
Global Assemble! (Background)

A muted yellow hue permeated the landscape, an endless expanse of desolate land where not a blade of grass dared to grow. The primordial aura enveloped this realm.

Here, a desolate and solemn ancient battlefield unfolded, devoid of vitality, only exuding a suffocating aura of death. However, as the rhythmic footsteps echoed like drumbeats and tens of thousands of troops surged into view like a tidal wave, the atmosphere of the entire world began to turn turbulent.

This was an army of nearly one hundred thousand, adorned in silver armor that gleamed brilliantly in the dim sunlight. From a distance, the silver-clad warriors moved in perfect unison, with their strides being synchronized.

Disciplined, capable of facing a hundred enemies alone, formidable!

At the forefront of the army, amid a shimmering golden radiance, a figure adorned in purple and gold armor soared through the air, hands folded behind, exuding an imposing aura like a majestic mountain.

He was the supreme commander of the Imperial Army of China, a name that struck fear into the hearts of all: Mu Rufeng.

Behind him, a graceful woman in golden armor accentuating her alluring figure followed. Her fair, snow-like skin and a captivating charm, though not overwhelmingly beautiful, radiated a unique allure. Most notably, her captivating eyes were a deep and beautiful shade of blue, resembling the ocean.

She was one of the three commanders of the Imperial Army, possessing the power of the ocean—the Ocean Angel, Lan Qi.

Lan Qi's lips parted slightly, urgency evident in her tone as she asked, "When will the vampire and werewolf forces from Europe, as well as the Iron Man Coalition from America arrive?"

"Haha, Lan, there's no need to hurry. The global superpowered individuals have gathered on the land of China, and we are their hosts. A slight delay is acceptable," a robust man with fiery red hair, standing at two meters tall, responded. He, too, wore golden armor, signifying his equal status with Lan Qi.

Correctly guessed, he was one of the three commanders, known as the King of Flames—Yan Qiong.

Lan Qi chuckled softly, saying no more. She then cast her eyes onto Mu Rufeng ahead.

The revered man seemed to have something on his mind. Could it be related to his son being chosen as the savior?


However, as Lan Qi contemplated, a distant and prolonged wolf howl echoed, and the entire land seemed to tremble. Countless figures resembling ants sprinted from the north, their speed and ferocity astonishing.

"Hey, here comes the Werewolf Empire," remarked a golden- armored man standing to the left of Yan Qiong. Although he appeared somewhat slender, he exuded a terrifying explosive force, akin to a long-dormant volcano ready to erupt.

He was the strongest among the three commanders, matching the speed of light—the Wild Light, Wu Lingtian.

The supreme commander of the Imperial Army of China, Mu Rufeng; the three commanders—Wu Lingtian, Lan Qi, and Yan Qiong; and the hundred thousand practitioners were all assembled at this moment!

"Boom! Boom!"

Simultaneously, from the east, the sound of the earth shaking resonated. A figure, green as a small hill, sprinted rapidly, causing the earth to tremble with each step.

Above them, countless flashes of red light streaked through the sky. They rushed forward with the power generated by nuclear propulsion, resembling rockets in flight, swiftly approaching.

"Hulk, the Iron Man Coalition, and the ninth generation Avengers have also arrived," Yan Qiong grinned.

However, before Yan Qiong finished speaking, a streak of red light flashed in the distance, surpassing Hulk in just a few seconds and then rapidly approached at a speed unmatched by anyone.

Lightning-like speed!

"The ninth-generation Flash is truly formidable," Lan Qi remarked, a faint smile on her lips, as she arched her hand.

Flash subtly tilted his body, a red flash seeming to flicker in the depths of his eyes. He nodded, speaking in slightly imperfect Chinese, "The Avengers, our Justice League, and some independent heroes have all responded to the invitation from China and will arrive shortly."

Upon hearing Flash's words, Yan Qiong and the others smiled knowingly, undoubtedly pleased with the American response to the invitation.

Mu Rufeng spoke for the first time, and his thunderous voice echoed, "We appreciate the presence of the American Union."

Nevertheless, despite Mu Rufeng's words, he still had some thoughts. After all, after a century of development, China had become the most powerful country in the world. It had five planetary colonies in the solar system, making Chinese the universal language.

This global coalition was initiated by China, and as for the reasons behind it...

Ten years ago, the Milky Way suffered a fierce attack from extraterrestrial regions. During these ten years, any country encountering interstellar regions had been retreating steadily, losing territory inch by inch.

Now, all survivors of the war had no choice but to retreat to their original home planet, Earth. But why hadn't Earth been invaded?

Because Earth seemed to possess a unique power within, activating a self-defense shield whenever extraterrestrial attacks occurred, rendering them unable to assault Earth.

Now, China hoped to unite all the world's superpowered individuals, harnessing Earth's protective power for a decisive counterattack against the interstellar regions.

The Chinese practitioners had all gathered; the American ninth-generation Avengers, Justice League, and independent heroes had arrived; and the European Werewolf Empire was approaching.

"Only the North European vampires have yet to arrive," Yan Qiong surveyed the surroundings, whispering to Mu Rufeng's ear.

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng shook his head and pointed to the sky above.


Yan Qiong's face suddenly changed.

Without any warning, a fierce wind swept in, and the vast sky revealed tens of thousands of helicopters in an instant!

Following closely, figures in suits and leather shoes jumped directly from the helicopters, displaying a certain level of elegance.

"The most powerful practitioner is indeed worthy of his reputation. He sensed our presence from the very beginning," a handsome man said as he laughed loudly. "I’m Lawrence. At the invitation of China, I have brought all my people here!"

The vampire clan showed their pride.

However, in the eyes of the Werewolf Empire, the natural archenemy of the vampire clan, this earned nothing but disdain.

A majestic figure standing in the front of the Werewolf Empire army snorted with contempt. "A group of pretentious beings."

The speaker was none other than the leader of the Werewolf Empire, Angus.

Subsequently, countless vampires landed steadily on the ground, precisely in the territory opposite the Werewolf Empire.

Chinese practitioners; American Union and independent heroes; European vampires and werewolves—all had arrived at this moment!

"Now that everyone is here, let the most powerful practitioner of China, Mu Rufeng, explain in detail the strategy for the upcoming interstellar battle," a person covered entirely in golden armor spoke from the front of the Iron Man Coalition.

However, his mid-air posture differed from Mu Rufeng's.

Mu Rufeng harnessed the power of heaven and earth, while the Iron Man utilized the thrust generated by nuclear power.

"Let's get to the point," Mu Rufeng squinted, his voice low but perfectly audible even in regions hundreds of miles away. He continued, "We invite you all here is for the interstellar war five days later. Our main responsibility is close-quarters combat on the battlefield."

"Chinese practitioners, American heroes, European vampires and werewolves. This time, I hope you will put aside past grievances, ignore past animosities, and unite against the common enemy!"

"Since we are all Earthlings, let's show our mettle! Let them know that we are not the cowards as they thought!"

"If they dare to invade , they will pay blood!"

The resonant voice echoed through the vast expanse!

The eyes of everyone almost instantly turned crimson!

Ten years ago, Earth controlled the Milky Way Galaxy. Although countries were not harmonious, they coexisted peacefully. However, on that day, the sky darkened, and Earth faced an unprecedented extraterrestrial attack, resulting in countless casualties!

In the following ten years, extraterrestrial attacks did not cease but intensified. Loved ones were separated, spouses were separated by life and death, and friends died one after another in front of them. Faced with a global crisis, the seemingly aloof superheroes present were powerless.

They were powerless; what kind of heroes were they!

Countless times, loved ones and spouses died in front of them. Countless times, they came close to saving a life.

But it was just a little short...

And it happened because of their arrogance and disharmony!

Now, they had to unite as a force, a force strong enough to drive interstellar regions out of the Milky Way Galaxy!

Since the interstellar regions had issued a challenge, they were ready for battle!

This time, the world gathered!