
28 March- 8:44 pm

Okay. Before you read my diary, I just wanna let you know I'm not gonna be writing about my perfect life or anything. Instead, I'm going to simply write about.....um.....my life I guess. 

Anyway, today was one of the days where you just do something stupid. Like sitting on a chair for half an hour, staring at a screen and not doing anything. 

I have an online class every thursday and today was like any other day. I quickly gobbled up my dinner and joined my class using Zoom. But when I joined my class it said the host hadn't started the meeting yet, so I waited for a minute. Then two. The next thing you know it, I had sat on the chair for an entire half hour, just staring at a screen. Omg, my butt was so numb! 

 After just sitting there like an idiot, I realized today was a public holiday and I had no class. So I wasted an entire half hour of my life doing nothing. 

But enough about this. This year might be the most stressful year in all of my life because I'm going to have an very important exam it in two months. If I don't do well on it, basically, I'm dead. And that's not all. I recently moved to this new school, 'Cresenta Valley high' and I'm not liking it. Yesterday was my first day, and everyone totally ignored me, probably cause' I'm new. And whenever I walked in the hallways, students would stare at me. Like, what?! Did I have a huge booger on my nose?! 

Also, my new locker is super dirty. I'm thinking about cleaning it tomorrow..... and maybe I could decorate it super cute so it would draw attention from the popular girls.

 You're probably wondering what is a 'popular girl', right? Well, I'm gonna give you a....what's that called again? Oh right, cliffhanger. A cliffhanger is when somebody writes to a really mysterious part then just stops writing, so you'll wanna read more to find out the answer. Or it's something like that. 

But one of the reasons I'm leaving you a cliffhanger is because I have to get to bed. So.....yeah. But I'll see you in the morning.