
Mu Yang

In the east, the warm sunlight gently spilled down. Beijing, the most bustling metropolis in the vast land of China. After centuries of development, Beijing had transformed into an exquisitely beautiful mega-city. Despite the pervasive presence of high-tech products, the natural ambiance remained indispensable.

Within the dense forest, speckles of sunlight penetrated the leaves, illuminating the earth below. The surroundings were silent and deserted, creating an exceptionally tranquil atmosphere.


In an instant, a white blur streaked by, leaving behind lingering traces. The next moment, the swift movement came to a sudden halt, revealing the silhouette of a young man.

Wearing flowing white garments, his delicately handsome face retained a lingering trace of innocence. His well-defined nose exuded a dignified air, while his bright eyes conveyed a vibrant energy, suggesting an age around seventeen or eighteen.

His slender lips moved slightly, expressing a hint of helplessness, as he said, "Uncles, you could just come out."

As his words faded, a rush of wind emerged from behind him. Subsequently, twelve figures clad in black materialized, half-kneeling and bowing respectfully to the young man. "What orders does Young Master Mu Yang have?" they inquired with deference.

Turning around to face the kneeling figures, the young man sighed lightly, expressing some reluctance. "Uncles, please rise. There's no need for such formalities; you are all my elders."

However, despite Mu Yang's words, the individuals remained half-kneeling, showing no intention of standing up.

Mu Yang was already accustomed to such scenes. He sighed again and shook his head gently. Behind him, though unseen, his palms suddenly clenched!


An overwhelming aura emanated from Mu Yang's center, causing a roaring wind and a whirlwind of fallen leaves. The twelve individuals felt an invisible force lifting their knees, forcibly raising their bodies.

"False God Realm?!"

The leader among the twelve had a sudden change in expression, staring in astonishment at Mu Yang. He exclaimed, "Young Master, have you broken through to the False God Realm?"

"I've grasped some insights, but haven't completely broken through yet." Mu Yang retracted his imposing aura, chuckled, and looked at the people who had already stood up. He added, "Uncle Ouyang, there's no need for these formalities in the future. You are my uncle and I am your nephew; as a family, there's absolutely no need for such gestures."

The black-clad man named Ouyang Ken, and was a man with great strength, and he volunteered to be Mu Yang’s bodyguard to repay the kindness Mu Yang’s father had bestowed him.

However, at this moment, Ouyang Ken gazed somewhat dazedly at the benevolent young man in front of him, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and still hadn't recovered from his shock.

The speed of this young man's cultivation was truly abnormal! Truly worthy of being recognized as the savior of the Earth, at the age of only seventeen, his strength had already reached the False God Realm. Such innate talent in cultivation was beyond comparison, even by his father, the supreme commander of the Imperial Army of China, Mu Rufeng.

In this world, there were two types of people: those who could absorb the power of heaven and earth to strengthen themselves, known as cultivators. Once cultivators reached a certain level of proficiency, they acquired the ability to move mountains with a single hand. This was the reason Mu Rufeng had gathered all the superpowered individuals on Earth to form the Close-Range Attack Alliance.

Cultivators typically possessed a naturally imbued elemental power, such as the fiery power of Yan Qiong or the water power possessed by Lan Qi.

Of course, there were exceptions. Some exceptional individuals were born with two elemental powers, but such individuals were rare in the world. The young man Mu Yang, standing before them, possessed an unprecedented three elemental powers, which was one of the reasons why he had been chosen by the Earth as the chosen savior.

Another category of people existed in the world, those born incapable of cultivation, relegated to living ordinary lives. These individuals often dedicated themselves to scientific and technological research for the benefit of humanity.

After a short pause, Ouyang Ken regained his composure. He cleared his throat and said, "Young Master Mu Yang is not only powerful but also kind-hearted and amiable. Although I am older, I can’t compared to Young Master."

Upon hearing this, Mu Yang shook his head, showing no hint of pride in his tone. He smiled and replied, "Uncle Ouyang, you flatter me."

Ouyang Ken just smiled slightly in response. Behind him, the other black-clad individuals also gazed at Mu Yang with admiration.

This young man was not only powerful but also benevolent and humble. Despite his formidable strength, he displayed no trace of arrogance. With such a temperament, he was destined for greatness given time.

Changing the topic, Ouyang Ken asked again, "Is Young Master planning to visit the elderly gentlemen this time?"

Mu Yang nodded slightly, saying, "Yes."

Upon hearing this, everyone present looked at Mu Yang with an additional layer of reverence in their eyes.

The elderly gentlemen mentioned by Ouyang Ken were residents of a retirement home. Some had lost their loved ones in wars and couldn't enjoy their later years, while others were abandoned by their children and had no choice but to reside in the retirement home.

Mu Yang visited them every month, spending time with them, engaging in conversations, and bringing them gifts, caring for them like their own grandson. The reason for his actions was simple: he felt compassion for their pitiful circumstances.

"Master Mu is truly kind-hearted," whispered the people behind Ouyang Ken.

Indeed, Mu Yang's kindness and affability were renowned throughout the empire.

Suddenly, Ouyang Ken's gaze sharpened as if he remembered something. He asked in a low voice, "Young Master, there seems to be a vampire among the elderly in the retirement home, right?"

Mu Yang affirmed with a sound, asking in return, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Twenty years ago, he wielded significant influence in the City of Twilight and possessed formidable strength himself," Ouyang Ken warned with a serious expression. "Young Master, you should be cautious around him."

Ouyang Ken's words were not without reason. After all, the young man before them was crucial to the entire world, and any harm to him was unacceptable.

However, when these words reached Mu Yang's ears, he merely shook his head lightly. "He won't hurt me; Uncle Ouyang, you can rest assured."

Mu Yang spoke with great certainty.

A month ago, when Mu Yang visited this elderly man, he appeared frail, seemingly approaching the end of his life. However, the old man said, "My time is running out. In a month, I will give you an item. I believe you will use it wisely."

Exhaling softly, Mu Yang dismissed further thoughts and walked leisurely forward, heading towards the retirement home.


It was an extremely vast area, filled with the fragrance of flowers and the songs of birds. Three five-story buildings stood tall - an entertainment center, a residential area, and a dining hall.

From afar, the sounds of laughter from elderly individuals filled the air.

At the entertainment center.

A multitude of exercise equipment filled the space. Looking around, one could see the hunched figures of elderly people, their laughter echoing in the serene atmosphere.

Further ahead, a black-robed old man sat quietly in a chair, eyes closed, breathing faintly. His presence, like the twilight sun, starkly contrasted with the joyful surroundings.

"Here he comes."

At the next moment, his lips slightly parted, and his eyes slowly opened.

It seemed like two blue lights emanated from the depths of his eyes. Despite the gloomy and aged appearance, a hint of a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

An invisible aura surged forth. Though lacking oppressive force, it brought a momentary hush to the scene. Many turned around, looking at the old man with puzzled expressions.

"What's going on?" A friendly elder approached the black-robed old man and asked in a hushed tone.

Before he could finish, a voice, youthful but tinged with maturity, resounded from the entrance.

"Grandpas, it's been a month. You all look much better."