It is a peculiar tragedy," he murmured, his gaze fixated on the distant stars. "Even within our cosmic embrace, the shadow of ambition taints their potential. Divine Humanity sees the universe as we do, as a canvas upon which we weave enlightenment and prosperity. But these unevolved souls, despite our actions to guide them, continue to betray not just us but their own kind. It is a lamentable truth, Budo, one that leaves me profoundly disappointed."

"Budo," Fafnir's voice thundered, resonating with the weight of centuries, "send down a Custode alongside a squad of Golden Army Astartes, and a company of Emperor's Sentinels Astartes. Show them that this betrayal has not only infuriated me but has deeply disappointed my very essence."

Budo, understanding the gravity of the God-Emperor's command, saluted crisply. "By your will, your Majesty," he acknowledged, his eyes reflecting the God-Emperor's fury. With swift efficiency, he dispatched the chosen Custode, a paragon of martial prowess, to lead this formidable force. The Custode, his armor gleaming like polished starlight, acknowledged Budo's orders and set forth with a sense of purpose that mirrored the wrath of their ruler.

Accompanying the Custode were a squad of Golden Army Astartes, their forms adorned in the emblematic golden armor that signified their unwavering loyalty. These Astartes, though individually weaker than a Custode, possessed abilities that defied the laws of reality itself. Reality warping, time manipulation, and spatial distortion were but a few of their arcane talents, making them a force to be reckoned with in any battle.

In the wake of these potent warriors marched a company of Emperor's Sentinels Astartes, veterans plucked from the ranks of the Imperium's finest legions. Each Sentinel bore the scars of countless battles, their armor etched with the stories of their conquests. These battle-hardened veterans, honed in the crucible of war, were the embodiment of the Imperium's might.

Their vessel, a Custodian Mothership flanked by seven battleships, sliced through the cosmic sea, leaving trails of stardust in its wake. The hum of its engines reverberated through the void, a symphony of impending retribution. Together, this formidable force hurtled toward the distant galaxy of the betrayers, a storm gathering to unleash the God-Emperor's divine wrath upon those who dared to defy his cosmic vision.

In the vast expanse of the Nexar Galaxy, nestled upon the planet known as Nexar Prime, the Nexarian race thrived. These humans were not ordinary; they were pioneers in the field of genetic engineering, wielding the power to manipulate genetics for both medical miracles and societal enhancements. Under the watchful eyes of a council of three revered Elders, their civilization had recently come under the cosmic umbrella of the Imperium Dominus. However, this allegiance was not forged through diplomacy or allegiance, but rather through the overwhelming might of the Imperium's fleet, which had swept through their galaxy while engaged in a ferocious battle against the Aetherians.

Yet, in the quiet moments before the storm, a clandestine visitor had slipped through their defenses and approached the Elders. This envoy was known as The'Arian, an agent and messenger of Valdorath's champion, King Thessarian. He bore an offer that could potentially alter the course of Nexarian history, elevating them to a Type 4 civilization within a mere millennium.

The Elders, wary of this unexpected guest and suspicious of his motives, questioned his intentions. "What brings a Messenger from the Aetherians to our humble domain?" inquired one of the Elders, voicing the skepticism that hung heavy in the air.

The'Arian, with an air of eloquence and a hint of disdain in his eyes, responded, "I am The'Arian, Agent and Messenger of the Supreme General, champion of Valdorath, King Thessarian. I am here to present to you esteemed ones a proposition, one that has the potential to change the trajectory of your entire race, lifting you to a status reserved for the most advanced civilizations in the cosmos."

The Elders, wise and cautious, were not easily swayed. One of them questioned The'Arian's allegiance, asking, "And why should we believe you, an apparent adversary of ours?"

With a knowing smile, The'Arian countered, "There are no eternal enemies, and there are no perpetual allies. This is an opportunity we are willing to extend to you, regardless of our past conflicts. The Imperium may offer you many things, but will they grant you the means to ascend beyond a Type 3 civilization? Our sources suggest that the Imperium secretly suppresses such civilizations, like yourselves, while providing only phased-out technology. We, on the other hand, are the architects of life in this universe. We created the races that now inhabit it. Our motivation is simple: we seek to protect our rightful throne. So, esteemed ones, what shall be your decision?"

The Elders, deliberating the gravity of the situation, entered into a discussion among themselves. "What do you seek in return for this alliance?" one of the Elders cautiously inquired.

The'Arian, not one to miss an opportunity, seized the moment. "In exchange for our alliance, we request that your forces withdraw from their defensive positions once our fleet arrives. Additionally, we require the deactivation of the Honkai Pylons on the battlefield."

However, the Nexarian Elders were not content with a one-sided bargain. "Hold on," countered another Elder, "we also demand autonomy and rule over several galaxies as part of this agreement."

The'Arian, despite knowing that his promises were entirely true, conceded to their terms. With a flourish, he summoned forth a divine contract, sealing their pact in blood. Each party bore witness to the solemnity of the oath they were undertaking. "Pleasure doing business with you," The'Arian said with a sly smile before vanishing from their presence.

Unbeknownst to the Elders, one of their loyal servants had overheard every word exchanged in this fateful meeting. This silent observer made his way back into the bustling life of Nexar Prime, seemingly just another face in the crowd. However, his true allegiance lay with the Imperium Dominus. In a secluded restroom, he activated a concealed communication device, sending a signal that would reach the eyes of the divine order.

"Agent, report," a voice on the other end of the line commanded.

The servant, now identified as an agent, spoke with unwavering loyalty, "The Elders have betrayed the Imperium. They have negotiated a pact that involves withdrawing their defenses and disabling the Honkai Pylons on the battlefield. In return, they demand technology and autonomy over several galaxies. Sir, please know that my actions are driven by a deep faith in the God-Emperor. We of the Devotii firmly believe in his divine guidance. We can see him in our dreams, his divine flame ever bright in the Divine Realm."

The voice on the other end of the line acknowledged the agent's loyalty. "The God-Emperor will reward you accordingly, agent. In a few minutes, our forces will arrive to assess the situation. In the meantime, remain hidden and safe."

As the transmission ended, a calm settled over Nexar Prime, a fleeting moment of stillness before the approaching tempest. The Nexarian Elders had unwittingly set in motion a chain of events that would soon reverberate through the galaxy. The storm was on the horizon, and the fate of Nexar Prime hung in the balance.

In the heart of the Nexar Galaxy, Nexar Prime stood as a beacon of human innovation and technological prowess. The Nexarians were a people deeply invested in the art of genetic manipulation. They held the belief that through science and genetic engineering, they could mold their race into perfection. As a result, they had created their own breed of super soldiers, their flesh and blood a testament to the marvels of genetic enhancement.

Yet, beneath their impressive achievements and scientific acumen lay a xenophobic core. The Nexarians were fiercely protective of their domain, harboring distrust for anything beyond the boundaries of their knowledge. They believed in their technology and genetic mastery above all else, oblivious to the vast tapestry of the cosmos that extended far beyond their own understanding.

In their secluded world, the Nexarians were convinced that their advances in genetics set them apart from the rest of the universe. They considered themselves masters of their own fate, wielding the power of science and engineering to fashion their destiny. Their knowledge, they believed, was unsurpassed, and their perception of the universe was limited to the realm of their own accomplishments.

It was this narrow perspective that led them to underestimate the Imperium Dominus. When the Imperium's fleet had swept through their galaxy in the midst of a colossal battle against the Aetherians, the Nexarians had welcomed the fleet's arrival with trepidation. They had assumed that the Imperium's power rested solely in superior technology, for they had encountered only the Admiral of the fleet, accompanied by a small contingent of Guardsmen in advanced power armor. This misconception, fueled by their xenophobia and ignorance, had led to their misguided belief that they could outmatch the Imperium through their genetic manipulations.

Unbeknownst to the Elders, who had just struck a precarious deal with the Aetherians, their actions had set in motion a cataclysmic chain of events. They had betrayed the Imperium Dominus, an act that would soon invite a fearsome response. As the Elders convened in their chambers, discussing the impending storm that approached their galaxy, they remained unaware of the terrifying truth—the forces incoming weren't merely technologically advanced; they were genetically enhanced to an extent that the Nexarians could scarcely comprehend.

Their xenophobia had blinded them to the reality of the Imperium Dominus, a Type 4 civilization with power that eclipsed their own. The Nexarians, proud and ignorant, had yet to grasp the gaping abyss that separated them from the might of the Imperium, a divide that would soon become painfully apparent.

Within the halls of the Nexarian Elders, they strategized, preparing for a conflict they had unwittingly invited upon themselves. The consequences of their betrayal would soon be felt, and their ignorance would cost them dearly in the bloodshed to come.

The Nexarian Elders convened in their grand chamber, its walls adorned with holographic projections displaying maps of their vast territory spanning 300 galaxies. The atmosphere was tense, charged with an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty. Betrayal had set a storm in motion, and they needed to strategize quickly to defend their dominion.

"I suggest fortifying the outer rim of Nexar Prime," Elder Zethar, a wise and grizzled leader, began. "We'll need to establish a strong defense there. If the Imperium attempts to breach our galaxy, we must meet them with overwhelming force."

Elder Thalira, her eyes sharp with determination, nodded in agreement. "And what of our neighboring galaxies? We can't afford to underestimate the Imperium's reach. We should establish secondary defense lines in the adjacent galaxies. If they manage to penetrate our first line of defense, we must be ready to fall back strategically."

Elder Jornak, known for his strategic brilliance, chimed in. "Our fleet should be positioned at key junctions between galaxies. We can't allow the Imperium to establish a foothold in any of our territories. Additionally, we should deploy surveillance satellites and scout ships to monitor their movements. Knowledge of their strategies and technologies is crucial."

Elder Lysara, the youngest among them but fiercely intelligent, interjected, "We should also focus on enhancing our genetic soldiers. If the Imperium possesses superior genetics, we need to match or surpass them. I propose investing resources in our research facilities to expedite our genetic enhancement programs. The quicker we bolster our forces, the better our chances of repelling the Imperium's onslaught."

With a consensus reached, the Nexarian Elders set their plan into motion.

In the heart of the Nexarian war chamber, panic gripped the air as a high-ranking general burst in, urgency etched across their face. The Nexarian Elders, once confident in their advanced technology, were now faced with a crisis they hadn't anticipated. Their grand chamber, once a bastion of assurance, crackled with the energy of distress.

"Elders, a fleet has breached the Galactic Rim of Nexar Galaxy, bearing the unmistakable insignia of the Imperium. They're engaging our defenses as we speak," the general reported, the urgency in their voice echoing the magnitude of the crisis. The Nexarian leaders, now faced with the harsh reality of battle on their very doorstep, hurriedly gathered around the central holoscreen.

The holoscreen flickered to life, casting eerie lights across the chamber. Scenes of chaos unfolded before them — their once-impenetrable defense line was now under siege. Nexarian ships, symbols of their technological might, clashed violently with the imposing vessels of the Imperium. Brilliant flashes of energy weapons illuminated the space, while the distant echo of explosions reverberated through the void.

Elder Thalira, her eyes wide with disbelief, voiced the question that hung heavy in the air. "How did the Imperium breach our defenses so swiftly? What manner of technology allows them such stealth?"

Elder Zethar, his features contorted with anger, responded through gritted teeth. "They must have employed advanced stealth technology or a warp jump. Our sensors failed to detect such a massive fleet approaching. This is no ordinary assault."

Elder Jornak, his expression etched with concern, interjected with urgency. "Regardless of how they arrived, immediate action is our only recourse. Nexar Prime must not fall into the hands of the Imperium. Our genetic soldiers and technology will only take us so far against such a force."

Elder Lysara, her mind racing with possibilities, suggested a course of action. "Mobilize our reserve fleets. Deploy the Seraphim Legion — our most elite genetic soldiers. Send a distress signal to our allies in neighboring galaxies. We need every reinforcement we can muster."

With a resolute nod, Elder Zethar issued the commands, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Prepare the Voidstorm-class battleships for deployment. Dispatch the Seraphim Legion immediately. Nexar Prime will not fall without a fight. Let the Imperium know the might of the Nexarian people!"

The Nexarian Elders, amidst the frenzied atmosphere of the chamber, sprang into action. Orders flew like lightning, activating Nexar Prime's defenses and rallying their genetic soldiers. Ships roared to life, their engines humming with power and purpose. The Seraphim Legion, enhanced to the pinnacle of Nexarian potential, stood ready, their eyes aflame with determination.

Elder Thalira's fingers danced over holographic control panels, coordinating with fleet commanders. "Activate the gravitational tethers. Create spatial disturbances to disrupt the Imperium's formations. We need every advantage we can gain."

Elder Jornak, ever the strategist, suggested a tactical approach. "Deploy Singularity Mines along the outer perimeter. Trap their ships in a gravitational snare. We cannot allow them to escape."

Amidst the flurry of orders, Elder Lysara focused on their genetic soldiers. "Channel energy to the enhancement labs. Accelerate the serum infusion process. The Seraphim Legion must be at their peak."

The chamber pulsed with energy as Nexar Prime's defenders mobilized with unparalleled speed. The air crackled with tension and resolve as the Nexarians readied themselves for a battle that would determine the fate of their race. In the midst of the chaos, General Varenth's voice broke through the tumult.

"Elders, the Imperium advances relentlessly. Their technology is beyond anything we've faced before. Our defensive grid is holding, but they're relentless. We need reinforcements now!"

Yet, even as he spoke, a deafening blast reverberated through the chamber, signaling the shattering of their once-impregnable defense grid. The Nexarians were now faced with an unprecedented adversary, and the battle for Nexar Galaxy had begun in earnest.