
The Devils Child Reincarnated into Another World

Sam The bastard child of the devil died to Humans, So an angel took his soul away and brought him to his grandfather. Sama Old Geezer gave him the chamce to reincarnate into another world but at the price of never returning to earth. Follow as he Wrecks chaos and havoc all around the new world

Ender_Child · Fantasy
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10 Chs

What’s Popping Grandpa

"Daaamn, I was snufffed out, Aint no way i got crucified by humans, What a bummer" Sam sighed shaking his head from disappointment. He really did not do anything to ever garner the attention of Exorcists.

"Whatever, i am dead and my soul got immediately snatched by an Angel, Ugh i'm so unfortunate" He sighed once more as he was thrown into a pure white space. there he saw a being made of pure light, He was the devil's child so that means this person is his.

"What's popping Granpa" The being of pure light hovered before Sam, radiating an aura of calm and authority. It regarded him with a mixture of sternness and disappointment.

"Hello, Samuel," the Angel spoke, its voice echoing with both warmth and distance. "I see that you're still as irreverent as ever, even in the face of your demise."

Sam smirked, unbothered by the formal tone. "Yeah, well, I didn't expect to be greeted by a celestial grandpa. What's the deal? Are you here to judge me or something?"

The Angel's light flickered slightly as it contemplated Sam's words. "Judgment is a complex matter. You were neither righteous nor utterly vile in your time. However, your soul has drawn my attention for a reason."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "And what reason would that be? I didn't exactly live a life of virtue."

"No, you did not," the Angel agreed. "But there are aspects of your existence that might serve a greater purpose. Consider this an opportunity for redemption or a chance to gain a new life."

Sam shrugged nonchalantly. "Redemption, huh? Sounds like a drag. What's the catch?"

"Well i will reincarnate you into another world, you will have your own free will and you can do anything you want…but the catch is that you can never return to this world or interact with it again. It's a one-way trip, and once you step into your new existence, you will be entirely removed from the realm you once knew."

Sam chuckled, clearly unfazed. "That sounds like a sweet deal. So, I get a fresh start with a clean slate and no strings attached?"

The Angel's light brightened, indicating a hint of approval. "Precisely. However, be mindful that your actions in this new world will shape your destiny. There will be no divine interference, only the consequences of your choices."

"Fair enough," Sam replied, a grin spreading across his face. "So, where am I heading?"

The Angel extended a glowing hand, and a swirling portal of light appeared beside them. "You will be sent to a world that has its own set of challenges and opportunities. Embrace it fully, and you might find a purpose greater than you ever anticipated."

Sam looked at the portal, his grin widening with excitement. "Sounds like an adventure. Guess I'll have to make the most of it."

With a final nod to the Angel, Sam stepped into the portal, the light engulfing him as he was transported to his new life. The Angel watched silently, the faintest trace of a smile touching its luminous features as Sam disappeared into the unknown.

In a small house, a boy the age of sixteen woke up, hid pure red eyes shined with an almost unholy intelligence, his black hair became smooth as strands of red appeared on the edges. "Would you look at that, my name is Sam here too, well i am not a Nephilim anymore but my soul is and i sure do remember every single demonic rituals and symbols i inherited from the bastard known as The Devil"

Sam stood up from bis bed and stretched. "Let's see, in this world people are born with spirit eggs but this eggs are sealed until the age of sixteen, after the eggs are unsealed the younglings have to take cate of them for a week and they will hatch as newborns beasts, spirits, or entities that reflect the essence of their bearer. Sounds like fun."

He walked over to a mirror, examining his new appearance with a smirk. The red in his eyes glinted dangerously as he ran a hand through his hair, appreciating the familiar yet unfamiliar feel of his new body. "I guess I hit the jackpot with this reincarnation. Now, let's see what kind of world I've been thrown into."

Sam's grin widened as he took in his surroundings. The room was modest, filled with simple furnishings, but there was a distinct sense of power in the air, something he could almost taste. His reflection stared back at him with that same cocky expression he always had, but there was a new edge to it, an anticipation for what was to come.

He looked down at his hands, flexing his fingers as if testing their strength. "A world with spirit eggs, huh? That sounds like something I can work with. After all, with my memories intact, I've got centuries of knowledge in demonic arts and rituals. This is going to be a walk in the park."

As he explored the room, Sam's gaze fell upon a small, ornate box resting on a table near the window. Curiosity piqued, he approached it, feeling a strange connection to the object. When he opened the box, he found a smooth, dark egg resting on a cushion of silk. The egg pulsed with a faint, almost imperceptible glow, and Sam could feel an otherworldly energy emanating from it.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he mused, picking up the egg and holding it up to the light. "My very own spirit egg, huh? I wonder what kind of creature will hatch from this. Something tells me it's not going to be your average fluffy bunny."

He placed the egg back in the box carefully, his mind already racing with possibilities. "If the creatures in this world are supposed to reflect their bearers, then I'm in for something interesting. A demon spawn like me? I'll probably get something that'll shake the foundations of this world."

Sam glanced out the window, where he could see the beginnings of a bustling town. People of all ages moved about, some with spirit creatures at their sides glowing wolves, floating orbs of light, and even what looked like miniature dragons. The sight filled him with a mixture of excitement and determination.

"Wait i have a mother here…hmm Grandpa probably did it intentionally then, whatever i'll treat her nicely, speaking of which i need fresh blood to make a sacrificial orb….oh well i'll make a low grade one from mine, but that has its benefits and disadvantages, for example it can evolve the more blood it consumes and can form a direct link to my essence. However, it'll be weaker at the start compared to a high-grade orb made from fresh blood."

Sam pondered this for a moment, a devious grin spreading across his face. "But the potential for growth… Oh, that's something I can definitely work with. It's like starting from scratch, but with the power to create something truly unstoppable."

He grabbed a small knife from his bedside drawer, testing its sharpness with a casual flick of his thumb. A bead of blood welled up, dark and rich, almost seeming to shimmer with an inner light. "This body may be human, but my blood still carries the essence of a Nephilim. That should give this orb a nice kickstart."

Sam began to draw intricate symbols on the floor around him, each one a demonic rune etched with careful precision. The language of the old world flowed naturally from his memory, a dark and ancient tongue that still felt as familiar as breathing. He placed the egg at the center of the ritual circle, its faint glow pulsating in sync with his own heartbeat.

"I wonder if i use it with the egg will it increase its chance at coming out as a new or mutated species," Sam mused as he continued drawing the runes, his mind racing with possibilities. The idea of using his sacrificial orb in conjunction with the spirit egg was intriguing. A mutated or entirely new species would give him a significant edge in this new world.

As he finished the final rune, the air around him began to hum with energy, the symbols glowing faintly in response to his presence. The egg in the center pulsed in time with his blood, almost as if it were resonating with the dark power that now filled the room.

"Alright, let's give this a shot," Sam whispered, holding the knife over his palm. He made a precise cut, letting his blood drip onto the runes. The moment his blood touched the symbols, the entire circle flared to life, casting an eerie crimson light across the room.

The egg absorbed the energy from the ritual, its glow intensifying until it was almost blinding. Sam could feel the connection forming, a link between his essence and whatever was inside that egg. It was like a dormant power awakening, responding to the ancient rites that had been long forgotten in this world.

The sacrificial orb hovered above the egg, a mix of red and black. "All right, looks like i'll take care of you for a week, let's go meet mom"

Sam carefully wrapped the egg in a cloth, tucking it securely under his arm. The orb floated beside him, its dark hues swirling ominously as if aware of its newfound connection to him. He glanced at the glowing runes one last time before they faded, leaving only a faint trace of their power in the air.

As he stepped out of his room, the house felt surprisingly familiar, almost comforting in its simplicity. The wooden floors creaked slightly under his weight, and the smell of something cooking wafted through the air, reminding him of a homey, mundane life—a stark contrast to his previous existence.

He followed the scent, the orb trailing behind him like a loyal shadow. As he entered the kitchen, he saw a woman with warm brown eyes and hair tied back in a loose bun, stirring a pot on the stove. She looked up as he entered, her face breaking into a gentle smile.

"Good morning, Sam. You're up early today," she said, her voice soft and caring. Next to her was a small brown cat with two stony tails licking its paw's.

"Yeah i was excited bec—,"

She suddenly grabbed his hand. "Oh dear you cut your arm, didn't i tell you not to be reckless"

Sam felt himself sweating as he was being scolded, he was experiencing something called Motherly Dominance. He looked down on the ground as if he was ashamed. 'Damn this feeble human mind, Your lucky our souls fused the moment we reincarnated, damn it now i have 'human' feelings'

"…Sorry mom i won't make you worried again"Sam muttered, his voice surprisingly genuine. He couldn't help but feel the unfamiliar warmth of care in her touch, something that clashed with the cold, calculating mind he'd honed over centuries.

His mother smiled, patting his head gently. "That's my boy. Now, sit down and have some breakfast. You need your strength, especially with your spirit egg to take care of."

Sam nodded, taking a seat at the table. The orb disappeared into his shadow,After eating breakfast Sam said bye to his mom as he held the egg.

The egg itself was the size of a large grapefruit, its surface smooth and cool to the touch. Sam cradled it carefully, feeling its subtle pulse against his palm.

The morning sun felt rather comforting. "Ugh this town has an Angelic blessing on it, it's palpable in the air, Damn the spirit eggs and their masters absorb the energy or Spirit energy"

Sam was partially an angel despite being the devils son, but he doesn't dabble too much in holy runes, he does know some though. His body is absorbing the energy much more slowly than the others but the quality surpasses them.

"I need to condense the Sacrificial orb into a bloodline ring, i can't just keep holding this egg, sigh i need at least a hundred sacrifices, i can't kill the humans here unless i want to get striked by a heavenly judgement and because i have no enmity with innocent people and children" He said walking around the town.