
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 2: Rhylie Poisoned/Engagement ball

"here we are." Said the Coachman. "Oh, I remember this place. It was my coming-of-age party." "Yes, and you looked beautiful." Said Hazel. "I guess so." I said. We walked in and the bell signaled there were customers. "Oh, Welcome your highnesses. I heard about princess Rhylie's engagement. Congratulations." "Thank you. We are here to buy a dress or order a dress for my engagement. I'd prefer it 2 shades of pink. Light and dark." "Yes, your highness' let's get you to the ready-made dresses. I will show you the ones I have in pink." "Thank you."

I saw a dress that looked similar to what I wanted so I stopped. "I like this one. Its similar to what I want. It was an off the shoulder dress with a silk ribbon around the waist like a belt. "I have an idea of what I want." "Yes what is it?" I explained "I want an off the shoulder dress with the shoulder being dark pink silk along with the outlining on the top. Then the waist would be the same as w belt. The rest of the dress would be light pink and shimmery not too much sparkle. An A-line dress please. Like this one." "Yes of course. Have you two chosen?" They they gave them their description. "Ok I will have them ready by the time the ball happens." Thank you maam." "Its my pleasure your highnesses." Then we went to the jewelry place and got some there. Then we went to a café to rest and headed home.

"Oh, I need a rest." I said. "I leaned on cousin Daisy's shoulder and fell asleep. About an hour later we came home to make sure everything was ready for 6 days.

I found Liam and headed over to him. "Hey Liam." "Oh, hello Rhylie. Did you have a fun shopping trip?" "Yeah, I fell asleep on Daisy's shoulder on the way back. I forgot how tiring it can be to be a princess." "Haha Yeah. Well, the main things are taking care of. The last two days are going to be busy. So, we are free for the next 4 days." "Thank God. I don't know how much more I can handle at the moment."

"Now that we have a break for the rest of the day, want to take a walk in the forest?" "Yeah, let me tell dad." "Ok then I'll be waiting." "Father I am heading to the forest with Liam." "OK don't get hurt, ok?" "Yes father." I headed back to see Liam. "Ok Liam I'm back. Let's go." I got on Sparkles, and he hopped on Cyra. "Hey I have an idea. On the way back I can ride Cyra and you can ride sparkles. Is that ok Sparkles?" "Yeah, that's fine with me." "What about you Cyra?" "Yeah, its fine." "They said it was both ok." Well then deal. So, we rode off and enjoyed our time with my animal friends. I hated not being able to sing. "Hey Liam?" "Yes Rhylie." "I know I am not supposed so sing. I want to hear it anyway." "Are you sure Rhylie? You don't want to be found out." "Yes, I'm sure." "Ok then. Shoot." I sang a magical song that made the leaves surround us.

I don't own this song:

The credit goes to the original writer and singer.

I do now own this song.

"I hear the wind across the plain

A sound so strong that calls my name

Its wild like the river its warm as the sun.'

It's to here this is where I Belong

Under the starry skies where eagles have flown

This place is paradise it's the place I call home.

The moon on the mountains

The waves of the water

Let nothing come between this and me

Cause Everything, I want is everything that's here

And when we're together there's nothing to fear

And Wherever I wonder the one thing I've learned

Is to here I will always, always return.

The leaves not only swirled around us but everywhere when I sang. Also, the sun came out when I did as well.

"Woah that was a beautiful song and you have a beautiful Voice. I know its to early to talk about kids but I hope our daughter has one as well." "Hehe, I know met too. Dad's probably going to find out and yell at me. It wouldn't be the first time he did when I wanted to sing." "We should probably head back now for our safety." "Yeah, we probably should." I agreed.

I got on Cyra as promised, he got on Sparkles. On our way home I heard something. I got my arrows out a ready. I was about to jump off Cyra when Liam said, "Stay on Cyra. It's safer if it's the enemy."

I heard an arrow go towards me and Liam shouting "Rhylie!" I barely dodged it. I had gotten a scratch. "I'm ok. I just got scratched. Jump down and get on Sparkles. I will save you." "No, I will not let you do this alone!" "Fine the stay as close as you can to Sparkles and us." "OK deal"

I was paying attention to what was going on in front I wasn't paying attention to what was going on behind. I saw a black Pegasus with purple hair. "Hello Nina. I see you have Twilight there." "Why yes. I don't go anywhere out of the palace without her. So, what shall we do with you Prince Liam?" Then all of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my back. An Arrow had hit me. "No! Rhylie!" Liam yelled. "Why did you do that to her! What do you want from us?!" "Oh, you still haven't figured it out huh? After all these years. I'll give you a hint. It has to deal with your parents. Ask your father how your mother really died prince Liam. As for you Rhylie if you survive. I would ask your parents why I would want you. I'm sure you figured it out by now." "I will go for now. Help Raven. I can't have her dying on me yet." She flew away on her Pegasus and Liam ran over to me. "Rhylie are you ok?!" "I can't feel my arms or legs. I feel numb." "Dammit! Its probably poisoned." I need to get you to healer and fast." "Cyra! I need you!" "Sparkles if you can understand me follow us, ok?" So, Liam held Rhylie in his arms and she closed her eyes "Dammit! She's cold. Hang in there Rhylie you'll be ok. I promise." He held her tight but she couldn't feel it.

They finally go to the castle and went inside. "We need a healer fast! Rhylie has an arrow in her back and I think its poisoned!" One of the maids rushed for a healer and a couple came rushing back. "Prince Liam. Did she say how she felt before she passed out?" "Yeah, she said she felt numb. She couldn't fell her arms or legs. She couldn't move at all. Thank the spirits we have an antidote. First, we have to get the arrow out or more poison is going to spread. Let's get her to my part of the palace in the tower.

They finally got there and Liam laid Rhylie on her stomach so they could deal with the arrow and antidote. They took the arrow out and healed the wound then quickly helped her drink the antidote. "That's it. Keep drinking. Good." "Is she going to be ok now?" said Liam. "She just needs rest. Now its up to her when she will wake up." "Thank you, sir." Liam stayed with Rhylie for a few hours until the king and queen came by. "How is she Liam?" "Well, they healed her wound and gave her the antidote for the poison. They said its up to her when she will wake up now. Dammit! If I had been by her side, it wouldn't have happened! I couldn't help it though. I was fighting Nina at the time." "Wait you saw Nina? It must be here henchmen that shot her. Its not your fault Liam. Did by any chance my daughter sing?" "Yeah, I tried to stop her but I couldn't. Her voice was beautiful thought. She sang this is where I belong." "Oh yes a song she has been singing since she could talk. Poor girl no matter how she is treated she has no ill will towards anyone. No mater what happens this forest is special to her. There is something we need tell her and you. We aren't her biological parents. The boys are though. We found her as a 2- or 3-year-old in the forest. She was a scared little girl. We had no clue where she came from. We took her in and raised her as our own." "I figured as much. She looks nothing like both of you. Was Rhylie the name you picked out or is it the name she told you." "It's the name she told us. We asked her what her name is she said Rhylie." "Why did you wait all this time to tell her?" "We didn't know how to tell her." "Did she by any chance have a last name?" "No, she just said Rhylie. Is there a problem?" "I have a hunch. I hope its wrong about who she might really be. She looks just like the person I am thinking of."

3 days later Rhylie was waking up. Liam, King and Queen were there. "Hmm. Mom? Dad?" "Yes, we are here Rhylie. So is Liam." "Liam." I moved my head to look. I held Liam's hand and squeezed it. "Sparkles! Is she ok?!" "Relax Raven she is ok. So is Cyra and me.' "Oh, thank the spirits." "I will go get the healer." Said the King. "Thanks dad." I tried to sit up but my back still hurt. "Ow that hurt!" "Easy Rhylie. The poison isn't quite out of your system yet." "Tomorrow we have to finish for the ball? How am I going to help out if I am in here?" "It will be ok. Remember we talked about what you liked already?" "Yeah, I guess so." "You rest. We want you rested for the ball and all prettied up, ok?" "Yeah."

The Healer came in and said, "How are you feeling Rhylie?" "I'm feeling a little sore." "The poison should be out of your system by the day of the ball." "I hate to leave Liam with all the work." "It ok Rhylie I told Liam I would help." Said mom. "But mom your queen? Don't you have work?" "Its ok I have someone on it for now." "Ok thanks mom. Hey mom? Nina said to talk to you both about why she wants me. What is really going on?" "Well, I told Liam already about something important. We found in the forest on our walk. You were a scared little girl. Your mother came up to you and asked your name. You told her Rhylie. Since then, we have raised you on our own." "What does that have to do with why she wants me?" "Remember when we told you not to sing in the forest." "Yeah." "She wants you for your voice. You know how your voice moves things around right?" "Yes." "Well, she can use it as a weapon for war." "I see. I figured something like that. For a long time." I said.

Finally, the day of the ball Arrived. The healer came to check on Rhylie to make sure she was well enough to get up and she was. "Just don't overwork yourself. If you need a break let them know, ok?" "Yes sir. Thank you for your help." I walked down the stairs and headed for the dining room. "Hello Everyone." I said. "Rhylie!" Said Liam. "Yeah, the healer said I'm good to go. If I need to rest to do it." "Rhylie when you are done with breakfast, Your cousins are going to help you get ready ok?" "Yes mom."

I went to my room, and they helped me get ready. They were already done an hour earlier on themselves. "Is the dress here?" "Yes, it's right here Rhylie." "Oh perfect. Prettier than I imagined." "Ok let's get it on you." Said Hazel. Daisy and Hazel help me into my dress since it was still hard to dress after I just got better. "Thanks, you two." "I will be doing your hair." Said Hazel. "I will be doing your makeup." Said daisy. "OK thanks you two." I just sat there and let them do their thing. "Wow you look gorgeous cousin." Said Hazel. "Do I?" "Look at yourself Rhylie. "Oh my. I look beautiful." "Yes, you do." Said Daisy. "Ok your prince charming should be arriving any time now." "Oh, right on cue. Hehe." Said Hazel. "Come in." I said. "Wow Rhylie you look beautiful." "You look handsome yourself Prince Liam." "Thank you, Princess. We have an hour before the ball starts why don't we sit in the parlor and relax until then?" "Yeah, good idea."

An hour later it was finally time for the ball. "Ready Rhylie?" said Liam. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said. I put my hand in his arm and we went in. Then I saw my father and he gestured us to go up. We went up and stood in on the podium. "Tonight, we are here to officially announce Liam and Rhylie's Engagement." Everyone cheered and Liam kissed me and we got more cheers and whistles. "Liam! Jeeze." "Sorry now the world knows your mine." "Hehe I am yours." I gave him a hug. "Now its time for the engaged couple and their first dance." We went to the middle of the floor to get ready, Prince Liam gracefully bowed and put out his hand and said, "May I have this dance? My lady?" "Well certainly your highness." Then we waited for the music. Once it played, we started ball room dancing.

We finally finished dancing and I had to get some air. "Hey Liam I need to go out an get some air." "Ok let's go." He brought our coats just in case it gets chili because its dark outside. Liam pulled a chair out for me to sit on. "Ah. Thank you, Liam. Why does it seem like balls take forever to end?" "Hahah. They do. They all have to greet us and congratulate us. We won't have to do it at my palace, but we still have to announce it." I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I hope everything goes ok when I get there." "I'm sure it will Rhylie. If now I will take care of it. Don't worry." "Hmm. Thankyou." I ended up falling asleep on Liam's shoulder. "Rhylie I think we should head back in. Hey Rhylie?" Liam looked beside him and saw her sleeping face. "Aww how sweet. My Rhylie is sleeping. Rhylie wake up we should head back in." "Hmm. 5 more minutes." "Sorry Raven. You can sleep in once you get to bed, ok?" "Fine. Let's go." "Haha. Let me fix your hair. It got scrunched up when you fell asleep on my shoulder. There that's better. Let's go." Liam helped the tired me back to the ballroom.