
the diamonte

in a school where there the first five people on the position list get a scholarship to the same college and the other five,another college,a group of teens came together to create a hidden reading group. reading day and night to be the best. will they be able to win even with the challenges they face?

florenceeyi · Teen
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8 Chs


an hotel in Kali,room 15B

The hotel is covered and bathed in blood. Blood could be seen on the floor and also on a small cushion chair with a cold and pale figure on it. Apparently,the man who had died was investigating a case about murder cases that have been occurring in Kali. Police officer were patroling the hotel and investigators were seen in the room trying to get evidence about the crime. Jerry,the man in charge of the new case is seen checking out what if everything was going well

"Are you done running the genetic fingerprinting of this room?"Jerry asked one of the men who were appointed to him

"yes boss"

"Good. And Mr Cake's body has been moved out for autopsy?"


"I don't understand this anymore"Hubert,the main assistant of Jerry voiced out

"Hubert"Jerry called out


"come over for a while. I think I am getting this"

As he said this,Hubert bent down a little to pass under the cordon. "so,what is it you found?"

"This looks like a suicide buh the way the blood were spilled shows it is not"


"according to the short report I got from Reine,the man was stabbed 5 times" he moved slowly as he explained

"it all started here"pointing to the window side which was scattered "Mr. Cake being an experienced police tries to defend himself" he keeps walking around pointing at places "then Mr Cake stops in front of the cushion chair and the killer succeeded in attacking him from whatever part of his body he stabbed first." Jerry turns to face his colleagues and explains further. As he explains,they all listened with rapt attention "the killer kept stabbing him till he died. The killer makes it look like he or she is an inexperienced killer but failed as 5 stabs at the wrong place is not enough to kill a strong man like Mr Cake. Now,we have to be careful of the killer,we know he is really good at his job and look at that" he points his finger to the wall which had blood on it "do you see that? he used Mr Cake's blood to write to us that he would be back. We all have to be careful" The head if police who was present at the scene kept quiet through. His face was not looking too good

"we don't know who he'd attack next but we have to be careful" The head of police turned to leave but jerry already caught a glimpse of him

"wait" he quickly walks towards the head of police"sir,I realized that the killer although started from the Reece family is attacking those investigating this case but I want to assure you that even if it means putting my life on the line,I will get justice for them,those that have been killed" he did not know that as he spoke a spy was close to him, listening to all he was saying

"that is good,I love your spirit. keep working" as the head of police walked away, Hubert walks up to jerry

"what were you talking about"

"it's nothing"

"whatever,by the way,what you did back there was incredible. you are really the best one for this case. I just want you to know I believe in you"

"thanks bro,I appreciate this"

"when are you leaving"

"Right now"

"then let's go together. I will stop by a canteen to get us something to eat. you've been working almost all day. it's evening already" jerry felt reluctant

"come on, it's just dinner. Don't say no"


They left and stopped at a famous restaurant. Hubert decided that it was the best place to talk

"so,what made you accept this case even though you knew it was dangerous?" Hubert asked

"I faced the same thing as a child" jerry slowly looked up and saw that Hubert was confused

"my parents were killed and nothing was done about it. I then decided that I won't let ant of such happen again as long as I was alive and available. I just don't want something like that to happen again"

"I see. let's eat. Our order is already here"

"I didn't even know when you did"

"you see,you have to relax your brain and focus on yourself when you are free. we already left the scene and you are still thinking about it. it's not good for your health. During breaks, don't stress yourself and take that break or else you will get old and die early"

jerry laughed when he heard what Hubert said

"okay then, let's eat food. Woah,my favourite. how did you know I loved crabs in soup?"

"I also love them,they are amazing. look at that too" Hubert points at another plate filled with chicken sauce.

"let's eat,my mouth's already watery."

"There you go,eat and let your head rest. That way you will have enough strength to continue and deal with the case"

"thanks,you are really amazing"

"you are welcome"

they dined and talked until it was 10.

"Good night Hubert. make sure you wake up early. I will call to inform you what we will major on tomorrow"


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I will make sure I try to update three times a week. thanks

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