
The Destruction of the Gate that Sealed Thousands of Monsters

7 witches who desire power and immortality, accidentally open the gate containing thousands of monsters that have been sealed for a long time, through rituals written in ancient books. As a result the monsters come out, terrorize and mess up the human world. Kanigara, (a man accustomed to the unseen since childhood) felt a great aura of evil would threaten the human world, he intended to investigate it.

X1GATSU · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Destruction of the Gate

"Is everything ready?"

One of the 7 witches reads sheet by sheet of ancient books, containing how to gain strength and immortality, ensuring yet another ritual that will begin.

Four virgin female corpses are being prepared as a condition for the ritual, as well as other conditions.

The witches perform rituals in the middle of a dense forest with few settlements around it.

"Let's start the ritual."

7 Witches circled the prepared conditions, they recited the spells written in the ancient book. One of the witches burns the corpses, as one of the conditions to begin the ritual, the other witch continues her spell. The flames grew, as bright as the light of the full moon that night.

The wind was calm, suddenly blowing very strong. Among the two large trees in front of them, something very large appears to resemble a gate. The wind calmed again after the gate appeared. The magicians, who had closed their eyes due to a strong gust of wind, slowly opened their eyes.

"Oh you rotten human, you still have a foul smell. You will never be satisfied with what God has given you, and you have always wanted something beyond your capacity as a weak human. But thanks, you guys have performed a ritual that will unseal my king and queen. Thousands of years we are sealed by you rotten human, thank you once again ha ha ha."

After opening their eyes, the witches are shocked, there is a huge and terrible gate appearing in front of them, but even more frighteningly there is a huge monster, red-eyed, carrying an axe, greeting them.

"W-hat do you mean? W-ho are you? W-hen we will gain strength and immortality?"

One of the most frightened witches, with a sweaty face asks the monster. Hearing the question the monster laughed.

"Haa? Strength and immortality? Ha ha ha." The monster immediately threw the axe at the witches. With one slash, their heads detach from their bodies.

"You'll get it in hell later."

The monster walks towards the gate while picking up and opening the ancient book used by the witch, the monster laughs in because the book was actually written by himself.

"You all human are so stupid to believe things like this, 7 male corpses are a requirement to open this gate. Soon we will rule this world again oh my king and queen".

The gate absorbs the aura of 7 corpses from the witches, the wind becomes strong again, accompanied by lightning that strikes in the gate area causing a very large typhoon, the typhoon flies the surrounding trees. Most of the area was badly damaged, as soon as the gate opened. Thousands of huge auras in the shape of monsters larger than previous monsters come out through the gates. Until the last monster, a more terrifying aura than the previous monsters coming out of the gate.

"Welcome to the world again, my queen." Monster who open the gate knelt down to welcome the queen.

"Thank you mezu, I finally came out after thousands of years sealed inside this rotten gate."

The queen said to her servant, the queen immediately left while riding her horse-drawn carriage and headed towards the sea.

The queen, commonly known as the Lord of the Seas.