
An Impossible decision

I was defeated...

I felt as I was dragged back from the finishing line before reaching it.

Lee and Victor stood in front of me tall. I thought they'd make fun of me, but I forgot they were Lee and Victor, not some school kids. They smiled at me and gave me a hand so I could get back on my feet.

I tried to stand, but my muscles were exhausted. So, they failed in supporting me to stand.

"Kai, what happened? Is your leg hurt anywhere, get on to my back, I'll take you back." I hoped on Lee as I couldn't move on my own.

"Hey Lee, let's help Rahu too, he's stuck somewhere in the rubble," when Lee gave me a ride on his back, my eyes got on the place where I last saw Rahu.

"What the hell, Lee how did you forget about him, after all, he was the most valuable player of this match! And you tried to walk away leaving him here?" Victor's eyes enlarged, his mouth was wide open, and he yelled at Lee for leaving Rahu behind.

"Hey! Don't blame me alone, you forgot about him too! So, don't act like I'm the only culprit here!!" Lee had a face that showed he felt betrayed by his own comrade…

While we argued, debris started to fall from the place where Rahu was supposed to be. It attracted the attention of all of us, we looked at each other and shouted at once…

"It's Rahu!"

"Victor go! Get him out of there!!" I and Lee yelled at him as he just stood there staring at it like a mannequin.

He took a minute to process everything and suddenly freaked out and ran to clear the debris out of all the place.

After removing a few bricks and rocks, Rahu got into our sight. He was hurt pretty bad. Blood was coming out of his shoulder and legs, he was all bloody and messy.

Victor was the first person to find him. He screamed as he saw him bleeding.

"Ahh !! What has happened to him? How did he got injured this bad? We must hurry and take him to the infirmary." Victor was panting heavily. He cried as he saw him wounded. Maybe this is what someone feels when something happens to their close ones.

"GET HIM ON YOUR BACK ! THE MORE TIME WE WASTE THE MORE DAMAGE WILL BE DONE!" Lee screamed at Victor to hurry because Rahu's wounds were serious and he bled like a broken water container.

"Ye-yeah, let's go Rahu, just hold on a little longer. You will be good as ever." Victor grabbed him by his waist and carried him on his shoulder.

"Let's go!!"

We were rushing through an entire garden that was big enough to fit two football fields in it and still have space left. Lee was almost out of mana that's why he couldn't teleport us to the infirmary. We had no way other than to run to the infirmary. I and Lee were ahead of Victor, we did not know why he was lagging. And just when I had this thought Victor screamed from behind and by his tone I knew it was bad news.

"Lee !! Kai !!"

I and Lee turned to look back while running and the scene we saw behind us was complicated...

We saw Victor on his knees with blood coming from his eyes instead of tears. His legs seemed different, his calves and knees were bleeding.

It shocked us to see Victor on the ground. Without wasting a second, Lee and I ran to him.

"Wh-what happened Victor, what's all this ?? " Lee asked him with a fearful expression.

He cried and red blood filled his eyes "I can't move, my legs! They are not working. I can't move them, it seems like it's happening because of Rahu's incomplete power-up. His unused Demonic energy is coming out of his body."

"His blood is being mixed with my wounds, causing harmful effects on my body. Take him and go !!"

Victor was suffering from too much pain, yet he asked Lee to take Rahu to the infirmary.

"No ! I can't leave any of you here. We all came here together so we will leave together too. Leaving you here would be a terrible choice. Look at your leg if it's not treated on time, we might have to cut it out of your body."

"I don't care! I'll only lose a leg, but Rahu might lose his life. So, take him to the infirmary instead of me " Victor yelled at Lee with eyes full of tears.

"I can't take him too. Carrying him will do the same to me as it did to you. And even if I carry him, I won't make it in time!"

"We need to think of something else-"

"Lee !! Look into my eyes, you can't save everyone. You need to make a choice !!"

"Choose me or him! I'll accept your decision."

-To be continued