
The Demiurge Larva: Kung Fu Panda / Reincarnated in Another World and

The protagonist finds himself in the world of Tai Lung before the events of the original story. Due to his arrival causing some changes, the storyline deviates from the original track. What will the hero do now, having lost his knowledge of the canon? Improvise, adapt, survive... and gather a harem. Naturally, the world has undergone significant changes, with expanded dimensions, various worlds, and increased power levels. However, key characters remain, such as the Furious Five, Kai, Shen, and others. The focus will primarily be on everyday life, but there will also be action, fights, and martial arts. Additionally, erotic elements will be present. Consider yourself warned. For those who didn't understand, I have taken the "Kung Fu Panda" universe and combined it with elements from other fascinating realms. The result is this story. In a way, it's similar to the original, but also different. It can be considered fanfiction, in a sense. Instead of pure furries, beings with animal bodies and human traits, I decided to create beast people. After all, a girl with ears and a tail is more appealing than a cat with arms and legs. If you came here to read about furries, I'm sorry to disappoint you - furries will be present, but not right away... This is a translation of the original, not my fanfiction. The original is in Russian and I will leave a link to it below: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/68903

Daoistm99JRV · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

I took a close look at the four black bracelets that Shizuka gave me, but these are unusual beauty accessories, they have one very interesting function. These bracelets are heavier than they should be, but the weight spreads evenly throughout my body, all because of the runes inscribed on them.


Each individual bracelet increases the load on my body by about 2.5%, therefore, all four bracelets increase my weight by 10% Is that a lot? For ordinary children, yes, but for a child with incredible strength, regeneration, endurance and adaptation, no, this is a mere trifle. My weight is 15 kg, which means that I constantly walk with a load of 1.5 kg, which must be quite a lot for a child of my age.


And, although I am only a year and a ponytail, but outwardly I will be given all three or even four. Amazingly, my teeth had already started to erupt, which gave me the opportunity to eat more solid foods. And lately I've been eating as an adult, that is, a lot. It seems that I should be doing a lot of bad things now, since I started eating a lot, but, no. Food, due to the increased ki, is almost completely digested.


I studied all the runes on my bracelets and memorized them as always, and was even able to figure out some of them. One of them sucks the ki out of my body and gives it to another rune that increases the weight of the bracelet, the third rune distributes the weight over my entire body without concentrating it on one area. There is also a fourth and a fifth, but I did not understand their purpose. Of course, there are not so few of them, they were applied in huge quantities only on one bracelet, and there are four of them. And the great thing is that even when I grow up, I will be able to use them, as the load increases with my body weight.


After the day when Shizuka fully examined my body, the training became several times more difficult.


Previously, only the number of sets increased, ten laps to run there a couple of times, but now the quality has increased. For example, now I run with a load on my back, plus bracelets add to my weight and make my life more difficult. But, I must admit, the effectiveness of the new training sessions has increased many times compared to the previous ones.


And also a new dish called "sparring" has appeared on my menu, although you can't call it sparring. Naturally, Shizuka is very restrained, and moves at the speed available to me, but in such a way that I tear myself up and try to reach her. Unsuccessfully.

And then, when I get tired, she starts beating me, not much, but quite noticeably. In response to my claims that hitting children is bad, she justifies herself by saying, "You have to learn to dodge." How am I supposed to dodge if I can't even see her punch? It moves at about my speed, but the movements themselves are fundamentally different from mine.


Well, it's a sin for me to complain about this bullying, because she trains me, slowly bringing me closer to my goal of becoming the strongest and caressing her breasts.


That's how these fun, a little boring, but fruitful two years went. I'll be three years old in a week! The growth rate of my body has slowed down a bit, but even so, I am 125 cm tall and weigh 25 kg. And my body is quite healthy. I'm not some skinny jerk, or a pumped-up low dwarf, or some other defects. Not at all. My body proportions are perfect, my muscles do not protrude, and after all those workouts they appeared and they look harmonious with my age. My bones are not stiff, my posture is straight, and in general I am healthy. I've never even been sick in this world!


And given the weight I run with on my back every day, I should have stooped or some other problems with my spine, but there are none. Looking at me, no one would think that I was carrying a ten-kilogram stone on my hump and running with it for several hours in a row.


Shizuka doesn't teach me any cool tricks at all, she only takes care of my body so that I don't get fat, lose weight, lose body flexibility, that is, she is now creating the foundation for the future. Still, although I call all this "training", it is not really so. All of this is a regular warm-up compared to real workouts. And she showed me one day her usual daily workout. Its "light" version. The stones crumbled and flew from all sides like rain, hundred-kilogram cobblestones rose and easily collapsed from one blow like sand...


On that day, she significantly changed the terrain of the mountain, destroying a huge number of large stones, and I was convinced that the masters Kouranbe (5) were real monsters, and Shizuka was at this stage and only at a low level. And the head of the wolf clan, the one who defeated my parents, who were at the middle and top level, is on Doukong (6). I think he can destroy a mountain with a single blow, just like Shizuka can destroy a huge ten-meter cobblestone. She was the last to destroy it, and it shattered into small stones.


Shizuka then walked around tired for two days, but I walked around like a zombie with a ruined worldview for a week and hardly noticed anything. Although I had heard all these stories about how powerful they were, I thought that they were all too embellished and overestimated their power, but the reality turned out to be cruel. All these "fairy tales" turned out to be reality and truth. But I quickly accepted and digested the truth, and I was motivated to start real training! My daytime motivation is almost equal to the one I get before bed!


But Shizuka quickly cooled my temper and said I wasn't ready yet. This demonstration was necessary so that I would not give up my daily training. And it worked perfectly. Now I don't have days off, I decided to train every day. To some extent, they even began to bring pleasure. It's the feeling after a hard day, when your muscles are aching, but you know you'll be stronger tomorrow than you are now... It is incomparable.


There were no more presents for my birthdays, because no one here celebrates them so often, every year. It is customary to give a gift for the first year, sixth and sixteenth birthdays. Then, for twenty years and beyond, the interval goes on every decade, that is, on the 20th, 30th, 40th anniversary, and so on.


Why in this order? By the first year, the child can already walk and talk, we can say that this is the beginning of his life, when he stopped sucking his tit and walking under himself.


By the sixth year, almost all children begin to learn martial arts. They are either sent to martial arts schools or their parents start training them themselves. But the fact is that this is the beginning of their journey as martial masters.

In the sixteenth year of birth, their training ends. They pass the exam, if they pass it, then you are great, it should be celebrated! I didn't, well, I'm sorry, there's no holiday for you.


The twentieth birthday is celebrated by the second group that did not pass the exam. They had four years to train, it's just impossible not to pass it, if, of course, you've been training all this time. Even mediocrity will be able to pass the exam after so much training.

Well, with them, the first group joined, which successfully passed the exam. Like, celebrating that they're not losers like them.


And then they celebrate, because they were able to survive another decade.

Of the interesting facts, Shizuka is not talented and she could not pass the exam on her 16th birthday. From what she said, I understood that she was a very short-tempered and aggressive person, but in these four years a lot has happened and she has changed. I began to master the runes and was able to pass the exam for my 20th birthday. I don't know what kind of exam it is, it's different for everyone.


By the way, it turns out that she is in her mid-thirties, but I've never seen her with a guy in all these years. On the street, during walks, everyone looks at her with contempt, not the same as at me, but still noticeable. That day, I understood why she preferred to order food at home rather than go to the market and buy it herself. It's more expensive, but she has plenty of money. I shouldn't have persuaded her to get out then...


It looks like she's somehow famous, since everyone recognizes her and throws such glances. It's a pity that they keep silent and prefer not to say anything bad about us, because then they could have been beaten for it. Although, probably, that's why they are silent, since they know that she can fight back.


She doesn't answer my questions, and if I continue, she increases the load during training and starts hitting harder during sparring. I realized this when, after another pointless dialogue, she broke my arm during sparring. I'll admit it's my fault, because I kept questioning her during the fight. The arm healed in a couple of hours. So I couldn't get her to wash my back, because my arm had recovered before I went to wash myself.


Since then, I've stopped pressuring her so much with questions, because if she says no, it really means "no," not "ask 100 more times and I'll answer."


In the morning she went somewhere and said that she would be back in the evening or at night. Lunch is coming soon, I've already finished training, so now I'm just lying in the yard, on the grass, and looking at the clouds. He can take a nap for half an hour, and then he can go cook dinner. And I began to cook more often after that borscht. Every day, at least once, I cook something from the cookbook that Shizuka gave me. For the first month, she dutifully taught me how to cook herself, watched me, and mentored me there in difficult moments. I didn't want to cook at all, and neither did she, so she gave me a recipe book and said, "As soon as you cook me all the dishes that are written there, and I will fulfill one of your wishes," of course, the reward was too tempting, and I agreed.


How naïve I was then... There were more than a thousand different recipes in the book. And then it was only salads. A year later, I was only able to produce one-quarter of what I had written.

It seems to me, or I forgot about someone... Hmm, I don't think so...


"What are you thinking about?" A pretty Asian girl with wolf ears and a tail came into my sight. This is Amaya, Shizuki's apprentice, or as I call her (mentally) the punt. It's the height of summer, it's hot, so she's wearing a dress right now.


By the way, from here, from below, there is a beautiful view of the blue tr... Blue sky. Her breasts seem to have grown, but I'm not sure, you need to carefully examine everything by hand. And I had an idea.


"Oh, nothing. I replied coldly, not even looking at her face, for I was looking at her... Blue sky.


In fact, we didn't have much contact with her in the past, because she was training hard all this time and was only distracted when she hit a dead end, went to the teacher, Shizuka, and she explained everything to her. Naturally, I didn't notice these moments, because all this time I was busy running. It wasn't until today that I was able to get to know her properly because Shizuka had gone somewhere, leaving Amaya to look after me.


"Oooh, it's so cold. Just as my master answered—" The girl grabbed herself by the shoulders theatrically and showed how "cold" she was, trembling a little.


"Auntie, don't you have any important business there?" I turned to her respectfully and tried to subtly hint that she would fall into the fog, but... It didn't work.


"Oh, you're steaming... rascal! What kind of aunt am I to you?! I'm only 14 years old! "I was genuinely outraged by this illegal girl, who looks like she is 17-18 years old. It's a good thing I'm small and didn't make a mistake with her...


A jerk towards me, I was lifted from the ground, and I was instantly in her tight embrace, Amaya pressed me to her "chest" and began to rub my head with her fist, punishing me in a peculiar way for a recent insult. How flat it is. Naturally, this whole situation, my behavior, my words are all a naked calculation to feel her breasts. As you can see, I won. And now she herself presses her face to her firm chest.


I thought that over the years her breasts had grown at least one, but, no. She still walks around with the first size as she did in the past. I've just been convinced of this.


"All right, all right, I'm sorry!" "Her breasts are still firm, and instead of the pleasant tenderness, I felt the stiffness of her ribs.


"I don't feel sincerity in your words!" The strength of the hug increased, along with the speed of the fist on the top of my head.


"Sis!" I'm sorry, I was wrong! "It became harder to breathe, so I gave up... I don't, I just want to live.


"That's it. Now always call me "little sister" instead of "auntie" or I'll be offended. Do you understand me? "That flat-chested, strong monster freed me from his suffocating embrace.


"Uh-huh... Sis, I get it. "Even after all that training, I'm still too weak. I caved in under the pressure of a 14-year-old girl! What a shame. We need to increase the number and quality of training! Again.


"Heh... Ahem, are you hungry? Come on, little sister will cook you something delicious! I hope—" She scratched her nose in embarrassment, and realized that dinner was coming soon, and nothing was ready. She grabbed me by the arm and carried me into the house. Well, I wanted to take a nap.


Did I hear or did she say something? I guess I heard it... Right?

To be continued..