
The Destruction of the Gate that Sealed Thousands of Monsters

7 witches who desire power and immortality, accidentally open the gate containing thousands of monsters that have been sealed for a long time, through rituals written in ancient books. As a result the monsters come out, terrorize and mess up the human world. Kanigara, (a man accustomed to the unseen since childhood) felt a great aura of evil would threaten the human world, he intended to investigate it.

X1GATSU · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Kanigara wakes up from her nightmare, a very bad dream.

It's been over a week he's had the same nightmare. The gate, seven witches, and thousands of monsters coming out.

Kanigara from childhood can already see the unseen things that can not be seen by others, demons, demon animals, monsters etc.

However, they are mostly become a friend with him. Especially Tigre (a monster with tiger head), he is kanigara's best friend.

Short story when kanigara was a child, she was alone and lost in the forest, and he met him. A normal human which usually can't see him, then tigre shocked when he sees him and not afraid. After they talk to each other, tigre decides to become a friend and protect Kanigara.

Kanigara since childhood was shunned by people. Because nearby, people tend to be emotional, babies if nearby will cry, because they contact with the aura of monsters around the Kanigara. Kanigara from childhood was cared for by his grandfather, his mother died of illness, his father left him because he was no longer strong enough to withstand bad emotions when near kanigara. Only his grandfather was immune to the aura.

In the morning as usual, Kanigara wakes up in the morning to get ready to go to school, prepare clothes, then have breakfast with grandpa, then prepare to leave.

"Nig, there's bad news!"

The tiger-headed monster looks very panicked.

"What's up Tig?"

Kanigara answers the tiger-headed monster named Tigre, Kanigara gives Tig's call to him as well as Tigre gives Nig's call to kanigara. While he put a pair of his shoes on the doorstep, Tigre explained his hunch.

"It's not meant to scare you nig, but it's been a week since I felt a very strong and numerous aura of evil, the last time I remember feeling like this 5000 years ago, when the king of monsters had not been sealed."

Tigre explained to the Kanigara while remembering. Suddenly kanigara stopped his hands tying his shoelaces. His eyes were just focused on his shoes, slowly looking at Tigre.

"Tig, what do you mean?"

This story back to thousands of years, when humans still did not know that there were creatures other than humans and animals in this world, in every sea, forest, mountain and other places far from human habitation inhabited by monsters. The monster is both the occupant and the custodian of his residence.

In the sea there is the ruler of the sea, in the forest there is the ruler of the forest, on the mountain as well. They live each other without bothering each other, all living in peace. Then the disaster happened, when there were 10 monsters with great power. They named the group dominator, they killed people overtly, and coupd the kings and queens of the previous monsters. They have a purpose, which is to control people and make them a food that will not be fulfilled because monsters and humans live each other in peace. Humans who at that time knew there were other creatures threatening them, they attacked monsters as well.

A man who at that time had no power, assisted by another creature named devil. They call themselves Fighters.

And there was a war for the first time between Fighter and Dominator.

That war lasted hundreds of years. Many victims from both sides, although so many also from humans and monsters who help each other and protect each other so that they do not become victims in the war. They also cursed each side of the humans and monsters who carried out the war.

They say, "Men and monsters who are fighting have lost their cause of war again, they are no longer fighting to defend their people, they are only possessed by lust to enjoy killing each other.

Then the humans and monsters that protected each other, eventually formed a group to stop the war. Their group has the goal of uniting the king's power from monsters before the dominator era, and defeating them.

This group calls themselves protectors.

After uniting the powers of the previous monster king, they can finally defeat the dominator.

Then they sealed off the dominators and their subordinates. They were sealed in a very distant place and closed with gates, which could only be opened with the blood of 7 Protectors of the human race.

After hearing the story, Kanigara slowly stood up, his hands shaking, his face sweating. Thousands of questions popped into their heads.

"Tig, how do you know that story? It all makes sense, why do I keep dreaming about monsters coming out of the gates."

"Tig, who really are you?"

Tigre finally realized that his hunch was right, the gate opened and the Dominators came out. Finally, tigre introduces itself to the kanigara.

"I was king of the jungle before the dominator era, and I was the one who sealed them with the protectors."