
the diamonte

in a school where there the first five people on the position list get a scholarship to the same college and the other five,another college,a group of teens came together to create a hidden reading group. reading day and night to be the best. will they be able to win even with the challenges they face?

florenceeyi · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs


School work started as usual. After school,the DIAMONTES got to their normal spot. Usually,there were 4 students at that spot. Now,there are 5.

"hi babies"Dirk greeted

"he never listens. Stop calling us babies"Fiona attacks him with her words

"you are the only one who has a problem with me calling others babies. They ain't complaining to you. Are they?" seeing that he got no reply from Fiona,he continued "then mind your business. I'm not in the mood for your trash today. so,avoid me"

"shit,he is angry" she tried walking towards him but his looks scared her away "I'm sorry"she said silently

"Fiona, leave him alone. he is obviously not a

in a good mood. You will just make him angrier. I'm sure you don't want him to get angrier"Geoffrey gently pulls her closer to himself. Hugging and comforting her. "don't be sad,he will be calm down later"

soon Fiona calmed down. Geoffrey thought of it as the perfect chance to tease her "I keep telling you,act smart. Study their expression and mood before you talk but no. You won't keep quiet. No offense but make sure your eyes,brain and tongue are connected before you talk. I just want you to be good. Don't be mad at me and please don't cry" Fiona tries to control herself. restraining herself from crying

"Now apologize to Dirk. And don't ask him anything. You know,he won't say a word."

"what do you mean?"Glenda who had been eavesdropping asked. Geoffrey although was shocked,answered her "Dirk is a secretive person. We only know little about him"

"never knew. I will try my luck and ask him. later"


As she turned,she saw that Fiona and Dirk were already on good terms. How could I forget daisy? She was minding her business. she sat in a chair, reading her books. she was the head nerd in the group. she is more like a beautiful nerdy girl. They are not completely nerds as they do not lack social skills.

"are you guys done?" daisy who seemed not be affected and interested in their silly talks asked

"I guess"Geoffrey replied

"then, let's go. My driver will be here any minute from now. We will wait for him at the school gate"

Not long after they reached the school gate, daisy's driver arrived

"Did you bring extra uniform with you?"

They all answered yes

"and your pyjama?"


They all got to daisy's house and rested for a while before they started to gist. it was like a culture for them. Take a nap,play,study and then sleep. They'd take a nap for 30mins,play for a hour,study till it was 2am and sleep till it was 5:30. They hardly got to sleep well at home.

"Mary!"Mary was a cleaner in her house.

"you called"

"yes,I did. My friend are staying over tonight. You know what to do. make sure their clothes are cleaned before tomorrow"


"come back in 5 mins to collect their uniforms" turning to her friends "be fast about it,she will be back to collect your uniforms" she turns to Mary again "and pls,make sure you iron them. thanks"

"okay ma'am"

Although daisy's house is big. They all love staying and sleeping in one room. The two love birds, Fiona and Geoffrey sleeping in each others arms,daisy sleeping in another bed and Dirk another. It was a little different today. Dirk made sure his bed was beside Glenda's. And daisy slept on a bed a little far from others. She is used to it.

After their nap. It was time to play,gist and do any rubbish they wanted to do. While Dirk,Daisy, Geoffrey and Fiona played card. Glenda sat quietly looking at them. Dirk then decided to join her. He really wanted to know about her. While waiting for the time to clock 7, Glenda decided to ask.

"what do you call a plan that is meant to be hidden but others know of it?"

"erm, hideous plan?" Fiona says

"Aish, wrong. sounds stupid"

"how about we say a secret hideous open plan. haha"

everyone stared at her and shook their head

"it's not good to be stupid. That was even more stupid than the first one" Turning to dirk,she said in a whisper"is she normal at all. how does she even pass English class?"

"I heard that."

"oh, sweet and lovely Daisy,I'm so sorry. it was just a joke"

"That for sure is metaphor"

"wait, haven't you been insulted already. Seriously,tell me,how do you pass English test. I won't judge you."

"none of ya business"

"Girl,that was an hyperbole"Geoffrey butts in

"Stupid like his girlfriend."

"what did you just say?"Geoffrey askes Glenda

"nothing. By the way,that was irony. hyperbole is exaggeration. irony is more like a lie. okay?. I thought daisy was only childish.i didn't know she is also stupid"

"what did you say? Can you please repeat it?"

"oh no,I'm dead"Glenda then starts running around.

"what is going on?" Daisy who was beside Dirk asked

"I don't know what they are talking about. I just know they are arguing about figure of speech" confused Dirk says

"basically it was about a name then it turned to figure of speech. Now,it has turned to an argument. the argument then turns to a fight. Now Fiona is chasing Glenda" after saying this daisy laughs.

"Not funny"

suddenly a voice shouted.