
The Devils Child Reincarnated into Another World

Sam The bastard child of the devil died to Humans, So an angel took his soul away and brought him to his grandfather. Sama Old Geezer gave him the chamce to reincarnate into another world but at the price of never returning to earth. Follow as he Wrecks chaos and havoc all around the new world

Ender_Child · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

I The Glorious Child of Darkness does not kneel for anyone

Sam Held the egg closely to him, some children were looking at him and were avoiding him. "Tsk forgot i am a troublemaker in both lives, whatever"

"You?!!, i finally found you" Sam raised an eyebrow as he saw the princess looking brat in front of him, the girl wasn't ugly and she was holding a purple and pink colored egg om her hand.

Sam looked into this bodies memories and realized he bullied this girl purely because she asked him to be her boyfriend in a different way, She said he should become her servant and Sam did not like that. "What do you want Emmy"

"hmph Nothing i just wanted to say happy birthday to you, you know both our birthdays are at the same day. . . and since you're so forgetful, I thought I'd remind you," Emmy said, crossing her arms and lifting her chin, trying to maintain her haughty demeanor. But Sam could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Is something wrong with you?" Sam said placing a hand on her head.

Emmy slapped his hand away, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Don't treat me like a child!" she snapped, though her voice lacked the usual venom.

Sam smirked, amused by her reaction. "You're acting like one," he teased. "But seriously, what do you want, Emmy? You've never exactly been friendly with me, so why the sudden change?"

Emmy huffed and looked away, her fingers tightening around the egg she held. "I told you, it's our birthday. And… well, it's tradition to exchange gifts, isn't it?"

Sam frowned, not recalling any such tradition in his memories. "I don't remember that."

She hesitated, then shrugged. "Well, it's a new tradition. I made it up."

He raised an eyebrow. "A new tradition, huh? And what exactly is your gift to me?"

"Well since our eggs are going to hatch next week, my father invited a man from the Grand Pavilion to teach us about somethings, i can invite five people and your the last i'm inviting

because, well, it's your birthday too. Consider it my gift to you," Emmy said, trying to sound nonchalant but clearly eager for Sam's reaction.

"Alright, I'll come," Sam finally said, still cautious. "But if this is some kind of prank—"

"It's not!" Emmy interrupted, her tone suddenly earnest. "I promise, it's not. I just… I thought it might be nice if we could… you know, start over. No more bullying, no more fighting."

Sam blinked, surprised by her sincerity. Maybe this was an opportunity for a fresh start, or at the very least, a chance to figure out what game she was playing. "Fine," he said, giving a small nod. "But don't expect me to go easy on you just because you're being nice."

Emmy rolled her eyes, but there was a glimmer of relief in them. "Wouldn't dream of it. Just be ready tomorrow, okay? My father doesn't tolerate lateness."

"Yeah, yeah," Sam muttered, watching as she turned and walked away, her posture a mix of haughtiness and nervousness.

Sam was amused by her attitude, its rare for humans to show both arrogance and affection…No he changed his mind it was entirely possible.

The egg pulsed as if it felt his emotions. "What an interesting little fellow, i used to have a black dog with pure red bloodthirsty eyes that always tried to kill me, too bad i killed it and made a devil bag with its skin, The first gift i have ever gotten from my father"

sam parolled the town for the rest of the day and when it was evening, he went back home his mother immediately scolded him by pulling his ear. "Why you little troublemaker, i said you can go out but i didn't say you can come home late you haven't even eaten lunch"

Sam who had tears forming om the corner of his eyes tried to pull away from his mother's grasp, but she held firm. "Sorry, Mom! I just lost track of time," he said, trying to appease her while rubbing his sore ear.

His mother sighed and finally let go, her expression softening. "You know how I worry, especially with everything that's happened. You should be more careful, Sam."

'Damn?!, this woman is scary!!, hell why is she almost scarier than the Damned Bastard' Sam thought as he rubbed his ear.

He sighed. "Ok…i got carried away"

She sighed and patted his head. "You look just like your father…too bad he went missing, anyways i saved some food for you, so go eat"

After pouting for a few more seconds, Sam ate as his mother watched him. "Mom Emmy invited me to her house to listen to a lecture from a person that came from the Grand Pavilion"

His mother narrowed her eyes. "Hmm, mind telling me why i got complaints from the parents of kids saying you beat their children up and let them weep in the streets"

Sam froze, his fork halfway to his mouth. He knew this was coming, but it didn't make it any easier to face. He lowered the fork and took a deep breath. "Mom, it wasn't like that," he started, searching for the right words. "They… they were messing with me first. I just defended myself."

His mother crossed her arms, her stern expression making it clear she wasn't buying his excuse. "Sam, this isn't the first time I've heard that. You've been getting into too many fights lately. What's really going on?"

"Fine,they were saying i look weird and they were sticking their noses into something they shouldn't, i am a fully grown teenager i need my privacy" Sam said with a slightly grim tone that made his mothers eyes twitch in annoyance. So she did the most natural thing she could ever do.

"Samuel Yolan put the egg away so it doesn't see" Sam suddenly felt a sens of dread as he saw the wooden spoon in his mothers hand.

'Is that a holy artifact?!!, My mother is terrifying!!' He thought as he gulped and did as she said.

"Mom, can we talk about this?" Sam pleaded, backing away slightly as his mother approached, the wooden spoon in her hand glowing with an ominous aura—or at least it seemed that way to Sam.

His mother shook her head, her lips pressed into a firm line. "You should have thought about that before you started picking fights with other children. Now, hold still."

"Hmph I The Glorious Child Of Darkness does not Kneel For Anyone" For sam that just increased his chances of getting beaten by a hundred thousand times. The holy wooden spoon has descended, one of the five Holy disciplinary items of a mother…

Sam bolted, making a dash for the door, but his mother was faster. In a swift, practiced motion, she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back, her grip like iron. The wooden spoon gleamed ominously in the dim kitchen light, and Sam felt a chill run down his spine.

"Mom, come on, let's be reasonable!" Sam pleaded, trying to wriggle free from her grasp.

"Reasonable?" His mother arched an eyebrow. "Oh, I am being reasonable. You need to learn some discipline, young man."

Before he could react, the spoon came down with a swift, precise smack on his behind. Sam yelped, more out of surprise than pain, though he quickly realized this was just the beginning.

"Wait, wait! I promise I'll behave!" Sam blurted out, holding up his hands in surrender. But his mother was having none of it.

"This is for your own good," she said, her voice calm and determined. "And for those poor kids you've been terrorizing."

Another smack, and Sam winced, biting his lip to keep from crying out. Despite all the power he had amassed in his past life, and the dark knowledge he carried within him, he was completely helpless in the face of his mother's righteous wrath.

After what felt like an eternity (though it was really only a few well-placed smacks), his mother finally relented. She put the spoon down and crossed her arms, looking at Sam with a mixture of disappointment and concern.

"Now, are you going to start behaving?" she asked, her tone softening slightly.

Sam nodded vigorously, his pride thoroughly humbled. "Yes, Mom. I'll be good, I promise."

"Good." She sighed and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I know you've had a tough time adjusting, Sam. But you need to remember that you're not alone. You don't have to face everything with your fists."

Sam swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his throat. He hadn't expected her to understand, let alone be so forgiving after what he'd done. "I'll try, Mom," he said quietly. "I really will."

She smiled warmly, pulling him into a tight hug. "That's all I ask. Now, go finish your dinner. And don't forget to thank Emmy for inviting you tomorrow."

'Note: Do not try to defy mother' After he was done eating, Sam went to bed he made sure to make a small bed for the egg.

The next day Sam went out early and went to Emmy's house, since she was the daughter of the Town chief her house was well known.

He was currently holding his egg in a leather pouch making him look like a kangaroo.

When he arrived and knocked on the door, Emmy answered, he stared at her pink eyes which complimented her black hair, her skin was naturally fair, Sam had one thing to describe her, a pampered brat.

"Good Morning" Sam said in a neutral tone, Emmy's eyes sparked with delight as she looked at him.

Sam waved his hands near her face a few times. "Hello, are you ascending to heaven or are my looks just that devilish"

Emmy immediately broke out of her initial daze. "What?, Stop being Narcissistic and come in, we are waiting for two more people"

Emma without asking took his arm, Sam was neutral and allowed her to lead him, as she was doing that he was thinking about somethings.

'I need sacrifices to create the bloodline ring, i'll kill one hundred animals once this little fella hatches, After that i should be able to store a pond sized amount of blood in it, and also make a safe place to keep my future items' He broke out of his thoughts as he was brought to a courtyard with one person on the chair.

It was a girl who was silently reading a book, beside her was a crystalline white egg on top of a cute pillow. She had purple eyes and Black hair. She glanced at Sam and suddenly her eyes twitched.

She stared at Emmy as of asking if she was serious. "Isn't he the rumored Hot head who usually leaves kids brutally beaten"

"Angel?" Sam suddenly blurted out as he saw a small white cloaked being with white feathers behind it.

"Oh thanks for the compliment" She seemed to have misinterpreted, Sam was slightly irritated, that is a guardian angel and if it's this close to her, that means she will be a great person in her life and would probably become an angel the moment she died.

The angel noticed Sam's presence but it didn't attack him, it's only purpose it's to protect the girl, unless he tries to harm her he won't attack.

Emmy pouted and looked at him with a hopeful gaze. "…Where's my compliment"

Sam stared blankly at her and patted her on the head. "Sigh…My mom said i should thank you for inviting me….So Thank you and also i prefer cute devils and i think you are both a cute and obedient one"

Emmy's cheeks flushed a bright pink at Sam's unexpected compliment. She blinked, momentarily thrown off by his directness, and then a smile slowly spread across her face.

"Well, um, thank you," she stammered, clearly pleased by the praise despite its unconventional delivery.