
The Dead Rules: A zombie apocalypse

A mutated COVID vaccine turned humans into a flesh-eating creatures. Six army school students fight for survival from this chaos. The government's high-tech supplies become their lifeline: contact lenses with an AI system, nuclear-powered prosthetics replace lost limbs, and super smart watches and mobile phones keept them connected. But to access these benefits and various other supplies, they were forced to comply with the government's orders, completing tasks delivered through the system in their lenses and mobiles. They face loss, make new friends and grapple with the virus's horrifying truth. Whispers of "Resurrected" beings with heightened abilities add a new terror. Can these students reclaim a future for humanity, or do the Dead now rule the world?

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30 Chs

Rescuing Jerry

Time 1:00 PM afternoon

As Kiaan entered the top floor girls' bathroom, his mind was filled with dread.

"What if something happens to Jerry?" he thought. "What if Viren and Anju can't protect her?"

"Kiaan," a voice said from behind him as he placed his gun on the bathroom counter.

The bathroom was large, with seven stalls containing toilets. On other side, there were six showers for boys to bathe in, each enclosed in a separate stall. In place of a seventh shower stall, there were seven sinks and mirrors.

Kiaan jumped and sat on the counter with both hands on the tile when he saw Maya walk through the door. Her gun hung from a strap on her shoulder, and two short swords were sheathed at her side, secured with a leather belt.

"You should trust Viren and Anju," Maya said, walking closer to Kiaan and sitting on the counter next to him in the same way. "They'll definitely protect Jerry."

"I know, but it's just..." Kiaan said, worried. "I worry about her... After what happened on the cruise... I doubt..." His voice trailed off with concern.

His eyes were fixed on the ground as he zoned out. Knowing this reaction, Maya couldn't help but be more worried about her best friend.

"You know, bestie, you should have a little faith in them," Maya said gently, taking his hand.

Kiaan didn't react to her touch, just resting his head on her shoulder. Anyone seeing them like this might assume they were dating, with Kiaan even seeming like the girlfriend.

"I just don't want to lose another important person in my life again," Kiaan said softly, on the verge of tears.

"There has to be a way for me to get in," he said, then sat up straight with a determined voice.

"Should I tell him about the unfinished passage through the gym?" Maya thought, sighing as she leaned her head on Kiaan's shoulder.

"The rooftop. We could use it to get in," Kiaan said excitedly, but then realized the flaw in his plan and lowered his voice. "But the girls' hostel door would be locked from the inside."

Sighing, Maya accepted that Kiaan would do something reckless anyway, so it was better to tell him.

"Kiaan," she said, looking him in the eye. "There is a way." Her words sparked a light in Kiaan's eyes.

"Last summer, when you all went home and the gym was under construction..." Maya began in a low voice, hesitant to tell him.

"Skip the story and tell me fast," Kiaan interrupted, jumping off the counter and standing on his feet, looking at Maya with a hopeful smile.

"It's inside the gym," Maya said, also jumping off the counter, but in a sour mood. "This will definitely get me in trouble," she thought.

Kiaan picked up his gun and checked the magazine as they walked towards the nearby gym. "I'm almost out of bullets, only two left," he said. "Give me your gun and swords," he asked Maya, holding out his hand as they walked side-by-side.

"It's too tight," Kiaan said, trying to put on the belt. "Ugh, screw it," he muttered in annoyance as he wrapped the belt around his neck, letting the swords dangle on his chest.

"What?" he asked, looking at Maya, who stared at him thinking, "How can someone so determined and serious look so silly?" But she kept that thought to herself and just shook her head, saying nothing.

Once inside the gym, Kiaan followed Maya as she headed towards the gym instructor's table. "The hole is hidden behind this cabinet," Maya told Kiaan, pointing to the only cabinet in the gym.

It was large and filled with all sorts of broken gym equipment, making it weigh more than 500 kilograms.

"I... don't think I... can move it," Kiaan said, a little discouraged.

"Wish Kabir was here," Maya muttered under her breath, but Kiaan heard her since they were standing close together.

"He might be able to move it, but I don't think your boyfriend would keep it a secret," Kiaan teased, causing Maya to slap him on the shoulder. Kiaan Chukled a bit.

Just when Maya thought there was no way Kiaan could get to the other side, he walked towards the cabinet and opened it.

"What are you doing?" Maya asked. Kiaan replied, "Emptying it, duh." This comment made Maya feel a little stupid. Why hadn't she thought of that?

"Don't worry, you're not an idiot," Kiaan said kindly, as if reading Maya's mind. "You're definitely a little slow sometimes, but don't let your brain know about it." He continued in a teasing tone as he emptied the cupboard, throwing broken equipment on the floor.

"I hope you get bitten by one of those zombies," Maya said playfully, punching Kiaan's back lightly.

"This will take forever," Kiaan said in annoyance as he shut the cabinet door and stepped aside. "Move," he ordered Maya in a firm voice. Startled by his sudden seriousness, Maya cumplied.

Kiaan placed his fingers behind the cupboard (there wasn't much space, but enough for his fingers to fit) and pushed slightly. It moved a little, revealing a large gap in the wall with bricks and unpainted concrete behind the cupboard.

That's big enough," Kiaan said. He shoved both hands between the wall and the cupboard and, with a burst of energy, pushed the heavy wooden cabinet. It fell with a loud boom, hitting the floor and sending dirt flying.

"Ugh, crap," Kiaan said with regret. "I didn't think it would be that loud."

The hole behind the cupboard was indeed big enough for someone Kiaan's size to fit through. But it was covered with something white.

With a slight push, it moved, revealing a refrigerator with wheels on the bottom. The refrigerator had been placed there to hide the hole from the girls.

Maya didn't respond to that but said something else. "Just be careful, you jerk."

Kiaan gave her a serious nod and walked through the hole into the laundry room, adding another mocking comment, "I'll try not to get bitten. Snitch (The 'B' word)" This annoyed Maya, but she watched him leave in silence.

"Anju is going to kill me when she finds out I told Kiaan of all people," she sighed, knowing how much Anju disliked Kiaan.