
The Emperor's Dragon

“Daddy, I want to help people!” Izuku cried. All For One waited for the qualification. “But… But… I don’t think I can do it as a hero,” his son wailed. “But I still want to help people!” Hisashi hugged his son. “You will help people, Izuku.” He placed his cheek on the crown of Izuku’s head. His son’s green curls were so soft and he just held his boy for a few moments longer. “You will stand by my side when I change the world,” All For One told his son. “You will be my dragon,” he added. It didn’t start when All Might told Izuku Midoriya that he couldn’t be a hero. It started much earlier than that, when Hisashi Midoriya walked out on Inko, taking with him their four and a half year old son. All For One will devote a lot of time to investments he considers worthwhile. His son is one such investment.

Jade_Tatsu_1688 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Those Unintended Victims

The first hint that Izuku had that something wasn't right was when he got home after school and Kurogiri wasn't there. He didn't think anything of it though since it had happened before. Instead he went to the fridge and got himself a glass of milk and with Kurogiri not around to cut some fruit, he sneaked a cookie. Generously he took one to Tomura who was playing some sort of game on the console.

Izuku then went to his room and did his homework, as per normal.

It wasn't until he got hungry that he realised that he hadn't heard Kurogiri return. He hadn't heard anyone actually and he left his room and went to find Tomura. The older boy was still playing his game. Izuku didn't want to interrupt him but he knew what a save point looked like and so he waited until Tomura reached one.

"What do you want?" The other boy demanded.

"Do you know where Kurogiri is?" Izuku asked. Usually the misty man would be back by now and would get them both dinner. After dinner, Izuku went to see his dad.

The question seemed to surprise Tomura and Izuku saw him actually think about it. "He went out earlier," came the reply.

"Did he say when he'd be back?"

"No," the older boy told him.

Izuku nodded and went back to his room to collect one of his notebooks before he moved back to the kitchen. There was a small TV in there. He could watch for Hero fights and add them to his notebook.

The television didn't show much. They kept referring to a battle that had been in Mie but never showed anything. Then they went to news from Tokyo and Kyoto and Osaka and nothing more. It was kind of frustrating just sitting there, wanting to write notes but not being able to do so because the television wasn't giving him anything. He could go and get his tablet but he'd already watched everything he wanted to and the Ewe-Tube channels that he watched didn't update today. Izuku sighed. Kurogiri would be back soon enough. He'd probably just been delayed.

Except he didn't come and eventually Tomura came into the kitchen.

The green haired boy looked up at him. "He's not here," Izuku said unnecessarily.

"I'm hungry," Tomura told him.

"Me too," Izuku agreed.

They sat in silence for a while. "We could make something..?" Izuku suggested as a question.

"I already checked the fridge. There's nothing in there."

Izuku couldn't really say anything to that. When he'd gotten the milk earlier he hadn't seen any leftovers in there. Kurogiri usually packed them in his bento. If there was still food left over, then Tomura would also get a bento and Kurogiri had to eat too. There were ingredients but Izuku didn't know how to make anything.

"I can't cook!" Tomura objected.

"Oh," Izuku said.

They lapsed into silence again. It was surprising that Tomura didn't just return to his game. The teen must be really hungry. Izuku looked around the kitchen. The kettle was on the bench. He wasn't allowed to touch it but Tomura could.

"Can you boil the kettle?" Izuku asked.

"Of course!" The white haired teen told him. "But hot water isn't exactly what I had in mind," he grumbled.

"We can make cup noodles," Izuku told him.

"There's cup noodles?" They weren't the type of food Kurogiri kept around.

"I can get some from the VII XI down the road," Izuku told him. He passed that convenience store every day so he knew they sold cup noodles.

Tomura didn't even hesitate. "Get going, small fry," he ordered as he got up to boil the kettle.

Izuku nodded and jumped up. He ran to his room to get some of the allowance his dad had given him and a jacket and then ran back to the kitchen.

Tomura nodded at him when he ran through, heading for the door. It wasn't far to the store and Izuku wasn't often out at this hour but he couldn't help but think that things were quiet. He made it down the street without incident and then picked out several containers of cup noodles. They came in lots of flavours but he was careful not to pick the ones that said spicy!

The store attendant gave him a look but rang up the purchase and Izuku ran back to their apartment.

"The kettle already boiled!" Tomura growled at him.

"We can boil it again," Izuku said, offering up his purchases. "I got a few," he announced with a smile.

Tomura nodded and put the kettle on again. The teen came to see what he'd gotten. "Beef is mine!" Tomura announced as he pulled out the container.

Izuku pulled out his own and they both opened them. Tomura was actually careful when he tipped the water inside. Izuku smiled at the teen as they waited. Kurogiri would be so surprised that they'd gotten dinner. He'd disapprove of what they had eaten but he'd be proud of them.

They even cleaned up. Mostly. Putting the cups in the rubbish bin wasn't that hard and Izuku made sure the extra packets he'd bought were put in the cupboard. He was going to go back to the table but Tomura dragged him over to the console. "You might as well be Player 2 until Kurogiri get's back," he announced.

Izuku blinked. That wasn't like the teen but… Even though he was proud that they'd gotten dinner, he couldn't deny he was worried. Kurogiri wasn't here. His dad wasn't here. Even Gigantomachia was gone.

There was something happening but he didn't know what.

Izuku nodded and took the controller. It gave him something to focus on. "Do you want me to be a particular character?" He asked. That's usually why he got to play. Tomura would want a particular drop that required his character to be there. All Izuku had to do was not die… and to have his character close enough to Tomura's that the drop was triggered.

"Pick anything," Tomura said magnanimously.

Izuku picked one of the characters that was defined as neutral and for a couple of hours he forgot he was worried. It was only when he was nodding over the controller and had missed several easy attacks that had Tomura carping at him that he gave up on playing. Izuku tried to stay awake. The worry that had slowly been growing as the evening wore on could only keep him awake for so long and eventually for Izuku the world went dark.


When Izuku woke up, he immediately knew he wasn't in his bed. He felt stiff. He looked around and realised he must have fallen asleep while playing with Tomura. Izuku put the controller back on the console charging point and yawned. He remembered that Kurogiri hadn't been home last night but he shrugged. The man would be here this morning and was probably making breakfast.

The green haired boy went into the kitchen looking for Kurogiri. Except the misty man wasn't there either. Maybe he was still asleep? A glance at the clock showed that it was way passed the time Kurogiri usually slept. Except Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. On those mornings Kurogiri slept late because the bar was open late the night before. Izuku knew to get his own breakfast those days and they had cereal for that.. Today was Thursday. So he should be here.

Izuku wondered what to do. He turned on the television, though with the knot of worry that he felt, he didn't feel any triumph at the small rebellion. Kurogiri didn't like him watching TV on school mornings.

It was on news and the story was about a battle. Izuku recognised the rubble as coming from that. It must have been a huge battle though given the number of videos. There were lots of people cleaning up from the battle and he grinned as he got himself some cereal. You usually didn't get to see Rescue Heroes using their quirks but they were on the TV now.

His notebook was still there from the night before and Izuku grabbed a pen and opened it as he ate. He was careful not to splash milk or cereal on to the pages but breakfast was quickly consumed. Izuku put his bowl in the sink, noting that their utensils from last night were still in the sink. He went up to his room and got his school things.

He returned to the kitchen. Tomura wasn't awake but that wasn't unusual. Izuku wondered what he could take for lunch since Kurogiri hadn't made a bento. There was nothing that looked appropriate in the fridge and he already knew what the school would say if he showed up with cup noodles. Maybe he could get a lunch token?

There was a slight hiss and Izuku turned to look. The weight in his stomach lightening. He recognised that hiss. It meant Kurogiri was using his quirk. There was a wisp of darkness in the centre of the kitchen. It grew and then Kurogiri's yellow eyes appeared before the man solidified.

"Kurogiri!" Izuku cried happily. His knees felt weak. He hadn't realised how worried he'd been until the man appeared.

"Izuku," Kurogiri said softly. "I'm sorry I left you alone," he added.

There wasn't much he could say to that. "We had noodles for dinner," Izuku reported. "And I wasn't sure what to take to school," he added.

"So resourceful!" Kurogiri praised. It wasn't the response the green haired boy was expecting. "You won't be going to school today."

"Is it because of the attack?" Izuku asked. The news made it clear that it had been a really big villain battle. It had to have been if there were Rescue Heroes helping with the clean up. Usually it was just the regular clean up crews.

Most people thought Kurogiri was unreadable. Izuku had lived with the misty man since he was four and a half. He knew the man's expressions. This one was tired but also sad. Kurogiri knelt down to face Izuku and all the worry that he'd felt returned.

The cereal was like a lump in his stomach. He almost felt as if he would throw up. "No," Izuku whispered. "No."

Kurogiri's expression didn't change. "I'm sorry Izuku. The heroes found your dad," the misty man told him.

Izuku didn't know what he felt but he knew he didn't like it.

"He's alive but very injured. That's why I couldn't make it back last night," Kurogiri continued.

The green haired boy was silent. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to do. Kurogiri was still kneeling before him. "Can… can I see daddy?" Izuku asked. He just wanted his dad.

"I will take you later today," Kurogiri confirmed.

Izuku nodded and then he burst into tears.

Kurogiri leaned forward to hug him but there was nothing comforting in the motion and Izuku simply cried harder. He was scared. He didn't know what to do. He just wanted his dad.

But Kurogiri had never lied to him and that meant dad was badly injured.

Izuku cried harder.


Izuku stood next to Tomura. The other boy was silent and for once seemed subdued. He hadn't cried when Kurogiri had told him about Daddy but Izuku knew he was upset. It showed in the way Tomura trembled. It showed in the way he didn't wear any gloves and in the hands that were adorning his body. They were arranged in a way Izuku knew Tomura found comforting.

Kurogiri had brought them to a dark room. It wasn't where his dad was. Kurogiri told them he needed to check on what was happening.

Izuku didn't want to wait. He wanted to see his dad! The worry wouldn't go away until that happened. Dad would make everything okay again. "I don't want to wait," he grumbled.

Tomura looked at him. "Then let's not," the teen told him, as he moved to the door.

He tried to open it but after the handle rattled, it was obvious it was locked.

"Pah!" Tomura spat and touched all five fingers to the handle. It disappeared and as Izuku watched, a hole appeared in the door. The teen pulled it open. "Let's go."

There was a dark corridor in the area beyond the room. Izuku followed Tomura out into it as the boy picked a direction. They didn't have to walk far. There was another room at the end and Tomura barged into it, while Izuku paused in the dark of the corridor. He only recognised Doctor Garaki who was dressed in his usual lab coat, except it was blood stained. The old man was arguing with someone Izuku didn't recognise.

"I can't do jack shit with that!" The unknown woman yelled.

"Yet for the amount you've been paid you are going to try," Garaki said.

"That's not even alive! My quirk needs you to be alive to work!"

"What do you mean?" Tomura demanded.

That brought the attention of both Garaki and the woman. "What the fuck is a kid doing here?" she demanded before shaking her head. "No! You know what, I don't care! Just take me back!"

"What do you mean?" Tomura demanded again.

"I mean, he's practically dead!" The woman growled, stabbing her finger towards a door that was closed. "And I can't heal that."

Doctor Garaki looked tired when he sighed. "Kurogiri, take her back please and bring the next one," he added. "Tomura, please calm down. You can see him soon," he told the teen.

Surprisingly that did seem to calm Tomura who huffed as Kurogiri appeared and the woman stepped through the gate he made.

When she was gone, Izuku came forward. "We can see Daddy?" he asked.

"You may, Izuku," Garaki sighed. Kurogiri reformed. "But I must warn you both, he is very badly wounded, so you won't be able to talk to him, and you'll have to be quiet. Can you do that?"

Izuku nodded immediately. Tomura growled but followed suit.

"Come with me," Garaki said and got up from his seat. He led them to the door the woman had pointed at. Irrationally, Izuku suddenly didn't want to go but he forced himself to walk forward. Garaki opened the door.

The room beyond was dark but the Doctor walked into it without hesitation. Tomura followed, as did Izuku.

It took his eyes a moment to adjust then Izuku saw all sorts of things in the room as he looked around. There was a glow coming from a large tube set back against the wall. Gigantomachia was pacing around the tube. There was something else standing motionless to the side. Izuku realised it was someone but their dark skin made them blend with the shadows so perfectly that he almost couldn't see them. For a moment, Izuku thought it was Nasutto but then he realised this man was far bigger. The room smelt. It wasn't of antiseptic or cleaning products. Izuku didn't recognise the smell but it was thick and cloying. He didn't like it.

Garaki stepped forward, going to the tube and Izuku was forced to look at that.

There was a panel in front of it and pipes and wires coming out of it. The main light in the room was from the glow of the screens at the base of the tube. They illuminated something in the tube but Izuku couldn't see what.

The Doctor hit a blood stained button and for the rest of his life, Izuku knew he would rather the Doctor hadn't. But at the same time he knew he had to know. There was a body in the tube. It was floating in liquid and he could see an array of sensors spread over it. There were more, flexible tubes going in and out of the body and there was a large one inserted into the throat. Izuku looked above that and saw a mouth and then nothing. There was instead a discolouration of the liquid and he could see… he didn't know what it was.

He wanted to say that wasn't his dad. Izuku really did. Denial was on his lips except… Kurogiri wouldn't make that mistake. Gigantomachia wouldn't either.

Izuku ran forward. "No! Daddy!" He screamed.

The black man moved but Gigantomachia batted him away and scooped Izuku up. "Little Lord," the huge man rumbled.

"I want Daddy!" Izuku yelled.

"Izuku!" Garaki shouted at him. "Calm down!" came the sharp command but Izuku kept yelling.

"You could hurt your father if you aren't quiet," Garaki eventually said.

That shut Izuku up. "Really?"

"He needs peace and quiet," the Doctor confirmed.

"Who did this?" Tomura demanded. He was standing as close as he could but Gigantomachia wasn't letting him be that close, even while he was holding Izuku. The white haired teens fists were shaking. "Who did this?" he demanded again, his voice raising an octave.

Garaki sighed. "All Might," he gave the answer.

"All Might?" Izuku squeaked. All Might was the number one hero. He was meant to be good! He was meant to help people! He wasn't meant to hurt his dad! "Why did All Might hurt dad?"

"Because he's a hero!" Tomura spat. "And heroes don't help anyone!"

Izuku had heard that from Tomura for ages so he kept his gaze on Doctor Garaki. The man looked old. "Izuku, your Dad helped people in ways the Government didn't like," he explained. "All Might is a hero, but he works for the government," he added the explanation.

"No!" Izuku said. "He wouldn't hurt daddy."

"He did," Garaki said softly. There was no argument in his tone, just fact.

Izuku began to cry again.

"Shh, shh," the Doctor tried to sooth but Izuku wasn't ready to be soothed. "I am working on healing your Dad, Izuku," he said, with a nod at Tomura.

"Will he get better?" Tomura demanded.

The Doctor's expression changed. "I won't lie to either of you. I can only say maybe to that. That's why Kurogiri is getting those with Healing Quirks to come. One of them will be able to do something. But Healing Quirks are rare," the Doctor added.

No one said anything for several long moments. Izuku cried but stared at the motionless form of his dad. He felt sick again. He tapped Gigantomachia to put him down and the huge man complied. Izuku went to the tank. He looked up and sniffed, doing his best to swallow down his tears. He wanted to say something but he had no idea what. He put his hands on the button but didn't touch anything. The blood was dried but covered the controls. It was his father's blood.

It shouldn't be there.

Heroes had done this. All Might had done this. Heroes were meant to help people! How was leaving his dad like this helping?

No! Heroes were wrong.

If they were going to hurt his Dad, then Heroes were wrong!

"You'd better go," Doctor Garaki said finally. "You can come back tomorrow," he added.

Izuku nodded, and with Tomura, walked out the door. They waited in silence for Kurogiri to come. Neither knew what to do and all they could do was wait.


Well... the outcome from the battle is as follows:

- All Might minus left side.

- All For One minus a head plus one dedicated son.

I think we know who came out ahead in this battle :P


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