
The Demiurge Larva: Kung Fu Panda / Reincarnated in Another World and

The protagonist finds himself in the world of Tai Lung before the events of the original story. Due to his arrival causing some changes, the storyline deviates from the original track. What will the hero do now, having lost his knowledge of the canon? Improvise, adapt, survive... and gather a harem. Naturally, the world has undergone significant changes, with expanded dimensions, various worlds, and increased power levels. However, key characters remain, such as the Furious Five, Kai, Shen, and others. The focus will primarily be on everyday life, but there will also be action, fights, and martial arts. Additionally, erotic elements will be present. Consider yourself warned. For those who didn't understand, I have taken the "Kung Fu Panda" universe and combined it with elements from other fascinating realms. The result is this story. In a way, it's similar to the original, but also different. It can be considered fanfiction, in a sense. Instead of pure furries, beings with animal bodies and human traits, I decided to create beast people. After all, a girl with ears and a tail is more appealing than a cat with arms and legs. If you came here to read about furries, I'm sorry to disappoint you - furries will be present, but not right away... This is a translation of the original, not my fanfiction. The original is in Russian and I will leave a link to it below: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/68903

Daoistm99JRV · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

It's been a month since I returned to my native land, but now it wasn't my territory where I was a prince, now I'm no different from an ordinary child, and my social status is even lower than that of a child of wolves.


If it weren't for my huge potential, I would have been put under the knife a long time ago, but as it is, I still live, breathe, enjoy life, do garbage and train.


Now I was sitting in my room in the lotus position, that is, in the Turkish way, and experimenting with meditation.


After Shizuka showed me her meditation skills, washing dishes and learning Zen, I was eager to reach that level too!


If I succeed, then training will no longer be so boring and monotonous for me, because during a trance, my mind is cleared and time is blurred into a short flash, you just enjoy peace and peace.


By mastering this technique, I will be able to increase my concentration, efficiency and quality of training by an order of magnitude!


The main problem is that you need peace for the state of meditation, but I want to remove this lack and enter this state even during battles... I don't think Shizuka can do it, even she can't, but my goal is clear.


I noticed that along with the circulation of my blood through the vessels, my ki also circulates along approximately the same route. You could say I have two hearts. One in the chest, which pumps blood, and the other in the soul, in the area below the navel, which instead of blood pumps ki, spiritual energy mixed with life energy. Although I still have two circulation systems, and I can't say that they are far apart or close to each other, no, they seem to exist in the same place at the same time.


For me, the "soul" has ceased to have any mystical meaning since reincarnation, so it is possible that ki is quite material. Why am I saying this? To the fact that if ki is as material as blood, is it possible to create weapons or something like that?


What is the difference between ki and blood? It's that I can control the first one with the power of my mind and let it out of my body, the second one I can't, it happens automatically.


"Tai... Moons... on.... before. Tap... On the verge of consciousness, I heard something, but I was too focused on my thoughts and ignored it.


And, if there are two circulatory systems in my body, is it possible to control the body not with the help of nerve impulses, but with the help of ki? Like, as a puppeteer, only I'm going to be the puppet, and it's an idea that if I can fully control my movements, down to the smallest muscles, it will definitely increase my chances of survival in the future when I go to war against the wolves.


For example, a spear will be thrown at me, but nerve impulses take longer to travel than thoughts. While I was thinking, giving orders, my body would react, and I would be killed a hundred times, and then I thought and my body immediately dodged, instantly obeying my will thanks to ki.

In words I am Leo Tolstoy, but in reality... For a whole month now, I've been wrestling with the idea of how to get off the ground in the learning of martial meditation, as I called it, but all to no avail. Nothing works, I stupidly crash if I'm disturbed.


I even completely retrained, that is, I re-learned meditation, looked at myself from the other side, but it still didn't work. I'm wrong somewhere, but what's wrong with me... Hmm...


"Tai Lung!" A familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts...


"Sister?" I jumped out of bed and looked reproachfully at Shizuka, who was standing at the door.


"I've called you several times, and you won't open the door when I knocked." The girl interrupted me, folding her arms at her chest and looking at me as if I were... Well, like parents look at their children when they don't listen to them.


"I... I just dozed off. Sis, did you want something? I realized my mistake and tried to change the subject as quickly as possible. "It's still before lunch... A whole hour. I looked at my watch and realized that it was quite a long time before lunch, which meant that Shizuka wanted to tell me something important...


And she rarely comes to me for trifles, only for business. And I didn't expect her to visit me on my day off.


Here's my schedule for you:


In the morning I have a warm-up and training, which is no longer disguised as a game, the load was increased again yesterday. Then comes breakfast, followed by a two-hour rest, at this time I prefer to read different books. Then some literacy classes, then I rest again for a couple of hours before lunch and after it until the evening again. After dinner, I'm free.


And so six days a week, and on the seventh day I'm completely free and... I'm just sleeping. What did you want? I'm not a robot and I want to relax too.

By the way, today is the seventh day and I kind of have to do nothing, but it seems that Shizuki has other plans for me today...


"Yes, I wanted to talk to you. Aren't you busy? "Looks like it's a big deal, since she didn't even lecture me about the importance of being attentive and focused all the time and all that. .


"Well, I wanted to sleep—" I began, but was interrupted, for it was a purely rhetorical question.


"So he's free." "Fully into my room, the girl closed the door behind her.


(Click) Locked the door.

Immediately, I felt qi freeze throughout the room... She just locked me in my own room, didn't she?


"Um... I began, but they understood me at a glance


"It's going to be a very serious conversation, it won't be good if someone distracts us, don't you agree?" Shizuka walked towards me slowly, swaying her hips.


I think I've peed a little, because Shizuka is acting strangely.

Two options come to mind, either I've done something again and I'm going to be beaten, maybe kicked, or... I'm about to be raped.


She came over to me and stood beside the bed, we looked at each other in silence. The atmosphere was kind of tense, even too tense.

Ten seconds passed, and we were still silent...


She stood there, daring to say something, and I sat on the bed, patiently waiting for the conversation to begin.


I broke out in a cold sweat on my forehead, I don't know what she wants to talk about, but it's definitely something serious. There is only one serious thing that comes to mind, which is included in this number, if Shizuka finds out about it, then everything falls into place. Maybe I'm going through a test now and I have to admit it myself?


A couple more seconds passed, and...


"Sis!" I'm sorry, I'm stealing your underwear! "Unable to bear the strain, I confessed!


At the same time as I spoke, Shizuka also decided to start a conversation, but I was faster...


"What?" All the air she had prepared for her conversation with me suddenly came out as if from a blow from my revelation, her thoughts were confused and Shizuka looked at me strangely.


"What?" I repeated after her dully, for I was beginning to realize that I had said a little too much.


I outplayed myself, destroyed and trampled on myself, didn't I?


It's not my fault! It's all the atmosphere, it was too oppressive, and Shizuka was so tense and... Anyway, I'm.


"Well done for admitting it, but... I wanted to talk about something else. But before I begin, give me my underwear. Shizuka quickly regained her composure and managed to remain calm. Still, she has suffered a lot in the year with me.


It's a good thing she didn't get angry, and the fact that she started kneading her fists is very bad...


I'm going to get my ass kicked, hard, but deservedly so.


(After ten minutes of educational talk and a couple of lectures later)

Then, thanks to my antics, the heavy atmosphere dissipated and Shizuka was able to calmly start a conversation.


"So you wanted to tell me you wanted to examine my body?" Couldn't you just ask?! I stood by the bed and massaged my red buttocks, because after she spanked my ass on her lap, I can't sit on the bed anymore.


This girl watched me closely for a month and studied the changes in my body. What for? To make sure of your guesses.


Shizuka realized that my ki volume was too large for a child of my age. It means only one thing, my core began to awaken earlier than the others, much earlier.


Though she quickly figured it out, she just struggled with the dilemma most of the time.


In order to control my development and maintain the effectiveness of my training, you need to know my body completely. And then she faced an anomaly, because my body adapted too quickly to the loads, over time it became too obvious, because my ki volume was increasing and increasing...


In general, she needs to penetrate my body and inspect it with her ki to understand exactly what I am capable of and create an effective training schedule. Of course, I can increase the load to understand my limits, but what if it goes too far and I die from overload?


And it seems to be simple, but in fact, it's not. It was when I was a child, when I had one pitiful drop, it could easily penetrate my body and gently knock me out, but now there is more than one drop, about a hundred drops. The more ki the victim has, the more difficult it is to do everything neatly without their consent.


Who would want to let a foreign ki into their body that could kill you or cripple you for life with a single movement? Rape looks less horrific than asking you to penetrate someone else's body with your ki...


Of course, Shizuka will be worried and tense, because she is well aware of the cost of her request. And I showed myself not as a small child who can be easily fooled, but as a fully formed person who understands everything...


Of course, knowing all the risks, I... I agreed to it.


"You know, even parents are going to get excited if they ask their kids that. And it is not a fact that they will agree. Shizuka replied to my grumblings. I thought it would be something more serious, but in the end... But I'm even glad of it, because she decided not to continue digging into the topic of "underwear." I haven't even mentioned the erotic drawings I made when I remembered Shizuku.


I can't do anything with them now, but in the future, when I grow up and everything works for me, I will find a proper use for them. And I will say a big thank you to my current self.


"Okay, come on, sis, let's get started." "I took it off and lay down on the bed with my stomach down.


Sighing and regretting the nerves she had spent this month, Shizuka stuffed her selected panties into her pocket and began to carefully explore my inner world.


I felt the alien energy penetrate me and realized that I could have expelled it with my available power, but I did not and relaxed completely, allowing her to explore my body in peace. I could have resisted, but if she increased the pressure, I would get very serious injuries in this battle.


"It's unbelievable, your ki is comparable to a six-year-old child, but you're only one year old..." "The more she studied me, the more she was amazed at my 'talent'


"And?" That's weird? "I asked, because during this time I have read only relatively boring literature and do not know all the subtleties, all the interesting books are in her room, which she does not let me into.


I can't go up to her and say "tell me all about ki", although I am disappointed that even against the background of Stirlitz, he looks like an excellent spy, but this will be too much.


"Well, if you compare it with people who have a relatively short life and grow faster than we do, then everything is fine, but so, yes, it's strange. Shizuka replied calmly, still concentrating on my body.


If a person with a tortoise pedigree can live for centuries or even millennia, then a person with a dash insect will be old in the first century of his life. Here, of course, the level of development also influences, because the higher the stage, the more ki and a person with a short life will be able to live almost as long as a person with a pedigree of centenarians.


Fifteen minutes later, it was over, I even got a little upset and started to get dressed, and Shizuka became thoughtful. She dropped the phrase "rest, I need to think" and left, leaving me alone.


After sitting for a couple of dozen minutes and thinking about the situation, I went back to my training.

I had to ask how to increase control over meditation. Tomorrow I'll ask, today she won't have time for me.


An hour later, I began to worry, because everything in the house was quiet and peaceful. I kept waiting to be called to dinner, I waited patiently. A minute, two, five, ten minutes. I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to go downstairs. Usually she always calls me to dinner at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, even if it's not ready, I'm still sitting at the table at one o'clock, and now everything is quiet. It seems that the information about me got her carried away too much and she thought too much that she forgot to call me.


Opening the door, I started to go downstairs, there was no one in the kitchen or in the hall, it turns out that Shizuka is now in his room thinking about me. Let's not distract her.


After looking at the clean kitchen and the empty pot, I decided that cooking dinner would not be difficult.

I've never cooked before, I know why, but I've seen Shizuka cook many times! Let me remind you that I am like a genius who learned the local language in a few weeks. Everything I see or hear at least once will be imprinted in my mind.


First, you need to cook the rice. You could have had bread, but rice cooks faster.


Naturally, the water supply system was not as developed as in the previous world. It's a good thing that I run to the river every two days and fill the cistern on the roof with clean water. It is also connected to the faucet in the kitchen.

Unfortunately, there is no warm shower here, we wash in a bucket, a large basin.


Shizuka is chopping wood, but I feel like I'll start doing it soon, under the pretext that it's just another training session. I lit the oven, put the rice, now the main thing is not to miss the moment and not let the rice burn.


Running into the cold cellar, I grabbed meat and vegetables to make a simple but delicious soup.




After about two hours, I cooked... Borscht. Ordinary, red, delicious-smelling, Russian dash, Chinese borscht.


In fact, at first I really wanted to cook what Shizuka usually cooks, but while cooking, I felt nostalgic and wanted food from my past life.


Unfortunately, I didn't have time to cook sour cream, but unlike sour cream, mayonnaise cooks much faster! All I needed was two raw eggs, a lot of vegetable oil, with the latter I was very lucky, and a couple of simple seasonings like salt and sugar.


Borscht with bread would be tastier, but rice will do too.


"Hmm..." I looked at the hot borscht and wondered if I should invite Shizuka to dinner. I cooked a lot of borscht, even for me it's a lot, and before tomorrow it can go bad, because there is no refrigerator.


Although the power of borscht was great, my conscience was stronger. I can't eat so much delicious food alone, I'll go and call a beautiful girl and let her please me with her beautiful appearance. Moreover, everyone knows that the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach!


Upstairs, I went to Shizuki's door, knocked, and... No one answered me. He knocked and called to her, but also quietly. I was about to kick down the door when I heard a "click" and it opened.


In his tired eyes, I saw fatigue and a questioning look.


"I'm there, I've made dinner, let's go eat!" I clarified the reason for my appearance.


Shizuka took a deep breath, Shizuka wanted to refuse, Shizuka thought for a moment, Shizuka sighed and Shizuka agreed! Too many Shizuki!


"I'll go down... After a couple of minutes, you can start eating without me. She answered me and began to close the door, but I managed to say a few words.


"Okay! Just go down quickly, or everything will cool down and become tasteless! The answer was a slight nod of the head.


I went downstairs and sat down at the table. Naturally, I didn't start eating right away, but waited for my beloved named big sister, who likes to be silent and keep a distance between us.


Two minutes later, Shizuka finally came down. Finally, another minute and I would pounce on the food without waiting for it


"I told you you could start eating without me." The girl was embarrassed for a millisecond when she saw my condition. It was only for a moment, nothing was reflected on the face, but I definitely saw a slight and fleeting embarrassment in my eyes!


"Food tastes better when you eat it with someone else. "I'd like to add something like, 'But the food tastes even better with you,' but I'll save that compliment for the future when I grow up.


"Nonsense. Food does not change its properties with the number of people at the table. She washed her hands under the faucet and sat down across from me.


"Maybe the food doesn't change because of this, but with a loved one, the process of eating becomes more enjoyable than without them. "Still, I decided to give him a compliment earlier, because he was the best in this situation. If I hadn't done it now, I don't think I would have had that chance again in the future.


"Hmm..." They didn't argue with me, but the words didn't go unnoticed, and Shizuka thought about them, repeating my movements at the same time. And at that time, as a true master of devouring borscht 80 lvl'a, I wielded a spoon and ate borscht. There were also salads, but the borscht was tastier.


"The soup is a little greasy, but... Tasty. "Shizuka complimented my soup, so she complimented me too!"


"Hehe," I smiled, trying to hide my embarrassment at the same time.


In general, during the preparation of borscht, at the very beginning, I felt that someone was watching me closely, but I did not attach importance to it, because borscht was more important. It's not hard to guess who it was. Although at first glance she seems to be a cold girl who does not care about anything and everything, and especially about me, but this is far from the case.

In the year I lived with her, I got to know her very well, and she got to know me.


She, like no one else, is aware of my talents and my genius, in quotation marks, and understands that I am developed beyond my years (in fact, I am developed beyond my years... Ahem...), so she gave me a chance to interact with the kitchen.


We spent a wonderful day, just like a real loving, friendly and cheerful family.


And the next day, intensive training began, during which I intensively developed, grew, became stronger, faster, more resilient and more beautiful.


Soon, Shizuka gave me a gift and gave me four bracelets that evenly distributed their weight on my body. The workload was light, but it was constant and stimulated my development. Thanks to my monstrous regeneration, adaptation, and ki, it couldn't hurt me in any way, or in any way negatively affect my further growth.


A perfect gift for my first birthday.

To be continued...