
29 March- 1:58

Right, so I just got back from school and school today was not bad. I arrived super early to school today to clean my locker, and by the time I was done, I spotted this huge, and I mean HUGE spider on my shoulder. 

"AHHHHHH! SPIDER! HELP!" I screamed. I'm not actually afraid of bugs, but this spider was extremely big. Hey! If you was me, you'd scream too! 

 Anyway, when I screamed, the students who were there stared at me and the popular girls nearby started giggling. Oh I forgot, I need to tell you what popular girls mean. It's girls who are really popular at school. Okay, now back to my point. By then I started squirming on the floor like a worm or something, trying to get the spider off of me and everyone started laughing and pointing at me. Then, a girl with brown hair and green eyes came over, took a napkin out of he pocket and picked the bug off me, and helped me up. 

"T-thank you." I stammered. "No problem." the girl said with a smile. "Hey! You're new, aren't you? I've never seen you before." 

"Yeah...I'm new. I moved in this school yesterday." I replied. 

"Right, we have to get out of here. Follow me!" the girl grabbed my arm and pulled me into the girl's toilet. 

"Are you okay? Oh, right! I haven't introduced myself. I'm Ella. How about you?" 

"I'm Amelia...." 

"That's a nice name!" Ella exclaimed and threw the spider into a nearby bin. "Don't worry about the students who laughed at you. It's not funny at all." 

"Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it." I replied. "Oh, it's no big deal. Friends helps each other, right? Oh! Unless you don't wanna be my friend...?" Ella asked. 

"Friend? Of course! Finally I'm not lonely anymore!" I beamed. "Awesome! And you're gonna be my first friend too!" Ella said and started dancing. Ang I joined her too, even if it was a bit weird to dance in school. 

Fast forward to now, after meeting Ella, I returned to boring classes and now I'm writing in you. "Ring~ring~ring!" Oh! That's probably Ella calling me now. I'll write in you later!